Carnage by Sarah Bailey

Forty Three


I’d seen neither hide nor hair of the Horsemen yesterday after I’d left Prescott’s office. It made me nervous as fuck. Having basically thrown myself at Prescott’s mercy, I’d spent last night and today on edge. Sharing a rather tense meal with Mason hadn’t been easy either. He didn’t ask me what happened when I went into work, but I knew he was still unhappy with me over what I’d done with them.

I lay back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Mason had left for the evening an hour ago. I didn’t ask him where he was going. To be honest, I didn’t want to be around him. He hadn’t apologised for hurting me, but I hadn’t shown him what he’d done either. It was a conversation I didn’t want to have. Not when it would remind me of how Prescott had kissed the bruises on my arm and told me he would protect what was his.

I didn’t trust Prescott, nor any of the others, but the way he’d reacted to the knowledge Mason had hurt me made my heart ache. It brought out his possessive instincts. Whilst he wasn’t overt with them in the same way West was, it was clear Prescott viewed me as his woman. And he’d fuck up anyone who tried to muscle in on his territory.

The doorbell rang. I sat up and frowned. Few people knew we lived here and we rarely got visitors. Climbing off my bed, I trudged out into the hallway and checked the intercom camera. My stomach dropped out from underneath me when I saw both Prescott and Francis standing at the front door of the building. What were they doing here?

I pressed down on the intercom.


Prescott looked up at the camera and gave me a smile.

“You going to let us in, sweetness?”

I swallowed. Had he convinced them to help me? His voice gave nothing away. I pressed down on the button to open the front door and watched them walk in. Then I went over to my door, pacing the hallway until they knocked on it. Pulling it open, I stared at Prescott and Francis. I thought it was odd they were both dressed head to toe in black, but I didn’t comment on it. It was the first time I’d seen them in something other than suits.

“Evening, little lamb.”

They didn’t so much as wait for me to invite them in, both stepping through the open doorway and forcing me to take a step back.

“What are you doing here?”

Francis took the door out of my hand and shut it behind him. His grey eyes roamed over me, but his expression gave nothing away.

“We’re here to get your things.”

“Which way to her room?” Prescott asked Francis.

“Third door on the left.”

The two of them walked past me. I stood there for a full minute, not understanding what was going on. Then I chased after them. When I stepped into my bedroom, Francis had my chest of drawers open and Prescott was sliding my wardrobe door to the side. I realised they had brought bags, which they’d set out on my bed.

“What… what are you doing?”

“If you’re coming home with us, you need your things,” Prescott said like it was obvious.

He tugged my clothes out with their hangers attached.

“Hold on, what do you mean I’m coming home with you?”

Francis looked over at me with a smirk.

“Exactly what you think it means. Now, if you have toiletries, I suggest you retrieve them unless you want to steal Pres’ shower gel for the rest of the weekend.”

I didn’t know what to think or say. They hadn’t given me any warning or indication they were coming over. Now they were here, packing up my clothes to take me away from my flat.

“How… how did you know Mason wouldn’t be here? He wouldn’t let you do this, you know.”

The two of them exchanged a glance and Francis shrugged.

“Lucky coincidence.”

I put my hands up.

“Is this not up for discussion?”

“No, little lamb, it’s not. You asked me to protect you. This is the deal. You can stand there or you can help us. Either way, you’re coming home with us to Fortuity,” Prescott said, shoving more of my clothes into one of the bags.

This wasn’t what I had expected, but knowing the Horsemen, they wouldn’t take no for an answer. They would drag me kicking and screaming if they had to. And Prescott was right. I had asked him for protection.

I turned around and went into the bathroom, collecting up my toiletries.

What is Mason going to say when he finds out I’ve left?

Why was I even thinking about that? He was threatening to send me back to my parents. I shouldn’t give a shit what he thought. But I kind of did. I still cared about him, even if he was acting like a dick right now, not to mention how he’d hurt me. I stroked my fingers along the bruises on my arm, wincing at the sight of them. They made me sick. It wasn’t like the bruise Prescott had left on my shoulder. That one made me tremble at the memory of the way he’d fucked me. How when he bit down on my skin, I’d come violently. No, the bruise he’d left was a symbol of passion, not violence.

