Travis by Mia Sheridan



Seven years ago, I wrote a book called Archer’s Voice. My only editors were two friends who read with a critical eye, a good grasp of grammar, and—most importantly, I think—a personal understanding of my heart. The latter meant that in many areas they knew what I was probably trying to say but had come up short, and showed me where they believed I had more to offer. Notably with the instruction, “make better.” Angela Smith and Larissa Kahle helped me find my voice in those early days, and in turn, I helped Archer find his. All of you, the many hundreds of thousands of readers, bloggers, Instagrammers, and now TikTok’ers worldwide, helped amplify it, and continue to do so. The success of that book changed my life, and my gratitude is endless and forever.

My team is bigger now, but I have been blessed to have found others who similarly strive to help me tell the best story I can tell, in the unique way they believe I can tell it. What an incredible gift. Thank you, Marion Archer, and Karen Lawson.

Huge thanks to my beta readers who not only provided feedback, but did re-reads of Archer to make sure I wasn’t forgetting any small details as I moved ahead in years. JoAnna Koller and Ashley Brinkman, I am so appreciative for your time and your support.

And to Elena Eckmeyer for not only beta reading and providing suggestions, but for laughing with me, loving my anti-hero first, and understanding the wild, curly-hair struggle like no other.

To Sharon for your final glance, and during a time when you would have had every right to step away from this job. I don’t deserve you, but I’m never giving you back.

Thank you to Kimberly Brower for being all-around amazing, always.

Everlasting gratitude to Mia’s Mafia—who stepped into Pelion, Maine first, and have journeyed with me to each successive location (some stranger than others).

To my husband, who fills my soul, and my coffee cup when I’m on a deadline. I couldn’t do any of it without you.