To Conquer a Highlander by Mary Wine



“Tomorrow will be a grand day.”

Baeth smiled at her. Shannon watched the older woman suspiciously. There was nothing about her smile; it was measured carefully, giving nothing away. The head of house pointed toward the open doors of the great hall.

“They’ve raised the maypole this morning; ye can see it from the steps.”

Shannon stepped forward and sighed when the afternoon sun touched her face. Spring had arrived fully; she could smell the rosemary on the breeze and the heather. The stale smell of winter was gone, leaving behind a sense of hope that made her want to smile in spite of the McLeren plaids in sight. Her McBoyd arisaid set her apart. She fingered the edge of the wool while looking through the open gate to see the maypole. It stood tall and proud against the blue sky, with lengths of thin, brightly colored cloth hanging from its top. A crown of new spring greenery was already set on top of it so that the celebrating might begin as soon as the sun rose. There had been much work to do today in the kitchens. The villagers had brought up freshly felled game for the feast that would be offered the next day. Meat pies and fruit tarts were being made, while the younger girls all whispered about what delights they hoped to sample on the morrow.

The clergy had preached against May Day that morning, but their urging to ignore the festival day was falling on deaf ears. The traditions went back further than anyone recalled, and the maypole standing so tall in the afternoon light confirmed that the McLerens would be carrying on with welcoming in the spring. No one wanted to tempt fate to turn her disfavor on them. It was fabled that May Day drove winter away so that crops would flourish. Any baby conceived on the morrow would be a welcome sign that fate, along with all her minions, was pleased and in the mood to bestow the gift of a good harvest.

“You should sit down and make yerself a wreath. I hear the laird gave ye permission to go out tomorrow; you do nae want to be missing that.”

Now she understood what Baeth was nudging her toward. There was a knowing look in her eye that made Shannon snort. Torin had been busy with his captains and his fellow laird all morning, which was a blessing. She’d tossed and turned most of the night, gaining little rest. Her mood was sour indeed. Baeth’s insinuation gained a soft hiss from her.

“That does nae mean I plan to wear a wreath or unbraid my hair. I just want to take a walk on something other than hard flooring.”

Baeth clicked her tongue. There was a wealth of knowledge in her eyes. Denying her attraction to Torin gained Shannon nothing with Baeth. The older woman was too wise to be fooled.

“Your tone is sharp for such a lighthearted topic. You younger ones have a way of not cherishing the brighter moments of life. Trust me, girl. They are too few and far between to toss aside so carelessly. Think on that before you say nay. Only fate knows if ye shall ever have another chance to choose whom ye would like to lie with. Many a lass must wed for more practical reasons, leaving her only a few short moments to enjoy a man she truly desires.”

Baeth’s words were blunt, but Shannon could not stomach the truth in them, so she walked down the steps. Baeth was wise, even if that knowledge chafed. It seemed such a short time ago that she’d feared her life was going to end at the point of Torin’s dagger. She’d wished for more time to taste the things she never had and those that she knew were sweet. All the things that brought warm happiness to the heart and a smile to her lips. She should make a wreath, sit down, and enjoy the feel of the greenery between her fingers while the scent of rosemary and heather filled her nose.

Who knew if she’d see next spring? If Atholl was condemned, it wasn’t too far-fetched an idea that her father might be next. Just because she was born a daughter didn’t mean she’d be spared. Not when one considered that she’d been on the road to wed into Atholl’s family. The Douglas had wiped out entire families before.

Was that why Torin had kissed her again? Because he’d just witnessed how easily life might end? Or rather, she should say… unjustly. Even if the scriptures did say the son was guilty of the father’s sins, she had to admit that in her heart she did not agree that it was always so. She was not guilty of her father’s murdering raid on the McLeren.

