Merciless Union by Faith Summers



As we open the door to Marylin’s room, she turns her head to face us.

The impact of the sight feels like someone just lifted a fifty-ton truck off my shoulders.

I can see it’s the same for Lucca, and we both rush to her side.

Marylin looks so weak, and the doctors said she’s not out of the woods yet, but the fact she’s awake is a lot.

“Lucca and Aria,” she says in a hushed tone.

Since I didn’t expect her to be able to talk, I feel even more hopeful that she’ll pull through.

I smile at her while Lucca takes her hand that isn’t attached to tubes.

The monitors checking her vitals have a steady rhythm—another good sign.

We were told we could have five minutes. I wish it could be longer, and I find

myself longing for the days we used to spend talking about the books we loved.

“I’m so sorry, Marylin,” Lucca apologizes.

“No, no need to apologize. It’s not your fault, Lucca. I’ll be out of here soon and back on my feet.”

“I don’t want you to ever be in danger like that again.”

It’s amazing. He doesn’t seem like the dark foreboding man he normally is around her. As I look at the two, I quickly note that this is one of the few times I’ve seen them together. Before, it was never long enough for me to establish the type of relationship they have. I assumed they spoke all the time, just not around me.

Seeing them together now lends to my theory that Marylin treats Lucca more like a son than her boss. But now I see that’s probably because he treats her like a mother.

I guess he would for the length of time that he’s known her.

Another weak smile paints her lips. “I promised your mother I’d take care of you, and I’m going to do just that. I’ll be back soon to look after you and your wife.”

She glances at me and moves her fingers on the hand attached to the tubes.

Lucca releases her free hand so I can hold it, and she gives me the same adoring smile.

“You’re safe, Aria. I’m so glad you're safe. Both of you. I feared the worse had happened.” She looks from me to Lucca. “What happened to Jon?”

“I dealt with him.”

She closes her eyes, and a pained expression replaces the smile. “I was so shocked that he could do something like that. All the time I was asleep, I kept seeing what he did and wishing it wasn’t true. What happened, Lucca? Why did he do it?”

“We won’t talk about that now. But I promise I’ll tell you everything once you get out. Things are a bit dangerous at the moment, too, so we have to lay low. It might be a few days before you next see us. But you’re safe here, and we’re safe. Okay?”

“Okay. Please be careful. You have a wife to look after now, Lucca. Please be careful.”

“Ya obeshchayu mame,” Lucca replies in Russian, dipping his head for a respectful bow.

Other than calling me Printsessa, I haven’t heard him speaking Russian much in the last few weeks.

I don’t know what he said, but it brings tears to Marylin’s eyes.

“Ty luchshiy syn,” she says and flicks her gaze to me. “Be strong, Aria. I will see you again soon.”

“You too, Marylin.”

As soon as I speak, the door opens, and the nurse pokes her head in, heralding our time is up.

“I’ll call every day to check on you,” Lucca promises Marylin. “If you need anything, let the doctors know, and I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.”

Lucca reaches for my hand, and I take it. We haven’t held hands in so long it feels odd to have the warmth of his swallow mine.

As we leave, I glance back at Marylin and find her looking at me. She nods her head, and I do the same.

It’s strange that I would feel like I could tell her my secret with ease. Maybe it’s because there aren’t many people in my life I feel I could trust.

Right now, the only person I’ve trusted with my secrets is Dr. Belmont.

Lucca doesn’t let go of my hand. He holds it the entire walk back to the car, and I notice him checking the place.

When we get to the car, he opens the door for me to get in and checks again before he slides into the driver's seat.

He seems satisfied that no danger is around and drives out at a normal pace. We’re in the car we drove in after the wedding. The one I liked the most.

“Are you okay?” he asks when we get onto the road.

“Yeah. It’s just weird seeing her like that, but I’m glad she’s awake.”

“Yes. You seem nearly as fond of her as I am.” He notes, quickly glancing at me.

“I am. We had so much in common, and she took care of me.”

“That’s Marylin.” He nods proudly.

“What did you say to her in Russian?”

A smile dips the corners of his lips. “I promised I would be careful. But I called her mother. That’s what she’s been to me since mine died.”

“That’s beautiful.”

“I’m sorry I keep forgetting you don’t speak Russian. I will teach you when we get out of this mess.” He holds my gaze like that’s a promise too.

We both know what I’ve chosen once we get out of this mess, and we both know that choice is wavering by the minute, hanging on a thread.

He wouldn’t like to know how much harder that choice has become. Or worst-case scenario, he might decide he doesn’t want me anymore.

In which case, I don’t know which of those evils would break me more.

“I’m close to finding out what this big secret is, Aria,” he says, returning his focus to the road.


“Yeah. I’m just waiting for a location, and hopefully, I’ll be able to get what I need from here. That’s the last piece of the puzzle.”

“Will you tell me what it is when you find out?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. Are you going to come back to the house?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll do some work at home. I had an idea, first, though.”

“What idea?”

“You’ll see.” A smile brightens his face, and he’s different from what he was like earlier.