You Had Me at Cougar by Terry Spear

Chapter 18

Sighing heavily, Ava waved goodbye to Chet, then went inside her home and called her boss. “Hey, Florence, I’m on my way to work.”

“You could have taken the day off. I’ve already heard Chet is transferring to Yuma Town.”

“He sure is. He’s going home to pack his stuff up and bring it here. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Ava climbed into the car and headed over to the bakery, parked, and went inside. Chet was so virile and sexy and caring. She really needed him in her life. And he needed her—especially when he was wounded on the job, and he wouldn’t take of himself.

The shop was already busy with afternoon customers. She smiled at everyone eating their pastries and she went inside the kitchen. “I’m here.”

“Good to see you.” Florence was getting ready to serve some more pies and looked a little harried.

“I’ll take over the baking.” Then Ava started making a couple of apple pies.

Florence returned to the kitchen, and they talked about Ursula.

“She dropped by here and picked up some honeybuns. The way I see it, she just needs to stand her ground with the male bears and let them know they can’t intimidate her,” Florence said.

“That’s just what I was thinking,” Ava said.

“And Chet? Where’s he staying when he moves here?”

Ava smiled. “With me. It could be just temporary. We’ll have to see.”

Florence smiled. “Uh-huh.” Then she went to take another order and Ava heard her say, “You’re Jonathon, right?”

Ava glanced back to see the bear, Jonathon, standing at the counter to order something. Or maybe question what Ava knew about Ursula if he had a clue she’d been at Ava’s house.

“Is Ava here?”

“Yes, she’s in the kitchen working though. Did you want to order something?”

“The blueberry pie. Can I speak to her for a moment?” Jonathon asked.

“When she has a break.”

“Which is when?”

“She just got to work. She has a break in three hours.”

Ava smiled. Florence was saving her from an interrogation. Florence never would tell her she had to wait for three hours to talk to someone briefly.

Jonathon grunted. Then he took the pie to the table and sat down to eat it.

Ava didn’t believe he would wait that long to see her. She sighed and finished putting the pies in the oven. Then she went out to talk to him. “You wanted to see me?”

Jonathon smiled. “Yeah. I found Ursula’s scent trail went straight to a condo and she’d been running with you.”

“Yeah, I was out searching for her last night and hunters came after us. We ended up at my place.”

He frowned. “And?”

“She went home. For your information, if you didn’t get the message, she’s not interested in dating either you or Blue.”

“Is that right?” Jonathon asked.

“Yeah, she’s interested in someone else.”

Jonathon raised his brows.

“I don’t know his name, but that’s what she told me. So you guys need to look elsewhere for a she-bear.” She didn’t intend to mention a name and cause trouble for him if Jonathon and Blue went to harass him about it and he wasn’t even cognizant that Ursula was interested in him.

“Great pie.”

“Thanks. Is that all you needed to talk to me about?”

“Yeah. Thanks for telling me the truth.”

“You’re welcome.” Then Ava returned to the kitchen, glad she had the talk with Jonathon. Maybe she had convinced him to leave Ursula alone. To her surprise, she got a call from Ursula. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m still headed home. I wanted to thank you again.”

“I’m at the bakery working.”

“Oh, I’ll let you go.”

“No, I just wanted to say that Jonathon’s here eating a blueberry pie, and he questioned me about you.” Ava pulled out a couple of other pies and set them on the cooling rack and told her what she said to him. “I hope that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, thanks. Maybe if someone else tells him, he’ll finally get the message. Well, since you’re busy, I’ll let you go.”

“You’re welcome. I hope we can get together again someday.”

“Invite me to your wedding when you get to that stage,” Ursula said.

Ava laughed. “I will.” Then they said their goodbyes.

Right after that, Ricky entered the shop and said to Florence, “I’ve got to get Mandy some jelly buns. She has a real craving for them.”

“Sure,” Florence said. “Coming right up.”

But then a couple of men wearing black suits walk into the bakery and they didn’t look like they belonged in Yuma Town. “You’re Ricky Jones, just the man we wanted to talk to,” the fairer-haired man of the two said.

His nose was crooked like he’d gotten into a fight, and a scar cut across the lower part of his cheek that had only healed part way. He looked like a real tough guy, an enforcer for the Mafia.

“Bruno,” Ricky said. “And Caruso. I didn’t think I’d see you here.”

“Yeah, we got business to attend to,” Bruno said.

Ava called Dan right away in case the men caused real trouble for Ricky. “Hey, a couple of men are here because of Mel and are talking to Ricky. They’re definitely thugs.”

“We’re in the vicinity and on our way. Bridget is with us.”

“Thanks, Dan.”

“What’s this in regard to?” Florence asked. As a retired CIA agent, she was still a formidable adversary, and she didn’t allow any nonsense in her bakery.

“He knows,” Bruno said, jerking his thumb in Ricky’s direction, his voice deep and threatening.

“You have the story wrong,” Ricky said. “The baby Mel is carrying isn’t mine.”

“You’re saying Mel lied. No one says she lies and gets away with it,” Bruno said.

Florence said, “Okay, listen, if you’re here to buy something to eat, you’re welcome, but if you think to threaten my patrons, then you need to leave now.”

Bruno gave Florence a dark smile as if he had no intention of leaving before he resolved this to his satisfaction.

But then Dan, Addie, Bridget, and Chase drove up outside, parked, and entered the shop. “Can I help you?” Dan asked.

