Vicious Punks by Madeline Fay

Thank You

Thank you my amazing readers for following me along in this series! You okay? How’s the cliffhanger going for you? Don’t come at me with pitchforks because the story does continue in Part Three! There will be groveling in the next book and it won’t be cute or sweet, so prepare yourselves.

I want to thank you guys for giving this series a shot, the first book was draining and difficult to write. Healing, too. Tillie has made it through a lot and I’m glad you guys are rooting for her. The characters will continue to take up space in my head until I’m done writing their stories. The support and encouragement with Dolls and Douchebags really has blown me away. I honestly didn’t know it was going to get this much love. So thank you from the bottom of my dark heart.

Penn, my bestie from far away, you are amazing! You kept me going, telling me to keep writing when it felt like I couldn’t. My endless worries and needing advice, never once did you tell me to stop bugging the crap out of you at midnight. Love you!

Beta team… Sam, Erica, Jess, and Amelie… I seriously could not have finished this story without your amazing insight and keeping me laughing. Thank you for putting up with my crazy author ass, lol. Much love, ladies!

Polly. Girl. Cray cray woman in love with Cruz, I love your editing skills but those thirst comments kill me every time. Thank you for making me die with laughter and helping me give these punks a beautiful story.

Emma, I’m so glad you're part of my small little tribe and I’m going to keep you. Best proofreader out there!

If you love/hate this story, please consider leaving a review. Regarding spelling/grammar, feel free to reach out to me in one of the following links below or if you just want to talk about Vicious Punks. Thank you.

Please enjoy this epic drawing I did for the sex scene as I had to explain to Penn what was happening before edits. Lol