Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 6

“So tell me,” I say to Chloe as we sit in the cafeteria. “How does a nice girl like you end up kissing strange guys minutes after meeting them?” Although, we’re fast friends now, having shared another class since then.

She shrugs and pops a fry in her mouth. “Just lucky, I guess.”

I stare at her until she gives in with a sigh.

“Ugh, fine. So, it’s no secret that dudes don’t do it for me. I told you earlier my parents are still and probably always will be in denial about that fact.”

“That sucks. I’m sorry,” I tell her. I guess I lucked out in a big way with the fact my parents took my sexual orientation in their stride.

She waves me off. “It is what it is. Growing up, I knew they’d never accept it.”

“Okay…,” I prompt, not quite sure how this has anything to do with what I asked.

“But I thought, I hoped, the kids that went here, that I’ve known basically my whole life, would be different. I hoped they could see through all the bullshit our parents spewed, that they’d hear it and laugh, tell them they’re being old fuddy-duddies or whatever.”

“And they didn’t.”

She shakes her head. “No, they didn’t. Instead, they lap up whatever their parents tell them, questioning nothing.”

“Hardly fills you with confidence, does it?” I ask.

She laughs halfheartedly. “No, it doesn’t.”

“So all of this,” I wave a hand up and down her body, “is to what? Keep them on their toes? Keep them guessing?”

“That, and to show them what they’ll never have.”

I raise an eyebrow. “No one here has caught your eye?” I ask. “Actually, fuck that, no one here has tried to fuck you?”

Her face darkens, jaw clenching. “They’ve tried. Boy, have they tried. I think some of the girls are legitimately curious, and I will admit I have dabbled with some of them. They like to think they’re badass. I like to think I’ve turned them. Neither statement is particularly true. All of that is child’s play compared to the guys, though.”

“Have they…?”

She nods. “Many and often.”

“Holy fuck.”

She shrugs. “I’m unnatural, you see, against the natural order. Women are there to be at a man’s side, and one as hot as me? It’s inconceivable I wouldn’t be interested in one of them. And maybe I just haven’t had the right one.”

“Please tell me no one actually said that.”

She snorts. “I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard it.”

“So kissing me was—”

“A big fuck-you to everyone,” she finishes for me. “I want to show them all what they can’t have.”

“Um, that’s great and all, and I love you want to fuck with the entire student body, but I’m very much out of the closet and don’t intend on going back in it here.”

She shrugs. “Who says you have to? We can fuck with their heads a bit, can’t we? Keep them guessing?”

I think back to my run-in with Cav and his pit bull this morning. I don’t want trouble, but a little bit of fun never hurt anyone, right? Besides, I have to do something to keep this year even the slightest bit interesting. “A little bit of fuckery might be amusing.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Might?”

“Okay, more than might,” I concede.

She nods. “That’s what I thought.”

“So there’s no one here who’s catching your eye?” I ask.

“Not really. I’m content to be a free woman for the time being.”

“You never know….”

She gasps. “Connor Siddell, are you a romantic?”

I chuckle and shrug. “You got me.”

She laughs. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little romance,” I tell her.

“No, I guess there’s not. Maybe I’m just pessimistic.”

I grab her hand. “Well, now you’ve got me to balance that out.”

She gives me that stunning smile again. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“We’re going to be great friends, you and I.”

The rest of the day goes relatively smoothly. I don’t have any more classes with Cavanaugh, but I do have physics and gym with Thomas. It seems, however, that when his master’s not around, he doesn’t have the balls to go after me. Instead, he hangs around with some of the guys I saw him with at lunch. It’s a predictable group of generally good-looking guys all with massive egos inflated by the knowledge they’re basically untouchable. It’s the same attitude guys across the country have, I’m sure, but here… it feels different, like these guys mean more, can get away with more, as stupid as it sounds.

Chloe finds me before the day is through to check in before kissing me and strutting away.

“Holy fuck,” Jase says. “Who’s the hottie?”


“Is Chloe in need of a boyfriend?” he asks.

I slap him on the back of the head. “One, she’s gay and doesn’t want your scrawny ass, and two, she is my friend and deserves respect.”

He rolls his eyes. “And I was simply respecting her fine physical appearance.”

I shove a few books I don’t need into my locker before shutting it. “Come on, Amy’s waiting on us.”

Jase walks by my side as we navigate our way out of the building.

“As much as I like Amy driving us, I can’t wait for you to have your own car,” he says.

“Yeah?” I ask.

He nods.

“You gonna help me do it up when she finally lets me get one?”

“She will. I bet she hates having to drop us off and pick us up as much as we do.”

“Let’s hope so,” I say as we walk down the front steps.

Cavanaugh, Thomas, and their bunch of merry men are at the bottom, holding court, eyeing everyone as they leave.

“Did he give you a hard time today?” Jase asks as we walk past.

My head whips to face him. “You worried about me, kid?” I ask.

He shrugs. “You’re my brother.”

“Yeah, your older brother.”

“Who has spent more than his fair share of time worrying about me. I’m returning the favor.”

I shoot him a smile.

“Plus, if you get in trouble, Amy won’t let you get a car.”

I shove him, laughing as I do. “That’s all you want me for, to be your personal chauffeur, huh?”

“If the opportunity presents itself.” He looks back over his shoulder toward Cavanaugh. “Just be careful, okay, Con? I have a bad feeling about that guy.”

I sling my arm around Jase’s neck and kiss the top of his head. I spare my own glance back at Cavanaugh, finding his eyes on me.

The warnings about this guy are mounting, but there’s something about him that doesn’t want me to let go.