Bloody Union by Brooke Summers



I hearmovement in front of me and I glance up at Stefan. I bite back my smile. He’s got a white bandage over his nose, green and blue bruises mar his skin under his eyes. He glances at my wife and the respect shines through. It wasn’t always like that, but Makenna being Makenna wouldn’t and doesn’t tolerate any bullshit. When I introduced her to my men and informed them that not only am I the Boss, but she is now as well, there was a hell of a lot of hostility.

Thankfully, Makenna had the foresight to show the men just how capable she was at running the show and we had set up a boxing ring in the middle of the fucking club. Six men went in against her, including Stefan and my best fighter, Danilo. My men were shocked to say the least. When she said she wanted to fight them, they laughed at her. But Christian thinking that he’s the shit, climbed into the ring and started throwing jabs. I chuckled when Makenna threw a haymaker and knocked the fucker out. With each man that went into the ring the rest of the men’s respect started to grow. When she had Stefan hitting the canvas, I knew that the men would respect her as the Boss.

When Danilo stepped into the ring, I tensed. He’s an animal when he gets into the ring, but he’s the best. He started off slow and Makenna dodged every punch he threw. Then he turned up the heat and my wife didn’t falter; she took a couple of punches but she gave him back as good as she got. In the end I called a stop to it, it was either that or go into the ring myself and tear Danilo apart for making my wife’s lip bleed.

“Boss…” Stefan says and I nod for him to continue. “We have to leave in the next fifteen minutes. I’ve tried calling the other Boss but no answer.”

I bite back my curse, Makenna is pissed at me. Since we’ve taken over as head of the Italian Mafia, we’ve had a close team around us. It’s what happens to all Bosses but Makenna pitched a fit. She’s never had a team and she doesn’t want one. It’s been a fucking week and we’re still arguing over it. Thankfully, the sex is off the charts and making love to my wife is a favorite pastime of mine. The angrier she is, the better the sex.

“Are you and Alex packed?” To appease Makenna, we’ve mixed the Italians and the Irish as part of our team. She still hates it.

“Yes, Boss, our luggage is in the car and we’re waiting for the Boss’ luggage.”

I get to my feet and sigh, if they’re waiting for her luggage then she’s not finished packing yet. “We’ll be ready in ten,” I tell him and head toward the bedroom.

When I walk into the room, I don’t see her, though there’s a light coming from the en-suite bathroom and the doors slightly ajar. “Kenna?” I question and I’m met by silence. I frown when I push the door open wider and see her sitting on the toilet staring at something in her hands. “Baby?” I ask softly and she turns to face me. I’ve always known my wife is gorgeous, and I know that she rarely shows her emotions. But seeing the sheer emotion in her eyes makes my knees go weak. She’s stunning.

She licks her lips as she glances down at her hands again. “I called Kinsley,” she tells me and I listen, not wanting to interrupt, I’m fucking anxious not knowing what’s going on. “I needed my girl. I needed her to let me know that it’s going to be okay.” Her voice is soft and gentle, and I know how hard it is for her to admit that she needed help.

“Baby, talk to me, what’s going on?” I beg as I get on my haunches beside her.

“We’ve spoken about it. We both knew it was a possibility, but I wasn’t sure I was ready. We’ve only known each other just over a month. I thought it was too soon, but I guess it’s not.”

I’m confused, “You’re going to have to spell it out to me, babe, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She smiles and my breath leaves me in a whoosh. God, I’m a lucky son-of-a-bitch to have her in my life. She raises her hand and shows me what she’s been looking at. “Kins has said that if we don’t have her as Godmother she’s disowning us both.”

My throat constricts as I stare at the white stick in her hand, the two pink lines so bright, so easy to see. “Fuck,” I whisper and she laughs. “You’re having my baby?”

She nods. “Yes, I’m having your baby.”

I close my eyes and sit down on the floor beside her quickly pulling her into my lap. “Love you,” I tell her, needing her to hear my words.

She wraps her arms around me. “I’ll stop arguing about having the team with us,” she whispers. “But I don’t want anyone to know, Dante. We’re known now, the two of us as being the Boss. Taking me out while I’m pregnant would be our enemies best bet. It’s not going to happen. So no-one can know.”

I agree. “We’ll work it out,” I assure her, we’ll make it work. “We’ve got to go, babe.”

She nods against my shoulder. “Thank God, there’s a bedroom on the plane.” She kisses my lips and I stand with her in my arms.

“You’re insatiable.”

She giggles, “Like you’d ever complain.”

I’m a man, of course I wouldn’t. I’m addicted to her and there’s no way I’d ever go without her. “Where’s your luggage?”

She scrunches up her nose, “It’s behind the door in our bedroom.”

