Kept by Luna Voss

Chapter Twenty-Six


“You look kind of hot in that bounty hunter outfit,” Melyta tells me, grinning. She steps in front of me, clearly expecting a kiss.

“Even now?” I joke, pulling the helmet down over my face.

She leans forward and kisses the front of my helmet. “Even now.”

I pull the helmet off and give her a real kiss this time, with tongue. She presses herself against me, putting her hands on my armored chest.

“Yep. Definitely hot. You’re, uh. You’re going to have to fuck me in that later.”

I grin, groping her ass possessively as we kiss, resisting the urge to slide my hands under her skirt. “Oh, I’m definitely going to fuck you later. When I’m the fucking boss of the Dultaz Family.”

“As long as you wear the armor,” she chuckles, breaking the embrace. “Something about a man in uniform.”

“It’s not exactly a uniform. Just the type of armor a lot of mercenaries wear.”

“Still. It has a hole for your cock, right?”

This makes me laugh. “I mean, yeah. Would kind of suck if I needed to take it off just to pee.”

“Good. Then you can fuck me in it.”

“You’re not getting distracted, are you?” I ask, a subtle warning in my voice. “We’ll have time to celebrate later, but right now we need to be focused.”

“Oh, don’t worry, my mind is clear,” she says, looking me in the eye. I can tell by her tone that she means it. “But I need to be sexually satisfied if I’m going to use my power. You know that.”

“You also need to be well-disciplined,” I growl, stepping closer to her. “I seem to remember that part is important, too.”

“I mean, you do a pretty good job of seeing to that part,” she tells me, her cheeks tingeing red. “Except…”

“What do you mean, except?” I ask incredulously.

Melyta looks down, blushing more brightly. “Never mind, it’s nothing.”

I take another step forward, towering over her. “Vulta, you have about five seconds to tell me what you meant, or I’ll be asking again with your little ass over my knee. If you’re not feeling well-disciplined, that needs to be fucking corrected, now.”

She looks back at me and I raise my eyebrows, letting her know that I’m very serious. I may not understand the exact details of how her power works, but I know that when I haven’t been disciplining her, she can’t control it. And we need her to control it. I’m not taking any chances tonight.

“Well…” she says, casting her eyes down, “I guess I’ve gotten pretty used to… when I’m in trouble… you know…”

Oh. I smirk. I think I have an idea what she means, but I want her to say it. “Go on.”

Her blush deepens. “I think I just… You remember when I got in trouble when we were staying with the Agusto Family? Back on Gerbbbexai IX?”

I nod. “I do.”

“I guess I was just… kind of expecting you to fuck my punishment hole, Vostra,” she mumbles, still not looking at me. “Being disciplined didn’t feel… complete without it.”

Immediately, I feel my cock stiffening. I glance at my communicator. We still have almost half an hour before we need to leave. And this isn’t just about pleasure. Any accidents with Melyta’s power could prove fatal to us.

“Then I think we need to do something about that, don’t we?” I growl, grabbing her ass with both hands and squeezing, spreading the cheeks apart. She squeals as I rest one of my fingers over her tight little hole, teasing her through her thin panties.

“Yes, Vostra,” she whimpers, her beacon flashing gold. “But be gentle. My hole is so tight, and your cock is so big.”

I just smirk, knowing that pretty soon, she’ll be begging me to go harder. “Strip,” I order, an edge in my voice.

Melyta does as I command, slipping out of her skirt, and then her top. She stands in front of me in her bra and panties, face flushed, practically trembling with anticipation.

“This is to make up for something I forgot,” I whisper, standing over her and brushing my lips against her neck. “You little punishment hole belongs to me, and apparently I need to reinforce that fact more often.” I unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She shivers. “Lose the panties and bend over the bed.”

She hesitates, taking too long to remove her underwear. I encourage her with a spank, then walk her over to the bed and bend her over myself.

“Too long, vulta,” I growl, tugging her panties down to her knees. “We’re in a hurry.”

Melyta just whimpers, the scent of her arousal starting to fill the room. I’m glad we’re doing this. It’s a welcome escape before the most pivotal moment of my entire life. There’s no point stressing about things now. The plan is in motion. Right now, we both just need to clear our heads.

She moans out loud when I position my cock at her tight opening and start to push it inside.

“Fuck me, Vostra,” she gasps.

