Carnage by Sarah Bailey

Twenty Six


The moment I regained consciousness, I sat bolt upright. The last thing I remembered was eating dinner with Drake and Francis whilst West had taunted me with the sex we’d had earlier in the week. The next thing I knew, I was fainting in Drake’s arms whilst he stared down at me with a dark glint in his indigo eyes. One that told me I was in a fuck ton of danger.

Opening my eyes, I found I couldn’t see a damn thing. Something was covering half my face. I tried to reach up and tear it off, but I found my wrists wouldn’t move very far. Tugging on whatever was holding them down, I let out a little squeak of frustration.

What the fuck?

I felt below me. The material I sat on was very soft. I was on a bed or at least, it felt like I was on one. And it was the moment I realised I didn’t have a stitch of clothing on me.

“You’re awake,” a rather disjointed sounding voice rang in my ears.

I looked left and right, wondering where the hell it had come from until I realised I had headphones on.

“Who are you? Why can’t I see? Why… why am I tied up?”

The voice chuckled. Fear raked up my spine, making me aware of how vulnerable I was. Naked and bound on a bed, unable to see or hear anything other than the voice in my ear.

Why had I agreed to go upstairs with Drake earlier? I’d known it was a mistake the moment I stepped into the lift with him, but my need to get close to these men had me throwing my instincts out the window. Now, I was pretty sure I was going to regret that decision.

“You know who I am, Scarlett.”

A hand landed on my ankle, fingers stroking down my skin. I jerked my foot away only to have the hand grip it and hold my ankle down on the bed. Another hand did the same to the other one.

“Now, now, you aren’t going to be trouble, are you?” the voice said, making me flinch.

“What do you want?”


I had no idea if the voice belonged to the person touching me or someone else. The whole situation was incredibly disorientating when you couldn’t see or hear what was happening around you.

“Me? What… what are you going to do to me?”

My mind blared the answer at me, but I didn’t want to believe it. There couldn’t be any other explanation for why I was naked and tied to a bed. And yet, the idea of it made my insides coil. I didn’t know if it was sickness or desire. Perhaps it was both.

“All the things you could possibly imagine, and everything in between.”

I shuddered as the hands on my ankles moved higher. They didn’t belong to one person, but two. Their body heat seared into me from both sides and the bed shifted underneath their combined weight. One of the hands was slightly calloused whilst the other was softer. I didn’t recognise either of them.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, knowing they could hear me even if I couldn’t hear them.

No response came, but the calloused fingers slid between my thighs, stroking along the sensitive skin. I gasped and tried to shut my legs, but they held them open, not allowing me any dignity or modesty. My fingers curled into the fabric below me, knowing I had little choice but to let them touch me. Hot breath dusted over my bare nipple, making me shiver before a mouth enclosed it. The way he sucked the hardened nub had my body bowing. Teeth dug into it, the sharp pain making me cry out.

“That’s it, Scarlett, let them make you feel good.”

I didn’t want to like the sensations they were eliciting from me, but my body was on fire, wanting so much more. Wanting everything they had to offer me.

One of the hands left me. The one with calloused fingers. The bed shifted again as they moved behind me. I found myself tugged against a bare chest as whoever it was sat up against the headboard.

There was one clear explanation for what was going on. I hated it, but there was no other. One of them had laced my food with something and made me pass out. And now… now two of them were naked with me.

Oh fuck. Fuck… what… oh god, they’re going to…

The Horsemen had drugged and tied me up on a bed. I struggled against the person holding me. The other one knelt in between my legs. I could feel his knees pressed against my inner thighs, keeping my legs spread. Fingers traced the largest scar on my abdomen from one of the multiple surgeries I’d had after my accident. The one that reminded me I couldn’t have children.

“No, please, don’t,” I whimpered, hating they’d seen it, hating them for touching it.

“Shh,” came the voice. “Shh.”

I had a feeling it wasn’t either of the men who were touching me. It was someone watching us. That accounted for three of them. Where was the fourth? He was lurking somewhere. I could almost feel his presence in the room burning into me. His gaze seared into my skin.


“Don’t touch me there.”

They didn’t listen, continuing to stroke the scar and making me want to cry. It was the gentle touch decimating my soul. As if it hurt them to see it as much as it did me. The man behind me stroked my shoulders, the callouses soothing me as he nuzzled my neck with his lips. He must have said something, the words vibrated across my skin but I couldn’t hear them.

The one touching the scar leant over me, his mouth latching onto my nipple. I jerked upwards, my wrists rubbing against whatever secured them. I didn’t want to get lost in his mouth on me, but it was hard not to. Pleasure bloomed over my chest when he bit me. The way his teeth dug into my skin felt like he was trying to mark me. His fingers left my scar and dived between my legs. It’s not like I could close them, so I didn’t bother trying. I groaned when they slid between my lips, seeking out my clit and my wetness.

