Falling for his Step-Sister by Alie Garnett

Chapter Fourteen

Once again,she’d made it through the entire day without jumping Jonas’s bones. Mostly because he had been out of the house for nearly all of it. If he had cornered her again, she wouldn’t have made it, not at all.

If he had found her in the kitchen at breakfast, the entire family probably would have heard them having sex one room away. No way would she be able to be quiet with him. Twice he’d shown her what it would be like.

For another day, Lucy was staying at Maby and Cliff’s place. Harper and Kaine had taken off on vacation for a few days, which was completely unlike Harper, but they were coming back tomorrow. Agatha was once again not home at all. A quick text said she was staying with friends, which was code for “she was hooking up with someone.”

For the second day, the empty house was freaking Buzz out. If she wasn’t hiding what she was doing from her sisters, she would have moved in with Cliff and Maby also. She might anyway if Agatha never came home. She hated being in the house alone.

On day two of her new job, she again took all the meals she would need for the day and headed out as the sun came up. As she drove, she ordered ten to-go meals at her favorite diner not far from the Lovely house. It cost her more to buy those meals than she was probably going to make during the week, but it was worth not having to actually cook.

Buzz used her shoulder to nudge the back door open and carried breakfast into the kitchen. To her surprise, Jonas was there to take some of the trays from her.

Totally busted!

“Did you order these?” He looked at the white take-out containers.

“No, I made them at home. These are just what I bring them over in. No need to get here an hour earlier than I have to,” she lied.

“Good planning. I wish I could spend less time here.”

“You can always move out.” She didn’t need to mention she knew he already had a place in town as she led him into the dining room and turned on the warmers.

“Not until those two shitheads move away. Ross and Brett are not going to be unchaperoned in this house.” He handed her another container.

“I think Louisa is old enough to be around boys, Jonas,” Buzz replied, though she didn’t seem mature when her mom was around.

“Not these two.”

“You’re just being overprotective. She’s an adult and has to learn how to take care of herself, though it is sweet of you to want to protect her.”

“She can learn how to take care of herself in the wild. At home, she should be safe.”

“I don’t think she’s in any danger, really. Making out with a boy is something all teenagers do. If she’s anything like me, she’s already done all that.” God, she hoped her sister was a little less like her than the rest of her actual sisters. They’d all been wild and out-of-control teens.

“You didn’t, did you, Bea?”

“Of course. It was a rite of passage. Drinking, sex, experimenting … that’s what kids do.” Buzz tried not to think about sex; sex with him, more precisely, because that was all she could think about.

“I don’t like to hear about that, Chef Buzz-Buzz,” Jonas’s voice went soft when he said her nickname, making her knees weak.

“Well, I am an adult, so I have done all those things. You should know about some of it.”

“I still think about you under me, over me, and me inside you.” He snagged her body and pulled her tight to him. His hands caressed her as best he could with the coat on.

“Stop, stop, stop. I have a job, and you’re not helping me with that.” But her body didn’t move away; she couldn’t force it to. It was completely stuck to him like glue.

“Don’t worry; she won’t fire you. I’ll make sure of it.” His hands were expertly working the buttons of her coat.

“We’re in the kitchen.” Her words were husky even to her own ears. She was so turned on she couldn’t turn it back off today.

“I have a room upstairs. Right up there.” The coat hit the ground with a thump since her phone was in the pocket.

“I’m supposed to be here if anyone needs anything.” She didn’t move but felt his lips on her neck.

“Here works for me.”

“No, we can’t.” Her words sounded correct, but his hands had slipped into her pants. Leave it to her to wear easy-access leggings when working for Mr. Sexy.

“Nobody will be up for another twenty minutes.” She was sure he had no clue.

“I don’t—” Her words were cut off as he picked her up and walked into the pantry with her over his shoulder. She watched her coat on the floor as he hauled her away.

After dropping her to her feet, he pulled the black T-shirt from her body. If it hadn’t been stretchy, he would have ripped it in the process. Within seconds they were both as close to undressed as they needed to be. He had her wrapped around him as he pounded into her. It had been forever, and her body couldn’t be controlled as the orgasm rocked her. Nobody but Jonas had ever made her come so fast and without lengthy foreplay.

“I missed this little body,” he whispered, breathless as he ran his hands over her and slapped her ass once.

“We shouldn’t have done that.” She pushed out of his arms, and he set her down on her feet, which still had socks on them. Classy.

