Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 15

Connor: Why didn’t you tell me?

Connor: You know this doesn’t change anything between us if you don’t want it to.

Connor: But how great is it that we found each other?

Connor: None of the stuff that happened at school matters, okay?

Connor: I don’t even care if we keep things how they were. Enemies at school, but together out of it.

Connor: I’m sorry for being such a douchebag though. I thought there was something more, something behind your façade.

Connor: I want to get to know you, the real you, the mix between Cav and James.

Connor: We could be great, you know.

I’m typing out my ninth message when I finally get one back, telling me the number has been disconnected.

I flick to Poundr and the message thread we had there, but his account’s been deleted.

I sigh, dropping my phone on my chest before folding my hands behind my head, staring at the roof.

Cavanaugh McLaughlin is James.

James is Cavanaugh McLaughlin.

On one hand, I’m ecstatic. He’s here, he’s so close. But on the other? What am I supposed to do now? I want to be with him but how?

“Hey,” Amy says, knocking on my door.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Just making sure you’re okay. Jase said some stuff happened at school today?”

“Stupid boy stuff. Nothing to worry about.”

“Do we, um, need to have the talk or set some, um, ground rules?”

I smile. “Mom and Dad had the talk with me when I was twelve. They had it with Jase too. As for ground rules? It’s your house.”

“It’s our house,” she corrects.

“But you’re like, the parental figure, so I guess if you think we need to set rules, then set them up.”

“Will you follow them?”

“As long as they’re not ridiculous, I will.”

“What’s ridiculous?”

“Hmm.” I think about it. “Stuff like being in bed by eight, eating all my vegetables, getting straight A’s.”

She nods. “How about this? School night curfew is ten thirty, 1:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. I promise not to feed you veggies you hate, but I expect you to eat the ones you don’t. As for schoolwork? I’d love it if you could get all A’s, but as long as you’re maintain at least a C+ average, we won’t have a problem. Deal?”

I nod. “Deal.”

“As for having boys over—”

“It’s not like I can get them pregnant,” I remind her.

“No, but STDs can stay with you longer than a kid,” she points out. “Just be careful. You’re over the age of consent, but make sure anyone you’re with is as well.”

“Got it.”

“Is there, um, anything you want to ask of me?” she says, looking down at the floor.

“Really?” I ask.

She shrugs. “You’re eighteen now, legally an adult. It’s time I treat you like one, don’t you think?”

“Ah, yeah?”

She chuckles. “I’m trying here. I’m not Mom and Dad, and after everything you went through with them, you had to grow up fast. I can’t try to dictate how you act; I don’t have any right to. So, I figure we’re more like… roommates. We both have our own lives and are free to do whatever we want, within reason. Given this, it’s only fair you ask things of me too.”

“Um, when you put it that way….”

She nods.

“I guess if you want to have someone over, clothes are to be worn in all the common areas.”

She smiles. “Agreed.”

“And he’s not to play the father role. To me or Jase. Even if I’m at college or whatever, that’ll never be anyone’s role.”

“Also agreed.”

“And no dissing the Lions in my presence. They are my team; we are one pride.”

She rolls her eyes, but nods anyway. “Fair enough. But you have to realize this is Chicago, Bears territory. You are going to get shit, especially for supporting Detroit.”

“Can we compromise, and I’ll support the Cubs?” I ask.

She narrows her eyes. “Is that because of Kris Bryant?”

I sigh. “The man is too beautiful for words.”

She laughs. “Yes, yes, he is. So, is that it?”

I nod. “I think so.”

“And you’re okay with this boy stuff you’ve got going on?”

“Not really, but I will be.”

“You know you can talk to me if you want to. I-I know I haven’t been there before when you needed me, and that’s completely on me, but I’m here now, and I want to help.”

“Thanks, Aims.”

“I really am sorry. For not being there, for not helping you and Jase….”

She sniffs. I get off the bed and fold her into my arms.

“And I’m sorry for being a bastard about it. I know you had your reasons; I should’ve respected that.”

She shakes her head. “I should’ve come back.”

“There wasn’t much you could’ve done. There wasn’t much any of us could.”

“Still, I could’ve been there, with you and Jase.”

“You’re here now; we’re here now. They-they wouldn’t want us to be at each other’s throats. They’d want us to help one another.”

She nods.

“How about we both agree to leave all that in the past? You made mistakes; I made mistakes. It was a shitty time for everyone.”

“Okay,” she sniffs.

“Jase!” I yell.

“Yeah?” he says, popping his head out of his room.

“Get your ass over here, we’re having a family hug.”

“Er, okay.” He lopes over and puts his arms around us. “Can I ask what this is about?”

“Amy and I were just discussing how we’re not gonna let you out until you’re thirty. Won’t be able to get a car until you’re fifty.”

“Aww, c’mon guys, that’s fucked-up.”

“Hey!” Amy says.

“It is!” Jase insists. “Just ’cause I’m the youngest doesn’t mean you can baby me for the rest of my life.”

I pinch his cheeks. “But you were such a cute baby.”

He smacks my hand away. “Fuck off.”

“Hey!” Amy says again. “We may not baby you for the rest of your life, but at fifteen you’re not too old to be grounded.”

“He started it,” Jase grumbles.

“And I’m finishing it,” she says, folding her arms across her chest.


I look to Amy, and we both laugh.

“Come on, bud,” I say, ruffling his hair. “We were just messing with you.”

He knocks my hand away again.

Amy puts her arm around his shoulder. “Don’t be like that, J. I got hot dogs today, and we can make come chili and do—”

“Coney Island hot dogs,” he finishes for her.

“We may not be in Michigan, but we can bring Michigan to us,” she says.

“Sounds good to me.” And it does. I might have boy troubles right now, but I have my family, and that’ll do.