The Bet by Max Monroe

First of all, THANK YOU for reading. That goes for anyone who has bought a copy, read an ARC, helped us beta, edited, or found time in their busy schedule just to make sure we stayed on track. Thank you for supporting us, for talking about our books, and for just being so unbelievably loving and supportive of our characters. You’ve made this our MOST favorite adventure thus far.

THANK YOU to each other. Max is thanking Monroe. Monroe is thanking Max. We know, we know! We do this every book. Every. Single. Book. But guess what? We’re going to keep doing it because that’s how we roll. If you don’t believe us, we challenge you to go read all of them and see for yourself. HAHA!

THANK YOU, Lisa, for continuing to kick our 2021-insane-schedule’s ass. We couldn’t do this without you, and that is a fact, Jack! On a sidenote, we’re certain now that we all deserve a trip somewhere tropical after this.

THANK YOU, Stacey, for making the insides of our book look so damn pretty and rolling with the crazy schedule punches we throw your way. You are the absolute best!

THANK YOU, Peter (aka Banana), for rocking our covers and making Jude Winslow look like the sexy, charming, perfect good-time guy that he is.

THANK YOU to every blogger who has read, reviewed, posted, shared, and supported us. Your enthusiasm, support, and hard work do not go unnoticed. We love youuuuuuuuuuuu!

THANK YOU to the people who love us—our family. You are our biggest supporters and motivators. We couldn’t do this without you. Although, it should be noted, sometimes you guys are hella distracting. But the ones who are the most distracting are under the age of eleven, so we’re not going to hold that against you. HAHA.

THANK YOU to our Camp members! You guys are the best! THE BEST, we tell you! You’ve made Camp the coolest place to be and one of our favorite places to go to procrastinate. We can’t wait for all the fun we’ve got planned for this year!

As always, all our love.


Max & Monroe