Puck’s Property by Monique Moreau


Puck shifted her until her thigh was lying over his, opening her up so he could rub her wetness on him. Hmm, damn that feels good.

“Imagine my surprise when I woke up to my cellie cursing up a storm,” he began. “Door unlocked, lights on, and two COs standing in our cell, ordering me to wake up and grab my shit. ‘Guess what, inmate? You’re being released this morning,’ one of them said. I was escorted out of the unit, strip-searched—not sure why, because what in the hell was I going to take out of jail—and my belongings were searched. After filling out a butt-load of paperwork, I was placed in a holding cell. Then, lo and behold, the main entrance to the jailhouse swings open, and I’m taking a breath of air as a free man.

“Holy hell, the smell of air was better than anything I’ve ever smelled—other than your pussy, that is,” he said, cupping Ava’s hot and juicy cunt. “Swear to God, I opened my mouth to taste the snowflakes on my tongue. Haven’t done that since I was a kid. After the stink of piss and caged men for two months, the scent of cold air was fuckin’ dope. Kingdom and Sage were waiting for me. They took me home, and there, I got the shock of my fucking life.”

Puck’s arms instinctually tightened around Ava. He breathed in deep, the scent of her instantly calming his rapid heartbeat. His gaze wandered around her bedroom, touching on every detail, greedy to learn everything about her. It was feminine, like her. Besides the night table with a fringed lamp on it, there was a desk and a distressed, white-painted dresser. There were a few potted plants, a couple of candles, and photos of her, Kat, and her mother. Books about social work and addiction, self-help books, and romance novels were scattered over every surface and spilling out of a low bookcase.

Exhaling slowly, he continued, “Sammi was attacked by the guy I assaulted. She also hooked up with the prosecutor on my case to help me out and ended up falling for the rich, entitled bastard. Christ, I leave for two months, and all hell breaks loose. After her attack, she moved in with him. Kingdom, Sage, Sammi. Everyone hid it from me. Needless to say, when I found out, I was pissed. Tore through the house. Punched a hole in a wall. It took a while before I calmed down and then more time before I convinced Kingdom to bring me to the fucker’s loft. Had it out with Sammi. She must’ve called him ’cause the prick showed up during our argument, in the middle of the day. Man, I was heated when he tried to intervene. That man has a death wish.”

Ava shuddered out a pent-up breath of air on his chest. Staring down at her, he tilted his head. “What, you thought I tossed you aside? Are you fucking kidding me? I meant to get Sage to call you and let you know I was out, but my temper got the best of me. Anger at the motherfucker who hurt Sammi, anger at myself for having gotten arrested and for sparking this mayhem.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” she said, lifting out of his arms to glower at him. Tousled locks of hair cascaded down her bare shoulders and cherry-tipped nipples. Her puffy red lips called to him. Gripping the back of her head, he took a kiss.

Searching her eyes, he asked, “You really thought I’d left you?”

Her eyes skidded to the side, and she gave a little shrug of her shoulders. “Maybe,” she replied in a dismissive tone.

“When are you going to fuckin’ get it, Ava? You’re my property,” he declared. The words were out before he could stop them. He didn’t regret his outburst, because his words were true and they felt right. His heart squeezed tight.

“I claimed you when I was nineteen and never really let you go. I compared every woman to you. I’ve wanted you. Only you. After my mom died, I took care of myself and Sammi, but it took being alone to appreciate how you’d taken care of me. You’re my past, the happy past before everything went to shit. You’re my present. I’ve spent hours in solitary or in my cell daydreaming of you. Fantasizing about you. I’m fucking warning you right now that you’re gonna be my future. I love my family and my club, but there was one thing missing. I’m not fucking asking you to be my old lady; I’m telling you. You’re more than a woman to me; you’re the woman. You’re my dirty little angel. Little angel, because that’s what you are; dirty, because that’s what you are with me. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you leashed to my side, Ava. This is for real. This is for life. Period.”

“Wow. You know,” she replied dryly, “some men go down on one knee with a ring in one of those little black-velvet boxes and ask a woman for her hand in marriage. I’ve heard it’s a thing.”

“You want a ring in a black box? I’ll get you a ring in a box. You want me on my knees? I’ll go down on one knee, put that ring on your finger, and lick that hot little pussy of yours after I’m done. I will do everything in my fucking power to gratify your every wish. That satisfy you?”

“Hmm…we’ll see. I haven’t said yes, yet. What about Sammi? How will she feel?”

“First off, Sammi doesn’t have a fucking leg to stand on, let me tell you. What the hell does Sammi have to do with anything?”

“She might have bad memories of me…abandoning her,” Ava said, carefully. “I disappeared right after your mother died. We went out shopping at the mall. On her thirteenth birthday, I took her out to get her first mani-pedi. We developed our own little relationship, but I didn’t have the guts to say goodbye to her, because I knew I would’ve begged you to take me back, and I was too proud for that.”

“Sammi isn’t one to hold grudges. We get into fights on the regular, but we let it go and move on. Otherwise, we’d never be able to share the same house. By the way, I’m letting you know I’m not going back to that house. They cleaned up the place after her attack, but I can’t stay there.” He gazed down on her. “I came here right after I was done putting that new boyfriend of hers in his place. Stanton fucking Prescott, the prosecutor on my case.” He shuttered his eyes, still processing the fact that his little sis was fucking a man older than he was. “Christ.”

