Puck’s Property by Monique Moreau


“A flake?” Puck reared back at the insult. “I’ve never been a flake in my life. I stepped up and took care of Sammi. I’m a loyal member to my club. Hell, I just came out of the hole for weighing in on a fight to protect a brother.”

What in the ever-loving fuck was she talking about? He was one of the most stable men he knew. From a young age, too.

“Yeah, but you flaked out on me,” she shot back in a bitter tone. Her hands grasped the edge of her desk like she was holding herself back from lunging over the desk and throttling him. “How do you explain that? Was it that you weren’t in love with me?”

“You know that’s not true.”

“I know nothing of the kind. If you loved me and you’re not a flake, then how do you explain what you did to me? To us?”

Christ, what a mess. He wouldn’t have broken up with her so abruptly had he been able to read the future and find himself in the shithole he was squatting in now. At nineteen, he’d had much less finesse. Okay, maybe finesse wasn’t the right word to describe him on a good day, even now. He came in more like a wrecking ball, that much was true. Fuck his life, but the past was the past. No use in wishing it were any different.

One thing he’d learned is to fight for what he wanted. If he backed down any time a barrier was thrown in his path, he’d never have risen to become sergeant at arms of the Demon Squad MC. Being sergeant at arms was no walk in the park; his club wasn’t for pussies.

“I wasn’t a flake,” he replied patiently. “I was young, confused, and trying my best to deal with a difficult situation.”

Ava rubbed the center of her forehead. “Fine, you’re right. Whatever. It’s in the past. I don’t even know why I brought it up. Let’s get to the more relevant topic. Kingpin.” She lifted her eyes to his and pinned him in place. “What do you know? There’s always rumors flying around in this place. That’s part of life when you have five hundred men behind bars. What have you heard?”

This was a quick change in subject. In the wrong direction. She seemed to dismiss his side of their little bargain, but he’d play it her way. For now. After all, he was confident in the array of ways and means he had at his disposal.

Inhaling slowly to calm his temper, he took his time replying. “Haven’t heard anything. Haven’t been around long enough ’cause I got into that fight the day after I arrived, but now that I’m back, I’ll mix with the others. I’ve already proven myself, and I’m a biker. That means something in a place like this,” he concluded with a shrug.

He noticed her fingers had loosened their grip on the desk, and she was nodding encouragingly. Her eyes left his face, flittered around the room, and then returned. She swallowed. “This could be dangerous.”

He smirked. “You worried about me, all of a sudden?”

Flames ignited in her eyes. “Yes, I’m worried, you asshole. I’d be worried for anyone. It’s not personal.”

Oh, yeah? He’d make sure it got personal real soon. “Babe.” He leaned forward, and her lips pursed together in disapproval. His gaze wandered over her face, dropped to those lips pressed in a thin line, then farther down to her tits. He couldn’t see much, but his memory filled in the blanks. His eyes slowly dragged back up to meet hers.

Taking her chin, he tipped it up and asked, “Did you conveniently forget what I said about helping you out? You think I’d do this for free? Fuck, no.”

She pulled her chin away and mocked, “Oh, I heard. I chose to ignore it because your proposal’s ridiculous. You can’t be serious.”

“Dead. Fucking. Serious.” He dropped his voice, low and stern.

She raised her hands in supplication. “Puck, come on. Really? You can’t want me. You broke up with me. There’s no point in resurrecting the past.”

“We’re not resurrecting shit. I’m looking toward the future, and that future includes you. I’ve always wanted you, Ava. That’s never changed. You might have gotten away from me if we hadn’t crossed paths, but we did, and that changed everything. This is how it’s gonna be.” He reached over and took her chin again. Any excuse to touch her, he’d take. “Believe it. This is happening. We are happening.”

Her jaw dropped open a little, and he felt her warm, moist breath whisk over his fingers. Her lips were wet and kissable. The tip of her tongue peeked out of the corner of her mouth, and he bit back a moan.

