Playing Pretend by Cassie-Ann L. Miller



Two years later

An excited humbuzzes across the parking lot as we all wait for the ceremony to begin. The last time a big crowd gathered around here, I looked like a crazed lunatic running around, waving my arms, and rescuing an entire three-story building from a wrecking ball with my own body.

Well, today is not a whole lot different.

Except there aren’t protesters carrying angry posterboard signs this time. Today, the crowd is all smiles and excitement.

Today, I’m not the bad guy. I’m the hero.

“Are you nervous?” Eliza looks at me and asks.

“Nervous? Pftt. I don’t get nervous.” I cradle her overgrown belly and our little boy gives a vigorous kick. “I’m just excited. And I think Junior is, too.”

I never used to like children. But now, I can’t wait for this little sucker to get here.

She giggles, laying her hand over mine. “I swear that kid knows exactly what’s happening. He refuses to settle down today.”

On a lot a few miles from here, Hartley Construction recently broke ground on the luxury resort project being built by a partnership between Kingston Realty Holdings, Barre Investments, Silver Industries and the monarchy of Ridgeland.

The community center stands proud behind us. The laughter and shrieking of children playing on the new basketball courts tickle my ears and I can’t help but smile. They need this place. I’m glad I was able to see that before it was too late. Seeing those smiles is enough to thaw my chest where a block of ice once stood.

I don’t know what’s happening to me. I used to be tough as nails, but day by day, Mary-Elizabeth Alonso-Kline is softening me with her gentle, loving nature.

There’s a wide smile on Nadia’s face when she steps up beside me. “It’s time, Boss.” I can tell that she’s trying to contain her own excitement but she has every right to be proud. She played a huge role in getting us to this monumental day.

“Thanks, counselor.” I throw her a wink, pressing my hand to Eliza’s back and leading her over to the front doors of the new-built construction.

As we stand on the small makeshift stage in front of the building’s front door, my eyes sweep the gathering.

My nutty family co-mingling with Eliza’s parents and sisters, who I flew in late last night. There are people from the office with their spouses and kids. The sassy seniors from the community center.

The mayor comes up and says a few words which are received by the crowd with hearty applause. He steps aside and I take center stage.

“I want to thank each and every one of you for joining us today. As most of you know, this project is a special one, perhaps not what Kline-Simmons Realty Developments is usually known for here in Sin Valley, but I think it’s past time for a change.” I glance out at the crowd. “As you may know, nearly two years ago, I almost bulldozed Sin Valley’s community center to make way for a luxury hotel resort. Thankfully, with some gentle prodding from my wife, I snapped to my senses just in time.” Applause goes up to honor Eliza and I beam with pride. “Anyway, that near-error has haunted me since that day, and I vowed to become a better man. I hope that today’s ribbon-cutting ceremony is proof of that.”

My mind flashes to Varner. I hope he’s rotting wherever the hell he is today. Last I heard, he was in hiding. Rumor has it that Charlotte somehow talked him into lip fillers and he wasn’t a big fan of the results. He’s keeping a low profile until the effects wear off.

In the space where the Varner Resorts was going to build its hotel, I arranged for a different sort of space. Something the entire town can get behind.

The mayor places the large ceremonial scissors in my palm.

I turn and hand it off to my wife. “Why don’t you do the honors, Wifey?”

“Me?” She blinks those chocolate eyes at me then at the giant red ribbon banded across the building’s front door.

“Yes, you.” I smile at her.

“Let’s do it together,” she suggests, smiling back.

I like her idea better. Together. We’ll tackle that ribbon together, the way we tackle everything.

We step up to the ribbon and with my body curled around hers, we guide the huge scissors. Eliza misses the ribbon twice, unable to see through her happy tears. Yes, I’m blaming Eliza. Because I’m not crying. She’s crying.

Wiping a palm down my face, I turn toward the crowd. “We’re open for business, people!” The town of Sin Valley goes up in cheers. “Welcome to the Alonso-Kline Institute, the only cost-free lupus treatment facility in the state.”

Not only is the facility designed to house the family members of those receiving treatment, all affected adolescents will be offered free treatment, mostly due to generous funding by Kline-Simmons Realty Developments.

The story of Eliza’s sister struck a chord with me, and not just because I’m madly in love with my wife. Saving the community center felt right. Helping individuals and families suffering from a treatable disease felt right.

Far more ‘right’ than adding to my personal net by another few million.

“Thank you so much, Liam. Thank you for doing this for your community, for my family.” Eliza holds me tightly, our unborn child kicking vigorously between us. I swear, that kid is already a jealous bastard. I love the fuck out of him.

“No, thank you, baby. The man I am today is nothing like the person I was when I met you. You’ve made me better. In so many ways.” I kiss the top of her berry-smelling head. My favorite scent in the whole damn world.

Eliza’s family rushes us with hugs and happy tears while the rest of the gathering crowds inside the building for a tour. My wife is a blubbering mess in the middle of the family huddle. I knew she’d appreciate this day more if she were surrounded by people who love her. That’s why I flew the Alonsos in to be here today.

When the Alonsos scatter, my own family swoops in. Yaya clings to me with an arm around my waist. “That’s my grandson,” she says to anyone who’ll listen.

My mom is all tears and smiles and sniffles. Meanwhile, my idiot brothers are competing with each other, trying to woo Dana’s affections. Good thing the girl is smarter than that. She slowly backs away into the building until she gets them off her trail.

My father approaches me with open arms wearing a smile I’ve never seen on his face before. We share a tight hug. “This…” he says bobbing his head. “This…is what it’s all about. You finally get it, son. And I’m so fucking proud.” He slips an arm around my mother’s waist and then amble inside. Mom takes Eliza’s arm and tugs her along.

“You coming?” My wife asks over her back.

“Give me a second.” I smile.

I stand on the outside and take a moment to myself to let it all soak in.

This. This is something I can be proud of. This is the legacy I want the Kline named tied to. This is the legacy I want to leave behind for the child growing in my wife’s belly and his many, many future brothers and sisters.

Eliza comes urgently waddling out of the building, eyes wide, gripping her stomach. Her skirt is wet and a pool of liquid trails behind her.

“It’s time…” she tells me, her face glowing. “It’s time to bring our baby into the world.”

Our excited families burst onto the sidewalk, too.

I slide an arm around my wife’s back, guiding her to our car, proud that I’ll be welcoming my son into a better world than it was yesterday.

Forget about happy endings. This is a happy beginning.

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Thankyou so much for reading PLAYING PRETEND! I hope you fell in love with Liam and Eliza.

The playboys of Sin Valley aren’t done melting your panties yet…The next books in series are available. Grab them here!

Book 1: Playing House

Book 3: Playing Along (pre-order)

Book 4: Playing Rough (pre-order) - Minka & Declan

* * *

Yaya finally got her wish of planning a big, traditional wedding…and she may have gone a bit overboard.

Click here to grab your copy of Liam and Eliza’s Honeymoon Bonus epilogue.