His Sub by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 26:  Maggie




Maggie couldn’t believe she was doing this. She’d been naked with David more times than she could count, but this was different. There was nothing David-like about Terry.

Her and David’s relations had always been them together, not her across the room obeying his every command. It was wrong and yet so right. She was already wet and aching. She’d never admit it, but when he’d talked dirty, she’d almost orgasmed. She was still close. All she needed was a touch and those words and she’d break apart.

“Come here, little rabbit.”

She had no idea why he called her that, but she was starting to like it. She was like a rabbit, scared and small but he was going to protect her. Guide her. She stopped in front of him, his dark eyes on her breasts.

“Offer one to me.”

“What?” She couldn’t have heard him right.

He dragged his gaze up to her face. “Don’t question me.”

“Sorry, Sir.” There must be something wrong with her because calling him sir made her even wetter.

“Do as you’re told.”

She lifted one of her breasts. It was soft and heavy in her hands—not as firm as she’d like and she prayed he didn’t mind. She bent toward him, keeping her eyes averted. Her entire body was on fire, desire waging war with embarrassment. He ran his finger across her nipple. His touch was even warmer than her skin and when he pinched her softly, she gasped, her legs shaking with need. David had played with her breasts but it was nothing like what this man was doing to her.

“You liked that. Good, because I like getting rough.” His hot breath stroked across her skin.

She wanted to grab his head and pull him to her, but she was pretty sure that wasn’t allowed.

“Sit on my lap.”

She turned to sit down but his hand caught her hip.

“Not like that.” His dark eyes gleamed with amusement.

Her gaze dropped to his pants and he was more than aroused. Her mouth was suddenly dry as she put her hands on his shoulders.

He grabbed her hips, stopping her from straddling him. “First, take off your pants.”

She kicked off her shoes. Her knees trembled as her fingers went to her button. This was it. If she did this, there was no turning back. She hadn’t been with anyone but David in almost forever.

“Maggie, listen to me. Let everything else go except what I tell you. Nothing else matters in here.”

It sounded so primal and so lovely, an escape from the hell that had become her life. She could turn it all over to him for a few hours. He could decide everything for her. She’d have no worries, no fears, nothing but his voice, his body and…Her eyes dropped to his cock which had been big before but now was huge. She wanted to feel him inside her, filling her, making everything disappear except him and her.

Her hands skimmed over her soft, round belly as she unbuttoned her pants. She wasn’t in the best shape. He had to be aware of that from seeing her in her clothes, but it wasn’t the same as her naked body. She’d had three kids. She had cellulite and flab. She didn’t want to do this. Not like this—out in the open, in the light. “Uhm, what if we went to your bed or—”


She frowned. He hadn’t even let her finish. “Then how about we turn off the lights?”

“No.” He raised his dark eyes from her hands, pausing for a long moment on her breasts before meeting her gaze. “I gave you an order.”

“Terry, please. I’m—”

“Sir.” His voice was like sandpaper, raspy and hoarse.

“Please Sir, may we turn off the lights?”


“I don’t…”

He stood, his chest so close he almost brushed against her breasts when he breathed. He grabbed the back of her neck, tipping her head so she looked at him. “Obey.”

“I-I can’t.” She wanted to, but she couldn’t.

“Why?” His face softened.

“I’m…I’m fat,” she whispered. He had to know, but admitting it was so embarrassing.

He frowned, his hand moving to her chin. “You’re lush.”

That made her feel a little better but…“You haven’t seen me without my clothes.”

“And whose fault is that?” One side of his mouth turned up in a smile.

“I want to do this. I want to obey but…”

“You are the sexiest woman I know.” He swatted her ass and walked across the room. He grabbed the wine from the bar and refilled her glass.

“I thought you liked your women sober.” She took the drink from him, thankful for the liquid courage.

“I do, but I think this will help you.” He kissed her nose as his hands skimmed up her stomach to her breasts. “And I’m your master. It’s my job to make sure you’re happy and”—his fingers traced her nipples, causing them to harden almost painfully before he squeezed them—“satisfied.” 