Had his kiss been a chance to touch that part of life that was sweetest? Baeth’s words echoed in her thoughts as her body recalled just how much she did enjoy being pressed against the McLeren laird. Only it wasn’t his position that she found attractive. It was the man he was. Her father and his friends were lairds, but they were not the same; there was no honor in them. At least not the sort that she felt in Torin. It drew her to him, making his kiss something she couldn’t resist even though she knew she should, if only for the principle of the matter. She was his captive. Despising him was expected, but her life at Donan Tower was better than it had been in her father’s home. She could not hate him without cause, which made it impossible to ignore how much she wanted to discover what came after kissing.

For once Brockton was not in sight. Shannon let out a sigh of relief. With his laird returned, the man had no doubt run as quickly as possible away from the duty of guarding her. She finished descending the steps and found no one watching her. The men on the walls had become used to her—that, or they considered her broken.

She wasn’t sure if she cared just why they didn’t turn to stare at her, only that they offered her some peace. The yard was busy. Two wheeled carts came through the raised gate, their beds crowded with goods like peat for burning in the hearths or freshly cut hay for the horses. Younger boys were taking instruction with their wooden swords on one side of the yard. She stared at the number of them. There were more than fifty, and there were older lads whom she could see beyond the bridge working on their riding skills. Young girls followed their mothers to learn the art of making a home. The shutters were open, allowing her to see the workrooms with their spinning wheels and looms. Herbs were being hung from the ceilings now to dry before they would be stored away for the winter months.

Donan Tower was bristling with activity and growing excitement for the celebration day coming on the morrow. People walked just a bit faster while they hurried to finish chores so that they might begin making merry. There was happiness in the air, an excitement that drew her out into the open. If that was a pagan idea, so be it. The hall behind her was suddenly so dreary she didn’t think she could bear forcing her feet to carry her back inside.

She’d practically forgotten what earth felt like beneath her feet.

A shadow fell across her, and the sound of horses’ hooves filled her ears. She tipped her head back to look up at the huge stallion that was pulled to a halt but a few feet in front of her. Torin held the reins in a gloved hand, almost as if he’d sensed she was thinking about him and his kisses.

Sure command was reflected on his face, even as the animal pranced slightly. Torin moved in unison with the stallion, his thighs clasping the saddle. All the strength that she’d noticed in him was on display now. The trews he’d worn before were gone now, and she could see his bare thighs where the folds of his kilt were flipped aside.

“You have spent too many hours indoors, Shannon; yer skin is pasty. I’ll take ye outside the walls if ye have the courage to ride out on the back of my horse.” He extended his free hand toward her. She chewed on her lower lip because the invitation was too tempting. The warning in the back of her mind wasn’t able to compete with the desire to feel the sun on her skin. There was a hint of challenge on his face too, but that only made her want to go with him even more.

Who knew if she’d get the chance again?

To have the choice to mount that horse was too much power to resist. Her hand landed in his before she bothered contemplating whether it was wise to accept an invitation from a man whom she craved so much. All that seemed to matter was the delight that sprang up inside her when his fingers closed around her wrist.

“Hold on to me, lass.”

His voice was husky and tempting. Her arms went around him without any pulling or rope. She wanted to touch him too much, but the soft sound that came from his lips surprised her. She felt it vibrating through his chest with her arms more than she heard it.

The moment her hands closed around him, he pressed his heels against the belly of the horse. The stallion surged forward, making for the raised gate. Excitement rose inside her; there was no stopping it. The number of eyes on her was unable to affect her joy. The moment they crossed onto the bridge, she felt as if she could breathe again. Like there had been a belt strapped too tightly around her chest, making her struggle for every breath she’d drawn since being brought inside the curtain wall.

She suddenly noticed how green the hills were and how strong the man she clung to was. His scent filled her senses, touching off heat that spread rapidly over her skin. Her heart accelerated, and she felt his heart beating against her cheek, where it lay against his back. Her hips moved in unison with the horse, and she suddenly realized how intimate the motion was.

But that only sent a bolt of heat through her. Torin made for the woods that grew above the village. His horse was clearly used to such ventures, for the beast never hesitated. The new leaves on the trees blocked out some of the sunlight. Looking up, Shannon watched it sparkling through the openings in the branches. It was cooler in the forest, but her skin was still warm, and the man she clung to even more so.

