Carnage by Sarah Bailey



Considering it was my first ever job and my first day, to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I’d been so sheltered from the world. Being out in it on my own wasn’t always easy. Especially in the city with people everywhere and no room to breathe. It wasn’t like Kent, with the fresh countryside air where I could walk on our estate and not see anyone for miles. The only person I knew here in London was Mason Jones. He was in my father’s employ and had helped me through my recovery, becoming like an older brother figure. My father insisted I have someone to watch my back. Here we were, living in a three-bedroomed flat my parents owned in an expensive part of the city.

“You sure you’re going to be okay today?” he asked, nursing a cup of coffee as he sat back on the sofa with his legs up on the low table.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you’re being thrown to the wolves, Scar.”

I snorted, staring at myself in the mirror above the faux fireplace whilst I applied another coat of lip gloss. Mason always worried about me. He’d been there at my worst when I’d woken up after being in a coma for weeks and having to learn how to do things like walk and talk all over again.

“I’ll be fine.”

I was strong enough to do this. Besides, what exactly would they do on my first day? Nothing. They didn’t even know why I was really here. There was nothing for me to be afraid of. I couldn’t afford to have second thoughts or doubts.

“You know their reputation. Just because Stuart thinks you’re ready to take them on, doesn’t mean you are.”

My father hadn’t had a choice. When they announced they were expanding their business, he’d jumped on the opportunity to get me a job there, close to the men who ran it.

“Oh yeah, I’m so scared of the Four Horsemen.” I rolled my eyes. “Jesus, Mase, they’re not godlike immortals. They’re four men. I can handle it.”

I didn’t want to tell Mason how intimidated I’d been by Drake Ackley when I’d had my interview with him two weeks ago. He never smiled nor showed any emotion. I couldn’t get a read on him. He had one hell of an intense gaze. I was dreading having to work closely with him.

I had to get my shit together. This was my way in. I had to work out how to break through that icy exterior of his to make him trust me. And the rest of them. I wondered what Prescott Ellis and West Greer would be like. Francis Beaufort had seemed friendly, but I couldn’t afford to let my guard down with any of them.

Even though I’d made a joke about it, they were called the Four Horsemen for a reason. They were ruthless. Something I could not afford to forget or be complacent about.

“Hmm, I’m sure,” Mason replied.

I could see him giving me a look in the mirror. Chucking my lip gloss in my handbag, I straightened my skirt and spun around.

“Do I look okay?”

Mason’s brown eyes roamed over me.

“You’re a knockout, Scar.”

“I’m meant to look like a professional, not a knockout.”

He grinned.

“You look fine.”

I glanced down at my tight black pencil skirt, sky-high black heels and black blouse with little white horses on it. It made me smile. I wondered if it would provoke a reaction when I met the men today. They had to be aware of what they were called. I hoped at least one of them noticed.

“Okay, I’ve got to get going or I’ll be late and that won’t make a good first impression.”

“Good luck.”

I gave him a smile, clutching my handbag as I made my way to the front door. Having double-checked I had everything twice earlier, I was ready to face the music.

It didn’t take me too long to get into Central London, arriving at Fortuity’s building with ten minutes to spare. I was given an induction by the HR lady I’d spoken to, Deborah, for well over an hour. I had to sign my contract and a non-disclosure agreement, legally muzzling me from revealing any of their personal lives to the world. I could deal with that part. It was a case of being careful how I went about giving their information to my family. After all, they could ruin me if they found out why I was really here. It was a risk I had to take.

After that, Deborah took me up to the twenty-eighth floor and introduced me to Tonya properly. I got a weird vibe from the woman and wasn’t sure what to make of her. I wondered how much she knew about her employers, but I didn’t have a chance to follow that thread of thought. Deborah took me down the corridor and knocked on Drake Ackley’s door. We walked in a moment later, Deborah going straight over to where Mr Ackley sat behind his desk with his head buried in some papers.

“Your new PA is here, Mr Ackley,” she said, waving a hand at me as I stood by the door, feeling awkward and unsure of myself.

He looked up, his eyes landing on me as his jaw ticked.

“Thank you, Deb. Is everything in order?”

“Yes, we went through all the paperwork and general procedures. Miss Carver is all yours.”

A shiver ran down my spine at Deborah’s words and the way his eyes darkened slightly. He gave her a nod. She smiled before making her way back over to me.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered, patting my arm. “You’re in good hands.”

I questioned what that meant in my head as she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Did I look as nervous as I felt? My palms were sweating. I kept rubbing my handbag strap to keep my fingers occupied.

“Miss Carver.”

I jumped, turning my attention to the man I would be working for. He put a hand up and beckoned me over. My feet started towards him before I realised what I was doing. It’s as though the moment he told me to do something without words, I had to obey. And the knowledge of it almost made me falter in my steps.

You are not going to allow anyone to have power over you, Scarlett. You need to have the upper hand. You know this.

