Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 10

As usual, Jase is waiting for me once the school day is over.

I sling an arm around him as we walk toward the car. I still can’t believe Amy got me a car, let alone an R-SPEC. She did really well and I know I probably didn’t deserve the generosity. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to tell her that.

Cars were Mom and my thing. She loved them as much, if not more than I do. I know if she were still alive that we’d probably scour the classifieds for a vintage one and spend every waking hour on fixing it up. She was never afraid to have grease under her nails, or oil smudged on her face. But she would’ve loved this car too.

When we get closer to it, there’s a large crowd no doubt admiring the beauty that is my ’Stang.

“Ah, Con…,” Jase says.


“Look.” He nods to the side of my car. There’s a massive scratch down the side, and the car is riding low. The back window has been smashed, and the side mirrors are dangling along the sides of the car.

“The fuck?” I rush to it, running my fingers along the damage. “Someone’s smashed it and keyed it.”

“Slashed the tires too,” Jase adds, nodding.

Cav sidles up and peers around my car. “Oof,” he says, shaking his head. “You really should be more careful. Such horrible damage on such a pretty car.”

“You son of a bitch.” Jase holds me back as I rush Cav.

He laughs. “Guess it doesn’t even look good now.”

“Did you do this?” I ask. My eyes are blurred with the tears I’m trying to hold back.

He shrugs.

“Seriously?” I screech. “What the fuck, man? What have I done to you? I’m just a normal person, an ordinary student, trying to get through this year.”

“You’re in my way,” he says.

“In your way?” I ask. “In your way of what?”

He leans closer to me. “I don’t like you. I don’t like your shiny, plastic car, I don’t like your smug smile, I don’t like you shoving your sexuality in my face.”

“My what? How am I shoving that in your face?” I’m so confused right now. I thought I was doing a good job in not making waves, but apparently I was dead wrong.

“Take this as a lesson,” he says, before getting in his car and driving off

“What was that about?” Chloe asks.

“I have no idea. He’s like… unhinged or something.”

She pats me on the shoulder. “Still find him hot and interesting?”

“Yes, but no, but what the hell?” I run a hand through my hair.

“I told you, he’s not someone you want to get involved with.”

“But I’m not involved with him.” As much as I might fantasize about it.

“You want to be though, don’t you?”

“I just….” I trail off. I don’t know. I haven’t done anything to Cav. Sure, I’ve got a crush on him, but that’s it. It’s not something I would ever act on. And it’s not like he would go for me either. So why the animosity? Why is he coming after me? “I didn’t do anything,” I whisper.

“And he’s making sure it stays that way,” Chloe says. She reaches up to kiss me on the cheek. “Just leave him alone.”

“Whatever,” I grumble. “I guess I have to call a tow to get this thing home.”

She gives my arm a squeeze before she walks away.

“Dude…,” Jase says once we’re alone.

“I know,” I tell him.

“Amy is going to flip when she sees this.”

“I know, but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it, is there?”

“Why’d he do it?”

“Because he’s a psycho. I don’t know, Jase. The guy is not normal. He’s egotistical and maniacal and untouchable, and—”

“Oh, come on,” Jase says.


“You still like him? Even after he did this?”

“Wha…? No! How did you get that?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Your eyes went all glassy and you got this dreamy look on your face. I’ve gotta say, that even for you, this is a new low.”

I shake my head. “I’m trying not to cry, you idiot.”

“Uh-huh, sure.”

“I don’t like Cav, Jase.”

“It’s okay if you do, I hear hate sex is totally a thing.”

“Hate sex? What the…? How the fuck do you know about that?”

“I’m fifteen, not five,” he reminds me. “Guys say all sorts of shit when they’re trying to impress other guys.”

“You should not know about anything like that.”

“Whatever. You can’t keep me in the dark my whole life, and don’t think I’m going to forget about how you still like Cavanaugh McLaughlin.”

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “I’m fucked, aren’t I?”

He smiles. “On several different levels.”

Predictably, when Amy gets home and sees my car, she’s livid.

“You’ve had it four days,” she shrieks. “Four days.”

“I can’t be responsible for what dickheads at school do. It’s not like I did this. But it’s still in one piece, and I’ll get the damage fixed. Out of my own pocket,” I add before she can ask.

“Okay, good.” Her shoulders drop. “Just please tell me you didn’t do anything to deserve this.”

I put my hands on her shoulders. “It’s just a small personality clash. I’m sure it’ll work itself out soon.”

“Are you sure? I can go to the school if you’re having difficulties.”

“It’ll be fine, I promise.” I take a breath. I can’t deny Amy’s trying. I guess I should too. If not for her sake, then for Jase’s. So I will. “And I’m sorry, for everything. I was hurting and—”

I’m cut off when she throws her arms around me. “I’m sorry too,” she whispers.

We’re rocked when Jase wraps his arms around us as well.

“This is like some Brady Bunch shit,” he says as we break apart.

“Don’t swear,” Amy scolds.

He shrugs. “It’s nice to finally see you two get your sh—act together,” he corrects.

“If I’d known all it would take was a car, I would’ve got you one earlier,” Amy says, wiping her eyes.

“Mom always said I was born with gasoline in my veins.”

Her eyes go soft. “She did.”

“So when can I get a car?” Jase asks. “’Cause I’ve been looking, and I think I’d like a—”

“Just a minute there, mister,” Amy says. “First of all, you need to wait until you can get your permit. Then when you’ve done all that and you get your license, we can talk about getting you a car and what kind it is. But, as that day is a while off, you’re going to have to hold your horses and be content with Connor and me driving you around.”

“But you’ll let me borrow your car when the time comes, right, Con?”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Yeah, not a chance in hell. But good try.”

His shoulders slump. “You guys suck.”

I look to Amy, and we both shrug.

“Ugh!” he cries, throwing his arms up.

“About the car—” Amy starts.

I hold up a hand. “I’ll get it fixed. I’ve already got a call in to a few places.”

She nods. “I appreciate that, but that’s not what I was going to say. I was going to say that I acknowledge it wasn’t your fault, and I’m glad you’re being proactive to fix it. But if this ‘clash’ with this kid gets any worse, I want you to know that I’m serious in my offer to go to the school.” She swallows. “Mom and Dad left us more than enough for good futures, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I threw some of it around. In fact, it might be fun.”

I bring her in and kiss the top of her head. “Thanks, Aims.”

She looks up at me. “I really did mean it when I said I’m sorry.” Tears well in her eyes.

“I know. I did too.”

“But you’re still not getting a car,” she says to Jase.

“You guys suck,” he replies, going off to sulk in his room.

Later that night, I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened today.

Connor: Hey, you around?

All I want is to hear a friendly voice, see a friendly face, and maybe, just maybe, we can have another mutual masturbation session. I mean, it would make me feel a little bit better about what went down today.

Connor: James? You there?

I know I’m treading into dangerous territory here with my feelings, but I can’t help it. He’s a great guy who I have incredible chemistry with, something that’s not so easy to find. And he listens to me. That might sound strange, considering we’ve never met, but you can read or hear words but not hear what the person who’s saying them means. James does. And sure, right now the timing may not be right, but maybe once this year is over and he can get a little distance, things might be different. A guy can hope, at least.

Connor: I guess you’re busy, which is cool. I just had a shitty day today, and at the risk of sounding sappy, I wanted to hear your voice.

Connor: Anyway, I hope you had a good day and if you didn’t then I’m here if you want to talk about it.

Connor: Or not talk about it.

Connor: Whatever works for you.

Connor: Okay, I’m gonna stop now before I make an even bigger idiot of myself.

Connor: But have a good night.