Inked Obsession by Carrie Ann Ryan

Chapter 23


Iwoke up with Beckett’s head between my thighs and groaned, orgasming right as I looked at Beckett’s face. He hovered over me and kissed me softly, then slid smoothly into me. I groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist and rocked into him as we slowly kissed and made love, the two of us lost in each other.

“Well, that’s one way to wake up,” I said on a laugh.

“Last night was the first night I was allowed to fuck you hard into the mattress, so I figured I’d wake you up a little smoother.”

I held on to Beckett’s waist, careful not to touch his side. The stitches were out, and he was healing, but I was still careful with him. Just as he was oh so cautious with me. He kissed me again and lovingly slid his hands up and down my body.

“I missed you. I missed this.”

“You weren’t out of commission for long.”

“True, and I did like the sponge baths.”

I narrowed my eyes in a mock glare. “I never once gave you a sponge bath, Beckett Montgomery. Who do you think is giving you sponge baths?”

He laughed. “Probably Benjamin.”

“Now there’s an image,” I said with a laugh.

“I can’t believe he’s out on that trip now,” I said, sighing as I leaned back.

“He needed to go, for reasons only he knows.”

“I hope he’s doing okay.”

“I hope they both are,” Beckett said with a sigh.

“We can’t fix it, Beckett.”

“No, but I want to. I’m the big brother.”

“Whatever you say. We need to shower. And get ready because we have dinner with your parents soon.”

“Oh, great. Thank you for bringing up my parents while I’m naked and covered in you.”

That’s a lovely image.”

The doorbell rang, and I frowned. “Did someone say they were coming over?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a delivery person. Don’t worry, I’ll put on my jeans and answer the door.”

“And I suppose I’ll find some panties.”

“Or just pants. Leave the panties off.”

“Why? Do you want to borrow them?”

He snorted and made his way to the front of the house. I quickly cleaned myself up and slid on my sweats and a tank top from the night before. I was happy. Finally. I hadn’t known what I’d been missing until I was sitting with Beckett, realizing this was my life now. Eventually, I’d move into his place, something we had gone over for a while. It might seem too soon for some, but we weren’t others. This was what we wanted.

We would find our way. Almost losing Beckett had changed everything for me, and I didn’t want to ever wonder what could be without taking a chance in the first place. This was our future. I was his, just as he was mine.

“Eliza, darling, you’d better come out here.”

Something in his tone worried me, and I practically ran to the front door. And then I nearly tripped over my feet.

“Eli? What are you doing here?”

“It took me a while to get time off, but since you were almost hit by a car, I figured I’d come and check on my baby sister.” He glared at Beckett, at his sweat-slick skin, and the fact that it clearly looked like we had just been having sex.

“It seems I’ve interrupted something.”

I rolled my eyes and tugged my brother into the room.

“Stop it. This is my home. You know Beckett.”

“Oh, I know all about Beckett.”


My brother scowled harder. “You’re my baby sister. He understands.”

“This is my home, Eli. And you know I’m with Beckett.”

“I didn’t have to see it. You get it, don’t you?” he said to Beckett.

The love of my life just shrugged, and I wanted to strangle them both. “Since I have two little sisters and two brothers, I get you. Now, I’m going to go put on a shirt.”

“For the love of God, please do.” The dryness of Eli’s tone made me roll my eyes.

“And I am going to put on a jacket or something. Or a bra.”

“Please,” Eli said with a laugh. Beckett and I practically ran to the bedroom, finished getting changed, and I came out to see Eli making a pot of coffee and opening a box of donuts he had brought.

“I didn’t realize you’d brought anything.”

“Of course, I did. I’m not going to show up at my little sister’s home without something. Now, come hug me.”

He opened his arms, and I slid into his hold. He gripped me tightly and kissed the top of my head. “You seem happy.”

“I am,” I said honestly. “I promise.”

“I came to check on you. I wanted to make sure you were serious about wanting to stay here.”

I gave Beckett a look. He shrugged and sipped his coffee. “Do what you need to. I understand.”

“I love him, Eli. I love this family. I mean, I love our family. And you know that I’m going to visit you down in Texas as much as possible.”

“We’ll make sure of it,” Beckett said, and I rolled my eyes at him.

“I know it might be awkward up here because of Marshall’s family, but part of mine is here, too. And while I wish you guys could retire here, I get why you’re going down south to do it.”

“The jobs are there.”

“And you’re always welcome in my home.” I looked at Beckett. “Our home.”

“Are you shacking up with my sister?” Eli asked with a groan.


“That’s such a lovely sentiment,” I said on a laugh. “I’m happy.”

“And the thing with Marshall’s parents?” Eli asked, and Beckett gave me a look as I stiffened.

“They called after the accident to make sure I was okay. They heard about it and wanted to make sure that I was alive.”

“Not just because of the money, right?” my brother grumbled.

“That was my question, too,” Beckett said, and Eli toasted him with his coffee mug.


“It was sincere. And we’ve already discussed it, all of us. You were part of that discussion too, Eli. I’m going to give Natasha some of the money because Madison needs it. For school. I don’t care. I have a life. I have my own income. And, honestly, I don’t know if I want all of those memories tied up into things. Natasha can make sure her daughter has a college fund, but it won’t bring Marshall back. And, as it turns out, I’m okay with that. Not that I know exactly what everything means or how I feel about it, but I’m coming to terms with it all. I didn’t have to give them any money. I did. Or will. Because it’s my choice.”

My brother nodded, staring at me as if he wanted to take away all of my troubles. That was his problem, though, and always had been. Another reason why his life was changing as it was. “That wasn’t an easy decision to make.”

“No, it wasn’t, but I’ll figure it out.”

“My family’s here,” I said softly as Beckett smiled at me. “Marshall was my past, and not even the past I thought I had. The Montgomerys here are my future. And so are the Wilders,” I teased, and my brother smiled.

“I am going to check on you often because I’m overprotective that way.” He winked as he said it, but I knew he wasn’t joking. I had a feeling that there would be more than a few visits from all six of the Wilder brothers.

Beckett sighed. “It’s fine. I check on my sisters often, too.”

“How many of them are married now?”

Beckett cocked his head. “Annabelle is, and going to pop out twins in a few months.”

“That’s such a lovely image,” I said with a laugh.

Eli’s eyes narrowed. “You have another sister, right?”

Beckett scowled, and I held back a laugh. How I ended up with the eldest, overprotective brother of a family like mine, I’d never know.

I sighed. “Yes, Paige. She and Colton are serious, though I don’t know when they’re going to be walking down the aisle. Probably sometime soon.”

At least, I hoped so. I didn’t voice that. It wasn’t my place.

“It seems like you have your hands full,” Eli said and then gave me a look. “I mean, Eliza is enough to deal with.”

“Hey,” I teased as my brother hugged me hard. I laughed, kissed his cheek, and then moved to lean into Beckett.

I smiled, looked up at him, and knew that this was my future. I hadn’t lied. The Montgomerys were where I wanted to be. I would always be a Wilder, always be part of the family that had raised me. Marshall wasn’t part of that.

I could walk away from those memories and know that I had something to look forward to.

I hadn’t been expecting Beckett Montgomery.

I was so glad that I’d taken a chance. So happy I had gone to that beach and ran into the man I had told myself I shouldn’t want.

Because he was my future. My everything.

My Montgomery.

Soon, I would have the family crest on my skin, their ink on my soul, and my future paved with purpose and promises I knew would forever be kept.