“I know I promised you some sun, but I want to show you how grand the Highlands can be. ’Tis a fine place to call home.”

He lowered her to the ground and swung his leg over the neck of his horse almost in the same moment. But he didn’t release her hand. He clasped it firmly and tugged her toward the edge of a cliff. The trees didn’t grow along the edge of it, and that allowed for a spectacular view. Out in front of her were hills green and rich with newly blooming heather. The scent of it was carried on the wind. Water flowed down from some loch hidden within the hills, while large rocks broke through the earth. The sky was deepest blue above it all, with fluffy clouds that looked so close she might raise her hand and touch them. Below her was a fall that would be deadly if one were foolish enough to go too close to the edge, but she was too absorbed with the wonder around her to be afraid.

“Ye see there, lass? The Highlands have beauty, no’ just savages.” His hand was still holding hers, and he had her arm pulled down straight to keep her beside his body. “Even if I did act like one when I brought ye here.”

His voice was soft. It was almost an apology, something she’d not expected from him. She wasn’t sure how to deal with this side of him. He was suddenly likable, and that removed the last barrier between them.

He was pulling on her hand, and she looked down to where his fingers were wrapped around her own. Her flesh was very happy, enjoying the security of that hold. But he released her, sending a soft lament through her body.

“It is a very nice view.” Polite and sweet, her words were as close as she might come to thanking him for taking her outside the castle. Moving away from him, she discovered herself shuffling her steps because she truly didn’t want to part from him.

No, she wanted to have him for her lover…

There was no denying the thought. It flowed into her mind like warm honey, thick and sweet, to fill all her senses. A blush began to stain her cheeks, but she turned her attention back to Torin and gasped softly when she met his eyes.

Hunger shone in those dark orbs. It was startling to see it in the light of day, and yet somehow expected. She realized she’d have been disappointed if he didn’t look at her with passion now that they were away from every set of eyes that wanted to critique them.

“Why did you bring me out here?” The question crossed her lips before she thought about it. He looked surprised but shrugged, his wide shoulders moving easily beneath his shirt. Her eyes were drawn to where his collar lay open, the ties dangling down to lie against his chest. Creamy skin, lightly bronzed by the sun, was open to her gaze where the edges of his shirt parted.

“I wanted to see if we might try just being a man and a woman. Without the colors of our clans between us.”

“We are still on McLeren land.”

He tilted his head slightly. “Well, there’s only so far I can take ye before my ability to protect ye is jeopardized.”

Yet he’d made the effort, which he didn’t have to do. It was a gift that she could not overlook easily, unless she wanted to be disagreeable simply because of who he was. But the scorn she’d felt her first night at Donan Tower kept her from that; hating anyone for the family they were born into was wrong. She would not treat others to that unjust fate. She recalled the sting too well.

“I understand.”

His mouth curved into a grin. “But are ye pleased?”

Her own lips twitched, and she turned away to hide it. She shuffled her feet once more as she walked back into the trees and wove slowly between their trunks. She could feel him behind her, following her every step. She was suddenly shy, unsure of how to answer him. But she liked knowing that he was watching her and following her. There was something seductive about it. She felt it deep inside her belly, and it flowed toward the top of her sex. It was shocking to become so aware of that part of her body.

“That shouldn’t matter to you.”

Her words were sharper than she’d intended. Turning around, she looked back to discover what expression crossed his face first.

“Yer father should nae have contracted ye into a marriage with the only purpose being to overthrow the rightful king.” Torin stood still, watching her from behind an expression that told her little. His eyes glittered with frustration, and his lips were pressed into a hard line. He suddenly blew out a harsh breath.

“Yet he did, and I do care if ye are pleased today. I do nae care for the manner in which I brought ye to my home. Donan Tower is not a prison.”

“There are Highlanders who do not share yer hesitation about making their homes into fortresses that keep their enemies locked away.”

There were stories of people who had never been seen again once they were captured.

“Not on McLeren land; not while I am laird.”

