Doctor’s Duties by K.C. Crowne

Chapter 7


I’d never been with a man like Logan before. The way he was able to make me come so effortlessly…it was like nothing I’d ever known. Was it his age? His experience? Maybe a guy like him who’d clearly had his pick of women for many years was so good at bedroom matters that he could make any woman orgasm as easily as flipping a switch.

Or maybe there was something between us.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as he turned me over on the couch, standing in front of me, his cock glistening with my juices and his muscles powerful and taut.

I wanted more. So much more.

With a smirk on his face, he dropped to his knees and pulled my legs over his broad, round shoulders, bringing my pussy closer to his face. His lips went to my thighs, my skin breaking out in tingles as he inched nearer and nearer to where I wanted him.

When his mouth touched my pussy, I thought I might have a third orgasm right at that moment. He spread me open, his tongue darting from his mouth and pressing against my clit with expert precision. All I could do was close my eyes and moan, focusing on the sensation of him against me.

A pair of fingers entered me, working in tandem with his tongue and pushing me close to climax so quickly that the pleasure took hold before I’d even had a chance to prepare. My back arched and I placed my hands on my breasts, squeezing them as the pulses of hot delight rushed through me.

When the orgasm faded, I opened my eyes to see Logan moving closer, positioning his huge, powerful body over top of me, the muscles of his upper arms bunching as he used them to support his weight. He wiped my juices from his mouth with the back of his hand, then reached down and took hold of his cock.

I was so wet that it took no effort at all for him to move inside of me. Logan’s member was long and thick, and it felt like total heaven buried to the hilt.

I wrapped my arms around him, our eyes locked as he pushed into me again and again. There was something different about the sex at this point. After having my body rocked by three orgasms I was depleted, but in a good way. All I wanted was to lie underneath him, to wrap my legs around his waist, to watch as he vanished into me at a pace that would bring me to yet another climax.

And that’s exactly what I got. I fell into a trance as he moved in me, his eyes locked onto mine and his right arm around me. He lowered his body and kissed me again before increasing his pace and plunging into me so quickly that I felt the stirrings of one last orgasm emerge before transforming into total insistence.

His hard grunts and the focused expression on his face let me know he was on the verge, too. I placed my hands on his solid, round ass and guided him into me again and again. I came once more, opening my mouth but no sound coming out. Logan’s body tensed as his back arched slightly, his cock pulsing inside of me as he released. Then his muscles went slack, and he was done.

We stayed like that for a time, our chests expanding and contracting as we recovered from what we’d just done.

“That was pretty damn amazing,” I said, allowing myself a broad, almost dopey smile.

* * *

I awoke the next morning in something of a daze, unfamiliarity at my surroundings the first feeling I experienced. I sat up and looked around, taking in the sight of the huge, high-ceilinged bedroom where I found myself.

A quick, sharp snore sounded out from next to me. My eyes snapped over and I saw Logan. He was asleep on his stomach, the covers pulled up to the middle of his back, his big arms spread out.

Oh, yeah, I thought. I had sex last night.

It was all so surreal, so bizarre what had happened. Despite how hard it was to wrap my head around the fact that I’d slept with a man after our first date, I couldn’t stop smiling.

I watched Logan sleep for a moment, the early morning sun pouring in through the tall windows of his bedroom. After a few stretches, I rolled over and off the bed, placing my feet on the soft rug that covered the wood floor.

I was naked, but in no rush to get dressed as I stepped over to the windows and took in the view. Logan’s place was amazing – like a little palace tucked away in the middle of a college town. The view looked out over the green sweep of his backyard; the skyscrapers of downtown Denver visible in the western distance.

I liked my place with Lexi, but Logan’s home was so incredible that it nearly put to shame the place in Cherry Creek where I grew up.

Logan groaned, snapping me out of my hazy, morning reverie. He rolled over onto his side, his eyes still closed. Part of me wanted to slip back into bed, to give him a little poke and wake him up. The sex last night had been amazing. What better way to start the day than with a few orgasms courtesy of a handsome-as-hell guy?

The more I thought about it, however, the more I realized it was a bad idea. Last night had been fun, sure. After so many years of being subjected to endless set ups by my parents, being with a guy I actually liked was a nice change of pace.

However, there was still the matter of him being older than me. Fourteen years was nothing to take lightly. He was well into his career, and I was barely on the verge of starting out.

I came to a decision as I stood watching him – I needed to leave before he got up. If Logan were to wake, that would turn the night we had into a new day. We’d get into bed together, we’d have breakfast together, we’d probably spend the rest of the morning together.

Part of it sounded nice, sure, but it also sounded far, far more serious than anything I was ready for. After all, Logan wasn’t some college guy who’d be happy with a quick fling and never talking again. He was older, probably thinking about marriage and kids and all that. Both of those things were as far from my mind as imaginable.

Moving as quietly as I could, I tip-toed across the room, stopping at the door. I turned to take one last look at Logan. He was handsome, smart, kind – basically perfect. I sighed. Maybe if we’d met at a different point in my life, we could’ve had something.

It just wasn’t in the cards now.

I shut the door slowly as I entered the huge hallway. Still naked, I hurried downstairs and into the lounge where we’d had our fun the night before. My clothes were all still there, and I scooped them up and put them on. The mirror over the fireplace revealed what a disaster I looked like.

I slipped my heels on and took my phone out of my purse. I almost put in my address for the destination but remembered that my car was all the way downtown in the parking lot at the restaurant. It was all the more reason to get back without waking Logan. Driving downtown to pick up my car after the night we’d had seemed all kinds of awkward.

A piece of mail was on the side table of one of the chairs, and I used it to put Logan’s address into my Uber app. Thankfully, a driver was nearby and available to pick me up in five minutes. I took one last look in the mirror before hurrying out through the front door.

