The Virgin Next Door by Stasia Black



Liam pushedhis extra-large cart with the pallet of feed toward the front of the supply store, looking for Jeremiah as he went. They’d headed in different directions after coming in. Jer was headed to get some wood for fence repair and Liam wondered if he’d—

“Oh hi!” came a chirpy voice. “I thought that was your truck I saw parked out front.”

Liam looked down to see the fake-tanned blonde who’d insulted Calla at the Trail Trial the other day. He frowned and tried to move his heavy cart around her but she just stepped in his path again.

“It takes a lot of man to handle that much truck.” She smiled flirtatiously. “I thought about getting that model but Daddy talked me into the Ford F450 Crew Cab.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Yes, it was more expensive, but I always say, never scrimp on the important things.” She beamed at Liam.

“You’re in me way,” was all he said, gesturing to his cart.

“You’re not still upset about what you overheard the other day, are you?” Her eyes went big and she put a hand to her chest. No doubt to emphasize the cleavage spilling out of the tight red top she was wearing. “I’ve been so embarrassed about that ever since. My Mama would’ve washed my mouth out with soap if she’d overheard me.” She waved a hand. “It was just a harmless joke but I totally understand if poor Cal took it wrong. I’ll apologize to her again the next time I see her. I just think of her as one of the guys but it was wrong of me not to be more considerate of her feelings.”

“Anyway,” she sidled closer to Liam’s side, ignoring the way he jerked back when her arm brushed his. “Liam, like I said, I’ve felt so bad about the misunderstandings we’ve had the last couple times we’ve talked. I wanted to invite you out to my place where we could spend some alone time and really get to know each other. I’ve got a big stretch of land and a jacuzzi out back that will help relax these muscles.”

She moved and put her hands on his shoulders.

What the— He jerked away from her touch again. Could she not get a fucking clue?

“Oh! See? You’ve got so much tension back there. The jacuzzi will loosen you right up.” She leaned in. “I know there aren’t a lot of places around here to enjoy the finer things in life, but I’ve got a bottle of Chateau Margaux that I have just been dying to split with someone who would appreciate it.”

“I guess I didn’t make meself clear enough last time. This is biscuits to a bear.” At her confused expression, he clarified. “A waste of time. I will never, not ever, want to spend any time with you.”

“But you wanted me,” she sputtered. “That night at Bubba’s. We had a connection. I know if you would just give me a—”

“Are you feckin’ delusional?” he asked incredulously. Jaysus. “You were a cow to me girl, Calla. To be honest, breathing the same air as you is makin’ me a bit nauseated.” He scrunched his nose up to give further effect. “I wouldn’t get with you if you were the last woman on earth and sleepin’ with you meant the survival of the human race. I’d still find you too disgustin’ to lay me hands on. Me cock would shrivel up and fall off first.”

The woman’s mouth dropped open and then her face went quickly red with rage. Liam waited for the slap. Perhaps he’d taken it a tad too far there, but he wanted to get it through the poxy bitch’s head once and for all.

“Did I miss something?”

The woman’s head swung over to Jeremiah as he pushed his cart closer and looked between her and Liam with raised eyebrows.

“I— He—” The woman sputtered several more times before making an infuriated high-pitched noise, turning on her high-heeled boots and stalking off toward the front of the store.

Liam just shrugged his shoulders when Jeremiah leveled his gaze on him. “What?” he said. “The ladies love me. Sometimes I’ve got to beat them off with the proverbial stick.”

“Remind me never to make you my wing man.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Liam rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s get going.” Calla spent the day in Casper visiting her dad and Liam wanted to be there when she got back.

* * *

Gettingthe rest of their supplies took longer than Liam would’ve liked and they didn’t get home for another hour and a half. It was nine o’clock but Calla still wasn’t home yet.

Liam jogged up the stairs and headed for Mack’s room. Calla hadn’t texted him anything, but maybe Mack had heard from her.

Liam had just pushed Mack’s door open the slightest bit when he heard Mack’s voice. Liam frowned, pausing. Mack never had anyone in his room. Liam leaned his ear to the door and realized it was just a one-sided conversation.