I stopped a foot away from his desk, giving him a smile. I wanted to start out on a positive note. And I needed to stop those ridiculous thoughts about wanting to obey him in their tracks. What did I really know about this man other than what I’d been told? Nothing. Staying on my guard was my only option.

“Good morning, Mr Ackley. I wanted to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’m looking forward to working with you,” I blurted out in a rush.

He cocked his head, appraising me with those intense eyes. My knees threatened to buckle under the onslaught.

What is wrong with you?

“You’re welcome.”

His eyes fell on my blouse. I was graced with an upward curve of his lips as those indigo eyes glittered with amusement. Clearly, he had a sense of humour, even if he hid it behind a mask of indifference. I could work with that… somehow.

He rose from his chair and stepped out from behind his desk, sliding his hands in his pockets. It struck me again how much he towered over me and how intimidating it was.

“I wanted to start by getting Annika, my current PA, to show you the ropes. She’s leaving in two weeks so it’s important you spend time with her… unless you have questions for me now.”

I swallowed, watching him continue to appraise me.

Do not be intimidated by him. You can do this. This is what you’ve been working towards.

“No, that’s fine.”

“Well, shall we, Miss Carver?”

He put his hand out, indicating we should move. I turned and started towards the door, feeling him fall into step beside me.

“You can call me, Scarlett. I’m not big on formalities.”

Plus, I wanted to break down the barriers between us and find a way inside his head. Glancing up at his profile, I could see I’d surprised him. And I almost looked away when he turned his head to meet my eyes.

“In that case, you can call me, Drake… Scarlett.”

My name on his lips made my skin tingle, and the memory of a voice rang in my ears.

“Don’t cry, Scarlett. I know it hurts. Let me kiss it better.”

I almost froze on the spot, trying to work out where it came from and what it was. There was nothing else attached to it. No images. Just a child’s voice. It unnerved me.

“Are you okay?”

I jumped, realising we had stopped by the door to his office and I’d been staring at it intently.

“Yes, yes, sorry… I must’ve zoned out.”

Drake’s expression didn’t change, but he nodded and opened the door. A man stood outside it with his hand raised, which he dropped and his mouth quickly curved up into a smile.

“Well, hello there.”

Everything about him was striking. His hair was dark blonde, his eyes blue and he had a set of perfectly straight teeth. High cheekbones and a beautiful mouth made him look as though he’d been carved from marble. His grey suit moulded to his body as if it was a second skin and he even wore a waistcoat underneath it. Clearly, someone liked to make an impression. And judging by the way my heart hammered in my chest at his presence, he’d succeeded.

“What are you doing, Pres?” Drake asked.

“Coming to talk to you, but I see you’re occupied.” He waved at me. “Is this your new PA?”


The man stuck his hand out to me.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Prescott.”

I took his hand, noting how soft his skin was as I shook it. The set of his jaw gave me a weird sense of familiarity. Like I’d seen it before, but I couldn’t put my finger on where or how. And after hearing that voice in my head, I wasn’t sure I wanted to.


“Pretty name for a beautiful woman.”

I found my face growing warm from his compliment. His blue eyes twinkled and he winked at me.

So this is Prescott Ellis. He’s quite something.

“Prescott,” Drake said in a tone that displayed his disapproval. “That’s not appropriate.”

Prescott dropped my hand and waved Drake off with a grin.

“I’m sure Scarlett doesn’t mind.”

I caught Drake rolling his eyes. I held back a smile.

“I don’t mind. Thank you for saying so.”

I didn’t want to alienate any of them, considering I needed them all to trust me. Besides, being complimented felt good. I’d had very little male attention in my life so far. Mason didn’t count since he was my father’s employee.

Prescott looked between Drake and me as if he was expecting one of us to say something else. Then he stepped back and waved a hand.

“Well, I won’t keep you.”

“Wait in my office, I’ll be back in five minutes,” Drake replied, stepping out and starting along the hallway.

Prescott’s eyes were on me. My skin prickled from his gaze. I had to step closer to him to leave Drake’s office. And it did nothing to help the odd feelings his presence elicited from me.

“Do you like horses, Scarlett?”

His voice was low and had this seductive note to it, which made my heart pound harder, the sound ringing in my ears.


His blue eyes flickered with something I couldn’t put my finger on.

“Then I think you’ll do just fine here.”

He’s noticed my blouse. It’s the only reason he brought horses up.

“I hope so.”

I gave him a smile before hurrying away after Drake, unsure of what to make of Prescott Ellis. Was he flirting with me? Is that why I felt so flustered and why my face was on fire? And why the hell would he when I was an employee?

I didn’t have answers to any of those questions and could only hope he was like that with everyone. I had a funny feeling Prescott could prove to be a thorn in my side if I wasn’t careful.

Am I going to have problems with all of them? Why does it even surprise me?

This task was never going to be easy. Not when I had to get close to four men with as deadly a reputation as the Four Horsemen had. Perhaps Mason had been right to be so worried about me. Perhaps I should be more worried about myself than I was. And perhaps… I’d bitten off far more than I could chew.