Daddy’s Little Heiress by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty-Five


Lacey had no idea how much time had passed when Cason and Travis walked into the room. She could tell right away something was wrong.

“Girls. There’s a situation downstairs. We’re leaving a guard by the elevator, but stay back here until we get back.”

The four nodded and watched the men hurry out. They sat on the floor and stared at each other.

“I’m scared,” Lacey said.

Nia grabbed her hand. “It’s going to be okay.”

They sat in silence until they heard a crash and then gunshots.

“Push everything under the bed and get in the panic room,” Sienna said.

Lacey pointed to the one in the master bedroom. The girls rushed without making too much noise. They locked the door to the panic room, and then Lacey turned the light on.

Kinley and Sienna turned on the cameras in the apartment.

“Holy shit,” Sienna said.

Lacey ran around the table that held the computers. Her hands went to her mouth when she saw the guard down on the ground and bleeding. “Oh, my God, they killed him.”

The four looked at each other in horror as two men in all black with masks started looking in every room.

“What is that guy holding?” Nia asked and squinted at the monitor.

Kinley gasped. “Oh, my God. It’s a syringe.”

“Can we call any of the men?”

Kinley started typing away. “I’m working on it. Did anyone bring their phone in here?”

They all shook their heads.

Lacey looked around when Nia started opening the cupboard that held the guns.

“What are you doing? You’re going to shoot yourself.”

Nia snorted. “No, I’m not.”

Sienna grabbed Lacey’s hand. “She knows what she’s doing. Don’t worry. We’ll be okay.”

“Does anyone else know how to shoot?” Nia asked.

Sienna raised her hand. “I haven’t for a long time, but I know how.”

Nia nodded and handed her a gun. “It’s loaded, and the safety’s off, so be really careful.”

Sienna rolled her eyes. “I know that.”

Lacey watched Nia expertly load two more guns.

“Okay, we’re ready to kick ass.”

Lacey couldn’t believe how calm they all were while she felt like she was shaking apart.

She watched in horror as one of them came into the bedroom and started looking in the closet and under the bed.

“Where’s the other guy at?” Nia whispered.

“He’s in the office,” Kinley said.

“Okay, guys, I’m going to open the door and shoot the one that’s in here. I wish we had a silencer, but we’ll work with this. Don’t scream.”

Nia got ready. “Tell me when his back is turned toward the door.”

“Okay, get ready,” Sienna said. “Now.”

Nia opened the door quietly, took aim, and shot before closing the door.

Lacey pressed her hands to her mouth. Nia had put a bullet in the man’s head, and he went down hard.

“The second one’s headed this way,” Kinley said. “Do you want to do the same thing?”

Nia nodded. “It will be a little tricker. Is he bending down to check his friend?”

“He’s scanning the room. Okay, now.”

Nia pushed open the door and shot again, taking out the second guy.

Lacey was horrified because she’d never been around violence, but at the same time, she was extremely impressed. Now she wanted to learn how to handle a gun.

Nia unloaded all but the one gun she used and sat them down. “Make sure there aren’t any other guys.”

Kinley shook her head. “No. Oh, my God, the guard moved.”

“Where’s your phone?” Nia asked.

“Mine is under the bed in the bag,” Sienna said.

“Let’s get that and call an ambulance, and then one of the daddies while I move the guns and syringe away from the bad guys. Kinley and Lacey go grab towels and see to the guard.”

“Why are you taking a gun with us? They’re both dead.”

Nia turned to Lacey. “Yes, but we don’t know if another one will show up, so I want to be prepared.”

Lacey nodded.

“All right, let’s do this, girls,” Sienna said and opened the door.

Lacey and Kinley carefully walked around the two dead men, grabbed some towels out of the kitchen, and sat down next to the guy.

Kinley pressed the man down. “Be still, mister. We’ve got an ambulance on the way.”

“What the fuck happened? Where are those men at?” he asked.

“They’re both dead,” Lacey said.

“Who the hell killed them?”

“I did.”

Lacey glanced at Nia over her shoulder and saw Sienna on the phone.

“Listen, girl, carefully put the gun down before you hurt yourself.”

All four women laughed.

Nia snorted. “Mister, I can guarantee I’m a better shot than you. Just relax.”

The elevator door opened, and several men stormed in.

Cason got to her and yanked her into his arms. “Jesus Christ, I thought I’d lost you.”

“No, these girls kicked ass. They were so calm and cool.”

The elevator door opened again, and paramedics rushed in and started on the guard.

Lacey watched Travis take the gun from Nia, set it aside, and then pulled her into his arms.

“Nia shot the men.”

Cason sighed. “I know. I’m so sorry. We made sure we had guards everywhere by the doors and elevator, but none of us thought they propel down the building and shoot out the window.”

“I want to learn how to shoot,” Lacey said.

Cason groaned. “For God’s sake, let me deal with this first. I’m shaking.”

She tightened her arms around his waist. “It’s okay, Daddy.”

He snorted. “You're going to give me gray hair, aren’t you?”

She grinned up at him. “Probably.”