Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Nine

Kendrick moved off of Moriah and kissed his way down her stomach until he reached her mons then removed himself from the bed. He went into his bathroom, retrieved a washcloth, rinsed it under warm water and added a touch of soup then returned to the bedroom.

As carefully as he could, he wiped the blood staining her inner thighs as well as the cum coating her pussy. Fuck, she was beautiful. Beautiful and all his.

He threw the washrag in a trash then held out his arms to help her up. She placed her hands in his, and he lifted her up to her knees and drew her to his chest. “To the shower again.” Placing his hands under her ass, he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his hips.

This time around, the shower was a more practical affair. He finished quickly, soaped her up then left her to enjoy the water while he dressed.

By the time she exited the bathroom in a fluffy towel, the fashion designer had come and gone, and Kendrick had lain out three outfits on the bed for her to choose from, including appropriate shoes and undergarments. He’d put some more casual garments in the closet since he wanted her to choose from these, his favorites of the delivery. It didn’t take much imagination to realized he’d really like wrapping Moriah in the best of everything, be it clothes, jewelry or his arms.

“What’s this?” she asked with a smile.

“Clothes for you. I’d like to take you to lunch and maybe out for the afternoon.”

Moriah perused the outfits. “I love this cute black dress with the nude sandals, but…there’s no underwear for it here. Or strapless bra.”

Kendrick smirked. “According to the designer, this dress is meant to be worn without a bra or panties. I think you made a good choice,” he added and gathered up the other outfits. “You’ll make that dress look amazing.”

“Wait,” she called softly has he took the remaining clothing to his closet. “I didn’t pick yet.”

“You did,” he assured her. “You said you loved it.”

“I did before I found out there were no undergarments for it.”

“That’s not a reason not to love it and wear it. You don’t need the bra and panties.”

With a grimace or frustration, she dropped the towel then slid the dress on and wandered over to a mirror. “Oh Lord, my nipples are peeking out through the fabric. I can’t wear this.”

“You can, and you will,” he declared. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her torso. He put his head on her bare shoulder. “You look beautiful.”

She blushed and lowered her gaze. “Fine. I’ll wear it for you.”

“Thank you,” he murmured then turned her around.

“Goodness, no underwear… Let’s just hope I don’t spot or anything.”

It hadn’t occurred to him she might need the barrier of underwear because of their lovemaking. “If you really want, you can wear one of the other outfits. I want you to be comfortable.”

“It’s fine,” she sighed. She placed her arms around his neck and leaned into him, inviting him for a kiss. And yes, he felt her nipples through the material. She didn’t need a bra though. Her breasts were perfect.

He kissed her then, long and passionate. “Are you tender?” he asked between kisses.

“I’m okay,” she responded. “The pleasure was worth the pain.”

He released her and spanked her ass to move her along to the living room. “Let’s go then.”

* * * *

Kendrick had his security/driver drop him and Moriah off at his favorite restaurant. It was a small Italian place—quiet, a hidden gem really. The food was amazing.

The host quickly seated them in a quiet corner of an outside garden patio. With the lovely weather, it was truly the perfect place for his first intimate outing with Moriah. The server came and filled their glasses with water and table wine while Kendrick pulled out the chair for his sexy woman.

Once seated, they made small talk about the mild weather while they perused the menu. However, before they could order, an unexpected—and highly unwanted—guest joined them.

Jofre placed his hand upon Moriah’s shoulder and squeezed it hard as he kissed the top of her head in greeting.

“Hey, sweetie,” he said, so saccharine sweet it left a bad taste in Kendrick’s mouth. Then Jof pulled over a chair and sat at the table with them.

“How are my two favorite people?” Jof asked. “Having a good time?”

It took everything in Kendrick not the punch the guy. Moriah’s demeanor changed, as well. She sipped her wine and refused to look up from her empty plate. She seemed hunched in on herself, something he hated and never wanted to see again.

“What are you doing here?” Kendrick growled.

“I’m checking up on my daughter. I take it all went well with the…deflowering?”

Moriah choked into her wine.

