Pit Stop by Joanne Ganci


Hats off to you, my patient readers. I know y’all have been waiting for Parker’s story for a hot minute. I hope Pit Stop was worth the wait in the end. I know It’s no secret that Parker is one of my favorite characters. I’m so glad his happily ever after is finally out in the world.

This story was over a year in the making and it was such an interesting experience. My writing has drastically improved in that year. So I’m sure you can imagine the editing process was a little wonky. The beginning of this book was an absolute mess, y’all. The quality of writing changed and I took such a long break from the story, I forgot so many details. Which of course meant it had to be read and re-read by many eyes to make sure everything was on the same level. But I feel pretty confident in where it all ended up, right in your hands. That’s always the goal. I write these stories for you guys as much as the imaginary people in my head.

Now I bet you’re wondering what’s next for Midland, unless of course you already know… I’ll tell you anyway. We’re taking an interesting turn into a pairing that I haven’t done in a full novel. Menage. A FFM menage. Mary Louise Montgomery gets her guy and gal in Coffee Queen. I’ve already started their story and oh the sweetness! I can’t wait to write the end and get it to y’all!

Hm, this is called the acknowledgements section, I should probably do some more of that.

Let’s start off my number one! Big Daddy always gets the most credit. He keeps me sane and happy through all the madness. Plus, let’s be honest, he puts up with my bullshit so the least I could do is write a nice little paragraph about how awesome he is for everyone to see. Love you, babe.

My team of super nerds. The alpha, the beta, and the in between. You guys are the best and I couldn’t do all that I do without you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

My bitches. I would be lost without you, real talk. I never expected to make true friends when I started this and I definitely lucked out with you crazy motherfuckers.

Cassie, thanks for being my favorite bitch. It’s official now, written in ink and everything.

I want to throw out an extra thank you to every single person that has read, shared, reviewed, and/or considered my books. Y’all make my world go round.

Keep it real, (book) nerds.

<3 Jo