Falling for his Step-Sister by Alie Garnett

Chapter Two

Watchingthe sexiest man she had ever seen stripping right in front of her made one thing clear: this was definitely going to get her in deep trouble. In fact, she was probably going to be grounded for life, but it was going to be so worth it. Her mom might even applaud her for her initiative and creativity—or she was going to kick her out of the family.

Whichever happens, Beatrix Lovely had no way out of the situation now. She was already in the closet, and there was no coming out of it now. Well, she could hide in it all night, but then she would be fired, and her career as a reporter would be over.

Tonight, she was getting the scoop on her mom’s fiancé’s newest client. Harrison had let it slip that his college buddy, Jonas Raiden, was going to blow the whistle on his boss for embezzling from their company. Buzz had spent two days researching Raiden & Son’s Financial and everyone involved, and now she was going to pounce on the man for an interview—an interview that was going to make her a household name.

Well, not her actual name, but her pen name: Bea Bradford. Bea Lovely just wasn’t going to cut it with hard-hitting news like this.

Jonas had been staying at the hotel for days in order to stay away from his uncle and anyone his uncle knew. Once federal agents raid the company, the reporters would be there. Instead of waiting for that to happen, she was going to be first in line. Bea Bradford was going to get the scoop. She would be famous.

Sure, she knew she shouldn’t ambush him in his hotel room, but Sera had told her that Harrison had said, “no questions and no snooping,” so under no circumstances was she going to get an interview with the man. What Harrison didn’t know was that when Mom says no, you sneak around her back. It had been that way forever.

Harrison might not know the rule, but he should have suspected it. After all, he had been dating the woman for a few months and was marrying her. By now, he had to know that her daughters didn’t exactly listen to her. It wasn’t something they actually hid from him, or from her for that matter.

Not that Sera Lovely was Buzz’s real mom; she was her stepmom. Her real mom had skipped out on her five girls years before Sera had shown up in their lives, and now when any of them said, “mom,” they were talking about Sera.

It was just a coincidence that Sera was marrying Jonas’s lawyer and that they’d had a private whispered conversation about what was happening where Buzz could hear them. That was pure luck on Buzz’s part, and Buzz was going to get the scoop on him before everything happened because she was the best reporter for the best paper in town. However, she was going to be fired if she didn’t come through with the article. She had to get this interview.

Since she never got any good assignment, she had lied to her editor and said she already knew the man and that she knew that there was something brewing. Not that she shared what it was, just that it was going to be big. Besides that, she should already know the man since he was her near-stepdad’s best friend or something. She should’ve been able to get an interview and not be barred by Sera’s no questions rule. Maddening.

It had been by luck that she had gotten into the room when the maid was there five hours before. So, for the last five hours, she had been hiding in the closet, waiting. Minutes before Jonas had walked in, she had been bored because her phone had only twenty percent of its battery left, and she needed that to record her interview—an interview she was in no way not getting now. The rest of her phone’s battery had been wasted on addictive games to keep her mind off her mom’s impending anger and her own boredom.

The sun had set hours ago when her phone had buzzed in her hand, and she answered it, bored as hell in the closet. And at that point, she was about to give up on the man ever coming back.

“Buzz,” she barked at her oldest sister. If it had been anyone else, she would’ve answered nicely with, “Bea Bradford,” but her sister didn’t deserve nice.

“Where the fuck are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago!” Harper yelled at her.

Rolling her eyes, she remembered that she had promised her sister she would help her out today. Harper and Lucy owned a catering company, and Buzz usually helped out in the evenings when she could. Today she had to put her career in front of her sisters’. Recently, Lucy had started a new job as a personal assistant and had less time for catering than before, which was leaving Harper short-staffed a lot more than usual.

Not remembering where “here” was and not caring, she answered, “Working. I have a job, you know.”

“Barely, Buzz. You should be more focused on helping me,” the oldest Lovely sister complained as she always did.

“You’re saying I need to focus on waitressing?” Buzz questioned. She usually helped her sister two to three times a week at best. Was that what she should be focusing on? Buzz could tell Lucy wasn’t there and that Harper was a little stressed, something that Harper rarely showed.

