Doctor’s Duties by K.C. Crowne

Chapter 17


Ifelt caught up in a spell. But it was one I had no intention of breaking. And with every kiss, I fell deeper and deeper into it.

I pulled off Logan’s shirt, exposing the incredible upper body I already knew he had underneath. Once the shirt was tossed across the room, I arched my back as he reached under my T-shirt and unclasped my bra.

It was almost funny to think about how I’d dressed like I had only to end up in bed with him again. I could’ve come over covered in trash, complete with banana peels in my hair, and it wouldn’t have mattered. The pull between us was incredible, something I’d never known before.

Once my bra was undone, he pulled it up over my head, taking my shirt with it. He tossed my shirt over to the far side of the room, then we both began going to work on our pants right after. Soon I was down to the plain, cotton panties I’d chosen for the evening – another attempt at not being sexy. But the way he looked at me, with that hungry, eager expression in his eyes, made it clear they hadn’t done the job.

Moments later we were naked, his hard, solid body against mine, his cock in my hand as I slowly stroked it up and down. He growled in my ear before taking my lobe into his mouth and sucking on it.

I closed my eyes, focusing on his solid length in my hand as he kissed and sucked my ear. I spread my legs, opening myself up for him as he positioned himself where he needed to be. I was so wet that as soon as he placed his end at my lips, all it took was the slightest push before he was inside of me.

I moaned, bucking my hips against him as he moved deeper and deeper into me. When he was fully buried, all I could do was bite my lip as I stretched out around his thickness. It was so hard to take all of him, but knowing he was buried inside of me was a pleasure like no other.

Logan pulled back and drove into me slowly, this time entering with even more ease than before. He did it again, then again. And to my shock, an orgasm was already on the verge. He pushed into me at a faster pace, his muscles tensing as he built to a steady rhythm.

The orgasm came even sooner than I’d expected. My eyes went wide, and I took in a series of quick gasps, my legs shaking. When it faded, Logan propped himself up on his thick, powerful arms and stared down at me.

“Did you just…?”

I bit my lip, a touch embarrassed. “Yes.”

He grinned. “I think you’ve got a few more where that came from.”

“Let’s find out.”

Logan moved in me a few more times before withdrawing, taking me by the hips and flipping me over onto my stomach. I grabbed the headboard as I lay underneath him, feeling his cock move against my cheeks as he positioned it at my lips and pushed into me once more. I moaned, the angle allowing him to plunge deep down, filling me full with his cock.

Birth control.The thought appeared in my mind like an invader. OK, I know I took the pill yesterday. But did I take it this morning…?

The thought was obliterated as soon as he plunged himself deep into me, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing through the room. Once he had a steady pace going, I couldn’t have formed a single word if I’d wanted to. He put his palms down on both sides of my head as he drove into me over and over.

Another orgasm rolled through my body like a hot wave. Once more I closed my eyes and moaned, soft whimpers from the intensity of the pleasure punctuating the sounds.

When the orgasm faded, I moved out from underneath him. Logan regarded me with a curious expression, not sure what it was I had in mind.

“Lie back,” I said.

He chuckled and gave a joking salute, his cock still stiff, glistening from when I’d come on it.

Logan fell onto his back, his long cock pointing straight up into the air. I moved over top of him, straddling his body and taking hold of his prick. After positioning myself over top of him, I moved down, down, until his head was right at my opening. Slowly, I took him into me, each inch pushing me to a new level of pleasure.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his powerful, broad chest, my breasts hanging down in front of his face. I bucked my hips back and forth, rocking my body and moving his cock inside of me in a way that I controlled, a way that was certain to bring orgasm number three.

I was screwing my professor. It was so-so-so wrong, but I was doing it anyway. I rode him harder and faster, as if trying to use the pleasure to push the thought out of me. He put his hands on my hips, sliding them up over my curves and cupping my breasts. The sensation of his touch against my nipples was more than enough to take me over the edge of another orgasm, this one more intense than the first two combined.

I bucked hard against him, Logan grunting as he came alongside of me. His thick cock pulsed deep within, and I savored the warmth of his seed shooting up inside of my walls. When our orgasms faded, I fell forward on top of him. Logan wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

At first, his touch was what I wanted. But as soon as the last traces of the orgasm were long gone, the fear emerged. I moved out from over top of him, rolling onto my side and facing away.

Panic set in, my eyes going wide.

I’d slept with my professor. The idea that had seemed so fucking hot just a few moments ago was now spelled out in scary, horror movie font in my mind’s eye, as if the words spelled my doom. My body tensed and I curled up. And when Logan put his hand on my hip, I only grew more distant.

“You alright over there?” he asked, taking his hand off.