Pride edged his words, and she witnessed it on his face. He leaned back against a thick tree trunk. The relaxed pose drew her closer to him. She had never seen him so at ease; it was hypnotic, because it made him far more human. He lifted one hand and curled his finger to beckon her toward him.

“Come here, Shannon.”

“Why?” It was a foolish question, for the look on his face told her what he was wanting. Yet he didn’t look at her with disdain or superiority for asking. His expression lacked any smugness at all. What was there was something that she longed for: it was the look of a man who wanted her, just for herself.

“I want ye to come to me because I caught you both times I’ve kissed ye. So today I’m asking ye to come to me and offer me yer sweet lips.”

Her cheeks heated, but her lips tingled with anticipation. She leaned around a tree, remaining behind it while staring at the laird asking her for a kiss. He was a handsome devil, now that he was taking the time to charm her. “And if I tell ye nay?”

“Well then, I’ve heard it said the third time’s the charm.”

He abandoned his lazy stance, pushing away from the tree he leaned on incredibly quickly. There was no darkness to hide him now, and it was startling to see how fast he closed the distance between them. Determination was etched into his face, and his eyes full of anticipation.

A soft shriek crossed her lips as she straightened up. That proved to be an error, for it placed her in the open, making her an easy target. A grin curved his lips up before he opened his arms wide and bent his knees. He looked every inch the Highlander about to capture his chosen prey. Torin scooped her up, picking her right up and off her feet without a single hesitation. His arms closed around her, satisfying the longing she’d struggled against. Delight filled her senses as she felt his strength truly surrounding her. It was more pleasurable than she’d imagined, more sensual than any imagining ever could be.

“Since I’ve caught you, I will claim my prize.”

There was no doubt about what he wanted from her. His hand captured her thick braid, but she lifted her chin before he began pulling on her hair to gain her compliance. She craved his kiss and could not deny it. In fact, she didn’t want to resist the urge anymore. She felt fate breathing down her neck with the promise that soon Douglas would arrive to pass sentence on her family.

Torin’s embrace was a haven from that dark reality. His arms were unyielding and capable of giving her every bit of support she needed. Pleasure flowed from his touch, but she wasn’t close enough yet. She angled her head so that he could press a kiss against her mouth. Sweet and bold, he licked across her lower lip before sealing his mouth over hers.

It was not a delicate kiss. He demanded complete possession, pressing her mouth open while his hand retained a hard hold on her braid. He wrapped the rope of her hair around his hand to keep her captive to his will.

Yet she was a willing prisoner. In truth, she was eager to embrace the man who held her. All those who had forbidden her to touch and be touched were too far away now to impose their will on her. Freedom was as intoxicating as whisky.

Her hands reached for him, seeking out the open collar of his shirt and the bare skin that had teased her. The first touch of her fingertips against his skin drew a shudder from him. Shannon gasped, the small sound breaking through their kiss momentarily. All her fingertips felt abnormally sensitive. She was aware of each one as they made contact with him. He was so strong, and yet his skin was smooth and soft. She sent her hands farther into the open shirt until she found his collarbones and then the warm column of his throat. A soft male sound rumbled up from his chest. It was only a tone-on-tone sound without structure, but it conveyed his enjoyment. That bit of knowledge intoxicated her further, to know that her touch gave him cause to make sounds of pleasure, just as his did to her. It placed them on an equal footing, a position that she had never expected to be in.

He lifted his head away from hers. A soft sound of disappointment crossed her lips, but he didn’t heed it. He broke away from her grasp completely, leaving her body quivering with the loss. There was a sharp snap and pop as he pulled on the tie that held his claymore against his back. Hard purpose was etched into his expression. The look should have frightened her, but it didn’t. Instead she stared at him in fascination and slight disbelief.

For the first time in her life, she truly felt pretty. No words might have convinced her, only the look on his face. It was hard and taut, not soft or gentle as a song might have her expect. Yet that suited her far more, because it was his strength that drew her to him.