“Or something that pays and doesn’t take all your time, and something you are good at.”

“I can’t help you tonight. Another time,” she said. Being a waitress for a catering company wasn’t what she wanted to do with her life, especially one that was run by Harper.

“You better remember that I need you tomorrow night. No pretending to work.” Harper hung up on her, and Buzz scowled at her phone. No way was she helping her with her event tomorrow.

Turning her phone off, she closed her eyes in the dark closet. Yes, she’d work for Harper tomorrow; her sister needed her, so she’d go. Harper was doing fantastic with her catering business, and even if her fiancé was requesting that she cut back, she was still busy and needed her other sisters even more. At least there were three other sisters to help her out.

The closet was hot, or maybe just a woman sitting in the closet for five hours had made the closet hot. A few hours ago, she had unbuttoned the white blouse she wore, happy she had worn a tank top this morning. Both of which might not be salvageable after a night in a steam closet. Good thing both had been borrowed from her sister, so she didn’t have to care that they were ruined.

Resting her eyes, she blew a wayward strand of red hair from her face as she tried to ignore the sweat running down her back. It was a good thing that it wasn’t a video interview because she was sure she looked like garbage.

Not for the first time did she think she was making a mistake; maybe just getting his number and giving him a call would have worked. She should have ignored Sera and just asked, especially if Harrison put in a good word for her, which he would. She was, after all, his favorite almost stepdaughter. She was sure of it.

She tapped the bifold doors open a tiny bit with her foot to get some air in the little closet. She could swear she could feel the cool tufts of air teasing her. This had been a big mistake. Huge.

Just then, the door to the hotel suite opened and closed. Buzz heard jingling change and footsteps on the carpet—nothing to indicate the man wasn’t alone. What would she do if he has company? That had never crossed her mind.

It seemed like he was in the living room area of the suite for a lifetime, and Buzz had no idea what he was doing. But it was probably time to get out of the closet and get her interview. Either get it done or get kicked out. With any luck, she wouldn’t get arrested.

Except she froze when he came into view. He had already taken off his gray shirt. Buzz had seen a few pictures of Jonas, but in person, the man was worth remembering. Tall and lean, his dark hair and dark eyes were simply gorgeous. Jonas was mouth-wateringly handsome.

Buzz couldn’t stop staring at the man through the crack in the door. The pictures didn’t do him justice at all—they had never shown the muscles on his chest and arms. How much did this man work out, every day? she thought to herself. If she hadn’t been hot before he came in, she was certainly hot now … in a completely different way.

As she watched, he shed the black pants and laid them on the dresser, leaving him in tight white boxer shorts that left nothing to the imagination, nothing. Which just meant that she was in the closet for the night or forever, because she was not doing an interview with a nearly naked man. Nor was she going to announce her presence to one. It was starting to dawn on her that she had messed this up completely.

Jonas Raiden sat on the end of the bed, right in her perfect line of vision through the crack in the closet, and pulled off his socks, casually tossing them one after another on the floor. Both landed very close to the closet, too close for Buzz’s comfort. That was why she was shifting in her seat, not any other reason.

Before she knew what he was going to do next, he stood with a cocky grin and slowly slid off the white boxers to reveal his not-so-hidden before penis. A very nice one, in Buzz’s opinion. Silently slamming her hand over her mouth, she suppressed a groan at the sight. If he were dating someone, they were lucky—very lucky indeed.

Sitting back down, he was still facing her as he took his penis in his hand and stroked it a few times, leaning back a little as he did it. His eyes were on the closet she was in. It was well worth the wait for this. It wasn’t going to make it onto paper, but it would make a good memory for lonely nights. Lonely, jobless nights.

“Come out and help me,” he said, looking right at the closet she was in.

Sitting stock-still, she hoped that he had brought someone else home with him. Anyone else. Someone who was still in the living room area of the suite, despite him being naked in the bedroom. Please don’t let him have seen me in the closet, she prayed.

Another firm stroke. “You, red, in the closet. Come out.”