She moaned, her back arching toward his touch, but he dropped his hands and sat on his chair.

“Finish your wine and then take off your pants.”

She gulped down the drink. It helped but she still didn’t want to stand before this man, who looked like a gorgeous Greek statue, in all her chubby glory.

“You’re beautiful, Maggie and I want to see you.”

She stared at her feet as she grasped the zipper of her pants.

“Look at me.”

She closed her eyes for a moment. This was going from bad to worse. She didn’t want to see his face when he got his first look at her body.

“I’ve given you some leeway because you’re new at this, but if you don’t look at me now, I’m going to paddle your ass and not let you come.”

Her eyes shot to his face. “What do you mean by that?” She orgasmed when she orgasmed.

“You’ll see.” His mouth curled in a smirk. “I’m going to enjoy bringing you close to release and then backing away. Making you beg me to let you come.”

“You’d do that?” With David he just did his thing and she had to hope he hit the spots that she liked. When they’d first married, he’d seemed to try but over the years, it was more about his enjoyment than hers.

“Absolutely. Over and over again.”

It sounded horrible and wonderful at the same time.

“Take off your pants and look at me while you do it.”

She lowered the zipper, praying the desire in his eyes wouldn’t turn to horror when he got his first glimpse of her cellulite and thick thighs. She stopped. The zipper had come to the end of its path.

His breathing was harsh and heavy as he stared at her. He raised his eyes from her hands to her face, one brow lifting. It was a non-verbal command and she understood. She’d delayed as long as she could. She grabbed the waistband and pushed down her pants. His eyes followed their descent and then back up to stare at the juncture between her thighs. Thankfully, she’d worn a decent pair of panties. They were white with a little lace. They weren’t the sexiest thing but they were better than the grannie panties she sometimes wore to help keep her tummy in place.

“The underwear too.” His eyes never moved.

There was nothing but lust on his face—no disgust, no distaste at her body. She shivered as his dark gaze heated the flesh between her thighs like a smoldering fire. She shoved the panties down, letting them pool at her feet.

“Come here.” He raised his gaze to hers.

She inhaled sharply at the raw desire in his eyes. To this man she wasn’t fat or a mother, she was a woman he wanted. She stepped closer, feeling sexy for the first time in years.

“You are Venus.” His eyes raked over her, leaving fissures of heat in their wake.

She blushed. She wasn’t but she was glad he thought so. His eyes devoured her, but he remained still. His only movement was his chest rising and falling and his hands on his thighs, clasping the cloth of his pants as if trying not to reach for her. He should stop fighting. She wanted those large hands on her, exploring and caressing. She needed to feel his touch deep inside, stroking and coaxing. She shifted, trying to ease the ache inside of her. If he didn’t do something soon, she’d touch herself—well, she wouldn’t in front of him, but she wanted to.

He inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring. She closed her eyes. Please don’t let him say anything about a smell.

“Look at me.”

She opened her eyes.

“Why are you embarrassed?”

“How did you—”

“I know your body. I’ve studied you since the night we met.”

“It’s nothing.” She was not going to talk about this.

“Tell me or I’ll spank you.”

Her eyes darted to his face. Would it hurt if he hit her or would it be more pleasure than pain?

“The truth. Now.” His hand flexed. “Always, the truth between us. Nothing is embarrassing in here. There’s nothing you can’t do or can’t tell me.”

“I was afraid you’d say something about…you know, when you inhaled.”

“Your scent?” He seemed amused and it was pissing her off.

“Yes, Terry. We all smell. Sex smells.”

“Yes, Sir and sex smells wonderful.” He moved his face toward her pussy. “You smell wonderful. Delicious actually.”

She stepped back. David had been disgusted by oral sex—the giving part not, of course, the receiving.

“Get over here.” His lips were thin lines of displeasure.