“Jonas, we’re not supposed to have sex. It’s against the rules and will get me fired. I know you don’t care about my job, but I do.” Which wasn’t really true. She hated this job. She started pulling on her clothes as Jonas only watched her, still naked.

“And I said nobody is getting in trouble. Judith doesn’t need to know, and if she found out, who cares?”

“I do! This is my job.” Her bra was missing from the pile, but it didn’t matter. She shoved her tank top back on.

Running her fingers through her hair, she didn’t think he even touched it, but she had to make sure. Once out of the pantry, he didn’t follow; he was still naked in there. Finding her bra on top of her coat, she grabbed it and shoved it in the pocket of the coat as she put it on. She would put the thing back on later, but for now, she had a job to do. Or pretend to do, at least.

When Jonas emerged from the pantry, she was already in the dining room, helping George and Louisa with whatever they wanted. They chatted quietly around her and didn’t pay attention to her all. Even Jonas ignored her when he came in from the kitchen, fully dressed for the day and no longer in the running shorts and long sleeve T-shirt he had been wearing. When had he had time to change?

After breakfast, the entire group left, which gave her a break and let her organize the rest of the day’s meals at her leisure.

Louisa was the only one who showed up for lunch. Buzz was about to put everything away when she wandered into the room. Buzz knew the kid was skipping school; the guilty look said it all. And it was only the second day of the new semester. As a woman who had skipped her fair share of classes, she knew a skipper when she saw one.

“Louisa, you’re just in time.” Time for an old-fashioned Lovely interrogation.

“Oh, I was just going to grab something from the kitchen and take it to my room,” the girl stated, her blue eyes looking anywhere but at Buzz.

“No, no, sit. I have chicken salad today. Do you like that?” Buzz hurried to grab it. Louisa wouldn’t leave if Buzz was making her a meal. She had manners, after all.

“It’s okay.” She sat down.

“How’s your day going?” Buzz asked. Innocent questions would break down her defenses.

“Okay, I’m a little sick today, so I didn’t go to my classes,” she mumbled. There was no way she was sick.

“It happens. But does the sickness have anything to do with the male house guests?” Buzz set a plate in front of the girl and sat down a chair over from her.

“No!” her voice betrayed her a little.

“Boys are evil; that’s what I’ve learned. Everyone always complains about women, but men are all hot and cold and emotional,” Buzz commiserated.

“I thought he liked me, but then he didn’t even know I existed.” She set her fork down.


“Then he isn’t for you. There are more men in the world than the ones in this house.” Buzz should’ve taken her own advice.

“But he was so into me, I thought.” Louisa seemed so dejected, like he was the only boy in the world.

“Hey, I thought so too. Every time I saw you two together, it seemed like you guys were going to make something of it,” Buzz lied. She’d barely looked at the guy.

“Just like everything else in my life.” The kid looked so dejected, so lost in the big world that she had no control over. It was something that Buzz knew so much about.

“What you need is a night out with your friends.” Buzz knew that was exactly what would’ve happened at her house. Nobody was depressed for long there.

“I don’t have many friends here yet, and I don’t really like going out. Too many people … I’m not really a people person.”

Buzz looked at the kid and wondered how she couldn’t be a people person. Four out of five Lovelys were people persons, and Agatha could be if she tried. No way was this kid nothing like the rest.

“I’m your friend and would be happy to go out with you anytime you want to. I’m pretty good with crowds.” Buzz grinned, but the kid wasn’t buying it.

“I don’t think so. I’m just going to go back to bed. I’m sick,” she reminded Buzz.

“If you want to talk, I’m here all day.”

“Okay, Miss Bradford.”

Buzz groaned. How was the kid supposed to trust her and be friendly if she was just the chef in the house? She had to get beyond that with her because if she was a sister, Buzz wanted everyone to know her. Except Louisa wasn’t like the rest, and it might be too much for a normal person.

At supper, only Jonas was missing. Handsy Ross was there to be avoided, so Louisa was all eyes for Brett, who forgot that he was into her tonight and just looked at his phone. It was painful to watch.

Leaving once the dishes were done, she decided she didn’t want to be a caterer, ever. Once this little tour was over, she was done forever. No more cooking for her ever.

The house was quiet again; nobody was there. The quiet was almost too much, and Buzz dragged her blanket to the living room. After turning on the TV, she cuddled under the blanket and let the TV keep the quiet away.

As much as she wanted an actual bed in this house, she didn’t want her choice of every bed in the place. It was too lonely without anyone there.