The Two Week Stand by Samantha Towle


My husband and children. There are no other three people in this world that I would want to be stuck in a house with amid a global pandemic; we’re three lockdowns in, but we still continue to laugh and have the best time. I know living with a writer isn’t easy. Yet you all still love me. And I love you three like I didn’t even know possible. Infinity and beyond, my darlings.

My Ungodly Hour Team. I owe the completion of this book to the three of you. Tash, for the yelling and sprints. Vic, for the blurbs and teasers. Elle, for the words of encouragement. You three girls are the bomb. I literally can’t write a book without you all now.

My Venga Girls. What would I do without you all? It’s the best feeling to be mates with a bunch of women who share my weird sense of humor!

My Wether Girls. Our group continues to grow but remains the exact same. In there, I am surrounded by wonderful, supportive women, and it warms my heart to see and helps to restore my faith in the human race daily. I’ve needed that reminder even more so this past year.

My editor, Jovana. You put up with my flaky last-minute ways, taking it all in stride. I honestly couldn’t do this without you. So, don’t ever leave me. Please.

My agent, Lauren Abramo. I’m so lucky to have you. You handle my weird writer ways. My change of plans. Take the worry and stress that I’m feeling away with a few calming words. I get to see my books in stores, in foreign print, and hear them on audio because of you. You are fabulous. So, you can’t leave me either. Please. Also, a big thank-you to Kemi Faderin for handling my foreign deals and keeping everything in line.

My cover designer, Najla Qamber. Your help with this cover has been so greatly appreciated. From the last-minute cover change to the rush on teasers and promo material, you and your team have been amazing! I owe you.

Thank you to each and every member of the blogging world, who work tirelessly to help promote books, without ask or complaint. We authors couldn’t do it without you. You are truly appreciated.

And as always, to you, the reader. You are the reason I get to live my dream. And stay home and work in my Oodie! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.