I feel a sense of primal triumph coming over me as I stretch out Melyta’s little hole, feeling her shudder underneath me. She’s mine. Everything I’m doing is for her, for this.

For us.

And as soon as Sarizor is dead, she’s going to become my owned, knotted, disciplined little princess, outranking everyone else in the Dultaz Family, but submissive to me.

“Come for me,” I growl as she starts to whimper and beg. “Come for your Vostra. Come while I stretch open your little punishment hole with the thick cock it was made for.”

“I needed that,” Melyta sighs as we walk to the meeting place, only a couple of blocks from our hotel room.

“Me too,” I admit.

Around us, pedestrians give us a wide berth. I don’t blame them. My bounty hunter armor is designed to be intimidating.

“Is that it?” Melyta asks, glancing down an alley to our left.

I nod. “I think so. We’re looking for a van.”

Warily, the two of us walk down the dark alley. It takes us to an empty lot, which looks exactly like the kind of place a deal like this would go down in the movies. There’s a boxy black van parked there.

“Well, here we are,” I say. “I’m going to tie your hands together loosely.”

I use a length of rope to tie her hands, making sure she can free herself if she needs to.

“Why don’t you mess up my hair,” Melyta suggests. “Make me look like a prisoner.”

I do so, then help her into the back of the van.

“Don’t you want to tie my feet?”

“No. That would be too dangerous. I’m not going to have you trapped and unable to get away.”

“I think I hear someone coming,” she whispers, glancing up nervously.

“Okay,” I whisper back, gripping the sawed-off shotgun in my belt. “Let’s fucking do this. Tonight, we sleep in our bed.”

I close the back of the van and run around to the front seat, then watch in the rearview camera as another car pulls in.

“They’re here,” I hiss to Melyta. “Remember, when the shooting starts, you put up a shield and don’t put it down.”

The doors to the other car open and three figures step out. No, wait. Make that four figures. One of them appears to be tied up, and being handled very roughly by the others. I stare in growing trepidation as they throw him to the ground.

I step out of the van.

“You want to take off your helmet and face me like a man, Barion?”

Sarizor’s voice.I recognize him now, walking behind all the others. I squint at the men around him, searching their faces. Where is Korva? He was supposed to be here.

And then it hits me like a load of bricks. It’s Korva on the ground in front of them, a trembling heap with his hands tied behind his back just like I pretended to do with Melyta’s. One of Sarizor’s bodyguards kicks him, and he groans. My mind races, searching for a solution, but falls horrifyingly blank.

“So what is it, Barion? You really thought I wouldn’t see through this?”

It hits me, in that moment, that there’s a very good chance I’ve just gotten Melyta and Korva killed. With my stupidity, with my fucking arrogance. I brought my mate to Sarizor on a fucking platter. I deserve whatever happens to me now.

All I can do with my last breath is try to keep her safe. And Korva too, if remotely possible. I’ll do whatever I can to get them out of this.

“See through what?” I call back, stalling for time. “I didn’t think I was particularly subtle. Took you long enough to realize I killed your piece-of-shit son.”

My plan was to piss him off, to suck him into a dialogue. I fucking suck at stalling for time. Sarizor’s beacon flashes red, and he roars to his men, “Kill him! Kill them both!”

With a horrendous bang, the back door of the van flies open, then launches off its hinges with tremendous force. It plows through one of Sarizor’s men, taking his head off with it and slamming into their car.

I spring into action, my shotgun blaring. My finger squeezes the trigger, aimed at Sarizor, and I discharge both barrels.

He flinches as a slug rips through his shoulder, but doesn’t drop. A moment later and he’s firing back at me, the plasma bolts missing very narrowly. I drop my shotgun and switch to a plasma pistol myself, diving to my left, away from the van.

A plasma bolt from one of the Dultaz soldiers catches me in the side. I wince, gritting my teeth to stifle the pain. It doesn’t matter what happens to my body. I just need to keep Melyta safe.

“Behind you!” yells a man’s voice, and I realize a second later that it’s Korva. I turn, just in time to see another car barreling down the alley in our direction.

It skids to a stop and a bunch of armed Voorians leap out. I keep firing at Sarizor, and a plasma bolt from the new arrivals hits me in the arm. I wince, almost dropping my weapon.