“No, thank you.” Her voice sounded shaky even to her. Her eyes were still on him, but her mind was looking for a way out of this.

“This is what you came for, isn’t it?” He held the erection in his hand. Suddenly, she wished she had just walked out of the closet hours ago.

“Fuck,” she hissed under her breath. Her only option was to barrel out and hope he didn’t recognize her at the wedding if he went. Maybe she shouldn’t go to the wedding just in case. Maybe she should just leave the country altogether—her mom was definitely going to kill her for this. Her entirely awesome plan had completely backfired.

“Maybe that too.” Her heart rate picked up as she watched him stand and walk towards the doors. He casually slid them open.

“Hello,” she said weakly.

“Hello.” He held out his hand to her as he looked her over, appraising her from head to toe. Buzz knew what she looked like after hours in the hot closet, and it wasn’t good. Her hair was probably curled and damp, and her clothes were sticking to her right down to her black skirt.

Buzz grabbed his hand because she had nowhere else to go, and he pulled her to her feet. With her hand encased in his, he brought her towards the bed until he had sat down. Once seated, he pulled her close to him and slid his hands over her body. Buzz stood stock-still, frozen with fear. Though fear might not have been the feeling that was rushing through her body, that was something else.

He easily unbuttoned her skirt with a flick of his finger. “Name?”

“T-Trixi,” she said lamely. Yes, it sounded just like it felt: hookerish.

The name brought a sexy smirk to his lips, a smirk she shouldn’t like but did. Way too much. He knew she was lying and didn’t seem to care.

“Well, Trixi, how much do you charge? Or are you here for something else?” He slid the skirt down her hips. For some reason, she couldn’t stop him, didn’t even want to.

This was her chance to get the interview. She was now in her panties, but it was an interview just the same—a good one.

Or maybe this wasn’t the time to bring up the paper, to tell this man that was naked in front of her that she worked for the biggest paper in town. A paper he could easily sue because of that.

“I, uh … got lost,” she stammered as his strong, warm hands pulled down her panties as easily as the skirt. His dark eyes never left hers, not looking down at what his hands were revealing.

“In my closet?” His eyebrow went up in question, but his hands slid her button-up shirt off her shoulders, then let it flutter softly to the floor to join her skirt and panties.

Thoughts of running away from this man were long gone. What little interaction they were having shouldn’t have been enough to keep her there, wanting his touch, but it was. All she wanted, all she longed for was his next touch.

“This isn’t my room?” she threw out as a possible reason for her being in that location.

The answer made him laugh, causing her knees to go weak. Or maybe it was his hands that were doing that, because the tank top was gone, and her breasts were now free of the bra that had been holding them not a second before. He was quick, but not quick enough for her.

“Do you want to be here, Trixi?” His eyes swept over her body in question.

He hadn’t touched her skin yet, the feather-light brushes as he removed her clothes notwithstanding, but every fiber in her wanted him everywhere, touching everything. It was driving her to distraction that he didn’t touch her.

“I, uhm … I …” She should’ve said, “no,” but the word wouldn’t come out. Such an easy word to say until his eyes swept her body again, and his tongue slipped out to wet his lips, all of which she wanted desperately on her body. Her resolve completely flew out the window, and her words sounded foreign as she whimpered, “yes.”

Instantly, he wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her closer to him. His hot breath brushed her nipple, causing her entire body to tremble slightly. His tongue snaked out and slipped across her beaded flesh, causing her involuntary moan of, “yes.”

Deftly, he rolled her onto the bed under him. It happened so fast that Buzz lost her breath as his mouth fully captured her breast and suckled hard, making her gasp at the sensation. She didn’t think she had ever been this turned on in her life.

“Holy fuck,” she moaned as he did the same to the other one.

“You like that, Trixi?” he demanded and then gently bit down on her pebbled nipple, making her gasp.

As he bit down, his fingers slid lightly over her wet folds, and she jerked at the sensations it caused. Closing her eyes, she banished any remaining thoughts of leaving as she let her entire body focus on the feeling this guy was sending through her.