He swung the sword off his back in a fluid motion of his large arms. His eyes stared straight into hers in challenge. She stood still, her breath frozen in her lungs while he set the weapon aside. Understanding was plain. There were few reasons why a man such as he would put his sword aside. Not for a quick tumble, and not for a woman who he’d forget the moment his kilt dropped back down over his spent cock.

He reached toward her, doing it slowly now to gauge her response. It was another challenge, and it drew a twist of excitement from her belly, the anticipation building to an almost-unbearable level. She shivered when his fingers made contact with her. He stepped close in response, startling her with how intensely aware he was of her every response.

Truly, she had not understood what intimacy was before. It was becoming harder to know where he began and she ended.

“Kiss me.”

His voice was deep and husky but still edged with authority. It was that commanding edge that gained her attention. The impulse to tease him returned.

She rose up onto her toes and tilted her head. Excitement lit his eyes, but she pressed her lips against his jawline and sank back down.

He frowned at her, but there was a twinkle in his dark eyes that betrayed his enjoyment.

“I see that I will have to be more detailed in my requests.” His fingers tugged on the ties that drew her overgown into shape around her body. “That could be most interesting.”

Her outer gown loosened. She felt the giving of her garment like a splash of cold water against her bare skin. His fingers captured the fabric and drew it over her head before she finished gasping.

Whatever she’d considered saying about his removing her clothing died when she looked at his expression. His gaze had dropped to her chest, his dark eyes fixated on the points of her nipples where they raised the soft fabric of her undergown. Her overgarment fluttered toward the ground, completely forgotten. Torin reached for her but not too eagerly. His hands spanned her waist, gently grasping her body once again.

“Come here, Shannon. I’ve spent too many hours dreaming of having you in my embrace.”

He didn’t want to move slowly. A muscle was twitching along the side of his jaw, telling her how much self-discipline he was employing not to grab her.

There was another thing she had not expected. No woman did, for it was a man’s nature to take what he wanted. Torin wanted her; desire flickered in his eyes, while his hands smoothed a path across her ribs and onto her breasts.

He cupped them both, closing his hands around the tender curves. She shivered with enjoyment. The sensation raced down her back and into her passage. Both of her nipples were drawn tight into hard nubs that throbbed softly. Hidden between the folds of her sex was another point that pulsed with the same racing beat as her heart. He gently teased each peak with his thumbs, rubbing back and forth over them while closing the last step between them.

His body brushed up against hers, restoring the sweet, intoxicating cloud over her senses again. She lifted her hand and pulled at the ties that kept his shirt closed. When she’d loosened it enough, he reached up and tugged the garment over his head. It fluttered to the ground behind him, but she lost interest in watching it.

His bare chest was much more to her liking.

Up close, he was more magnificent than he’d been, standing on the boulder.

“Touch me, Shannon, for I’ve seen in yer eyes that ye want to.”

“That’s true.”

His command wasn’t necessary, because she was hungry for life’s pleasures. Nothing short of bindings on her wrists would have stopped her from reaching for him. She needed to touch him. Too many hours of thinking about it had left her desperate to discover what the reality felt like.

His eyes closed when she laid her hands on him. His expression became one of intense male satisfaction. It was fascinating, and it made her bold. Smoothing her hands along the hard ridges that covered his breast, she felt every bit of strength that she’d felt in his embrace.

“If I die right now, I’ll go happily, for yer touch is perfection.” He opened his eyes and pulled her against him with a solid arm around her waist. Her hands ended up trapped between their bodies, and there was something in his eyes that said he liked knowing that she was helpless in his hold for the moment. It was a subtle male need to show her his strength. What surprised her was the way she responded to it. Passion blossomed into full desire. She was suddenly aware of how much she craved having him press down on top of her. Carnal and wicked as it was, she could not deny how much she wanted to be taken.

He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss against her mouth. There was no teasing now. His tongue probed the seam between her lips, prodding her until she opened her jaw for him to thrust it down into her mouth. Her body craved the same penetration. Her hips flexed toward him without thought, instinct guiding her motions. Behind the pleated folds of his kilt, his cock was hard. Her entire being craved knowing what it would feel like inside her. Hunger clawed at her to stop teasing and rush toward what lay ahead.

