Mafia Heir by L. Steele



When I walk into the conference room on the first floor of my home, I find Luca standing by the window. The sunshine streams in, bathing the entire space in a golden light. It’s November, but here near Palermo, the weather is a pleasant eighteen degrees. The same as it would be in Los Angeles, which is where I had attended university.

At eighteen, I had been the first to leave home to study. My father hadn't been in favor of it, but my Nonna had finally intervened. I wish I could say I was grateful to her for it, but the fact is, she had stood by all those years and watched as my father had systematically abused first my mother, then me.

By the time I had left home, the damage had been inflicted on my psyche. Not only had it toughened me up to survive in a new country, it had also woken up the darkness inside of me—one that had been drawn to being cruel, to exploiting other’s emotions, finding their weaknesses, plotting the downfall of those who dared cross me.

I never forget those who’ve hurt me… Never forgive those who’ve betrayed me… I always repay my debts. In full. That’s one thing my background had taught me. It’s these lessons I took with me when I went to Los Angeles… And I returned, clearer than ever on what I had to do. I would take revenge on my father for what he’d done. I’d bide my time, until I had the opportunity for retribution. Until then, I’d use the lessons he’d taught me to consolidate my influence within Cosa Nostra.

Sebastian, my half-brother, who is also my enforcer, pushes away from the wall. "Mika" he rumbles as he cracks his knuckles, "not like you to be late to your own meeting."

"Not like you to be on time, Seb," I retort. "What happened, you didn't get laid last night then?"

"Did you get pussy for the first time in months…or is it years?"

"None of your bloody business." I look him up and down, "We both know who the women prefer… And it’s not only because I am Capo."

"You’re uglier than me, that’s for sure." He smirks. "Don’t you know? The dark Mafia looks are no longer in vogue. You need to learn to look less like you stepped out of a gangster flick, and more like—"

"A successful businessman?" I take in his camel-colored suit, the blue tie that catches the flicks of ice in his eyes, his dark blonde hair combed back from his face and gelled just right. With his movie-star good looks, he resembles Brad Pitt in his heyday. And it's true that not only women, but people in general, gravitate toward him.

It’s also why he’s my enforcer. He can get the work done, not by use of fists, but by words…and his wits—a smarter way of getting people to comply, without attracting too much attention. It’s one way to function under the radar, and go about our business without constantly drawing attention to our activities. By working under the radar, my team and I aim to lull our opponents into complacency. Which means, on the occasions when I do use violence, it’s even more impactful.

"You said it," Seb bares his teeth,."Don’t everyone rush to emulate me." He smirks as he glances around the room. Massimo, my brother who is next in line after Luca, is dressed in a dark suit and tie. So are Christian and Alessandro, my youngest brothers.

Luca walks over to drop into the chair nearest the door, where Antonio, my bodyguard…and the only member of my inner circle who isn’t family, stands to attention.

"Are we doing this, Mika?" He tips back his chair so it’s poised on its hind legs, "I need to leave in the next hour or I'll be late for a business meeting."

"Is that an euphemism for a hot date?" Christian drawls. "Or wait... Let me guess," he pretends to think, "maybe you simply have a date with your hand?"

Luca barks out a laugh, "There you go, talking like a teenager, which, oh, wait..." He snaps his fingers. "Makes sense, since you were one, not too long ago."

"We are grown men in our thirties," Christian retorts, "though Xander here looks much younger than his years, I’ll give you that."

"And I am younger than you, how?" Xander scowls at him. "Considering we are twins…"

"And you are younger than me by two minutes."

"Which means nothing."

"Which still means that you are the youngest in this group."

"Like any of you’ll ever let me forget that." Xander drums his fingers on his chest. "Surely, that joke is old by now."

"Nope." Christian smirks, "It’s only as old as you are."

"Which means it’s as old as you," Xander shoots back, "and—"

"Enough," I say in a mild voice, "you two done with your childishness, yet?" I tilt my head. "Bad enough, Alessandro, here, insists he call himself by his American nickname."

Xander winces, "Bad enough, keep reminding me of that, fratello."

I arch an eyebrow, and Christian mimes zipping his lips. Xander merely raises a shoulder. The good thing about being a father figure to your youngest siblings is that they respect you. The bad thing is that you treat them with enough indulgence that they get away with almost anything. Not that the two would ever take advantage of my lenience. Not that I extend that specific brand of leniency to anyone else.

"So," I turn to Luca, "any further news on the guns deal?"

"We’ve cracked down on the Russians who were targeting our ships, found the leader of the gang responsible for it, and have cut a deal with him."

"Good," I say at the same time that Sebastian growls. I turn to him, "Something you want to tell me, Seb?"

"When will we stop pussyfooting around with our enemies and show them that they can’t take us for granted?"

"Violence is not the only way to make a point." I fold my hands over the back of the chair at the head of the table. "You should know that better than anyone else, considering you have made a career out of it."

"It’s because I have made a career out of knowing when not to use my fists that I am pointing out to you that the Russians shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. You negotiating a deal with them will only embolden them to come at our shipments again."

"And if they do, they know I won’t warn them again."

"So why waste time? Why not attack them and show them, once and for all, who’s the boss here?"

"I am," I prowl over to stand at the head of the table, "the boss here." I lean forward on the balls of my feet, "And you’d do well not to question my authority again."

Seb raises his hands, "Take it easy, brother." He smirks, "No need to go all Godfather on me."

I scowl at him, "Wish you’d take things a bit more seriously."

"Wish you’d take things a lot less intensely."

"Intensity is my middle name. It’s my job to see the worst in a situation."

"Whoa, do you need a woman to bring out your lighter side, or what?" He smirks.

"Speak for yourself, brother." I crack my neck. "Moving on," I glance toward Luca, "what’s the latest on the mole? Have we found out who’s been spying on us and passing information to the Seven, yet?"

The Seven are amongst the richest, most powerful men in England. They were also the men that my father had kidnapped and held for ransom when they were very young. One of my father's informants had ratted out the details to the cops in exchange for being allowed to leave the country anonymously. The man had never been found, but the Seven have never let up in their vendetta for revenge. So far, they have not been able to confirm who was behind the kidnapping either... That is, until someone on my team started sharing our secrets with them.

"You’re not going to like it," Luca warns.

"Don’t let that stop you." I raise a shoulder. "I assume that means we have a suspect?"

"One of the accountants on my team, as it turns out." Christian elaborates, "He was caught trying smuggle data from the London office."

"The systems there are virtually impenetrable." I tighten my fingers on the chair.

"Nothing is impenetrable. You should know that," Luca reminds me. "Anyway, we brought him here."

I straighten. "He’s here?"

"In the usual place." Luca frowns. "I took the opportunity to work him over."

"Of course, you did."

Luca shifts in his seat. "He’s refusing to give anything up."

"Ah," I crack my neck, "clearly, you weren’t persuasive enough."

"Why don’t you have at it?" He scowls.