Logan’s BMW was still parked in front of the house, the sight of it reminding me of the foreplay we’d gotten up to on the way back last night, and how he’d been so overcome with desire for me that we’d nearly had sex on the hood. The memories were crystal clear in my mind, and enough to make my pussy clench with fresh arousal.

The black sedan that my Uber guy was driving pulled up, my phone making a long, sustained buzz as the car came to a stop. It was time to leave. I glanced back at the huge house one last time before making the trip across the lawn and into the car.

Twenty minutes later I was behind the wheel of my car, and half an hour after that I was pulling up in front of my place. I stepped out, taking in the brightness of the day. After a quick little prayer that Lexi wouldn’t be home to see me in my current state, I hurried to the door and went inside.

No such luck. Lexi was there, music playing from her Bluetooth speaker as she worked feverishly on her current project. When I arrived, she pressed “pause” on her iPhone and turned to me.

“Holy walk of shame,” she said, her eyes moving up and down my body, a big grin on her face.

“I don’t want to hear it,” I said as I let my purse slide down my arm and onto the seat of the nearest chair.

“That bad?” she asked. Lexi set down her brush and turned the music back on, lowering the volume so we could talk.

“No, not bad. More…confusing.”

Lexi laughed. “In that case, you know that means you’re going to be telling me all about it, right? Come on – you hook up with a hot, older guy and you expect me to not want to hear all the details?”

I allowed myself a small smile. “OK, ok, fine. But let me get out of this dress first.”

“Get comfy!” she shouted as I hurried out of the room. “Because I’m going to be getting it all out of you!”

I grinned and shook my head as I went into my bedroom, which felt cramped-as-hell in comparison to Logan’s. I shucked the dress off, changed my underwear, and threw on a pair of black leggings and an oversized Uniqlo shirt, stepping into my comfiest Ugg’s as I left the room.

Lexi was good and ready for me, seated cross-legged on the couch with a bowl of Skinny Pop on the coffee table in front of her, a couple cans of mineral water ready to go.

“Alright,” she said. “Let’s hear it.”

I plopped onto the couch next to her and cracked open one of the cans of mineral water, drinking about half of it in a single swig. I hadn’t had a sip to drink since the sex last night, and my body was all kinds of dehydrated.

“Well…we slept together.”

She laughed. “No shit you slept together! I could tell that from the second you walked in. I want details! I want to know how it went down, how he was, and, you know, otherpertinent information.” She held her palms apart, making the universal sign for “how big?”

That got another laugh out of me.

“I mean, it’s not that great of a story. But here goes…”

I went into it, telling her about the dinner and the aborted plans to go for drinks after. I told her about his place, and how we were all over each other from the moment we stepped inside.

“Wait, he’s in that huge brick mansion over on Flora Ave? That’s like…a twenty-minute walk away!”

“I know! I told him that it’s on one of my running paths. It’s amazing that we’re just now coming into each other’s lives.”

“Then it’s perfect, right?” she asked. “No reason why you guys can’t be something more than a one-night thing.”

I shook my head. “I can’t. I woke up this morning and saw him lying there next to me and decided that this was going to be a one-and-done sort of deal.”

Total confusion took hold of her. “Are you serious? Why? He’s handsome and smart and successful…what more do you need?”

“Well, there’s the age gap, for one.”

She dismissed the idea with a quick swipe of her hand. “Who cares? It’s twenty twenty-one – people can date whoever they want. And it’s the perfect contrast to your parents trying to match you off like it’s Victorian England or something.”

My parents. I hadn’t even thought about how they might feel about me getting involved with an older man who they didn’t get to choose. All the more reason to keep this one night and one night only.

“It’s not just the age. It’s the age and the fact that I’m a student who’s about to start what’s promising to be the busiest school year of my life. No way I have time to date someone.”

“If the guy’s worth it, you can make time,” she said. “And think about it – imagine having an actual doctor boyfriend to help you with the material. You could study, and then, you know, do a little anatomy lesson after the studying.” The sly smile on her face made it clear what she had in mind by that.

I had to admit – it did sound nice.

“Nope, no time. My school career’s been this extremely complicated acrobatic routine and this next year is the landing that I absolutely have tostick if I want to have the kind of career I want. Maybe dating him would work out, but there’s a good chance it would be a distraction. And I can’t take that chance.”

“So…what? You’re going to ignore him? What if he tries to find you?”

“If he messages me…I don’t know. I might send him a text telling him what I told you. But there’s a really good chance that a guy his age knows what it means when someone slips out of bed after a one-night stand and leaves without so much as a note. He’ll get the hint. And I didn’t give him my last name, so it’s not like he can look me up or anything.”

“Yikes,” she said. “Ghosting the older guy. I wonder if he even knows what ghosting is.”

“I guess he’s going to find out.”

She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. “Well, it’s your life. Personally, I think you’re making a mistake.”

Maybe she was right.

We chatted a little more, Lexi trying to get out as many details as she could. The conversation was cut short when she got a call from someone in her art collective wanting to meet for lunch to discuss their possible gallery opening. When she was gone, I hopped in the shower and took my time washing off the fun of the previous night.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the water cascading down my body, I found myself thinking about him. I thought about his hands on my body, his tongue against my clit, his cock filling me over and over again. It took all the restraint I had not to finish the fantasy with a little help from the showerhead.

When I was done, I wrapped myself in a towel and wiped the steam off the mirror, staring at my reflection.

Was I making a huge mistake?

No. This call was what was best for me and my future. I’d keep my fun memories with a hot guy, maybe call on them if I needed a little material for my “alone time.” But otherwise, that’s where he’d stay – in my memory.