“—don’t have any more info about what he’s been up to since he got out?”


“Laying low? What the fuck does that mean?”

It must be a phone conversation, because there was another brief pause before Mack’s voice sounded again.

“Do you have a location or not?”


“Okay.” There was scuffling like Mack was reaching for a pen and paper. “But you don’t know if he’s still at Franco’s or if he— Well Jesus, Sammy, what the fuck am I sending you three g’s a month for?”

A sigh from Mack. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m sorry. This shit’s just got me on edge. You know I appreciate you, Sam. Look after Brenda and Sammy Jr. I’ll be in touch.”

Footsteps sounded and Liam pulled back from the door. But it didn’t open. Just more footsteps. Mack was pacing. He did that when he got antsy. Liam could just see the way he was probably stretching his jaw and shoulders.

He’d definitely be coming to Liam’s room tonight. He always did on days he got tense like that—well, as long as Calla came first. Mack never came without Calla.

Just another one of the many mysteries that was Mack.

Along with—who was Mack on the phone with? Someone he was sending three grand a month for information. About who? Why? And where the hell did he get that kind of cash?

Liam’s eyes cut back to the door and he knocked on it.

“What?” came Mack’s growling reply.

Liam smirked and pushed the door open.

Mack glared his direction. “What do you want?”

Liam tsked. “How was your day, Liam? Oh, really? How interesting. Tell me more.”

“Cut the shit.” Mack narrowed his eyes.

Liam laughed out loud. “And to think,” he said, closing the door behind him as he stepped into Mack’s room, “it’s taken me this long to learn to appreciate your bracing honesty. It’s okay, big guy.” He smacked Mack on the shoulder. “This is an open sharing space. Tell me how you really feel. I won’t judge.”

He walked past Mack further into the room when he didn’t say anything. He lifted the lid of Mack’s laptop. “Any good porn on here?”

Mack slammed it shut. “What. Do. You. Want?”

“Jaysus, it must be exhaustin’ being so damn serious all the time.”

“It’s called being a grown up. You should try it sometime.”

Liam gasped. “Touché.” Then he dropped the act. “Have you heard from Calla? She’s not back yet.”

Mack’s eyebrows went up, finally exhibiting another emotion than annoyance at Liam’s presence.

“I’ve tried calling her but she’s not picking up.”

Mack shrugged. “You know how spotty service is around here. Even if she did have a signal, she’s smart enough not to pick up while she drives. Unlike some people, she doesn’t treat traffic laws like suggestions.”

“Ha. Ha. I’m serious. She’s never this late.”

“What time is it?” Mack asked.


“I don’t like it.” Liam felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle at finally admitting it out loud. He walked over to the window and put his hands around his eyes to peer out into the darkness. “Anything could happen out there on the road. The deer are fecking suicidal around here. I had two jump in front of me car just last week.”

“Yeah, well,” Mack said, grabbing his laptop and sitting down with it on his bed, “she’s driven these roads all her life. Pretty sure she knows what she’s doing.”

Liam glared at Mack. “Do you have an emotional bone in your feckin’ body? Our girl is out there, God knows where, and you’re just gonna sit there and what?” Liam reached for the laptop again. “Check your Instagram feed?”

Mack jerked the laptop away at the last second and closed the lid again. “Why are you here again? I don’t buy any of this concerned Prince Charming bullshit.” He gestured Liam up and down.

“Why do ya always have to be such a poxy bastard about everything? Jaysus. Did your mother drop you on your head as a small child or somethin’?”

“That’s it,” Mack growled. He tossed his laptop to the side and got to his feet.

“Ooo,” Liam said, putting a hand over his mouth. “The big scary man is comin’ for me. Run for me life!”

Liam grinned when Mack’s glare went a shade darker. At least pissin’ with him would help distract Liam from worrying about Calla.

Besides, he only had a few more weeks of this. Fuckin’ with Mackenzie Knight whenever he pleased. After that, Mack would move on, and it would just be him and Calla.