“I’m sure he’s not that bad,” she replied with a laugh.

Puck shook his head, a dark expression on his face. “Whatever. It’s out of my hands now. I’m not tryin’ to pressure you or anything, but I can’t go back there. Not yet. If you don’t want me to stay, I can go to the clubhouse. They’ll make space for me to crash, or I’ll double up in a room of one of the brothers.”

Her gaze drifted away from his nervously but quickly snapped back to his. “No way,” she said with a vehemence that had his eyebrows rising high on his forehead. “I know biker bitches. They’ll be all over you.”

He smirked internally. Possessive little thing. There was no way in hell he was sticking his dick in another woman. That wasn’t happening…ever, but he liked seeing her little claws come out. He still hadn’t banged her tight pussy the way he wanted. With her legs bent and high in the air. With her screaming his fucking name until her throat was hoarse. He wanted to keep her screaming all night long. Throw in a little discipline. Hear the smack of his hand on her ass, nice and fucking loud. No holding back. No interruptions. No time limits. He couldn’t wait to do everything they couldn’t do in her office. Christ, just being here…lying on a real mattress with a thick downy comforter and fluffy pillows under his head. His arm wrapped around the luscious curves of a naked Ava, her hair smelling so fucking sweet. He’d about died and gone to heaven.

Kingdom and Sage had taken him out to the Squad Bar, where he had a big-ass steak and a draft beer. Best meal of his life, but he couldn’t wait to cook and eat with Ava. Incarceration had taught him to savor every moment of his life. It had been a pretty damn good life before Ava, but he was ready to be domesticated.

He had a long list of things to do, from picking up the pieces of his life to getting into the Squad Bar and figuring out how to make it profitable. At that moment, his only desire was to lounge around the house with Ava, eat meals with her, spend time getting to know every damn thing about her. Oh, and fuck her for days. She wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight, and he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt about it.

“Alright, then. We’ll go to my house, and I’ll pack up some shit. I don’t want to go back there for at least a few days. The place has been violated. I get mad when I think about what happened, and then I get mad at myself for not having been there to protect her. What in the fuck was I thinking?”

“Is she happy?” Ava asked, laying a hand over his heart.

His eyelids blinked a few times, and he let out a long breath. “Yeah,” he admitted. “She says she is. She looks happy, and the attack wasn’t that long ago. The bastard she’s with is protective of her, I’ll grant him that much. The instant I made a move toward her, I was up against the wall with an arm to my throat. That led to a little scuffle, but he backed down when Sammi got upset. He seems to care for her…and I trust Kingdom. He wouldn’t have let Sammi go with the fucker if he didn’t trust the guy to take care of her. That girl is spoiled. The irony of all this is that he’s Sage’s ex-fiancé.” Puck gripped his temple. “Thinking about this is giving me a fucking headache.”

Ava’s hand came and gently moved his out of the way. She settled on top of him and massaged his temples. That, along with her hot, wet pussy rubbing on his belly went a long way toward relaxing him. This, here, is fucking heaven. Never would he take anything for granted again, but especially not her. One good thing had come from his incarceration, and that was reuniting with Ava. His hands slid up her flanks. She was so fucking gorgeous. Her perky tits were bouncing near his face, and he was about to lean forward and take a little pink bud in his mouth when she asked, “How did you get released, Puck?”

His broad palm slipped over her breast, and he cupped it lightly, enjoying the weight of her feminine flesh in his hand. What’s the question again? Oh, yeah. “There was one other reason I allowed that bastard who’s sharing Sammi’s bed to keep breathing. He’s the reason I’m free. Turns out, the cops pumped me for information when they shouldn’t have been talking to me ’cause I asked for my lawyer. I was high on the rush of having beat down that cocksucker, and I sang like a fucking bird. It was captured on the dashcam in the police car. Come to find out, Stanton remembered something I said in court. Sounded fishy to him, and he checked the dashcam video. In the end, my confession was thrown out of court. Not sure what happened, and truthfully, I don’t care about the details other than the fact that Sage got me released. Without a confession and without a witness to testify, there isn’t much of a case.”

“Wow,” she breathed. “I can’t believe it was that easy.”

“Easy?” he scoffed. “Not easy. It was a combination of sheer fucking luck, a kick-ass and devoted lawyer, and knowing powerful people like the prosecutor Sammi’s currently fucking. If not for that, I’d be rotting in Duchess County like every other bastard in there.” Planting his hands on her waist, he growled. “Enough. Right now, I’m hungry.”

“Oh! What do you want to eat? Pasta? I have pizza dough waiting. I took it out while we were putting away the groceries. I can make you a homemade pizza. I’ll make anything you want.”


“Of course.”

“Then, I want this.” He cupped her pussy. “Hot and juicy just how I like it,” he said as he flipped her on her back and moved on top of her, bracing himself on his forearms.

She smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “Be serious,” she chided him.

“I’m dead fuckin’ serious. After I devour you and swallow down your cream, then I’ll take a pizza.”