Merciless Union by Faith Summers



“Is she hurt?” a man asks when Lucca and I get to the side of the road.

I’m aware Lucca is carrying me, but I’m so drained I’m not sure I would be able to walk on my own. I allowed all that strength that pushed me toward survival to empty from my body when I saw him. Now the truth of how I feel is showing itself.

“Her head is. It must have happened when the car crashed,” Lucca replies.

I turn my head and look at the man properly. I recognize him from the wedding. He was one of Lucca’s guests.

“The doctor is already at my house. It will be safer to go there while we secure your place.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, and both men look at me.

I feel so weak, but the least I can do is offer my thanks.

“Aria, this is my friend Aiden Romanov. He’s the Pakhan of the Voirik Brotherhood. We are safe under his protection.”

Pakhan? I want to straighten up, but my body won’t allow it.

In comparison to Grigori, Aiden looks so young to have such a role. But the experience is in his crystal blue eyes.

“Thank you for coming to get me.” I didn’t even realize tears were running down my cheeks until the icy night air whispered over my skin.

Aiden dips his head for a respectful nod I wasn’t expecting. Then returns his focus to Lucca for what looks like a more serious conversation.

“Raphael got away, Lucca.”

“Shit,” Lucca hisses.

“Did anybody see him?”

“No. He was gone from the car he was in and one of the other cars too. I think they managed to get away from us in the blast.”

“Bodega bay,” I mutter cutting in. “That’s where we were going. Bodega Bay to see my uncle Marico. He was going to accompany me to Campania.”

“Right, let’s see if we can follow him,” Aiden says.

“Give me a minute. I’m going with you,” Lucca tells him.

I look back at Lucca, wishing he wouldn’t leave me.

He carries me to a truck and puts me in the back, securing his jacket over me. It covers my upper body and the tops of my thighs. I watch him moving around, and I can’t believe this is a man who was shot a little over two weeks ago. More importantly, I can’t believe it’s him.

A man who looks similar to Aiden comes up to us.

“Aria, this is Maksim, Aiden’s cousin. He’s going to take you back to Aiden’s place. I’ll be with you as soon as possible.”

I lean forward and touch his face. “Please don’t go. I just found you. What if you don’t come back?”

I’ve never shown him so much emotion. “I will. I promise you I will.”

He places a quick kiss on my lips, and it feels like coming home.

“Be careful.”

Lucca nods and joins Aiden, who waits with five men by the roadside. I watch as they all get on motorcycles and ride away.

Maksim closes the door and gets into the truck.

I stare ahead, though, in the empty spaces where the bikes were.

Will they get to my father?

I hope they do.

* * *

I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I woke up when I heard voices.

I straighten up and realize Maksim is speaking into the intercom attached to a mammoth-sized silver gate.

When it opens, we drive in.

I must have been down for hours, but I still feel exhausted. It took a little over six hours to get to San Francisco when I was with Dad earlier, and I’m assuming it might have taken the same amount of time to get back to L.A.—if that’s where we are.

As my thoughts become clearer, I think of all the things I need to tell Lucca.

What crosses my mind first is Marylin.

I should have asked Lucca if she made it when I was with him.

As soon as we park on the drive, the door to the house opens, and a beautiful blonde woman comes out with a blanket. I recognize her from the wedding too. She was with Aiden.

“I’ll take care of her from here,” she says to Maksim, who nods.

“Is the baby awake?” Maksim asks with a smirk.

“Of course he is.”

“I’ll watch him.”

“Thanks, Uncle Maksim,” she says teasingly.

I notice her ease in talking to him and the kindness in her eyes when she looks back at me.

“Hi, I’m Olivia Romanov, Aiden’s wife.” She smiles.

“I’m Aria De Mar…” I stop myself because I’m not Aria de Marchi anymore. “Aria Dyshekov.”

That’s the first time I’ve ever introduced myself as such, and I’m surprised at how not weird the name feels.

“Come, you’ll be okay here. Can you walk?”



I get out of the truck on shaky legs but manage to stabilize myself. Olivia wraps the blanket around my shoulders and helps me walk into her home.

I notice guards carrying machine guns at the side of the house. The place feels as guarded as Grigori’s did.

She takes me to a living room, where a doctor takes over and checks me out. I get a bandage for my head and some painkillers.

When that’s done, Olivia gives me some clothes to wear. It’s a long-sleeved t-shirt and yoga pants which fits perfectly since we seem to be similar sizes.

Carrying a tray of chocolate chip cookies and milk, she then leads me to a beautifully decorated room with an opened window I stare at. It’s so good to see a window that’s open—one without bars on the outside.

“I can close it if you want,” Olivia offers. “It’s chilly tonight.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m not cold. I just like looking outside. It’s been a while since I was in a room that I could … do that in.”

“I’m sorry. I get it, though. I’ve been in situations where I’ve felt trapped.” She gives me an understanding smile, and I wonder what it must be like to be the wife of a Pakhan. And they have a baby. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No, I’ll just sit here and wait for Lucca.”