I stuffed my toiletries in their bag and took them out into the bedroom. They were still going through my things, and Prescott had got my suitcase down from in the wardrobe. They weren’t playing around. My whole life was basically in those bags. I didn’t exactly have much to start with so it all fit into three large bags and my suitcase. I handed Francis my toiletries bag. He stuffed it into the last bag and zipped it up. Then he turned to me, a storm brewing in his grey eyes. He took my arm and brought it closer to his face. I winced when he ran his fingers over the bruises Mason had left on it.

“No one hurts what’s ours,” he murmured before he dropped my arm and leant closer to me. I didn’t have a chance to stop him from pressing his mouth to mine. His kiss wasn’t soft. It was all-consuming. My blood pumped wildly around my body, making me grow hot and achy with need. Only when he pulled back and gave me a smile did my knees almost buckle. He caught me around the waist and his smile widened. “Don’t fall now.”

I didn’t know what the fuck to say to him. And I hadn’t forgotten Prescott was right there. When Francis let me go and picked up two of the bags they’d packed, I glanced at Prescott. His eyes were dark, but not with irritation. No, I recognised his expression all too well. The deviant had surfaced having watched Francis kiss me. If I wasn’t sure of his voyeuristic tendencies before, I was in no doubt now.

“Do you want to check we’ve got everything whilst I take these down to the car?” Francis said, raising an eyebrow at me. “I’m sure you and Pres can manage the rest.” He waved at the other bag and my suitcase.

“Um, okay.”

He gave me a nod before disappearing. Prescott stalked towards me. I was caught up against his chest the next moment and his face was buried in my neck. He inhaled me like he was starving for oxygen.

“Mmm, if we didn’t have places to be, I’d bend you over this bed and fuck you right now, little lamb,” he murmured, nibbling my skin as his hand cupped my arse and pressed me into him. “I should tell Francis off for kissing you and getting me hard.”

I could feel him pressing into my stomach. My body responded to his touch without me wanting it to. I melted into him, wanting him to do exactly what he’d threatened. However, I didn’t think it was part of the plan. He said we had places to be. What had he meant? I thought we would be going back to Fortuity. Back to their home.

“Maybe I should get you to suck his dick in the car for me.”

“What?” I squeaked.

“Fuck, it would be hot.”

He ground into me, his teeth grazing across my neck. I tried to escape his hold, but he only held onto me tighter.


“I can’t stop thinking about your pretty lips around his cock. Mmm, I want him to make you gag so fucking hard.”

I shoved harder and Prescott let me go. The predatory glint in his eyes made me tremble.

“I’m not going to suck Francis’ dick in the car, Pres. What the hell? That’s… no. I can’t do that in front of you.”

He licked his bottom lip and gave me a grin.

“I’ve watched you get fucked by Drake and Francis. What’s different about this?”

I looked away, shuffling my feet and wringing my hands.

“I couldn’t see when you did that.”

He tucked a finger under my chin, forcing it up towards him.

“I’ll reward you if you do.”

“What kind of reward?”

I don’t know why I was even entertaining this shit. They’d turned up to take me away. Should we really be talking about sex right now?

“My lips, sweetness. I’ll kiss you until you’re breathless with need.”

When Prescott kissed me after he’d fucked me on Thursday, I’d almost died and gone to heaven. His reward for me being a good girl and doing what he told me to. For begging him. Somehow it made it so much hotter.

“You’ll kiss me if I give Francis head?”


“I’ll think about it.”

I moved away from him, going through the room to check they’d got everything I needed. Prescott said nothing, merely watched me whilst I gathered up a few more bits and put them in the last bag. The two of us took the rest of the bags and my suitcase out of the flat. I stared at the door, wondering what Mason would do when he found me gone. Who the fuck knew?

They’d parked on the road and Francis was leaning up against the car when we got there. Prescott had a whispered conversation with Francis as I got in the back seat. Then he walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Francis dumped the last bag in the front seat as there wasn’t any more room in the boot, before he got in the back with me. He was in the middle seat which made me highly suspicious of what Prescott had said to him.