Which was good. It was what he’d wanted in the first place. To get the girl.

So why did the thought of never seeing the big angry bastard in front of him feel like a kick to his gut?

The thought had the smile falling from Liam’s face. Did he actually care about—

Jaysus. No.

He wasn’t that much of a fecking idiot. Or a masochist.

Right as Mack grabbed for Liam’s shirt, Liam jumped back and heard the sound of the front door slamming below.

“Calla,” he and Mack said at the same time, their gazes locking. Good. Time to put this back on familiar fecking territory. With Calla firmly between them.

They both went for the door at the same time. Mack got there first, the wanker. He met Calla halfway down the stairs.

“You okay, honey? You’re late. We were worried.”

Liam rolled his eyes. What a crock of shite.

He ignored Mack and joined them.

“Did you have any trouble on the road? Are you hungry? We kept a plate of food for you in the fridge.”

“For Christ’s sake, she just walked in the door.” Mack shoved Liam to the side so he could pass by with Calla on his arm. “Let her breathe before firing twenty fucking questions.”

Liam would have tried to batter the bastard, but Calla was leaning on him like she was glad for the support.

Shite. Something was wrong. Liam knew it. She hadn’t been acting herself all week. Something was off.

“I ate on the road.” Calla’s voice was little more than a whisper and it sounded scratchy. Like she’d been crying. Liam’s head jerked up to Mack and he nodded. He heard it too. “I’m just tired.”

Why wasn’t she confiding in them?

Mack didn’t lead Calla to her room. Instead, he took her straight to Liam’s. The rest of the guys were downstairs watching a game and at this point, Liam didn’t care if anyone saw them. Calla needed them and it wasn’t like the twins or Nicholas were gossips.

Liam suspected Xavier knew something of what was going on, but if he did, he wasn’t saying anything about it either.

Mack led her to Liam’s bed and sat her down while Liam shut the door behind them. He hurried over to Calla and sat beside her on the bed, grabbing her hand in his. It was ice cold. He rubbed it between his palms.

“Baby, what’s going on? Talk to us.”

“Nothing,” she answered, too quickly.

“You’re a bad liar,” Mack said gently, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. She wore it down more and more often.

Calla’s hazel eyes flashed up to them before dropping back down to her lap. She bit her bottom lip and her throat moved as she swallowed hard. “It’s my dad… he’s… really sick.” She covered her face with her hands and her back started shaking. “I don’t think he even recognized me.”

“Shh, come here.” Mack pulled her into his chest. Liam moved up close against her back. Jaysus, she felt so fragile between them. Her body shook like a leaf as she sobbed.

Liam shared another worried glance with Mack and then wrapped his arms around her so that she was enclosed all the way around by them.

Finally she pulled back from Mack’s chest, tear tracks fresh on her cheeks. She looked first at Mack, then at Liam.

“I just want to forget. Please. Can you help me forget for tonight?”

“Baby,” Liam said, rubbing a comforting hand down her spine. “are you sure you don’t want to—”

Calla turned in their arms and cut Liam off with a kiss. She wasn’t shy about it either. The more nights they all spent together, the bolder she’d grown. More and more she told them exactly where and how she wanted to be touched. What made her feel good. Watching her come to life sexually had been one of the most fecking amazing things Liam had ever witnessed.

So Liam trusted her to know what she needed right now and he kissed her back. Her hands immediately started scrabbling at the bottom of his shirt. He obliged by pulling it off over his head. Her hands roamed up his chest. And then down, her deft little fingers tugging at his button.

“Jaysus, woman,” Liam groaned into her hot little mouth.

Mack nestled his nose into her neck from behind. “Christ you smell good,” he murmured. “Like some kind of flower.”

Calla laughed a little, hiccupping as tears still fell and she turned around to kiss Mack. Liam followed and kissed the salty tears from her cheeks.

“Beautiful Calla,” he whispered. “Goddess Calla.”

“Come here,” Mack murmured, taking her hand and tugging her in the direction of the bed. She followed, arms around his neck. She kept kissing him while they moved. Liam stayed with her too, nuzzling his nose into the back of her neck.

