Playing Pretend by Cassie-Ann L. Miller



“Bet you wishyou had listened to me when I told you to invest in those DataCo stocks.” Over the top of my newspaper, I smirk across the family table at my father. “The stock price soared last week when they announced their new research collaboration with that technology consortium from Singapore.”

Dad shrugs nonchalantly, his eyes glued to the international news section. “It’s a one-time deal. Yes, it caused the stock price to spike but I’d give it a few weeks to settle back down.”

“Sure, but by then, you could have been in and out with your trade, made a nice profit and still

Yaya pounds her little fist into the table. “All this investment speak is going over my head. Talk about something I want to hear.” She aims her narrowed eyes at me. “Tell me, Liam, have you met a nice girl to marry yet?”

Oh, jeez.

The maid dips her chin to hide her giggle as she clears the dirty dishes away from the table. I give Miss Jones the stink-eye and she responds with a good-natured grin.

Although my mother insists that she doesn’t need a full-time housekeeper, I pay my own cleaner to come in a few times a week to help around my parents’ house. I know our family comes from modest roots but I’m a billionaire now and I don’t need my mother overexerting herself. Especially since neither of my useless brothers lift a finger to do chores in this house. The minute Drew and Tony finished eating dinner tonight, they left the table and ran off to god knows where.

Mom is at the stove, packing leftovers into Tupperware containers. “Yes, sweetie, tell us, are you dating anyone?” She chimes in excitedly, ever the hopeless romantic of our family.

I take a sip of espresso. “Sorry. Not dating anyone at the moment,” I say crisply, keeping my eyes on the newspaper.

My gut churns. Technically, that’s true. I’m not lying. I’m not dating anyone. I just have...a wife. One I’ll never ever tell my family about.

“If I keel over before I get to plan an engagement party for at least one of you grandbabies, I will haunt each and every one of you boys from the afterlife,” Yaya clips menacingly. I know she means it, too.

Greek traditions run strong on my mom’s side of the family, and while Yaya has relaxed on all of us boys settling down with a nice Greek girl—probably because she’s getting desperate to marry us off—she gets really jazzed about the whole engagement process.

Personally, I don’t get it. If you want to get hitched, why drag it out?

Instead, the Greek side of my family prefers a lengthy engagement and countless god awful parties to celebrate love again and again and again ad nauseam.

They would take turns kicking my ass if they found out I got married behind their backs.

I rise from my seat, my slice of apple pie in hand. “Haunted by my grandmother from the afterlife or haunted by my so-called wife in the here and now? Either way, I’m screwed.”

“Oh, come on!” My mother calls after me as Dad wraps her up tight and nuzzles her neck.

It’s clear my parents don’t give a shit about my pessimistic outlook on relationships. They’re too in love, too wrapped up in each other to let me dissuade them. Mom leans over, giving her husband a long kiss that melts her down to a swoony pile of giggles.

Those two are annoying.

“Stop that,” Yaya scolds, shooing them away with her wrinkly hands. “No son wants to imagine his parents’ dirty exploits. No wonder he’s single.”

I saunter into the family room where I find the twins playing video games. “You two were super helpful with cleaning up after dinner,” I say dryly. I take a seat next to them on the couch and set down my pie on the side table.

“That’s rich coming from the guy who hasn’t washed a plate in the last decade. Wouldn’t want to water damage your precious high-dollar watch, now would we?” Andrew snorts a laugh, his eyes zeroed in on the loud-ass video game.

I bop him upside the head and grab his controller. “My watch is waterproof, idiot.”

“Hey, what the hell, man?” Drew massages the back of his head. “I was about to beat my high score.” He motions frantically toward the TV.

I have no idea what I’m doing with the video game but with the mood I’m in, it does feel nice to blow up some shit on the big screen. Drew continues to whine for me to give him his controller back. Meanwhile, Anthony cackles maniacally as he pours a round of bullets into my guy.

Boom! Dead!