Torin was done playing, it seemed. His kiss was full of demand, but he broke it off in order to strip her undergown from her. The afternoon air was suddenly not as warm as she’d thought. She felt the chill of it brushing along her bare legs and arms and across her belly and breasts. Hesitation gripped her, and her arms came up, trying to cover her nudity. One crossed over her breasts, and the other lay across her belly so that her hand might guard her sex from his keen gaze.

Torin scooped her up before she realized he meant to. Sweeping her feet off the ground, he turned before sinking to one knee. She shivered, but not in worry that he’d drop her. It was a ripple of sensation followed by another as she became aware of how good his bare skin felt against her own. Where his shirt was missing, he was warm, almost hot against her. The soft male hair coating his chest felt just harsh enough against her skin. He laid her down on top of their clothing, pressing her onto her back and following her until he was stretched out alongside her.

“It’s nae May Day, but I refuse to spend another night waiting to claim ye.”

“Claim me?”

His words were arrogant and edged with pride. One hand boldly cupped her bare breast while his expression became tight with hunger again.

“Aye, lass, claim ye. I swear I’ll be the only lover ye have.”

She stiffened, disliking the chains his words tried to bind her with. Lifting her hands, she pushed at his wide chest.

“I never promised ye anything of the sort, Torin McLeren.”

He refused to budge, stubbornly remaining exactly where he was, with her breast held in his grasp while she tried in vain to dislodge his larger body.

He leaned down until his warm breath teased her moist lips. “Of course ye haven’t, lass. But I have nae had the chance to show ye just how good a lover I’ll make yet. Once I do, ye’ll have no desire for any other.”

“Ye’re an arrogant brute.” Her words didn’t sound sharp, but she still frowned at him.

He smirked at her. “Nay, lass, what I am is confident, and you’ll learn to appreciate that facet of me personality.”

Shannon hissed at him and pushed harder against his chest. “So you say.”

His thumb brushed over her nipple, sending a hot shaft of desire through her. Her arms lost a great deal of their strength. His expression became less mocking and far more intense.

“’Tis something I’d far rather prove than mince words over.”

She hoped so…

Hot and thick, passion beckoned to her. She didn’t want to think, didn’t want to have to talk, because it drew her away from the sweet intoxication that allowed her to forget about everything beyond what her flesh craved.

Torin didn’t disappoint her. He leaned down and sucked her nipple deeply between his lips. Her back arched, while a startled cry passed her lips. The heat was searing. But the pleasure was so intense, she could not remain still. It was like a living thing trapped inside her; she had to arch and reach out for him.

He pressed her onto her back, the pile of their shed clothing making for a comfortable spot to lie. His mouth teased her nipple, sucking hard on the tender point before the tip of his tongue began to worry it. The afternoon air was no longer chilly; it was a soothing coolness that eased the burning heat that was licking its way along her. Torin smoothed a hand down her body, teasing her belly for long moments before venturing lower. Her thighs closed, but he teased the curls that lay on top of her sex, toying with them while that spot that throbbed just beyond his reach begged her to spread wide so that he might ease the ache there.

He lifted his head from her breast, and the air was cold against the wet tip of her nipple. Hard and hungry, he stared at her.

“I am going to be yer lover, Shannon.”

His hand moved lower, pressing her to relent and part her thighs.

“Only because I want ye to be. ’Tis my choice, Torin.”

Sitting up, she reached for his head and held it between her hands while she kissed him. Mimicking the motions he’d used, she pressed his lips apart to tease him with her tongue. He moved to support her with a hard arm across her back. But he only kissed her back, never taking the lead away. She thrust her tongue deeply into his mouth, sliding it along his own and shivering at the way it made her clit pulse. There was no way to keep her thighs together any longer. The folds of her sex felt too swollen to be crushed closed. Allowing her thighs to spread felt natural and correct.

“I’d not have ye any other way, Shannon.”

He rolled over her, stopping on the other side of her body. Only now her thighs were held open by his body, one of her knees bent and raised so that her thigh lay beneath his waist. He propped his forearm near her head, trapping one of her arms behind his back.