“I don’t like…You don’t have to…I don’t want you to.” God, she was a mess. She had no idea what she wanted. Her body screamed that it did want his mouth on her—there, but her brain said no, it was disgusting.

He grabbed her wrist. “You don’t get to decide. I do. Remember?”

She nodded. That was right. He decided what he wanted, what she’d like. The tension fled like a wisp of smoke in a storm. She was free from decisions and second guesses. “Yes, Sir.”

“I wanted to worship your breasts.” His eyes roamed over her. “They are glorious but I think you need a lesson in obedience.”

Her heart went into overtime. He wasn’t actually going to spank her, was he? Her most private parts throbbed with excitement.

He stood. “Sit.”

She sat in his chair, the warmth from his body lingered and she snuggled against the cushion, inhaling his cologne.

He knelt in front of her. “Spread your legs.”

“What? I mean, what Sir?” She couldn’t do that. It’d be like asking him to…and she just couldn’t do it.

“You heard me. Obey or I won’t let you come.”

She wasn’t sure he’d have a choice. Her skin tingled in anticipation—one touch, one breath might be enough to send her flying to her release.

“Now, Maggie.”

His deep tone slid inside her, taking over her body. Her legs dropped open a bit. He bent, his dark head contrasting with her pale skin. His mouth was hot and wet on her knee. His lips trailed upward as he spread her legs farther apart, making room for his large shoulders. His hot breath wafted over her core, caressing her, heating her. Her head dropped against the chair and she closed her eyes, feeling nothing but him—his hands, rough and strong holding her legs apart, his shirt, soft and gently scraping against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, his mouth inches away from where she needed it.

“So beautiful.” His fingers skimmed across her pussy, soft and fleeting. “And wet. So wet, for me. You like being my sub don’t you.”

Her hips arched toward him and he chuckled. She’d be embarrassed later, but right now, she needed him to touch her, really touch her. She moaned as he stroked her, his fingers firmer, harder, better, but not enough. He teased around her clit, never touching her there or inside—never going where she wanted him.

His finger stopped, resting lightly on her mound. “Answer me.”

“What?” She leaned up, looking at him. She had no idea what he’d asked.

He frowned at her, his dark brow arching in expectation.

“What, Sir?”

“I asked if you liked being my sub.” His tone was firm but there was humor mixed with desire in his eyes.

“Yes, Sir.” A smiled teased her lips. She liked this very much.

He grabbed her legs and pulled her forward until her butt was almost hanging off the chair. “That’s better.” He kissed her inner thigh–first one and then the other before putting them over his shoulders.

“Stop. You can’t.” This was beyond embarrassing. She was wide open. He could see everything. Everything.

“I can do whatever I want to my sub.” He swatted her ass.

She squeaked as the sting from his hand seemed to echo through her body, settling between her legs. Right where his mouth lingered, so close but not touching. Fortunately, his fingers started working their magic again, rubbing and caressing her, making her body hum. Her head fell back. She no longer cared how she looked. All she cared about was that he didn’t stop. Not yet. Not when she was so close. Her hips rolled with his fingers, following his touch.

“Can’t I?” His lips brushed against her as he spoke.

“Yes.” She wasn’t sure what he was talking about but yes was the exact right word for what she was feeling.

“Yes, Sir.” He ran his tongue along her crease, rough and wet and hot.


“I suppose that’ll work too.” He buried his face in her cunt, licking and sucking, teasing and stroking.

It was too much. Her hands clasped the arms of the chair and then somehow made it to his head, clinging to him as his tongue fucked her. His large hands cupped her ass, holding her like an offering for him to feast upon.

“Look at me.” His voice rumbled through her and she leaned up.

That was all it took. That one sight—her legs splayed over his large shoulder, still covered in his white work shirt, his dark head buried between her thighs as his tongue slide in and out of her while his finger rubbed her clit. Her body tensed. “Oh…god…” She came, her hips rocking and her legs clasping his head as her hands tangled in his hair.