She shook her head and then pulled away. Again. That shit had to stop, but he couldn’t deny enjoying the thrill of the chase. He hadn’t chased anyone before, not even her. They’d fallen into bed together the first night they met.

“I don’t think so,” she replied, a stubborn tilt to her chin. A challenge. God, that got his blood stirring, and his cock.

“C’mere,” he crooked his finger at her.

“What? No!” she protested.

“Come on. It won’t be so bad. You’ll see. Maybe you can pretend to forget what it was like between the two of us, but I haven’t forgotten a damn thing. Let me remind you. Might change your mind.”

Ava squeezed her eyes shut and gritted out between clenched teeth, “I don’t want my mind changed.”

“Ava,” He growled low. It was the tone he used on Sammi when she was being a pain in his ass. Never seemed to work on her, but Ava was a different creature altogether. She wanted him. It was obvious in the racing pulse at the base on her slim throat. The way her tongue had played peekaboo when he held her chin. The way her body tilted toward him ever so slightly as he spoke her name.

Then, she pushed away and folded her arms over her chest.

Avaaa,” he repeated, putting more warning into it. Her head whipped to the side in rebellion. “You gonna be naughty? Do you remember what happens to naughty girls?”

She inhaled sharply and froze. Oh, yeah, she remembered alright. Turned out her memory was as good as his. Hell, he still jerked off on occasion to the punishments he used to give her. Mounting her from behind as he grabbed a bright pink ass cheek. Her tight pussy shuddering around his cock as the flat of his hand rained down on her buttock.

“The longer you make me wait, the longer I’m gonna make you wait,” he taunted. “If you want me to find out about Kingpin, you’re gonna have to work with me here.”

She shoved her chair back with a screech and stood up. Shoulders squared, chin held high. “Fine, but you won’t make me come. I’m not going to have an orgasm with you. Do. Your. Worst. This is about Sasha’s killer for me. Not a thing more.”

Go ahead and tell yourself that, baby girl.

He patted his lap. “Here.”

She stomped over to him, her eyes flicking over to the door. He leaned over and jiggled the little lock on the doorknob of her office door. Couldn’t keep anyone out for real, but it would give them time to separate, should anyone try the door. Either way, Puck was keeping an ear out for anything that happened in the hallway. Turning in his chair, he stretched out his legs for her to come and stand between them. She practically vibrated with a mixture of emotions. Her eyes flashed, but he knew this woman inside out. It wasn’t simply anger and frustration swimming in her eyes. Unless one counted sexual frustration.

She wore a pair of slacks under the bulky wool sweater that engulfed her. Tapping his lap for her to sit, he waited as she shifted from foot to foot. Huffing out a curse, she plopped down on his hard thigh and almost bounced off. He grabbed her by the waist and settled her on his thigh. He was fit—of that there was no doubt. In solitary, he did so many crunches and sit-ups, he’d stopped counting after a thousand.

Even though she sat primly on the edge of his thigh, he felt the spread of her warm, plump backside. Taking a deep inhale, he breathed in the light fragrance of her herbal shampoo mingling with her unique vanilla-and-mango scent, and fucking salivated. Christ, he could fucking soak in that scent. It drowned out the odor of urine and unwashed bodies that had taken over his sense of smell since being in the hole.

The florescent lighting from the ceiling lamp was strong enough to bring out the auburn highlights of her long hair. His large hand raked through her tresses, and she gave a slight shudder. That’s it, baby. Let go. How many times had he picked up a woman with hair almost like hers, fucking them from behind while calling out her name? Yeah, he’d never forgotten her. She was tall, but being six foot three himself, and bulked up like he was, he dwarfed her slim frame.

His other hand landed on her thigh, which flexed underneath his hold. She’d always been an athletic little thing. Running marathons, stuff like that. He leaned in until his nose was in her throat and scented her like a damn dog. Tugging her turtleneck down, he nuzzled into the side of her neck, and his lips glided softly down the slim column of her throat.