Ah that’s why I didn’t see it. “Okay, grab your purse and whatever else you need. I’ve got the luggage.” I stand up, pulling Kenna to her feet and hold her body flush against mine. As always my cock strains against my zipper. I give her a long and hard kiss, my tongue sweeping into her mouth and dominates it.

She grins when I pull away. “You’re happy.” It’s a statement but I still nod, “Good, so am I. It’s going to be an adjustment but we’re more than capable.”

“Fuck yeah,” I reply and she laughs as she pulls out of my arms and drags me into our bedroom. “Time to go.” We’re flying out for Danny’s wedding and Makenna’s looking forward to seeing her family again.

“Danny’s stressed. He and Melissa are non-stop arguing. I think they actually hate each other.” She tells me as we walk down stairs.

“Does her family know she’s pregnant yet?” How the hell they’ve managed to keep it a secret from them is beyond me.

“No, from what I’ve gathered, not all is as it seems with Melissa.”

I grin, “Oh you mean just as it was with you when I married you?”

She glares at me. “I don’t see you complaining. You love me when I let my psychotic side out.”

That I fucking do.

“Maybe Danny will get lucky?” She shrugs. “She seems like a sweet girl,” she says as she hits the bottom step and turns to face me.

“Time will tell babe. Not everyone is going to be like us.”

Her face softens as she bites her lip. “Yeah.”

* * *

“Congrats, man,”I say to Danny as I watch his bride talk to her father. There’s something weird about the dynamics for that family.

“Thanks. I didn’t think it would happen after this morning.”

I frown, Makenna never said anything. “What happened this morning?”

He sighs, scrubbing his hand down his face. “Her family found out that she’s pregnant and were furious. Her father and brothers more so than anyone else. But Da talked to her father and seemed to smooth things over. But the entire time, Melissa sat there staring at the fucking wall. It’s weird. I don’t know what the hell is going on with them but it’s not sitting right with me.”

“You mean the way that the women treat her?”

He nods, “Yeah, they don’t even acknowledge her. It’s fucked up, and she rarely talks to me. I don’t know what to do. How the fuck did you get Makenna to talk to you?”

I laugh, “Do you really believe that anyone can make her do anything she doesn’t want to?”

He sighs, “You’re right.”

“Just keep trying, you’re married now. Show her that you at least want to try and, Danny, keep your dick in your pants.”

He gives me the finger as he turns on his heel and goes to claim his wife who looks as bored as I feel.

Hands wrap around my stomach and I capture them. “Trying to sneak up on me, babe?”

She shakes her head. “No, but I overheard what you and Danny were talking about.”

“You know what’s up with that family?” She nods and I glare at her waiting for her to spill the beans.

“We’re not telling Danny because, well, it’s his wife and he should find out himself or let her tell him. She lived with her mom until she was fourteen when she went to live with her dad and his family. I’m not sure what happened for her to move in with them, but it must have been bad seeing as Tanya Harding hates her husband’s daughter and treats her like shit. I’ve come close to slapping the bitch for the way she puts Melissa down.”

Fucking hell. “Danny’s got his work cut out for him.”

She nods, “That he does. Thank God we didn’t have any bullshit drama.”

I chuckle, “We deal with it by killing people who bring the drama.”

She grins wide. “Damn straight.”

I pull her into my arms and move her toward the dance floor, and we sway to the music. “We never got to do this at our wedding,” she says and I realize that she’s right.

“I’m sorry.” Fuck, I feel like an ass for not even knowing that.

She smiles brightly, “Don’t be, our wedding was a hell of a lot more fun than this is.”

I capture her lips and kiss her as the music continues to play.

“God, is it too early to leave?” she asks as she glances around.

“Probably, but we’ll make a reappearance later,” I mutter but pull her out of the ballroom and toward the stairs, grateful that we booked into this hotel for the night. We make it to the elevator and the doors slide open. I pin her against the wall of the elevator and watch as her chest rises and falls rapidly. Her legs brushing together with need and her pupils are dilated. The elevator dings and I pull her with me and move toward our room.

She pouts as I unlock our door. “My wife has needs and I’m going to see to them.”

She waltzes into the room and turns to face me. “Actually,” she begins, pulling me inside and closing the door behind me, “it’s your needs that I want to see to.” She falls to her knees and reaches for my belt buckle.

My cock is encased by her warm wet mouth as she sucks me dry.

“Fuck. Kenna,” I grind out, my control gone as my orgasm starts to surface. “Baby, I’m going to come.” That doesn’t stop her, she sucks harder and faster until I’m unloading into her mouth. My orgasm so intense that my vision blurs.

When I’m able to function again, I lift her into my arms and walk her to the bed. I lie her down lifting her dress to her hips, I’m surprised that she has no underwear on and in one swift movement I thrust deep inside of her. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making love to you. Fuck. I love you.”

She moans, “I love you too. Now fuck me,” she demands and I can’t help but chuckle.

“As you wish, my queen.”