The Two Week Stand by Samantha Towle



Dillon is staring at me like she’s seeing me for the first time. Lips agape. Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers wide and totally scandalized.

I have an image of her lying beneath me, looking up at me in the exact same way, and my dick twitches in my trunks.

I like that she has this kind of sexual innocence about her. She’s not inexperienced, but she’s not sexually confident either. She’s not used to someone talking so openly about sex with her.

Well, when I’m done with her, she’ll be experienced in both by the end of this vacation.

I know she’s recently gone through a really shitty breakup. But I’m not the kind of man who is indecisive. I can’t be that way on the field. When I have a pass to make, there’s no room for hesitation. And I’m not that way in life.

I always know what I want, and I always go for what I want. I’m clear from the get-go if I want a woman. I tell her what I’m willing to offer her—which is sex. If she’s happy with that, then let the fucking commence. If she isn’t, then I won’t lose any sleep over it.

Well, maybe I’ll lose a little if Dillon says no.

Knowing that she will be sleeping in the villa just across from mine and I don’t get to know what it’s like to sink my cock into her pussy … yeah, that might cause me to lose some sleep.

I’m not sure what it is about her. She’s just so different from any woman I’ve ever met. And I’ve met a lot of women.

I honestly can’t remember the last time I was so hot for a chick as I am with Dillon. Probably when I was back in high school and discovered what it was like to get my dick wet for the first time.

Maybe it’s the English thing, or the way she has absolutely no clue how fucking gorgeous she is, or those eyes that seem to see everything, or her funny and smart mouth, but I wanted her the moment she wobbled into the bar. And I would have absolutely gone for her that night if she hadn’t been drunk. But she’s not drunk now. She’s sober, and I’m not holding back on saying what I want.

And what I want for the next couple of weeks is her.

I want to fuck her real bad. Actually, I need to do a lot of things to her that would require us spending a hell of a lot of time in bed together. Things that I bet her dipshit of an ex never did to her. I’m gonna make her come so fucking hard and so often that she won’t be able to wipe the smile from her face for a fucking month.

For the time we’re together, I’ll be good to her. I’ll make her feel good about herself. All the while making us both come hard and often.

I might not be cut out for a relationship. But I will never make a woman feel shitty about herself.

I’ll make her feel beautiful and sexy. I’ll make her feel everything that attracts me to her.

You don’t need to be a prick to be a player.

I’m just a guy who likes sex but who knows that a relationship isn’t for him. But I don’t want to be the asshole who hurts people who really don’t deserve to be hurt. And Dillon is definitely one of those people.

Wordlessly, she picks up her beer bottle and presses the mouth of it to her lips. Tips it up, pouring the liquid into her mouth.

I watch the way her delicate throat works on a swallow as she takes the beer into her body. Lucky fucking beer.

Her tongue sneaks out and licks her lips.

And my mind goes straight to the gutter. Thoughts of that tongue of hers licking the length of my dick. Parting those lips as I slowly feed my cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat.


I’m getting hard, just thinking about it. And getting a boner while wearing these fucking swim shorts isn’t the best idea. I have a big dick. That’s not bragging. Just a fact. And these shorts ain’t concealing any boner. I’ve already shocked and scandalized Dillon. I don’t want to tip her over the edge.

Not yet anyway.

She places the bottle back on the table, keeping hold of the neck of it with her delicate fingers.

“I have to ask, for obvious reasons … are you single? Or do you have someone back home? Wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend? And I want you to be honest with me.”

“Like I told you last night when you asked me, no. I don’t have anyone in my life.”

“Bloody alcohol fog,” she mutters, and I chuckle. “So, this … what you’re suggesting …”

“Us fucking.”

“Yeah, um, well, isn’t this … a bit … I don’t know … strange? Sitting here, talking about it. What I mean is, people usually, you know, meet, and then it just happens … naturally. There’s an instant attraction, a spark or whatever. They catch each other’s eyes a few times. One strikes up a conversation. They spend time talking. Eventually, it leads on to a kiss, and then maybe, you know …”

“They fuck.”

“You say that word a lot.”

“It’s a good word. Great in fact. And, yes, what you said is how most of the population hooks up. I’m not most people.”

“I’m starting to see that.”

I chuckle before taking a drink of my own beer. “Look, Dillon, if I’m upfront with you, then there’s no chance of mixed signals. Sure, I could do all the romancing stuff. Long gazes, accidental touches. Find a reason to move closer to you. Pull you in for a kiss and then take you back to your villa and fuck you senseless. But then, a few hours later, when we were done fucking—”

“A few hours?” she interrupts, her eyes widening again.

I hold back a smug grin.

There are two things in life I excel at. Football and fucking.

I put the bottle down on the table and hold her stare. “Minimum. And after the hours of fucking and we both came down from the high, I’d then have to broach the subject of how I wasn’t interested in ever having a relationship and that sex was all I could offer you. So, yeah, I could be that guy, who isn’t upfront and ensures I get to fuck you even if just once and lays it all out afterward. But I’m not that guy. I will always be upfront with the women I want to fuck. And currently, you are who I want to fuck.”

“I don’t think anyone who comes on holiday is looking for a relationship. Especially a woman who is on her honeymoon, sans groom.” She points a finger at herself.

“Fair enough. But I still won’t lead you into something without you knowing the rules.”

“Rules? You make it sound like a game.”

I smile. “Games can be fun. Especially when both people are playing the same game and are fully clear on how to play.”