So easily she was placed at his mercy. He watched her while his hand smoothed over her belly again, stroking her with delicate motions while his dark eyes glittered with approval.

She hadn’t really been in control before, but it had felt like she was. A very clever deception to mask his strength and draw her toward him.

“Did ye mean what ye said?”

His hand had reached her mons again, making it far too difficult to think.

“That ye are here because ye choose to be?”

Her lower lip went dry when he fingered her slit. Just a slight touch of one fingertip against that so-forbidden place. She arched but could not move away.

“Did ye mean it, Shannon McBoyd?”

She narrowed her eyes. “I did, but I’m rethinking the matter now that ye are throwing my last name at me.”

“Use mine.”

His finger had frozen, making no movement. Her body protested, urging her to arch toward him to gain friction against her clit. He leaned down, covering her body with his own. Bare chest to bare chest, she sighed with pleasure. Never had she suspected that her body might find so much enjoyment all at the same time. Torin pressed a soft kiss against the side of her neck and then another and a third. Little ripples of delight raced across her skin.

“Say my name, Shannon. If ye choose me for yer lover, call me by my name.”


He lifted his head to stare into her eyes. She knew what he wanted, could see the demand shimmering in his dark eyes. But there was also hunger there; she could see him struggling to contain it.

“And that is the only name that I’m interested in taking for my lover. Torin and Shannon. If ye want the rest, get off me and we’ll compare our colors, or ye may go and negotiate with my father for me.”

“It is the first time ye have called me by name. Can I nae take a moment to savor the sound of it on yer lips?”

And he enjoyed it. Another bit of hidden power that she had not expected to wield. But it affected him deeply. Lifting her free hand, she gently stroked his face, smoothing her fingers over the hard line of his jaw to where the muscle began to tic once again.

“Kiss me, Torin.”

He didn’t hesitate. His mouth found hers, his lips moving insistently over hers. His hand began seeking once more, this time delving between the folds of her sex until he found her clitoris. Fire and pleasure flashed through her, so intense, she gasped. Her head fell back, her eyes closing as the sensation became so blinding, there was nothing to do except allow it to consume her.

He rubbed gently at first but gained speed while she gasped beneath his touch. Time seemed to stop while her ears were filled with the sound of her blood rushing faster and faster. Her heart beat at a wild tempo, and her lungs struggled to keep pace. Her passage felt empty, so much so that it ached with need. Her hips arched upward, seeking to take his finger inside her. But he pinned her beneath his form, keeping her in place while his fingers continued to torment her.

Need and hunger became too much to bear. She cried out because there was no way to contain the boiling emotions. She needed something so badly, she jerked and arched in an attempt to gain it. Her belly was a knot of tension that was pulling tighter and tighter, until it suddenly burst in a fiery explosion of white-hot pleasure. It felt like she was falling, and she didn’t care if she ended up dead when she reached the bottom of the abyss. There was too much pleasure. It flooded her, washing over her from her belly outward and then returning to her passage, where everything became a soft glow of contentment. She collapsed against the ground, opening her eyes to see the sky turning pink with sunset.

“That is the reward that lovers sneak away to gain, lass.”

Torin pressed a hard kiss against her lips while rolling completely over her. He pulled her knees right up to her waist to spread her body wide for his possession. The head of his cock nudged her open slit, stoking the fire that had been burning inside her.

“Are ye a virgin?”

His jaw was set tightly, the effort of holding still making his expression harsh. The muscle along his jaw twitched and his body shook, but his cock remained exactly where it was, only teasing the opening of her body with its hardness.

“I am.” And she realized that she was proud of her purity.

He drew in a stiff breath, his eyes glowing with some emotion that surfaced from deep inside him.

“I should say that I’m sorry to cause ye pain, but I’m not.” A fierce flash of enjoyment lit his eyes, and he pressed forward, thrusting his length into her. He felt too large, too hard, but her passage was slick, allowing him to penetrate her. Her body began stretching to accommodate the invasion, pain nipping along the area that he’d gained. He pulled free. Regret raced through her, a longing for more raking its claws across her.