His tongue flicked out for a quick taste. Fuuuck! She not only smelled like vanilla, but she damn-well tasted like it. Ironic, since she didn’t like to fuck vanilla. The contradiction only made her more enticing. This woman had been complex at twenty-one. He couldn’t begin to imagine the many layers to her now. He did know one thing, though: he’d be taking his time peeling them back, one by one. Revel in everything he did with her.

Ava’s body was motionless, but he felt the humming under his touch like a swarm of buzzing locusts on a hot midsummer’s night. He could almost hear her blood sing. Heat rose to the surface of her skin, flushing hot under his ministrations.

“Damn, baby, you taste so fucking sweet. I bet that lickable pussy is as tasty as ever. You slick for me yet?”

She didn’t answer. He bit down on the juncture where her throat met her shoulder, and she yelped. “Answer me,” he warned with a growl.

She shook her head, her bottom lip pulled inward and bitten by the top row of her teeth.

“Do I need to check myself?” he asked in a husky rasp. She didn’t answer. “Guess that’s a yes.”

Her legs were pressed tightly together, but his fingers caressed the seam of her thighs. “Open up for me, angel.” She tossed her head. His tone hardened in just the way she needed it. “Open up, or the deal is off.”

After a long moment, she relaxed her muscles. He grunted out his approval, not a moment’s regret for blackmailing her. Not when all the signs of her body were chanting yes, yes, yes. He was giving her incentive for what she wanted anyway. It was her heart she feared for. And he got that. She had every right to be fearful, and he knew that heart of hers was hidden away, regardless of how her body responded to him. Didn’t mean he was gonna stand down, though.

He knew this girl. She had a stubborn streak when she put her mind to something. Not everyone came out of rehab and ended up with a master’s degree. It happened, but not that often. If she didn’t want at least part of what he was offering—okay, demanding—she wouldn’t be spreading her thighs a tiny bit wider.

He couldn’t wait to taste that sweet pussy. Wasn’t gonna happen now, but fuck, did he want her bad. Releasing the top button of her brown slacks, his fingers caught the tab and pulled the zipper down. They slipped inside and underneath the elastic band of her panties and hit the warmest, wettest little slit he’d ever had the privilege of touching. Burying his face into the crook of her neck, he groaned out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

His index finger swiped at her entrance, and she squirmed, opening her thighs wider and pushing her tight cunt toward his finger. Damn, must have been a long while since she was last fucked right. The thought more than pleased him. Her hips began to move, and sweet little moans slipped out. Dropping her head back on his shoulder, she lifted her hips off his thigh and moved faster. Soon, her hot body writhed in the air, and her even hotter pussy ground against the heel of his palm as he inserted another finger, and then another.

Ring, ring, ring.

Ava’s head snapped up. She grabbed his hand and yanked it out of her pants. Staggering forward, she grabbed the receiver of her desk phone. “H-hello?” she stammered in a rush. Puck grinned at her shortness of breath.

Shoving at him with her other hand, she stumbled to her feet. Her eyes flew to her open zipper and then up to the wet fingers he sucked into his mouth. Her eyes bulged when he moaned out his appreciation for her taste. Yep, she tasted even better. He gave her a shrug. He wasn’t letting a drop of her go to waste. And fuck him because it turned out that her fragrance was stronger and muskier in his mouth. Damn. His tongue could live in her pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He might try that once he was out of this place and had her spread out in front of him like a feast, on a proper bed.

Frowning, she quickly moved to her side of her desk and answered, “Yes, this is she. Oh, yes, Ms. Cameron. I actually have Puck with me in my office at this very moment.” Her expression was pinched. Lips flattened; her eyes narrowed in on him. Was that jealousy? He almost burst out laughing. Sage was the president’s old lady. And pregnant, to boot. Even if none of that were true, Ava had nothing to worry about. He was quite enjoying her little fit. Proved she felt something for him, despite her serious misgivings.