The two Mob guys turned to scowl at them. “We came to speak to Ricky Jones. Why would the sheriff’s department have been called?” Bruno cast a look back at the kitchen.

Ava wiped flour off her hands and gave him a little smile to say she had been the one to call them. They weren’t without their resources here in Yuma Town.

“We don’t want any trouble,” Dan said. “If you’re not going to buy anything from the bakery, then you need to leave. We don’t allow loitering in the businesses.”

The guy rubbed his whiskerless chin. “Ricky is the real source of the problem.”

“Because you think he’s the father of the baby Mel’s carrying?” Dan shook his head. “Find another scapegoat. Someone closer to home. Someone who is the real father of the baby.”

“Of course you would say it while you’re trying to protect him,” the man said.

“You know what a paternity test is? If we have to get one after the baby is born, it’ll prove Mel has fabricated the whole story. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave well enough alone. Ricky hasn’t been anywhere near Mel for years. It’s in his past. It’s in her past,” Dan said.

“Oh,” Bridget suddenly said, pointing to the darker-haired man of the two of them, “your friend is the father of Mel’s baby.”

Bruno glanced at his cohort.

“Ohmigod, yes!” Ava said as she saw a premonition of the Caruso having to come clean with Mel’s dad. “That guy is the father.” Ava pointed to Caruso. “Mel’s daddy won’t be happy about it at first, but then Mel begs him not to kill him, and this guy and Mel’s dad are helping to bottle feed his fussy grandson. You’re not dead, Caruso, but you’re going to have to deal with the fallout and fess up.” Ava smiled.

Bruno glowered at Ava, then at his cohort. Caruso looked like he would be in trouble not only with Mel’s father, but Bruno.

Bruno whipped around and bumped into Dan as he and Caruso left the shop. “What the hell was that all about?” Bruno asked Caruso.

The door closed and Dan smiled this time.

Ricky looked relieved.

Florence said, “The two of you, Bridget and Ava, could make a winning psychic team.”

“I’ll say,” Addie said.

Bridget smiled.

“It’s a good thing that we’re such a close-knit community,” Chase said. “They’re driving a black SUV and I’ve got their license plate number, so if they cause any trouble, or return, we’ll know about it.”

“I doubt they will. I think Bruno believed you and Caruso will now be on the hotseat. Mel should be also,” Addie said. “I’m surprised they didn’t ask how you knew about it. Then again, I think you stole their thunder with outing him.” She smiled.

Dan and Chase chuckled.

“If you have any further problem with them, give us a call,” Dan said.

“They had guns,” Florence said.

“Yeah, I saw the bulges under their suitcoats. Chase and Addie had their hands on their revolvers at all times.” Dan glanced at the glassed-in case of pies and cakes and he and Addie checked out the selection.

They picked out a chocolate cream pie.

Chase smiled at them. “If you’re not eating that at the office but taking it home with you, Shannon will get word and wonder why I didn’t bring her home one.”

Dan laughed. “We’re here now, so we might as well get whatever you want for dessert for supper.”

Chase didn’t need anyone to convince him of that and he picked up a pie too, and then the three of them left with their goodies in hand.

Bridget sighed. “Call on me if you need my help on any other cases.”

Ava smiled. “Florence is right. We make a great team.” She and Bridget hugged each other and then Bridget left. Ava went back into the kitchen and started to work.

They had some more customers then and Florence began taking orders.

“Hey, who were those men who came into town wearing suits and were driving in the black SUV?” Shannon asked, entering the shop.

“Oh, Mafia bad guys,” Florence said. “By the way, don’t make dessert for tonight.”

Shannon smiled at her. “Oh?”

“Yeah, Chase bought a chocolate cream pie for tonight.” Florence smiled. “As soon as Dan and Addie got one.”

“Oh, boy, it’s a good thing Chase got one too then.”

In the kitchen, Ava smiled. Then she got a call from Chet. “Hey. You must have another four hours before you get home.”

“I do. It’s a long drive. But unless I have a case to work on in this area in the future, I won’t be having to make the trip too often.”

“What about your mother?”

“I’m going to have to convince her to move here. It won’t be easy. Not unless I mate you.”

Ava laughed.

“I’m serious.”

“You had better not be proposing a mating to me when you’re on your way to Cheyenne.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m proposing to you. And I know I’m not doing it the right way, but if I didn’t do it right away, what if you found someone else before I returned?”

“You’re not afraid you’ll change your mind and think you better propose before you do, are you?”

“No way, honey.”

“Okay, well, that means you need to pack up in a hurry.”

“You betcha. I might even leave some things behind.”

She laughed. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

“I’m so glad we’re going to do this. I love you.”

“I love you too. Talk to you later.” Then they ended the call and Ava did a little dance around the kitchen.

Florence caught her at it and laughed. “Good news, I gather.”

“The best. Chet and I are mating.”

“Oh, that is the best news ever. So you’re not going to have any trial living arrangement.”

“He was just going to pack and move in with me, but he was afraid I might find someone else in the meantime before he returned to Yuma Town. Silly cougar.”

Florence smiled. “Well, the two of you will be good for each other.”

“There’s no sense in delaying the inevitable.” Ava was ready to go home now so she could make room for Chet so he could move his things in. She glanced at the clock. Only a couple of more hours to go and she would go home and do it.

Florence gave her a hug and then she returned to the seating area to wait on customers.

And Ava gave another little twirl around the kitchen. She was so happy.