Doctor’s Duties by K.C. Crowne

Chapter 24


All the tension from the encounter with my parents was turned into passion. We set down our drinks and kissed one another deeply, Logan pulling my shirt off and tossing it to the other side of the room as if I’d never need it again. His big hands took hold of my hips as my mouth opened to allow his tongue to find mine.

He tasted amazing, like always. We kissed long and deep as we plucked off our clothes, one piece at a time. When I was down to my panties, Logan flashed me a sly smirk before placing his lips on my collarbone and moving down, down. When he reached my breasts, he took one into his hand, squeezing it gently as he licked and sucked the nipple. It went hard in his mouth and then he moved to the other.

I sighed as he kissed me, his lips traveling down over my stomach until he was at the bottom of my belly. I was so wet, so anxious for his mouth do what I knew it could do. I sighed and closed my eyes, entwining my fingers into his thick hair and letting my body relax as he did his sensual work.

“Now,” he said, flicking his eyes up. “This might be a good time to talk about how the lion statue is most definitely not going downstairs. That was a gift from a tribal leader in Kenya and I’m quite proud of it, thank you very much.” He grinned and I laughed.

“You’re a shrew bargainer,” I said. “But let’s save the negotiations for after you’ve made me come.”

He flashed me another sly grin before opening his mouth and kissing my pussy, the pleasure so instant and intense that all I could do was gasp. He spread me open, licking my clit with slow, steady presses of the flat part of his tongue. His fingers moved into me, slipping in and out. My chest rose and fell as he brought me closer to orgasm and when it released, I squirmed and shifted and let the pleasure run through me.

I guided him up when I was ready, his mouth glistening with my juices. He wiped them off with the back of his hand as I pulled down his underwear, his cock springing out to greet me. I took it into my mouth and moved my lips up and down his length a few times, savoring his taste and the manly, sexy as fuck grunts he made as I pleasured him.

He only let this go on for a few moments, however, soon grabbing my hips and turning me around with my knees on the seat cushions. It was the way he made love to me that first night, my arms draped over the shoulder rests as he pushed into me hard from behind. His cock was soon buried in me, pushing in and out as my breasts swayed beneath me. His hands moved over my hips and back, as if he didn’t want to leave a single square inch of me untouched.

I moaned and sighed as he brought me to the second orgasm, my legs shaking and my heart racing. But I was ready for one final position, one that I knew from experience always managed to make Logan come. I guided him to sit down, straddling him once he was underneath me. I took hold of his cock, stroking its long thickness a few times before lowering myself down on top of him.

“God, you feel so damn good,” he said as he watched his cock vanish inside of me.

“Yeah?” I asked, leaning in and kissing his ear. “You like feeling me wrapped all around you?”

“So much,” he said, taking hold of my ass and guiding me up along him.

It was strange – I’d never really been one for dirty talk before. But there was something about Logan that put me in the mood for it, made me want to give myself over to him in a way that I never had for a man before.

I put my hands on his big, powerful shoulders as I bounced up and down on top of him, Logan’s huge hands cupping my breasts, his fingertips teasing my nipples. I arched my back as I rode him and knowing how he was looking at me as I did, how good he felt inside of me, brought me right to the brink of another orgasm.

He placed his hands on my ass again, guiding me along his thickness. His grunts grew more and more intense, his huge chest rising and falling. My orgasm built and built and when it finally released, he came at the same time. His cock throbbed as he pulsed his load deep into my walls, his wet warmth the most wonderful sensation I could imagine.

When we were done, we simply held one another. He stayed inside of me, his lips gently kissing my shoulders.

“Now,” he said. “Just so you know that lion statute’s not moving an inch.”

I laughed, smacking him playfully with the pillow on the couch.

Something was happening between us, something that scared and excited me all at once.

* * *

I stayed over at Logan’s that night, sending a text to Lexi to let her know I’d be swinging by in the morning to grab my things but not to expect me that night. She’d replied with a cheeky winking face emoji, as if she knew all about what was happening without me needing to say another word.

The next morning, we both decided that it would be better for me to leave as early as possible. We departed with a kiss and tentative plans to see one another that night.

I couldn’t wait. I hurried to the apartment to pick up my school supplies and change. Lexi was gone, thankfully, which meant I didn’t have to hear her theories about what was going on between me and Logan.

The minutes until I saw Logan again went by at a crawl. It was strange; I’d been so used to looking at dating as being this pain in the ass, a chore more than anything else where I had to put up with immature guys, sifting through them to find the right one – which I never did, of course.

But with Logan, it was different. I actually looked forward to seeing him, felt a tingle of excitement about the idea of our next kiss. And deep down, a part of me wished our relationship wasn’t fake.

Soon I was in class, Blake in the seat next to me. Logan entered looking sharp as ever. He didn’t acknowledge me, of course. But knowing that there was something between us was more than enough for me.

Class zipped by. And when it was over, Blake bounced out of his chair.

“Whoa,” I said. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“Clay’s coming by for lunch,” he replied as he shoved his notebooks into his backpack. “He’s bringing Noodles and Company but he’s on kind of a tight schedule. So, I need to meet him before he has to head back to the office.”

“Oh,” I said. “That’s sweet of him.”

“I know, right? Anyway, you want to do a study date after class today? Or do you have plans?”

He flicked his eyes up to Logan, who was in the middle of speaking with a few students who’d stayed for questions.

“Hey!” I said, my voice a sharp whisper. “Careful about all that.”

“I know, I know. But still. You going to be busy?”

“Later. But we can do an hour at Starbucks first.”

“Perfect. See you then!” He waved over his shoulder as he hurried down the aisle and was soon gone.

I gathered my things, glancing up to Logan as he answered questions. I wished I could talk to him, get a quick kiss before heading off. But I knew there’d be plenty of time for kissing later.

I left, and as soon as I was out in the hall a voice called out to me.

“Hey! Abigail!”

Confused, I turned around to see a slip of a girl standing behind me with a big, overeager smile on her face. She was dressed in black, her hair frizzy and as dark as her clothes. She was pale, her eyes big and blue. And she looked familiar.

“Oh!” I responded. “You’re in class with me!”

“Right!” she said with an eager nod. “Emma Strange.” She smiled wryly. “I kinda sit toward the back. I like to only be noticed when I want to be, you know?”

“Nice to meet you.” There was something about the girl’s energy that threw me off.

“So,” she said. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“What’s that?”

She nodded forward, indicating she wanted to walk and talk. I apprehensively joined her, and we started down the hall, students zipping around us.

“You’re friends with Dr. Frost, right? Because I had some questions about his grading policy and—”

“Wait,” I said, stopping and turning toward her. “Why are you asking me about Dr. Frost?”

Clearly in that moment, she wanted to be noticed. But there was something else about her, something that made her seem familiar in a way other than simply being one of my classmates. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, though.

“Because you guys are such good friends, of course!” she said, her voice chipper and high-pitched, in a strange, singsong way.

“Friends? What’re you talking about?”

“Oh, you know – the kind of friend who hangs out over at his place.”

My blood went cold, my heart skipping a beat.

I had no idea what to say.

I realized where I’d seen her. She was the woman in the car outside of Logan’s house.

“Hm, maybe I’ll ask him instead. But you guys might want to be more careful about spending time with each other like that. The wrong people find out and they might start asking questions, you know?” She giggled and cocked her head to the side. “Anyway, see you soon, bestie!”

With a creepy smile still on her face, she turned and started down the hall, a spring in her step.

And I was left with the realization that my relationship with Logan had grown even more complicated – maybe more than I’d be able to handle.