Torin did not leave her wanting. He thrust smoothly back into her, ripping through the barrier that had blocked his path. Pain slammed into her, forcing the breath from her lungs. It was searing agony that ripped into the most tender part of her body. Every muscle drew taut, her body attempting to arch away from his. Torin held her solidly in place, his body resting on top of hers and pinning her, but he allowed only enough of his weight onto her to keep her still. The rest he supported on his forearms, which were braced on either side of her head. Her lungs began burning from lack of breath. After sucking in a deep one, she blew it out with a soft cry. The pain subsided, leaving only an ache where his hard flesh still stretched her.

Tears gathered in her eyes, making her vision glassy when she opened them. Torin watched her, his dark eyes glittering with satisfaction. She should have been annoyed to see him so pleased that she was a virgin, but her pride didn’t allow her temper to rise. His fingers gently stroked the sides of her head, across her temple and along her hairline. The little soothing motions allowed her to draw another deep breath and blow it out slowly. She suddenly noticed that he was remaining still for her sake, and that needled her pride.

“Go on, then. I’m not that fragile.”

And she wanted to know what was next. Her passage might ache, but the feeling of his hard flesh filling her was what she’d been craving. Hunger was still gnawing at her behind the ache.

“Aye, I’ve noticed that.” He flexed his hips, pulling his cock out of her. The motion sent new sensations of enjoyment through her that chased away the memory of the hurt.

“But I’m intent on proving that I am no’ a savage by nature. A lover does nae simply toss up the skirts of his partner and proceed with rutting her without a care for allowing her body to adjust.”

He was having trouble concentrating on his words. Strain took command of his features, while his thick arms shook slightly. She hadn’t realized that her nails had dug into his skin. Forcing her hands to relax, she watched his eyes fill with need.

“I’m well adjusted now, Torin.” Her tone was husky. His slow thrusts renewed her enjoyment. It was more than enjoyment; pleasure filled her with every soft thrust. Her hips began lifting toward him, eager to take his length.

He offered her a soft growl in reply. But she enjoyed the raw male sound. Somehow it fit the moment. This wasn’t the time for sweet words. She wanted to move, wanted to feel him thrusting faster and harder against her. All her senses were keener, making communicating with words unnecessary. She wanted to feel, not think. Her thighs grasped his hips, and her eyes closed.

Another soft growl vibrated through his chest. She felt it as much as she heard it, because he was still pressed against her. The soft mounds of her breasts were gently pressed down by the harder planes of his chest. Her neck arched back, and he leaned over her, his breathing becoming rough. His hands tangled in her hair, holding her tighter while his body answered her need for faster motion. He thrust deeply and hard now, every plunge sending equal amounts of need and enjoyment through her. It far surpassed the delight he’d given her with his hand. This was deeper and more intense. The feeling of his hard flesh inside her was satisfying the hunger that had begun with watching him swim. This was what she’d craved, this deep intimacy that unleashed so many sensations in her.

He felt it too. She could feel his body quivering, her fingers telling her that his muscles were drawing tight along with her own. Her hips rose to meet his, and she wasn’t sure whose breath sounded rougher, only positive that they were both lost to the same need for each other. Her body twisted and strained toward his. Even being so close wasn’t enough. She wanted him deeper, wanted his cock to fill her. There was nothing but the building hunger in her belly. It tightened further and further, until it broke in a shower of hot pleasure. Shannon strained upward as the delight rained down on her. Her breath froze, and she heard nothing but the blood rushing through her ears. The pleasure shook through her, demanding every last bit of attention. Torin snarled softly when she cried out, his hands holding her head tightly and his body plunging down to impale her with several hard thrusts. A harsh sound came from Torin a moment before he buried his length deep inside her and she felt his seed filling her. The hot spurt of fluid unleashed a second jolt of pleasure inside her, the walls of her passage contracting around his cock to milk every last drop from him. Her thighs locked around his hips, and his hands held her tightly.