Falling for his Step-Sister by Alie Garnett

Chapter Eighteen

After dreading9 p.m. all day, she was surprised when Harper wasn’t there when she got home. Nor was Agatha; hopefully, her sister was living her best life while Sera was gone because Buzz was spending her time falling for her stepbrother, and that was a big mistake.

Today she had strengthened her resolve to stay away from the man, which was easy when he was busy and out of the house. It was much harder when he was dragging her to his bedroom for sex—hot, dirty sex because it was the only kind he knew. And now it was the only kind she liked.

Since she didn’t get a chance to move her stuff from Maby’s bedroom the night before, she took some time to get her stuff organized. Not that either room was better than the other, but she had always liked Harper’s room better since it had two windows.

With the bed cleared off, she went to the bathroom and changed into her “Buzzzz” pajama’s and washed her face. Drinking and sex all night made her tired. Back in her room, there was a key in the middle of her new bed.

Grabbing them, she went to Harper’s room and found her sitting cross-legged on her bed. She was in leggings and her favorite yellow “Yellin Stan” T-shirt. When she saw Buzz, she tapped her bed for her to sit down also, which was probably a trap. Harper liked to lure her prey to her.

“How did you know it was her?” Buzz asked. It had been years since any of the sisters had seen their mother.

“I looked her up a few years ago. Though ‘Raiden’ didn’t make it click, her face did. The few articles I found had pictures of her and her husband. How did you find her?”

“I was in line to talk to Chelsea about Mom’s house, and she was in front of me. She’s using her maiden name, Rowley. I followed her and got her to hire me as a chef. I had to see if it was really her or not.”

“So, no story?” Harper asked.

“I could interview Jonas, but I think that ship has sailed. He would never give me an interview, and really, why would he? I’m a nobody, and I don’t even work for a paper anymore. I got fired.”

“It’s about time, Buzzy. You can do so much better than the Times,” Harper stated as usual.

“I like being a reporter,” Buzz argued.

“No, you didn’t. You played the part well, though. I’ll talk to Bex about getting you a job at Hawthorn; publicity is where you need to be. And since you have experience in reporting, I think she would like someone with your knowledge.” Harper stated, about the Director of Marketing at her husband’s company, who just happened to also be her sister-in-law.

“I don’t need anyone to hand me a job. I happen to have a job.” Buzz said, then remembered she didn’t have a job. Not a real one anyway.

“You’re pretending to be a chef for our mother. How long is that going to last?”

“Not long. I was just staying until I knew for sure she was the right Judith. Now I know, so I can quit. I don’t even remember her. Was she really always just bitchy?”

“From what I remember, she wasn’t that fond of children. The noise was what she complained about all the time. Headaches, noise, and needing to be alone. I was in charge of keeping the four of you quiet, and I wasn’t very good at it.”

“I can’t see any of us girls being silent for more than a minute. Maybe Maby, when she’s reading. Lucy, though? Never.” Harper shook her head

“I don’t think I’m going to tell her who I am. At this point, I don’t even like her.” Buzz hated to say it out loud, but it was true.

Harper only nodded. “What about the brother? Or the sister for that matter? Wait, is Louisa hers?”

Buzz smirked. “You mean Louisa May Alcott Raiden? I don’t know for sure.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “Another sister? I knew I liked her right away, but actually having another sister is going to be weird. And she’s so different from the rest of us.”

“She’s nineteen—a lot younger than us. Oh, and I’m sleeping with her brother. Kind of gross, but god, I love him!” After the words were out of her mouth, she stopped and corrected herself. “It. It is what I love, not him.”

Harper let the admission slide. “Are you going to tell him? You can’t really have a relationship with him if he doesn’t know his stepmother is your mom.”

“Sera’s my mother; I didn’t even remember Judith. She left us without a care and never looked back. There’s no place in my life for her,” Buzz said, and it was true. Judith would never have a place in her life, and after all this time, she probably wouldn’t want one.

“At this point, I think we have to tell Louisa. She deserves to know she has a big family here to fall back on, no matter what happens in life,” Harper stated, being a big sister even to the newest member.

“Judith chose to raise her. Even now, she loves to have her nearby. What makes her special?” Their mother choosing a favorite was hard for Buzz, even at twenty-five.

“That’s something we’ll probably never know.” Harper shrugged. “But if you are falling for Jonas, and she is a part of his life, you share a sister.”

“I am not falling for him,” Buzz argued, pulling her knees under her.

“Okay, Buzzy, believe your little lies, but I was right where you are not that long ago.” Harper patted her shoulder. It was oddly comforting, coming from a woman who would just as soon punch you than hug you.

Groaning, Buzz stated, “You were sleeping with your boss.”

“I was, but I was also falling for someone I shouldn’t have. I really tried not to, and what I learned is that no matter how hard you fight it, you can’t control your heart.” Harper pressed a hand to her heart with a smile.

“I’m better at this than you are, Harper.”

“Keep telling yourself that, but I have to get home. Kaine doesn’t want me to stay out all night.”

“Thanks for stopping by and talking.”

“You can have my room. I’m sorry I said you couldn’t have it. It’s just sometimes it’s nice to know I have a place if I need to get away from Kaine. But I don’t want to be away from him, ever, so you can have the room.”

“I am still taking Mom’s when she finally moves out. I need a bathroom.”

“You’ll only have to share with Agatha if Lucy takes the master, so maybe it’s not as big of a deal as when we were all here.”

“I haven’t seen Agatha all week. Granted, I’m not here all the time, but I feel she hasn’t been here either.”

“Good for her.” Harper grinned and fist-pumped the air. They were both on the same wavelength that their sister needed a few days of away time. “I think the wedding took a lot out of her.” She and Sera had always been close, and now that Sera has Harrison, he displaced their little sister. “Call me if she isn’t back by the weekend, and I’ll start texting her to see if she’s okay.”

“I did yesterday, and she said she was fine.” She shrugged, not believing it so much as the first time she had gotten the text.

“Then I won’t worry too much. Call if you need anything.” Harper held up her phone, as if Buzz needed to know what to use to call.

“I will. Do you know when Lucy’s coming home?” Buzz asked before realizing she shouldn’t have asked Harper. She wouldn’t know.

“I don’t know. She stopped talking to me for some reason … probably that fancy job Mom got her,” Harper mumbled as she left the room.

Listening to her go down the steps and out the door, Buzz felt the house closing in on her. Once again, she was here alone. It was silent, and every little noise was starting to freak her out. Grabbing her phone, she turned on Harper’s clock radio to a local station and left the room, doing the same in Mabel’s room before she headed down the stairs. With all the lights off, she curled up on the couch and turned the TV on. She still felt alone, but at least there was noise back in the big house.