“How did you know where to find us?” Kendrick asked, refusing to address her father’s tasteless comment. Nothing that happened between Kendrick and Moriah was any of the man’s business, parent or not. He put his hand in the air, which prompted his security to come over. Yes, he lived in the same city as Jof, but it unsettled Kendrick that the man had tracked them here.

“I have my ways.”

The son of a bitch must still have friends at the firm—unfortunately in the same building where Kendrick lived. Well, he’d rectify this problem soon enough.

Jof looked surprised and uncomfortable as Kendrick’s guard came over. Kendrick suppressed a smile. Jof was quite familiar with Frank from the day Jof had been thrown out of Kendrick’s office building. Frank, very large and very much in charge when required to be, was the head of his security team.

“Take Moriah to place a to-go order for both of us then get the car. I’ll follow shortly—after I take care of some…business.”

Moriah didn’t object when Frank helped her from her chair and led her away. Kendrick watched her go. She nervously glanced over her shoulder as she went. When she was out of sight, he turned his attention to their uninvited guest.

“Aw,” Jof smirked. “I know that look. You two in love already, Ken?”

Kendrick leveled a stare at him. “Again. Why are you here?”

“I told you. I’m checking up on my daughter.”

“You’re trying to intimidate her.”

“Well, I’m worried you aren’t taking proper care of her—might be filling her head with nonsense. I just want her to know Daddy is always watching.”

“You’re a sick bastard.”

“Well, you were just supposed to just fill her pussy, not her head. I want to remind her where her loyalties lay… Or do you plan to propose? That’s a deal we can work out right now, if you wish.”

As if he’d let this fucker come anywhere near his union with Moriah. From here on, Kendrick intended to keep her as far from the man as possible, with zero contact if he had his way.

“If we marry, you’ll have no part in it.”

“Ah. So it’s crossed your mind.”

“Fuck off.”

Jof tsked. “Am I getting to you? This is why the board kept me around. I’m the better businessman. You take things too personally, and you don’t have the balls to do what needs to be done.”

“They won’t keep you much longer since I’m telling them about your embezzlement.”

“I’ve replaced that money already. Just a misunderstanding is all.”

“Not possible.” The money was in Moriah’s bank account, not Jof’s. He’d been very clear about that going into this arrangement. And even if it had gone into Jof’s account, a transfer of that amount couldn’t have been completed already.

“No? Did you really think I wouldn’t have access to Moriah’s bank account? I had my dear daughter sign a power of attorney when she turned eighteen. She is nothing without me, and she knows it. And she will be very distraught if you put her dear Daddy in jail, so be a good future son-in-law and let it go.”

Fuck. He’d need to call his lawyers the moment he was away from Jof. Until then, he’d have to play the game. He’d talk to Moriah, as well. It was time for a serious conversation.

Kendrick rose from his seat and threw down some cash and walked away.

“No goodbye?” Jof laughed. “Hope your hand is feeling better.”

As Kendrick made his way out, he stopped by the front. Bless the chef who’d prepared everything immediately and had the order ready for him. He took the picnic basket, thanked the staff, and went outside to where his car waited.

Poor Moriah looked so sad as he got into the backseat.

“I’m so sorry,” she rushed.

Kendrick held up his hand. “Do not apologize for things that aren’t your fault.”

She offered him a half smile then looked out the window. As he texted his finance team to confirm what Jof said, he spoke to Frank. “Are you up to flying today?”

“Sure thing, Boss.”

“Let’s go back to the office then. We’ll take the helicopter to my little hideaway.” Kendrick didn’t want to say where, so it would be a surprise for Moriah. But he knew she’d love it, and it was a great place for a picnic.

“I have never been in a helicopter,” Moriah said.

“Well, you’re in good hands with Frank. He flew helicopters for special op missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.”

It didn’t take long to get to the helipad on the roof of the building. And Kendrick found himself immensely enjoying the experience again through Moriah’s eyes. She seemed so excited to be in a helicopter.

“The city is so beautiful from up here,” she said into her headset.

Kendrick nodded, his eyes on her gleaming hair and wide smile rather than on the skyline she gushed over.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“For a picnic.” He motioned toward the picnic basket.

She laughed. “But where?”

“It’s a surprise.” He winked at her.