Doctor’s Duties by K.C. Crowne



One week later…

Dad was furious.

Actually, that was about the biggest understatement of the century.

It looked like the big vein in his forehead was about to burst like a firehose.

“You’re what?”

I glanced over at Logan, who was seated next to me on the couch at Mom and Dad’s place. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and I’d just dropped the bombshell to end all bombshells.

“You’re what?” Mom echoed Dad’s words. But for her, they came out with a tone of total, giddy elation.

I took a deep breath and said it again.


One more glance over at Logan. He flicked his eyebrows up, his expression seeming to say, “well, here goes nothing.” Logan knew better than to speak up –saying one word would give Dad an easy target.

Dad said nothing at first, instead standing up slowly, clasping his hands behind his back, and leisurely pacing over to the window.

He really was furious – never in my life had I seen him that mad before, not even when I accidentally backed my car into his Cobra Green Porsche 911 the day after I’d gotten my license. At least then he’d yelled. Now he was silent, which was even worse.

I had to keep going for it.

“We’re going to be having a baby together,” I said, taking Logan’s hand. He squeezed it right back, which was just the boost I needed.

Dad turned; his eyes narrowed into hateful little slits.

“After everything I’ve done for you, this is what you go and do. It doesn’t matter what I taught you when you were little, doesn’t matter the importance I placed on your future. You find some guy, date him behind my back, and then throw it all away.”

“I’m happy for you,” said Mom with a confident nod. “If your father’s not going to be, at least—”

“Elizabeth! You’re not helping!” Dad’s voice blasted through the room.

It was something I’d seen many times before. Dad would be pissed about one thing or another, Mom would pipe up with her point of view only to be shut down. I hated to see it. Mom’s face would fall like it did in that moment, and she’d once again learn the lesson that there was no point in standing up to Dad when he was on a tear.

But something strange happened. Mom’s face fell and she looked down at her lap like she always did. This time, however, she lifted her face back up, an expression of determination taking hold.

“You know what, Sam? You’re acting like a child.”

Her words took me by total surprise. I glanced over at Logan, whose eyebrows were raised in surprise.

“Excuse me?” Dad’s voice was quiet. I could tell he was as surprised as the rest of us.

“You…you heard me.” Mom squared her shoulders and hardened her expression. “Your daughter just told us that she’s going to be having our grandchild. And here you are, whining about how some little plan you came up with didn’t work out. I’m happy for her. She’s with a wonderful man, and she’s on her way to doing great things. If all you can do is yell about it, then, well, I feel sorry for you.”

“You’re out of line, Elizabeth.”

Dad was flummoxed. He didn’t look confident and in control like usual. He clearly hadn’t expected his own wife to dispute him like that.

“And besides,” Mom went on. “Isn’t this what you wanted for her? What we wanted for her? All we’d hoped was that she’d find a good man and start a family with him. And look! That’s exactly what she’s doing!”

“But it’s with a man who we didn’t approve of.”

“Sam, he’s a doctor and a best-selling writer. That’s two amazing careers in one guy! What were you hoping to do, land a betrothal to Prince William’s son?”

I chuckled at this one, even though I knew I shouldn’t. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw Logan crack a smile.

Dad stuck out his finger accusingly in Mom’s direction. “You’re supposed to be supporting me here, Elizabeth.”

“No,” she said. “I’ve done enough of that. Today, I’m making a choice. That choice is to support my daughter and her new husband, and —”

“We’re, uh, not technically married,” I interjected.

“I knew it!” shouted Dad, his eyes lighting up.

“That doesn’t matter!” said Mom. “I’m sure they will be before too long. Right?” she leaned forward, a glimmer of excitement from a mom who’d just realized she just might get the wedding of her dreams for her daughter after all.

“We’re going to be taking things as they come,” said Logan. “But considering how crazy I am about this woman…”

Mom beamed so hard it looked like her smile might stretch all the way to her eyes. Then she let out a squeal as she clasped her hands together.

“No need to rush,” she said. “But you two are in love and going to have a baby and I’m sure everything’s going to come out perfectly.”

“That’s what we’re hoping,” said Logan with a nod.

“You know what?” Dad butted in. “I don’t need to listen to this anymore. I’m done. Do whatever you want. But I hope for your sake that he’s going to foot the bill for whatever pie-in-the-sky dreams you have. Because I’m sure as hell not going to!”

With that, Dad turned on his Italian loafers and stormed out of the living room.

Once he was gone, Mom turned to me and let out another squeal. And this time, she rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug as I got up to greet her.

“This is amazing!” she shouted as she dang near squeezed the life out of me.

“Mom, easy! Try not to squish the fetus!” Logan chuckled at that one.

Mom let go of me and stepped back. “Oops! Sorry, I got a little carried away there.”

She looked me up and down, tears in her eyes.

“But this…this is amazing. You’re stepping into the life of the woman I’ve always thought you’d be.” She turned to Logan. “And I couldn’t be happier about the man she’s chosen to do it with.”

“Much appreciated,” said Logan with a smile. “And thanks for having our backs there.”

Mom swatted her hand through the air. “Should’ve done that a long time ago, if you ask me. And don’t worry about Samuel – once he calms down and realizes he’s going to have a grandson or daughter, he’ll come around. Might take some time, but it’ll happen.”

More hugs went around, Logan and I deciding it was time to take off before Dad came back.

“I’m so excited for you both,” said Mom. “And I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you.”

I glanced over at Logan and grinned.


Did you enjoy Abby and Logan’s love story? Great news! Would you like to read about Abby and Logan’s happily ever after five years into the future? Get it HERE free.

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Did you enjoy this steamy read from my bestselling Doctors of Denver series? Great news, you can check out a FREE sneak peek to the next book in this series on the next page!

I hope you enjoy it. I know I did writing it!