My avatar lies on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Tony prances around doing his obnoxious victory dance as Andrew sits there and pouts.

“Oh well, better luck next time.” I toss the controller back into Andrew’s lap.

“What’s your problem this time, asshole?” he grumbles.

“My problem?” I question, picking up my apple pie and finishing it in three back-to-back bites. “I don’t have a problem.

The twins glare at me.

These idiots may be as dense as cream cheese but when it comes to reading me, I can’t bullshit them. My brother’s know me.

“I fucked up,” I groan. I was tempted to go to my grave with this, but I can’t go at this alone anymore. It’s weighing me down like a cement block around my neck. “I married Eliza.”

Anthony squints at me. “That chick you fired?”

“Yeah.” I drop my head into my palms and pull my hair. “Now, she’s my wife and my secretary.”

“We need details, bro. Care to share?”

Not really. “Long story.”

Andrew flings his arms wide and grins a Cheshire cat grin. “We’ve got alllllnight.”

“And the day after that. And the day after that. And the day after that,” Anthony adds, grinning just as widely.

Fuck—they’re not joking.

I break down and give them the short version of the shit show with Varner and how I dragged Eliza into it like the asshole I am.

“Well, all I know is you’re one lucky bastard because that woman is hot.” Drew cackles and ducks right in time when I lift my palm to smack him in the head.

“Hey man.” Anthony holds up his hands appeasingly. “All we’re saying is that there could be worse things in life. At least your wife is bangin’.”

“I know right.” Andrew holds up a high-five that I ignore.

I glare at them. “Why do I even try talking to you idiots?”

Andrew chuckles from his gut. “Come on, Liam. Loosen up.”

“This is no laughing matter,” I roar before lowering my voice just in case Yaya or one of my parents happens to be walking by. “I’m a goddamn billionaire, and I just married a stranger. This is a complete disaster.” I suck in a lungful of air, exhaling and shaking out my arms.

In a rare moment of seriousness, Tony’s face goes grave. “We know what this deal means to you. Both professionally and personally. It’s not just about the money. It’s not just about the prestige. It’s about our family legacy. We understand that.”

Andrew nods along. “But if there’s nothing you can do about this situation, then just accept it. At least in the meantime. Hell, maybe even…” He mock gasps, pulling an exasperated eye roll from me. “...enjoy it. Live a little, bro. Have some freaking fun. F-U-N. Do you even know what that is?”

Anthony tries again. “Think about it, Liam. You could use a little fun in your life. The mistake has already been made. I say just squeeze a few hot nights out of it.”

I get to my feet, shaking my head. “No way. That’s not an option for me.”

My mind flicks back to my wedding night.

Not all of it was bad. In fact, some of it wasn’t bad at all

Tossing her onto my conference table. Stripping her down and having my wicked way with her. Then taking her to my bed and getting wicked all over again.

I kept all of those particular details out of my story to my brothers earlier. They don’t need to know about that. I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

Still, I wonder if getting naked with Eliza would fit their definition of fun. It sure meets mine.

I shut the door on that idea quickly.

There’s no way I’ll be going back for seconds with my new fake wife. As tempting as that all may be, I have a plan, and it doesn’t involve spending my nights with Eliza in my bed.

“I have one goal right now,” I tell my brothers. “One. If I’m to become someone I can be proud of, I need to focus on the Varner Resorts deal and get rid of the new wife with my fortune intact. All I have to do in the meantime is maintain as much distance from Eliza as I can.”

That’s all.

Defeated, the boys fall back into the couch cushions and pick up their controllers again.

Tony shrugs. “Suit yourself, asshole.”

“By the way, how come Anthony got to meet her already and not me?” Drew complains. “When do I get to meet this unlucky chick?”

“Never,” I grouse as I stomp toward the door.

“Why? You afraid she’s going to come to her senses, divorce you, and run away with me?” he continues to taunt me.

I fume. Like, literally see red.

I pick up a cushion and fling it at his head. “Never fucking happening, unless you have a death wish.”