“Fine.” Stupid answer. But it was all I could think to say. Logan was no dummy. You didn’t get to be head of oncology at Colorado Med by being clueless.

“Bet the food’s here. How about I go set it up downstairs? Go ahead and wash up, get comfortable. There’s some comfy clothes in the dresser if you want to put something else on.”

“Yeah, sure.” I felt kind of like a bitch. He was being kind and understanding and accommodating, but I was being standoffish and rude. I wasn’t happy about what had happened. It was hard to hide that.

No, that was wrong. As he rose from the bed and grabbed a robe from the inner hook of the bathroom door, I realized that I wasn’t unhappy about what had happened. Logan was great. And the sex? What could I even say about it other than it was the best I’d ever had?

I was scared, scared that I’d made a mistake, and scared that I’d done so without thinking it through. It was like something had come over me, something I couldn’t control.

He threw on his robe and glanced one last time at me over his shoulder, as if wanting to make sure I was all right. I offered a small smile in return, and then he was gone. I hurried out of bed and into the bathroom. I was still naked. I flicked on the mirror and laid eyes on my naked body, my hair smushed in such a way that there was no doubt I’d just had some very enthusiastic sex.

I washed up and took a moment to catch my breath, to figure out what I was going to say next. It was a lot to process. Part of me wanted to throw on my clothes, open the window and flee the scene. The idea of that, however, was so ridiculous that I couldn’t help but crack a smirk at the idea.

No, I had to face the music. And more than that, I liked Logan. As crazy as it all was, I couldn’t wait to get down there and see him again.

I finished in the bathroom and opened one of the dresser drawers in the bedroom. Inside was all sorts of loungewear, all for a man Logan’s size. I took out a pair of gray joggers and an oversized Colorado Med hoodie, throwing them on over my underwear. I was swimming in them, sure. But they were comfy and, most importantly, they smelled like him.

The unmistakable scent of Chinese food blended with mellow jazz as I came down the stairs. I followed the sounds and smells into a small room by the kitchen, a little breakfast area with bay windows that looked out over the backyard. A small table had been set, complete with candlelight. Two plates had been made up with little portions of all the food – there was even a cup for soup. Logan, seated at one of the chairs, greeted me with a smile. He was in his black and green flannel robe, the top open just enough to show off his perfect pecs.

“This is…this is really nice,” I said.

He chuckled. “What you’re seeing is the extent of my guest stuff. I’m going to have to make an emergency trip to Williams Sonoma tomorrow morning and deck out the place with, uh, whatever goes in a kitchen.”

I plopped into the chair across from him. “This is perfect. And I feel so bad that you’re going to have to go on a shopping spree on account of this weird-ass thing I’m having you do.”

He waved his hand through the air as he placed a napkin on his lap. “Don’t worry about it. Been meaning to get that stuff anyway. It’s a good excuse.” Logan gestured to the food. “Eat up. General’s is my favorite, but the cornstarch gets this weird gunk thing happening if you wait too long.”

I picked up the pair of chopsticks and popped a piece of shrimp into my mouth. But I wasn’t even halfway done chewing it before the need to talk about what had happened overcame me.

“It can wait,” Logan said.


He chewed his piece of General’s and swallowed.

“You’re wondering about what happened, about how weird it was that we gave in again after we’d both decided it was a bad idea.”

“Uh, yeah. How did you know?”

“Because I’m thinking the same thing. And my answer is, ‘it can wait.’ We’ve got something major going on tomorrow, and the last thing we need to do beforehand is to have a conversation about a problem that neither of us knows the answer to. We can sort all this out, as confusing as it is. But for now, let’s eat.”

I liked that answer. Sure, there was a part of me that wanted to press it further, to have some sort of discussion now. But I didn’t. Instead, we ate and enjoyed one another’s company, chatting about work and school and lighter stuff. And when we were done, he showed me out.

“So,” he said as we made our way to the front door. “We didn’t really do much planning.”

“No kidding. We did some other stuff, though.”

A small smirk formed on his lips. “That was way more fun.”

“I’ll say.”

For a second, I wanted to do it all over again. But I used all the restraint I had to inch toward the door as he held it open.

“Anyway,” I said. “You take care of your shopping, and I’ll send Lexi over with the food.”

“You don’t have to—”

“Let me take care of that, at least. I know what my parents like, so they’ll be good and impressed. A little point on your side of the scoreboard to start off the night.”

He gave me a wry look.

“Alright. But let me take care of the rest.”

“You got it. And…thanks again.”

Without another word, he moved in for a kiss. And, of course, my traitorous lips accepted it. But he didn’t push further, didn’t bring me back into his house for another round.

“Good night, Abby,” he said. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

I walked to my car in a daze as he watched to make sure I was in and on my way.

As I drove home, all I had were questions, with no guarantee of answers.