“Open your eyes, red. Don’t want you to miss anything,” his voice said into her ear, making her shiver with both fright and anticipation. Opening her eyes at his request, she met his intense gaze as his finger slid into her, making her shudder. But she held her eyes open as those fingers began to move rhythmically, in and out.

It was as if they had been doing this together forever; he played her body perfectly. From his lips on her breasts to his fingers finding a seductive rhythm, he knew the prefect beat. It had never been like this with someone for Buzz, not even close.

He grinned at her when she drew up her legs so that he had better access, and waves of pleasure coursed through her body as his fingers started to increase their speed. His thumb brushed her clit at the exact moment she needed it. Throwing her head back, her eyes closed as she chanted his name in the semi-dark room.

She laid on the bed, her body useless. He rolled her onto her stomach, and she went. She had just had the best orgasm of her life and couldn’t move. Pulling the pillow under her head, she sighed and closed her eyes. Fuck, that had felt good. Now she just wanted to sleep and get out of there.

His hand swept down her back like he was petting a kitten. Long solid strokes: one, two, then he slapped her ass, hard.

“Hey!” Her head snapped up, and she turned to glare at him. That was uncalled for.

His only response was to bite her on the ass cheek. Taking her hips in his hands, he lifted them until her head fell back on the pillow. With her ass in the air and his hands on her hips, he slid into her in one smooth motion.

All her mind could think was, How had it taken so long for him to get there? This is what she had been waiting forever for—if forever was as long as he had been in the room with her, which felt like an eternity.

“Condom. Condom. Please say you have one,” were the only words she could force from her mouth as he slid almost the entire way out of her and then back in quickly.

“Taken care of, Trixi.” He slapped her ass again as he increased speed, and his other hand gripped her hips.

Matching his thrusts, she moaned at each one until his muscled arms lifted her body off the bed, and he continued to plow into her. At the new angle, she knew she was going to come, hard and fast. Unable to stop herself, she let it roll through her. She would have dropped to the bed in exhaustion, but he still held her and was still sliding in and out but at a more leisurely pace.

After lowering her to the bed, she sighed as he slid out of her. She could sleep for weeks now. It had been a while since she’d had good sex, and never had she had sex this good before.

Buzz was half-sad it was over, but her body was spent. With her eyes closed, she pulled the pillow back under her head. His hand slid down her back again, and she let out a low, appreciative moan.

In a heartbeat, she was looking at the ceiling, and he was sliding back into her. He gathered her hands in his and held them over her head as he looked into her eyes.

“Not done yet, Trixi.” He said the name very slowly with an added emphasis on the ending, and she knew he was saying her name all the time because he knew it was fake. But it really could have been if he had wanted it to be that.

Wrapping her legs around him, she had thought that her body was done with him, but he had that magic touch, and it was humming back to life. At that point, she was so sensitive that every thrust sent shivers through her body.

Her orgasm came within moments, and as she writhed and moaned, she felt him stiffen and groan on top of her. Once he was done, he collapsed on top of her, and she didn’t care at all. As she lay there, she caressed his muscled arms and back, then ran her fingers through his hair.

When she had fallen asleep, she hadn’t known, but when she opened her eyes later, the clock beside the bed read 3 a.m. Buzz was more than willing to stay in that hotel room forever, but when her mind cleared, she came to her senses a little bit. Gently, she pushed him away from her, and he rolled away willingly in sleep. Sitting up, she looked over at his sleeping form in the bright lights of the room.

He was still gloriously naked, and all those amazing muscles were on display since they had not even pulled back the comforter. In sleep, he didn’t make her lose her ever-loving mind, which meant she could think. And what she was thinking was that in a short amount of time, he was going to be at Sera and Harrison’s wedding, and she would be unable to hide from him. At that point, he would know exactly who “Trixi” was, and everyone would know what she had done to ruin her career.

Slipping on her clothes quietly, she hoped that he would not remember her by then. He must have sex with dozens of women a month, possibly a week—no way was he going to remember her. Maybe she should do something about her hair; hair changes a woman.

Grabbing her phone from the closet, she knew she was going to be grounded for this. No way was she getting away with fucking Harrison’s biggist client. She never got away with anything.