Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack



When I get back inside, I don’t see Destiny and exasperation surges through me. I catch Candi’s eye and she points to the in-suite restroom. My temper settles.

I sit back down on my bar stool and Destiny walks over and sits back on hers.

“Did you have a chance to make your decision? Do we have a deal?” She extends her toned arm out toward me, offering her delicate hand for me to shake as a contract of our agreement.

I sigh inside my head. Still somewhat hesitant about my side of the deal, I can almost taste the life I want, it’s so close. I reach out my hand.

Quickly, she withdraws her hand. “Wait. What assurance do I have that you won’t vanish once you get what you want? I mean, you’ll have the information you need tomorrow. How do I know you won’t disappear and I’ll have no way of getting my side of our deal?”

“You may think I’m a playboy, but I’d never vanish on you. I have more integrity than that. You have my word.” I pause, looking deep into her eyes and keeping my expression neutral so she knows the sincerity of my promise. “Give me your phone,” I say, holding out my hand.

“Why do you want my phone?” she asks as she reaches into her purse. Taking out her phone, she places it in my hand.

I punch in my cell number. “Here.” I touch my number on the screen and hand the phone back to her. My phone rings in my pocket and I get it out, showing her phone number on my screen. “This is my personal number. Now I can’t vanish from you.” I smile and a bashful smile forms on her face.

“Okay then.” She extends her hand back out and I take it in mine. Our gazes lock as we shake hands, sealing the deal.

We release our hands and I take a sip of my whiskey. “Before you start writing about me, I want to read one of your books to see what your writing is like.”

“No.” The word launches out of her mouth like a torpedo. “I mean, they’re probably not something you’d enjoy reading.”

“You don’t know what I enjoy reading. I enjoyed reading Don Matteo when I was preparing for the role. I really want to read one of your books. Think through all the books you’ve written and tell me which one is a good one for me to read.”

Her eyes shift back and forth. “Sunflowers for Sarah is a good representation of my writing. I can get a copy to you.”

“No. I’ll buy a copy. This way I can support your career.”

“Oh. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that.” She tries to stifle a yawn.

“You’re tired. Are you ready to go home now?”

“I’m sorry. Yes, I am tired. Are you sure you don’t mind taking us home?”

“No, I don’t mind. I wouldn’t have offered if I did.”

“Thank you. The Uber guy on my way here really spooked me.”

“You’re welcome. You have to be careful with those guys. Let’s get Candi and get you home.” I’ll feel better knowing I got them home safely, especially with both of them having been drinking.

We say our goodbyes to the group and I make sure Gigi has a ride back to her hotel. When the valet pulls my car around, both Candi and Destiny get in the back seat.

“Des, you get up front,” Candi suggests. “I wanna stretch out my legs.”

“Quickly,” I say. “There are more cars behind us.”

Destiny gets out, closes the back door, and gets into the front seat then buckles her seat belt.

As I drive away, Destiny pointlessly tries to adjust the fabric of her jumpsuit to cover her long, sexy legs and Candi bounces her torso to the beat of the music.

“Ooo, this is a good one, Nicco. Turn it up,” Candi howls from the back seat.

I turn up the volume on the radio a little and return my attention to Destiny. “Where am I going?”

“Oh. Turn left out of here and then through four traffic lights.”

As I drive, we don’t talk much. Candi dances in the back seat and Destiny gives me driving instructions.

Pulling away from a stop sign, I’m forced to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a car that didn’t stop at the stop sign. Stop? He didn’t even slow down. We’re all jolted forward and I hear clatter from the back seat.

“What the fuck, asshole?” I growl. “Are you guys okay?” I look over at Destiny and then back to Candi.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” Candi replies. “Our purses just fell on the floor. Whoowh! The seat belts back here work.” She rubs where the seat belt crosses her chest.

“Destiny, are you okay?” I ask, placing my hand on her forearm.

“Yes, I’m okay. Just startled. Are you okay?” she asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Okay. Turn right down Sunshine and I’m the last house on the left.”

“Okay.” I follow her directions and pull into the driveway.

“Key, keys. Pee-pee, pee-pee.” Candi bounces up and down in the back seat.

“My purse, the zipper.” Destiny points.

Candi gets out, both of their purses in her hand, and shouts back, “Thank you, Nicco! Talk to you soon.” Then she runs to the front door of the small house.

We get out of the car and Destiny walks in front of me down the short path to her front porch. I like watching her tiny figure move.

Arriving at her front door, she turns to me. Her beautiful face glows under the dim, warm light above us. I steal a quick glance at her lips. The same urge fills me. I lean down toward her, the faintest scent of vanilla enters my nose. I could kick myself that my sense of smell is diminished because of my smoking. Just another thing that makes me despise my addiction. I want to smell her more deeply.

I press my lips to her left cheek. When I move to face her, before going to her right cheek, I linger, blood pulsing quickly. I move and press my lips to her right cheek, hearing her breath in my ear. Her audible response to our closeness arouses me. A soft curl brushes my face.

Returning to face her, I drink in her beauty once more. “Good night, Destiny.” I straighten my stance.

“Good night, Nicco. Thank you again.” She opens her front door and steps inside, looking back at me before she closes it.


As I close the door behind me, my heart rattles in my rib cage. Candi’s in front of me in seconds.

“What was that?” she asks like a giddy schoolgirl.

“I think I just made a deal with the hottest man on the planet.”