Falling for his Step-Sister by Alie Garnett

Chapter Seven

Her name was Beatrix,and she was there. Jonas had watched her walk around the room three times before he had stopped another waitress and asked her name. The black-haired woman raised a brow at him but told him. At first, he hadn’t believed her, but since she had gone by Trixi the previous night, he was sure it was her real name.

Today her red hair was up in a messy bun that failed to contain all of it. Red tendrils ran down her back to the white blouse and black pants she wore that matched the other waitress’s.

Jonas sat on a chair in the corner of the room and watched her. Every time around, she had stopped or paused by his uncle. Harvey Raiden was very interested in the sudden attention from an attractive younger woman and seemed to get more and more interested as the evening went on.

It had taken him by surprise when the redhead from last night had walked out of the backroom with a tray in her hand. He had recognized her immediately; his body had too. She was just as sexy today as she had been yesterday, maybe even more so. Today he knew the sex kitten that was underneath the white shirt and black pants, and he wanted her again.

The two waitresses seemed to have a secret language and were communicating every time their eyes met. This wasn’t either one’s first time working together. The other two who were involved in the catering didn’t seem to know the language.

A long-time member of the board had left, and Harvey had followed him, which was interesting. But then his Beatrix had followed them soon after, and he was determined to see what she was up to. Maybe yesterday had all been a setup, and Harvey was on to him. Would he use a woman to do his dirty work? Jonas thought to himself.

Out the door, he followed her down the hallway until she went into a room. A boardroom? An office?

Just outside the door, he caught up to her instantly when he said. “He’s not in there, Trixi.”

Her head snapped up, and he looked into those grayish-brown eyes that he had watched sparkle, as she came in his arms. He hadn’t been able to get those eyes out of his mind all day.

“Hello, Jonas. Who is ‘he’?” she asked innocently, like the night before hadn’t happened. They were just having a conversation.

“Harvey. He isn’t in there.” Jonas stopped in front of her, maybe too close, because she had to crane her neck to see his face.

“I didn’t really think he would be in the ladies’ restroom.” His eyes glanced at the door above her head.

“Do you work for him?” he demanded, dismissing the room she was going to go into.


“Harvey. Do you work for him?” he hissed, and his hand slid over her hip, needing to touch the woman. He hated that he had to touch her again.

“Never heard of him,” she replied and bit her lip. Was she lying?

“You seemed pretty into him tonight.” His other hand had her other hip firmly in his grasp.

She didn’t make a move to push him away, “The old guy? Royal blue tie?”

“You were flirting with him pretty hard. I didn’t like it.” His lips lowered to hers, almost touching.

“He’s not my type.” Her voice was breathy as she licked her soft pink lips.

“Good,” he said and backed her into the door behind her. It opened, and he pushed her inside. His hand left her hip, and he locked the door behind them.

They were standing in a stark white, brightly lit bathroom, and Jonas didn’t care. All he wanted was to touch her again, have her again. Pulling her tight to him, he kissed her right on the lips. Her response to him said she had been thinking about him all day as well.

She moaned as his tongue explored her mouth, and he jerked her crisp shirt from where it was tucked into her pants and slid his hands over the soft skin that he could still see in his mind. Cupping her breasts brought another moan from her mouth.

“What are you doing here?” He needed to know as his hands unclasped the bra under her shirt.

“Working,” she gasped as he squeezed her nipples between his fingers.

“For whom?” He squeezed harder, and she gasped again. Not in pain, but pleasure, he was sure.

“Sisters, my sisters.” She leaned her head back and forced her breasts more into his hands. Her reactions were the same as the night before: fast and responsive.

His mind was racing. Was she telling the truth? None of the four looked alike.

“What’s your name?” His lips found her pulse on her neck, and he nipped her with his teeth.

“Bea,” she whimpered.

“Just B? Nothing else?” He bit her again.

“Bea, like buzz-buzz bee,” she groaned, and her hands slid under his jacket.

“Beatrix?” he asked as his hands squeezed her entire full breasts.

Yes,” she groaned, but he wasn’t one hundred percent sure it was because of the name or his movements.

Pulling his lips from her neck, he looked down at her. The other waitress hadn’t lied to him, but then again, neither had Bea. She was a Trixi since it was just another nickname for Beatrix.

Gliding his hands back over her smooth stomach, he undid her pants and pushed them to the floor. He needed to touch her now. Turning her to face the door, he rubbed her ass over his erection as he moved his hand into her lacy black panties. His fingers easily slid into her folds, finding her already wet and ready. She was as turned on as he was.

He held her tight to him with his other arm, and her head leaned into his shoulder as he slipped a finger over her clit and ran it in tight circles, causing her to moan and writhe in his arms. All he could smell were roses and grapes from her hair, the same as the night before.

Her body was limp and sated as he quickly undid his own pants and pushed down his underwear. In one smooth motion, he pushed on a condom and entered her wet folds from behind. The action made her gasp, but she didn’t protest or try to get away. As he began to move, she cried out in pleasure and said his name with the rhythm of their movements.

With a hand on her hips, he set their pace. It was harsh and fast, and she met him move for move as her body clenched around his until he came hard in her. Both were panting as he slid from her, and she groaned as he did.

Spinning her back to face him, she nearly fell because her pants were still around her ankles. She laughed at herself as his arms kept her from falling to the floor at their feet. Her laugh made him smile—it was infectious.

In her pants on the floor, her phone made a buzzing noise. Her eyes went to them, and then she quickly reached for the phone. Jonas watched her read the text and bite her lip.

“Fuck. Fuck, I have to go.” She put her phone under her chin, holding it between her chin and chest as she pulled up her panties and pants, buttoning them quickly.

“I want to see you again,” he demanded as she worked.

“Fuck, this is not working out at all,” she mumbled as her phone received another text.

“Beatrix, I want your number,” he demanded again.

“I have to get back. Lucy just stormed off. This is bad.” She unlocked the door.

“Bea, stop,” he called after her, but she didn’t.

Mumbling to herself, she left him in the bathroom and went back to the party. Or so he assumed since he couldn’t follow because his pants were still around his own feet, and his dick was hanging out. In the time it took to right himself, she was gone from the hallway. Back at the party, he couldn’t see her. The black-haired woman was there, as well as the blonde, but now it was just two, and the party had emptied of most of the attendees. His redhead was gone.

“Jonas, where the hell have you been?” Harvey stated from beside him. Jonas had been sure the man had left already.


“Haven’t seen you in a few days. Stop by my office tomorrow; we have to have a chat.” Harvey was nothing but smiles, except he could be that way if he wanted to.

Pushing the gorgeous redhead from his mind, he had to get back to what was happening. No way was a woman getting in the way of that.

If she worked for Harvey, she wasn’t doing a great job, unless it was just to distract him. Then she was doing great.