“You should probably get some sleep. It’s three in the morning.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think I could bear to sleep not knowing where he is and if he’s okay.”

I’m surprised by the little chuckle that falls from her lips. “Aria, I understand why you’re saying that, given what’s happened over the last few weeks. But you’re going to lose a lot of sleep from worrying if your husband is okay if you make that a habit.”

It sounds like she’s had enough practice.

“I’m sorry, I must sound so lame.”

“No. I do understand. Let me sit with you until he either gets back or you fall asleep. That’s if you want the company. I won’t be offended if you want to be alone. I heard it was a rough night.”

“I do want the company, but what about the baby?”

She smiles again. “I won’t rob Maksim the pleasure of playing uncle. He likes babysitting, although he’ll never tell you that. I figured he liked living vicariously through Aiden and me because he secretly wants his own family, so we allow him to have his time.”

“That sounds nice.” I smile and realize that’s the first time I’ve smiled in weeks. It feels so weird my facial muscles strain from the effort.

Olivia sets the tray down on the nightstand and motions for me to sit on the bed, so I do.

She sits in front of me. “It’s easier to have someone to talk to. The time passes quicker. Some nights I’m so busy with the baby the time flies, but before, it was harder.”

“How old is the baby?”

“Nearly a year old, so basically a toddler. He just doesn’t sleep, though. He never slept through the night. His name is Elmiere. We also have another little boy, called Aleksei, who would probably have my head for calling him little. He’s nearly twelve but likes to think he’s already a teenager.”

“Wow, you don’t look old enough to have a nearly twelve-year-old and a baby.”

“Thank you. Aleksei is from Aiden’s first marriage, but I’m twenty-seven, so I guess I could have had both. They’re both mine either way.”

“Of course.”

“How are you feeling?” she adds.

I shake my head. “Awful. Just awful. I thought Lucca was dead, and then I was taken to the most horrible man who…” I want to scream when I think of Pasha.

Olivia reaches out her hands to cover mine. “Your safe here, Aria. Lucca will be here soon, and he’s alive.” She picks up the plate of cookies and sets it down. “This is a recipe from my mom. It works wonders. She opened a bakery a few years back.”


“Oh yes.”

She starts regaling me with stories about her mother and brother, Eric, who works for Aiden. Before I know it, it’s bright outside.

A knock sounds on the door. When she opens it, and I see Lucca standing there, relief washes over me.

I know from the slight hardness in his face that he didn’t catch Dad. I feel like he’d look more at ease if he did.

“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Olivia says.

“Thanks for sitting with me,” I reply.

Lucca dips his head respectfully as she leaves us. When he looks back at me, I slip off the bed and go over to him.

He takes my hands into his and brings both up to his lips to kiss.

“I didn’t get him. We couldn’t track him. I’m so sorry,” he mutters.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“There is Aria. I’m sorry for everything, and most of all, I’m sorry for the way I treated you when we last spoke.”

“It’s okay.”

“It’s not and I’m ashamed of the way I behaved.” He fixes his silver gaze to mine. I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I don’t want you thinking I blame you for what your father did. I don’t. His sins don’t define us.”

“How can you look at me the same knowing it was my father who killed your family?”

That’s what worried me. That’s the part I didn’t think we could get past if we ever had a chance.

“When I look at you, I see you, not him. He will answer for what he did. That doesn’t mean you need to.”

I take in his words and hold on to them. I’m need to remember those words at some point in the near future because there’s more to the story of us I need to ask that I don’t have strength for.

I want to know if what Dad said about Lucca wanting to kill me is true. Deep down I know it is, but I can’t fall apart again tonight when I have so much to tell him.

“Thank you.”

“There’s no need to thank me.” He cups my face, which is probably covered in bruises and looks me over. “These bruises didn’t come from a car crash. Your father hurt you.”

“He did, in more ways than one. I have a lot to tell you, Lucca. We should talk about that. It’s more important. Before we do please tell me Marylin made it.”

The shadow that crosses his face already tells me the answer is going to be bad.

“She’s still in hospital, but she’s fighting.”

I cover my mouth and wipe away tears. “Can I see her?”

“Not just yet. It’s not safe right now, but I’ll let you know when we can go.”

In my mind, all I see is Jon shooting Marylin. I remember his cruelty in doing so. It was so awful.

“Lucca, Jon is working for Pasha,” I begin. That is the most important thing he should know.

His eyes widen and his brown hair disappears into his hairline. “Fucking hell. What? Pasha?”

“Yes. Pasha said Jon was a spy, and he was always working for him. Always making sure you didn’t come across any of his secrets. My father just got lucky, and it seemed like he helped him get me back because they thought they killed you.”

“Those bastards.”

“There’s more. So much more that shocked me to no end.” I blow out a haggard breath. “Lucca, my father killed my mother. He ordered someone to shoot her. She didn’t die in a fire.”

“What? Your father?”

“I remembered what happened. They were arguing about the company because she transferred it to me. But she did it for a reason. My father and Pasha were talking about some big secret they wanted hidden. My father said that was why my mother died. She found out what their secrets were.”

“Tell me everything.”