None of this should turn me on, but it did. Being taken by two men when I couldn’t even see or hear them should make me scared. I should be screaming and telling them to stop. I didn’t want to. For the first time since my accident, I felt a sense of freedom. The ability to do what I wanted without thinking about the consequences.

“Oh fuck,” I cried out, feeling his teeth dig in harder and his fingers on my clit, stroking and coaxing me along.

Who was touching me like this? And who was at my back? I had three options because neither of them were West. I knew what his hands felt like on my skin and between my legs.

“Our little lamb on our altar, ready for her slaughter,” came the voice in my ear.

Well, that cleared one thing up. The person watching us was Prescott. The lamb reference gave him away. The firm grip of the man behind me had me suspicious it was Drake. It meant the one between my legs was Francis. And I was pretty sure I was about to get very intimately acquainted with him when he pulled away.

There was movement in front of me, but I had no idea what was happening. Only when the man behind me shifted did I understand what they were doing. He pushed me forward and encouraged me onto my knees. The one in front pulled me into his lap, my breasts brushing against his chest. The new sensation made me shudder. Being deprived of two of your senses intensified the others. Every touch was like an electric shock running through me.

He gripped one of my hips, whilst his other hand was between us. I didn’t struggle when he shoved me down on his cock, impaling me in one brutal thrust. It knocked the air out of my lungs. My hands clenched into fists. It didn’t exactly hurt, but the shock of it had me struggling to regain my composure.

“He wants me to tell you how good you are for taking it so well.”

I had no idea what the fuck to say to that. I was a little distracted by the fact he’d pulled my hips up and slammed me back down his cock. I cried out when he did it again. Then I gritted my teeth.

“Slow down.”

The voice chuckled.

“Oh, little lamb, can’t you take it? We’re only just getting started.”

The taunting note to his voice made me shiver and want to give him a piece of my mind. However, the way I was getting fucked made it hard to think about anything else. Especially when calloused fingers slid along my back and a warm body pressed itself against me, sandwiching me between the two of them. Those calloused fingers wrapped around my throat, pulling me back against him. I wondered how I’d never felt those before, but then again, I’d only ever shaken Drake’s hand once. I’d been too intimidated by him to pay much attention to what his skin felt like.

“I can,” I ground out. “I can take it.”

Why the hell had that come out of my mouth? It wasn’t a challenge, was it? Why did I feel the need to prove myself?

“Mmm, we’ll see about that,” the voice told me.

Never in my life did I imagine I’d be stuck between two men, one of them forcing me to ride him whilst the other held me against him to steady me. I couldn’t exactly put my hands on them considering they were tied down, but I had some give. Reaching out, I gripped the one in front’s sides. The hard muscle of his back under my fingers had me wondering what the hell they all looked like underneath their clothes. It didn’t seem fair they could all see me, but I couldn’t see them.

Abruptly, he lifted me off him. I let out a squeak of surprise when I was shoved down on another cock, the one belonging to the man behind me. He was thicker. My pussy fluttered around him, trying to accommodate the new sensation. I didn’t have to do any work at all, he thrust up into me, eliciting a moan from my lips.

I should not be enjoying this. It shouldn’t have turned me on, but my body had other ideas. It wanted more of their touch. The whole thing was madness, but if I struggled, screamed and told them to stop, would they? And wouldn’t it be lying if I told them I didn’t want them to continue?

The one in front of me took my nipple in his mouth again. My fingers tightened around his sides when his hand slid between us and he stroked my clit whilst the other fucked me from behind. The new sensation had me struggling against them. It was too much. Too overwhelming.

“I’m going to… going to… come,” I cried out in halting tones.

I closed my eyes and let go. If the person in my ear said anything, I didn’t hear it, too lost in the intensity of my climax. I’d never experienced anything like it, not even when West fucked me. Perhaps it was the denial of two of my primary senses that heightened everything else. I could do nothing but give in and let the waves of pleasure drown me.

The depths they dragged me down into were dark and twisted. Tendrils curled around my legs, keeping me captive in their embrace. The abyss had never looked so fucking tempting before. I couldn’t deny wanting to dive in and sink to the bottom. If I let this be what it was right now, I could deal with the consequences later. I could allow myself to fall for tonight. But I could never allow myself to forget who I was dealing with and why I was here.

If this was my fate, to be taken and used by them so they’d learn to trust me, so they’d let me in, I’d gladly walk down this fucked up path. At the end, the promise of freedom awaited. And the heavy price I had to pay was a burden I had to live with.