Mack tugged her t-shirt off over her head and Liam undid the bra clasp at her back, sliding it down her shoulders. Next Mack worked on the button of her jeans before tugging them down, too. Between them, they had her undressed in under a minute.

Mack was gentle as he pushed her back on the bed. She arched up so she could keep kissing him. It was like she couldn’t bear to lose contact for even a second. She reached out for Liam the next moment, moving from Mack’s lips to his.

He frowned but kissed her deep. She seemed frantic. Was it just her dad she was upset over? How long had she been crying? She’d been gone all day. He hated to think of her crying while she’d been driving the dark roads between here and Casper.

“Baby,” he started but she just shook her head like she was anticipating any of the many questions he had.

“I want you tonight.” She looked from Liam to Mack. “I’m ready. I want you both at the same time.”

Mack’s eyes shot to Liam. Did she mean—

“I’ve been stretching myself,” she continued, eyes cast down like she was embarrassed. “Every night. I wanted it to be a surprise.” Her gaze flicked between Liam and Mack. “But I can’t wait anymore. I want to feel you both at once. I need it.”

Shite. She did mean—

Mack’s eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t want to hurt you—”

“You won’t,” Calla hurried to say. “I told you. I’ve been stretching.”

“With what?” Liam asked. Did she really know what she was asking? Did she think just stretching herself with a finger was anywhere near—

She licked her lips and looked down again. “Just a small toy. I’ve had it for a while.”

Liam could only stare at her.

“Holy shit, that’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” Mack growled, grabbing Calla and kissing her roughly. Liam had to agree. Even the idea of her playing with her arse like that each night to get herself ready for them—Jaysus, his cock throbbed at the image.

Mack pulled her until they were both laying down. But then he rolled Calla so that she was facing Liam.

“Eat her out,” Mack ordered Liam. “I want her cunt sopping, you hear me?”

Liam bristled at being ordered around. He mock saluted. “Yes, sir.”

Mack leveled him with a glare but Liam ignored him, kissing down Calla’s body. “Open up, baby,” he said when he came to the apex of her thighs. He coaxed her to lift one leg and Jaysus—her scent hit him along with a wave of lust.

He licked down her cleft and buried his tongue inside her cunt.

Her body shuddered and she reached down to bury a hand in his hair. Christ, he loved how responsive she was. It wasn’t just a show she was putting on for him, either. Every reaction he and Mack wrung from Calla’s body was the genuine article.

He moved up to lick around her clit when her fingernails dug into his scalp. He pulled back the slightest bit and saw Mack behind her. He was doing something to her that was driving her crazy.

Shite, was that how she reacted when someone played with her arse?

Liam moved his hand around to her back entrance, wanting to feel what Mack was doing. His hand collided with Mack’s. Mack didn’t push him away. Liam felt down Mack’s arm covered in wiry hair all the way to his hand. Then to his fingers.

Jaysus, he had two buried in Calla’s arse. He’d lubed them up because they were slick. He had them shoved in past the second knuckle. He worked them in and out, in and out.

Liam sucked more furiously at her clit.

“Come for us honey,” Mack growled. “Give us your first one just like this.”

Calla threw her own hand over her mouth to stifle her cries as she climaxed, thrusting her cunt into Liam’s face over and over.

He lapped up every drop of her, loving how crazy they could drive her. He kept sucking on her clit until her body had gone lax with only little aftershocks occasionally making her legs jerk.

He pulled back and looked to Mack.

“All right, honey,” Mack said. “I’m gonna lower you on me. You need to slow down or stop, you just say so. You got me?”

Calla looked over her shoulder at Mack and nodded, biting her bottom lip.

“You nervous, baby?” Liam asked, cupping her face and drawing her back around to look at him while Mack stacked up all the pillows at the head of the bed and sat back against them.

She shook her head. “I know you’ll take care of me.”

Her hazel eyes were full of such trust, it about knocked Liam on his arse. Who was this girl to put so much trust in him? He was a poncy little shite who’d never appreciated all the privileges he’d been given his whole life.