“Yes, why don’t I have him returned to his unit, and I’ll give you a call back.” She grabbed a sticky pad and pen. “What’s the best number to reach you?” She scribbled down Sage’s number and responded to whatever Sage was saying with an “Mm-hmm. Very good. Speak to you soon.”

Ava hung up the phone, sagged into her chair, and scowled up at him. “She’s very concerned about you.”

“She’s my president’s old lady. Ava, it was never an issue of other women.”

Chewing her inner cheek, Ava drummed her fingers on the surface of her desk.

He lifted his chin and said, “Make sure you’re decent.”

Her eyes dropped to her crotch. Giving him a look that would maim a weaker man, she lifted her sweater and righted her slacks. “She can’t know about us. Or about Kingpin.”

“’Course not. I’m not a snitch.”

“Very honorable of you,” she snipped. “Too bad you had to go ruin it with a touch of blackmail.”

“Hey, it’s nothing more than a little incentive to push things along since I’m trapped in here.” He pointed to the door. “If I was free, I’d pursue you the normal way, but I’m an inmate in this fucking place. I have no rights. No power. I’ll damn well use whatever leverage I have to get what I want. Am I proud of it? Not particularly. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stay helpless in this shithole,” his features hardened, and he stared her down to make sure she understood that he wasn’t playing around, “or let you slip away. Twenty-four hours a day, I’m treated like a damn dog. Being inside this office with you is the only time I feel like a fucking human. A fucking man. Sue me if I want a taste of that honey of yours. It’s the closest thing to heaven in this place and I’m not giving it up. No way. No how.”

“God, Puck,” she breathed out, a stricken look on her face, but her cheeks flushed a nice pink. Yeah, he wasn’t in a pretty place in his life. He was wearing a prison-issued bright orange jumpsuit with the word INMATE stamped on his back, but he took comfort in his ability to arouse her. That was a good sign, at least.

Throwing up her arms, she huffed out, “Okay, fine. You win. Two sessions a week; that’s the most I can do. Don’t get greedy and ask for more. I’m jeopardizing my professionalism as it is, so don’t push your luck.”

His heated, hungry gaze skated down her shitty outfit, knowing exactly how good her supple flesh felt under his fingers. His fingers curled into fists. How good she tasted on his tongue. “I’m a greedy fucker when it comes to you, but it’ll do.”

“Since I work in addiction, I’ll tell them I think you’re using. Shouldn’t come as a surprise since 65 percent of inmates meet the medical criteria for having a substance-use disorder of one kind or another.You’ll have to attend your choice of either Alcoholic Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings to legitimize my theory. Satisfied?”

“Good enough,” he agreed.

Lifting the receiver of the phone to her ear, she requested a CO to come pick him up. After hanging up, she said, “Make sure you stay out of trouble. Do I need to see your friend as well? The one you got into a fight for”

“No,” he barked out then pulled back and inhaled smoothly. He wasn’t letting that pretty-lookin’ kid around his woman. Brother or not, Whistle’s eyes alone could charm the panties off almost any woman, and he hadn’t locked her down just yet. “He’s getting out soon, anyway. Which is for the best. He’s a brother, but he’s also a distraction.” Like you, but you’re the kind of distraction I want. “Then I can focus my energy on finding out more about Kingpin.” And focus on you.

There was brief knock, and the door opened to a CO. Officer Dipshit, again. Fuck, the man was constantly around Ava. Another bolt of jealousy speared through Puck. Here he had to blackmail his way back into Ava’s presence when this fucker could mosey into her office any damn time he wanted.

Standing up, he nodded once to Ava and held out his wrists for the cuffs. He focused on lifting his feet, one after the other, away from her. His muscles screamed in protest, but he had no choice. But, if he bided his time, he’d be pounding into her, bent over the desk, with her heart securely wrapped around his little finger. Hopefully, that CO didn’t get to her first.