“Barion, we have to leave!” Melyta screams, her voice ringing out from the van. “Grab Korva and get in the car!”

The sound of my mate snaps me into a clarity I was previously lost without. I open fire on Sarizor and his bodyguards, forcing them to take cover as I sprint to where Korva is huddled on the ground.

“My feet are tied,” he grunts as I reach him. “Just cut the cord and I can walk.”

“Sorry about this,” I say, and use my plasma pistol to cut through the rope.

“Fuck!” he winces. “Okay, I can get up.”

As I help Korva limp back to the van, prepared at any moment to die in a hail of plasma, I realize that our enemies’ bolts aren’t finding us. They’re stopping in the air around us, splashing into an invisible bubble Melyta must be projecting. I see her now in the back of the van concentrating very intently, her hands untied, eyes narrowed.

Her expression starts to wilt as we get closer, and I hurry as fast as I can. Korva manages to clamber into the back of the vehicle, clearly in a lot of pain, and I sprint around to the front seat.

“Go, go, go!” Korva yells. I slam my foot on the accelerator, slamming us right through a chain-link fence.

The alley is narrow, but I don’t have a choice but to go fast. We zoom out onto the main street, the other car in hot pursuit.

“Melyta, what’s your status?” I call behind me. I’m alarmed to hear a faint whimper in response.

“She’s alive,” Korva answers me. “I think she just about killed herself blocking their fire. But it doesn’t look like she’s been hit.”

“I’m… fine,” I hear her pant. My shoulders slump in relief.

Crash!I swerve wildly as a plasma bolt splashes into the back of our vehicle.

“They’re gaining!” Korva yells. “Fuck! Now there are three cars! Barion, you have to floor it!”

I grind the accelerator against the bottom of the vehicle in frustration. “I am flooring it, we’re in a fucking van!”

A quick glance in the rearview camera confirms that we aren’t going to escape easily. I don’t know Greenhaven nearly as well as Dalax City. I don’t even know where to turn. “Where do I go?” I yell to Korva, desperately scanning the road around us.

“I don’t— ow,” Korva winces, and I realize that he might be having a harder time from his injuries than I had thought.

This is bad. The other cars are gaining, and if I know Sarizor, there will be more where they came from. We don’t usually operate in Greenhaven, but the Dultaz Family can mobilize soldiers when it needs to. We’ve done it before. I’ve done it before.

I swerve down another alley, hoping to lose them, and miraculously, two of the cars speed right past.

But the other one makes the turn and continues, pursuing us closely.

I’m going to be fighting them by myself if they catch us. The state Melyta and Korva are in makes sure of that. And the chances of me beating a car full of Dultaz soldiers in a gunfight all by myself aren’t exactly pretty. I turn onto the highway, almost doubling the speed of traffic as I try to get away from my remaining pursuer.

This road is elevated, with what looks like some kind of marshland to both the left and right. It’s hard to see it in the dark. The other car starts to gain, and then swerves abruptly, trying to ram us off the road.

Crash!More plasma bolts. The vostrat in the passenger seat is shooting at us again. I weave through the lanes, blaring my horn, willing traffic to get out of the way. Either we all die in a crash, or I take a plasma bolt to the head and then Melyta and Korva die in a crash. This is fucked. We’re fucked. I don’t see how else this ends.

And then I watch in amazement through my rearview camera as a silver car, one I didn’t even notice, suddenly floors it into our attacker and sends him spinning violently off the road. I follow with my eyes as it disappears into the darkness, waiting for the crunch I’m already too far away to hear.

We’ve escaped. I slow down now, blending into traffic, and the silver car drives next to me, matching my speed. I see a muscular, scarred Voorian in the passenger seat, and he motions for me to pull over on the side of the road. I do so, my heart racing, knuckles white on the steering wheel. Beyond any doubt, whoever is in that vehicle just saved all of our lives.

The silver car pulls up alongside me. I roll down my window, and the other driver does the same.

“Dagor Agusto asked us to keep an eye on you. Your own Family just burned your house in Dalax City to the ground. And unless you want to be hunted down by every Dultaz vostrat in the greater Dalax area, I suggest you ditch that car and get your friends into this one.”

* * *

to be continued…

The story continues in Book 3, Held.

If you want to read more Vostra books, check out my Vostra Crime Lordsseries!

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Thank you so much for reading!

Luna Voss