Mack lifted her by her waist so she was straddling him in reverse cowgirl position. Calla crouched and Liam held her hands to help her balance. His breath quickened as he looked around her and saw Mack smear lube up and down his long cock. Then he took it and positioned himself at Calla’s arse.

“Here we go, baby.” Liam kissed Calla as Mack fed his cock into her arse. Liam felt the second Mack penetrated—Calla gasped and her hands squeezed Liam’s.

“That’s right. You’re doing so good, honey,” Mack said from below them. His hands were on Calla’s waist, lowering her down onto himself.

“I’m going in another inch. Fuck you feel good. So fuckin’ tight.” Mack’s voice was strained in a way Liam had never heard before.

Liam pulled back from kissing Calla to look over her shoulder at Mack. His face was red, veins standing at attention on both his neck and his forehead, it was taking so much for him to hold back.

“Look what you’re doing to him,” Liam whispered to Calla, kissing down her neck to her breast. “You’re driving both of us insane.” He rubbed his cock into her stomach. He wanted her hands on him but he didn’t want to take her attention off the feel of Mack taking her virgin arse.

“Christ,” Mack bit out through clenched teeth. “Calla. Fuck.” He took a huge heaving breath as he settled Calla even deeper. Her eyes popped open wide and she gasped again, swallowing hard.

“You alright?” Liam asked.

She nodded frantically. “It’s just— I’ve never felt anything—” She huffed out a short laugh. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” A concentrated look came over her face.

“Christ honey, you clench on me like that again and I’m gonna fucking lose it.”

Calla looked entirely pleased with herself. She was so feckin’ adorable. Liam went back up on his knees so he could kiss her deep.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him up and into her. His cock bobbed against where she was slick and he groaned low.

“Now you,” Mack said. “Take her pussy. Let her feel both of us at once.”

Liam pulled away from Calla to reach over to open the nightstand drawer. He was surprised when Calla put her hand on his arm. Her eyes were hesitant, then shadowed. “You don’t have to. Wear one. I’m— It won’t—”

Liam put his hand under her chin. “Never be shy with me, baby. You telling me it’s safe because your monthly’s off?”

She nodded, eyes still down.

“Baby that’s the best news I’ve heard all week.” The thought of having her bare made his cock stiffen so much it was almost painful.

“Get inside her,” Mack growled. “I need to move.”

Liam smiled lazily at Mack. “Can’t rush seduction.” He took his cock in hand and brushed it up and down against Calla’s pussy lips.

“Jaysus, she’s so wet,” he whispered.

“Then get the fuck inside her. I want her stuffed full. She’s ours and she needs to know what that feels like.”

Calla made a little needy whine at that and her hazel eyes were full of need when Liam looked at her.

Feckin’ hell, he couldn’t stand it another second. He lifted her left leg up and shoved home.

Oh,” she gasped, her eyes going wide again.

This must be what heaven felt like. Right here, hiding in plain sight—heaven. This feeling. These two people. His cock buried to the hilt in Calla with Mack up her arse, all their limbs tangled up together.

Liam pushed Calla’s body down until she was laying back against Mack’s chest. He lifted her leg up over his shoulder, pulled back and then thrust back in. He hissed through his teeth at how good it felt.

Calla turned her head to the side and Mack met her lips greedily. They were both so hot. When Mack moved his hips, Liam could feel both Calla and Mack— Jaysus, it was—

Calla turned back to Liam and then her lips were on his. He’d swear he could taste Mack on her.

And it was like she read his mind. Because she pulled back from him and cupped his cheeks. Her eyes closed and her mouth dropped open, head tipping back as he and Mack continued fucking her. She sucked in a quick breath and then her eyes opened. And, still holding his cheeks, she pulled him forward.

But not to her own lips.

She put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him until he was bent over her shoulder. Face to face with Mackenzie.

“Kiss him,” Calla whispered, her chest heaving between them. “This is all of us. Feel it. Oh God. I want you to feel it all.”