Prescott set off, eying me in the rearview mirror and winked. I glared at him and looked out the window. Then I felt fingers brushing over my hair and running down my arm. Glancing over, I found Francis watching me as he touched me. Those grey eyes of his were so damn intense. And for the first time, I noticed he’d not gelled his dark brown hair today. It was a little wilder than normal. I wondered what it would be like to run my fingers through it.

He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck, drawing me closer to him and eyed me for a long moment.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

My eyes went to Prescott who was half paying attention to the road and half paying attention to us. My hand went to Francis’ chest. It wouldn’t be the first time his dick had been in my mouth.

“It’s what he wants.”

Francis’ eyes darkened significantly. I shivered and swallowed, rubbing his chest with my fingers. He closed the distance between us and kissed me again. His mouth was so soft as his tongue explored every inch of mine. I couldn’t help moaning. I’d only kissed two men in my life, but damn if they didn’t know how to dissolve me into a puddle at their feet with their mouths.

My hand left his chest, running down his stomach until it landed in his lap. He let out a grunt when I rubbed it against his cock. Lust flooded my veins from feeling how hard he was for me. I didn’t want to think about what Prescott was doing in the front. All I could feel was Francis’ body, the warmth of it and his demanding mouth on mine.

Francis wrapped my hair in his fist and dragged my head back. The wildness of his silvery-grey eyes had me parting my mouth in response, but nothing left my lips.

“Your mouth is only good for one thing right now,” he murmured. “A fuck-hole for my cock.”

The harshness of his words had my eyes widening. Them coming from his rather prim and proper mouth made my pussy throb in response. I fumbled with his clothes and somehow managed to free him. Before I could even take a peek at what I’d revealed, his hand was shoving me down towards his crotch. Since my mouth was already open, his cock slid straight in. I tried to wrap my hand around the base, but Francis grabbed it with his free one and held it down on the seat next to us.

“No,” he growled. “You stay still unless it’s to use your tongue.”

He used my hair as his anchor to force me into taking more. I gagged when he hit the back of my mouth, but it didn’t stop him. If anything, it made him press deeper, forcing me to open my throat.

“Fuck,” came Prescott’s voice.

“Pay attention to the fucking road, Pres.”

I couldn’t respond as my throat was full of Francis’ dick. It wasn’t easy for me to take, but somehow I managed. After all, it wasn’t the first time I’d done this. Francis pulled me up and forced me back down, building a steady rhythm. I could do nothing but let him use my mouth for his pleasure. The only noise I could hear was the wet sucking sounds of my lips around his dick. Everything else was muted. Maybe I was so focused on trying to breathe, I couldn’t pay attention to anything else.

“You expect me to not watch you face-fucking our woman?”

I heard Francis chuckle.

“No… just don’t crash, yeah? I’d rather not explain to the police why my dick is out and lodged down Scarlett’s throat, thanks.”

Prescott laughed. I didn’t know what was so fucking funny, but what could I even do? My mouth was currently very full. Francis’ hand tightened in my hair, making me aware of how much he was enjoying this.

“That’s it, Scarlett, take my dick.”

“Mmm, dirty girls get all the dick,” Prescott chimed in. “You’re being such a good girl, sweetness. Make him come for me.”

His words made Francis increase his pace as he fucked my mouth, his hips shifting up to meet my lips. I gagged and choked around his length again, but I was stuck taking it. Being used by him. And hell, if my pussy wasn’t drenching my knickers with my arousal. I couldn’t touch myself, with the way he had my hand pinned and our position. My legs rubbed together, trying to get some friction between them. It wasn’t nearly enough. I let out a frustrated squeak around Francis’ dick, which was completely ignored. It must be obvious to him what I was doing, but this wasn’t about me. It was entirely about Francis getting off. My reward would come from Prescott.

The only warning I got when he was about to come was a low groan, then an explosion of hot liquid spurted in my mouth. There was nothing left to do but take what he gave me. He let go of my hair and rubbed my scalp in a soothing motion as his cock throbbed inside me. Only when he released my hand did I pull back and sit up. His eyes met mine. I swallowed hard at the way his pupils were blown and his wicked smile.

For a moment I stared at him until I realised we were no longer moving. I looked around out the window, finding we were parked next to some large dark buildings. They appeared to be warehouses. I frowned then met Prescott’s eyes through the rearview mirror.

“Where are we?”