Puck’s Property by Monique Moreau


Puck came out of the shower of his house, wrapped a towel around his waist, and grabbed another one to rub his hair dry. He’d stopped by his old place to clean up and destroy the clothes he wore when he beat up Dipshit. There was satisfaction in hurting that asswipe. Gratification and redress for the times he’d shoved Puck in the back when he transported him to and from the housing unit and Ava’s office, but especially for the crime of stalking her.

Looking around his simple bathroom devoid of the beauty products, soaps, and candles that dotted Ava’s bathroom, he found it empty. There came a time in a man’s life when he had to come to terms with certain things. Moving in with Ava was one of them. Learning about Dipshit had only added to his natural tendencies, and protectiveness surged in him afresh. It was time to put the place up for sale.

Sammi was installed in the loft of her billionaire prosecutor boyfriend. He’d converted half the place to store clothing and whatnot for her business. A light shudder coursed through Puck, thinking about Stanton. Wasn’t sure he’d ever like the guy. A little rough around the edges for a rich guy, but he was still the guy fucking his kid sister.

Funny, this place used to be a haven for him. He recalled the pride he felt the day he’d scraped together enough money for the down payment. Now he couldn’t stand being in the house alone for more than an hour. Done drying himself, Puck hung up the wet towels, padded into the bedroom, and threw on a pair of jeans. Anticipation of getting to Ava was riding him hard. It had gotten to the point that by the time the sun started to set, he got antsy to be at her side.

The roads were dry, the air crisp. It was still cold as fuck, but he could take her out for a short ride. After shooting her a text to be ready for him, Puck locked up the house and got on his bike.

He pulled up to the curb of her house and waited. Ava came out dressed in layers and a thick jacket. Hooking his arm around her waist, he pulled her in for a deep kiss.

“You okay?” she asked, searching his eyes.

“Now I am,” he replied, giving her a cocky smirk. Her gaze followed the upward movement of his lips, glancing over his nose and the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Leaning into him, she sighed against his lips before grazing them lightly.

He handed her a pair of leather gauntlets and a helmet. Slipping in behind him, she latched her hands around his stomach, and he pulled out. They rode outside of the city, over still country roads, the sun warming their backs. Crossing a bridge over the Hudson river, he drove onto a rocky crag overlooking a large span of water.

They walked to the outcrop, and Ava leaned over the rail. The sun was spread out over the horizon, leaving the sky layered with filaments of tangerine orange and gold. The wind whipped around them, flinging Ava’s hair across her cheeks. Puck leaned in, caught a few strands, and lifted them away from her stunning face. Pops of green slivers in her eyes stood out, her skin flushed pink, and her lips were a juicy cherry-red color.

“It’s done,” Puck said. “If he knows what’s good for him—and after today, I’m sure he does—you’ll never see his face again. Found out he was supplying Kingpin in jail and requested a transfer to follow him to Green Haven.”

“Damn,” she murmured.

“Dipshit’s absence will slow Kingpin down for a while. We’ll have to stay vigilant to keep him in check for as long as he’s behind bars.”

Ava’s hand drifted over Puck’s and squeezed. “Thank you. You didn’t have to help me, but you did it anyway.”

“’Course I did.”

“It relieves my guilt over Sasha,” she confessed.

“I see you, angel, and I’d do anything for you. Even without the sex, I would’ve done anything to get closer to you when I was in jail.” He leaned close to her. “Wanna know why?” he teased.

She batted her lashes at him coyly and purred, “Why?”

“’Cause I’m in love with you, Ava. You’re my old lady, and I want it all. I want my jacket on your back with big ole letters branding you as “Property of Puck,” I want the ring on your finger, and my baby in your belly.”

She threw her head back, and her laugh rang out across the expanse of space. “Okay, okay. It’s yours. You know I love you to death. I never got over you the first time around. And then, to top it off, I can’t seem to have an orgasm with anyone else, so…” she paused with a dramatic sigh, “I guess I’m stuck with you.”

“Oh, it’s my skills in bed that did it, huh?”

“Not only that,” she quipped, “but it definitely tips the scale when you get on my last nerve.”

Tangling their fingers together, his eyes turned serious. “I made an appointment with a therapist. Robert something or other.”

“I know Robert. He’s a good guy. You’ll get along with him.”

Puck slipped his hand away from hers and sauntered over to his bike. Opening the hard-shell pannier on the side, he pulled out a jacket. He heard her gasp behind him.


Twisting around, he shot a look over his shoulder and found her covering her gaping mouth.

Walking toward her at a languid pace, he held it up. “What do you think?”

“It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed.

She was right. It was. He’d had Hoodie, a brother with wicked design skills, make graphics for the back. It had the Demon Squad logo flanked by angel wings, and a bottom rocker etched with the words, “Property of Puck.”

Her hand slipped away. Tears glistened in her eyes, the orange sky backlighting her mahogany hair. Yanking it from his hand, she stripped off her coat and slipped the black leather biker jacket on. Stuffing her hands in the front pockets, she gently dragged one of her hands out and opened it. A little black velvet box was nestled in the palm of her hand.

“You didn’t,” she murmured, her head sweeping from side to side, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I did,” he confirmed with a grin. “Whatcha gonna do about it?”

Taking the box from her trembling hands, he flipped it open and turned it toward her. It was a solitaire, clear and brilliant, just like her. Glints of coral orange reflected off the diamond from the setting sun.

“Whatever you decide, you’ll have me forever. I’m not going anywhere. You make me a better man. Not perfect, never that,” he said, one corner of his lips tipping up sardonically. “You’ve always been in my corner, and if I can be a better man, I’ll try. For you.”

Tears dropping faster, she silently held out her hand. He grabbed her fingers, feeling the tremor in them, and slid the ring on. He lifted her hand to his lips and gently brushed her knuckles. Releasing her, he opened his arms, and she flew into them. He grasped her tightly against his chest, as tightly as he could, because he was never letting this woman go.

“It was worth it, you know?” she said, her tears wetting the side of his throat. “To be here with you makes the times apart almost worth it.”

“I’m a lucky bastard to have gotten a second and third chance,” he murmured. Gripping the back of her neck, he pulled her head back and dropped kisses along her cheek down to her chin. “There’s no getting away from me now. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, babe, and I love you, too,” she murmured against his lips.

His mouth slanted over hers in a bruising kiss.

A kiss expressing everything he felt for her.

A kiss that claimed her for what she was.

His property.

The End

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