Liam looked to Mack, alarmed. No. He and Mack weren’t like that. Sure he’d let Mack fuck him that time, and maybe he’d sucked Mack’s dick a few more times—but that was just animal. Bodies fucking. That was all they were to each other.

But when Mack took over for Calla gripping the back of Liam’s neck and his lips crashed against Liam’s, everything he thought he knew flew out the window.

Mack’s jaw was rough with five-o-clock shadow and his lips were hard and thin. Nothing like Calla’s giving softness. But Mack kissed him like… Like he wanted to fucking own him.

Liam’s eyes had dropped closed but they flew open again and he pulled back from Mack.

Wrong move.

Because that meant he was looking Mack straight in the eye. And what he saw there— Jaysus. Did Mack really— Want him? Want him like that? Liam blinked, confused even as he thrust even more forcefully into Calla, matching Mack’s hips.

Christ. So good. Like nothing he’d ever—

“You’re both mine,” Mack snarled, reaching around Calla to grasp Liam’s waist.

“Yours,” Calla gasped, rolling and grinding her hips against Liam. “Oh, it’s coming.” Her body was slick with sweat between them.

“Give it to us,” Mack said, withdrawing and then jerking his hips back up beneath her. She jolted every time and all the lines of her face went taut as she chased her pleasure.

“Not yet,” Liam said, thrusting even more furiously. He looked back and forth from Calla’s face to Mack’s. He couldn’t decide who he wanted to watch as climax came closer and closer. What he really wanted was to hold it off forever. To stay right here in this moment of before, all of them connected, right on that edge of fucking bliss with both of them.

He stilled inside Calla for a moment, focusing only on the slight friction provided when Mack’s cock thrust up her arse and knocked against the wall where Liam’s cock was buried. It was too much for him. He had to start thrusting after that.

“Baby.” Liam had said it to Calla, but Mack’s eyes met his again.

“I know,” she said, lifting one hand behind her and hooking it around Mack’s neck. She drew Liam close with the other.

Their heads all came together, sweat and breaths mingling. Liam’s chest went tight. He didn’t know what he— This all felt too—

Now,” Mack said.

Calla was the first to lose it. The way her pussy squeezed around Liam’s cock, he couldn’t help but to lunge forward as deep as he could in response. He dropped his head over Calla’s shoulder. Mack met him there, kissing him, and when the very tips of their tongues touched—

Liam roared into Mack’s mouth with the rush of his climax. Mack swallowed it all and drew even more out of him.

Liam pulled out and pushed in again, and then again. No. He wasn’t ready to let it go. Just a little longer. A little bit more—

Calla clenched around him and he broke away from Mack so he could kiss her. After the roughness of Mack’s mouth, her soft lips felt even more sensuous. He could spend a lifetime comparing and contrasting the different ways their mouths felt and tasted.

He brushed his thumb over Calla’s breasts and her body gave another shudder. Liam moved his hand beneath her and traced down from Mack’s collar bone to his nipple. So much smaller and tighter. He plucked at it and got a slap to the arse for it.

Liam yelped and glared at Mack. Calla laughed at them and rolled with Liam to the side. Mack was spooned behind her and she snuggled her head on his bicep. She wrapped her arm around Liam’s waist and pulled him close.

Liam felt the moment Mack went to pull away. To leave like he always did. Liam’s stomach swooped with disappointment.

But then, instead of pulling away from Calla, he shifted to wrap his arm more firmly around her waist.

“Roll over,” he ordered gruffly.

Liam was confused for a second. Then he realized Mack was talking to him. He blinked a couple times and rolled over.

Calla scooted up against his back, notching her knees behind his. And then Liam felt the weight of Mack’s arm settling over both their waists.

Liam’s breath caught.

What did all this mean? And why had tonight felt less like fucking and more like making lo—

He shut down the thought before he could finish it and squeezed his eyes shut. Why the hell was he suddenly looking for meaning in shite? A shag was a shag. That was all there was to it.

But when he finally fell asleep, it was to a restless dream of charging into a burning castle to rescue a princess. Only to get trapped by the flames himself.

Until a certain brawny, tattooed fireman came in and rescued them both.