Her delicate neck moves on a swallow, and she looks away, finally breaking our gaze. “You said you never want a relationship.” She looks back to me. “As in ever?”

I could question why she’s asking me this. Maybe it’s curiosity. Maybe it’s because she’s the type of woman who needs to be in a relationship. She was getting married after all.

“No,” I answer honestly.

“Have you ever had a relationship?”

“When I was in high school, for about a month.”

“I’m sorry.” She starts to blink rapidly. “You’re telling me you haven’t had a relationship since high school. Which doesn’t count as a relationship because it was a month long and you were in high school.”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

“How old are you?”

A little thrown by the change of direction, I give a mock frown, slapping my hand to my chest. “Don’t you know that you should never ask a man his age?”

Her brow lifts. “Pretty sure it’s okay to ask when said man is asking to get inside my panties.”

“I don’t want inside your panties, sweetheart. I want them off. It’s my dick I want inside you.”

Her full lips part, creating a perfect O. A flush creeps across her chest, rising up to her neck. Her breathing has increased its tempo, her chest rising and falling.

I love how responsive she is to just my words. I can’t wait until I can get my hands and mouth on her.

“And to answer your question, I’m twenty-seven. How old are you?” I’m guessing, considering she was supposed to be getting married, she’s not eighteen or under. I like women, not jailbait.


Thank fuck.

If she’d said eighteen or under, I might have actually cried.

Not really. I’m not a crier. But I definitely would have been disappointed. Massively disappointed.

“Perfect. So, we’re both consenting adults. We’re both single. And we’re incredibly attracted to each other.”

“You are so confident.”

“Attractive, isn’t it?” I give her a smile that’s been getting me laid since the ninth grade.

Her teeth sink into her plump bottom lip. “Oddly, yes.”

I like that answer. I like it a hell of a lot.

Leaning forward, I lay my forearms on the table. “I get this is different for you. I’m a direct guy. I see something I want, and I go for it. And I really want you, hence this conversation. But I also understand this isn’t straightforward for you. You want me—I’m clear on that, and I’m not being arrogant,” I interject when I see her mouth open to speak. “I’m only stating what you’ve already told me. But I know you’re fresh out of a shitty situation with your mom and your ex. Obviously, you are in no way ready for a relationship. But you know that’s not what I’m offering. You just have to think over and decide whether you want to do something about this sexual chemistry between us.”

“So, if we were to have sex, how would it work?”

“If you don’t know that, then I’m not sure that I want to do it with you,” I joke.

She rolls her eyes, and I chuckle.

“What I meant is, how would this fling work?”

I like that she’s asking. It means she’s fairly close to saying yes.

“However we both want it to work.”

“So, say we had sex at your villa. I then what, leave and go back to my place?”

“If you wanted to. But I’m not opposed to sleepovers. Sometimes, I wake up thirsty in the night, and when that happens, I usually like to get my tongue wet. Repeatedly.”

She swallows. “What about during the day?”

“We can fuck in the daytime.”

“When we’re not fucking and it’s daytime and we’re both, say, I don’t know … on the beach at the same time?”

I shrug and lean back in my chair. “Then, whatever. We can hang out when we’re not actively fucking, if you want. I’m not opposed to that.”

She lets out a nervous-sounding laugh and looks away, over at the ocean view. “God, this is so …”


Her eyes come back to mine. “Strange.”

“What would you have preferred? Me to come on to you while you’re vulnerable? We fuck because ignoring the chemistry between us is damn near impossible, and then afterward, you feel like shit because maybe you weren’t ready to fuck another guy? Or me laying it all out to you, giving you time to think it over and know for sure what you want either way?”

She picks at the label on the bottle. “When you put it that way … maybe it’s not so strange.”

“I like to call it smart.” I give her a little grin. “More guys should be like me. Then, less hearts would get broken and—”

“Okay, Romeo. Do you want a medal?”

“I could take a medal. But Romeo was a douche, who fell in love at the drop of a hat. So, yeah, I’m nothing like him.”

She laughs a sound that makes my dick twitch.

I lean forward, bringing me closer to her, and lower my voice. “There’s no pressure. I’m seriously hot for you, and I know you’re hot for me. Give me a chance, and I’ll make you feel things you never knew existed.”

“How do you know I haven’t experienced those things already?”

“Because you haven’t been fucked by me.” God, I’m a confident bastard. But I also have the goods to back it up.

She sighs, and I’m not sure I like the sound. “I didn’t come here, looking for anything with anyone …”

“Believe it or not, neither did I.”

She looks at me, and I can see the mistrust in her eyes.

“I came to get away from my life. Same as you.”

“Your fiancée sleep with your mum?” She lets out a small, self-deprecating laugh.

“No relationships, remember?”

“Duh. Of course.” She slaps a hand to her forehead.

I see the waiter walking over with our food, so I make sure to get this last part out quickly.

“I just came here to get away from real life for a while, like you. But then I saw you, and when a situation as gorgeous as you presents itself, with the sexual chemistry I know is already between us, then I’m not going to ignore it. I’m going to pursue it. Pursue you. I’m simply offering no-strings sex for the time that we’re here, and when the vacation is over, we both go back home to our lives. We don’t stay in contact, no phone numbers or social media exchanges. Think on it. And when you’ve made a decision, let me know. If it’s a no, then we’ll go back to just being vacation neighbors. But if it’s a yes, then … get ready for the fucking of your life.”

Leaving my words there, I lean back in my seat and watch her gorgeous, flushed face until the waiter reaches our table.