Mary Quite Contrary by Amelia Smarts

Chapter Ten

Ben’s heart swelled as Mary approached him, wearing that soft smile of hers. For the entire day he’d been working up the nerve to once again ask her to court him. She was on his mind day and night, and all he wanted to do was love and protect her. He believed he knew how best to do that now without injuring her pride and ordering her about, and he hoped she would give him the chance to prove that.

“Hello, Ben. Here for some supper?”

“No,” he answered quietly. He looked around. The restaurant was fairly full, which meant Mary was busy. He had originally walked to the back to meet her in the kitchen for some privacy and had been surprised to see the door wide open. He’d shook his head and walked to the front, not wanting to scold her before he’d finished what he’d set out to do.

Drawing a deep breath, he said, “Mary, I care for you, and I want you to be my woman. I can’t go an hour without thinking of you, and I’ve been trying to figure out a way to be the right man for you ever since you stood me up by the live oak tree. I’m not perfect, but if you say yes, I promise never to disappoint you. I’ll keep you safe always, and I’ll make you smile every day.”

Her eyes lit with surprise and, if he wasn’t mistaken, with happiness as well. A loud laugh from one of the customers diverted their attention momentarily. When they returned their focus to each other, Mary said, “You’ve chosen a strange time to ask.”

“Perhaps I should have waited until you were less busy,” he admitted, “but the thought of not having you even for a day longer has become unbearable to me.” He stepped toward her and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I know you favor me. Your eyes give it away. Say you’ll be mine. Please?”

He could hear her breath catch. “I do favor you,” she said softly. “I find myself looking forward to seeing you every day, so I want you to court me.”

He felt as though he might burst. “I feel the same, darlin’. I’m glad for any excuse that brings me here.” Since they had an audience, Ben kissed her cheek instead of her lips. A better display of affection would have to wait until later. “I’ll see you later tonight. Be safe.”

He walked out the front door and made his way to the back. He sighed when he saw the open back door again, though he understood why she had disobeyed him. The heat was suffocating, and it would be much worse in a kitchen with the fire going. He took his place behind the barberry shrub to surveil. If the thieves chose this day to strike, he would be ready and Mary would be protected.

He waited there nearly an hour, and every minute was spent in contentedness. Mary had said yes! He wanted nothing more than for the last customer to leave so he could show her how pleased he was with her decision.

Some time later, Mary appeared briefly in the doorway and then shut the door, unknowingly relieving Ben of his post. He walked to the front of the restaurant once again to find the dining room empty. As soon as he stepped in, he took Mary into his arms and met her lips with his. The kiss said everything better than he could in words—that he desired her, missed her, and wanted to keep her near him always.

As soon as their lips unlocked, she said, “Ben, I have to confess something to you. I hope it won’t anger you.”

“I doubt you could make me angry, Mary, especially today,” he assured her.

“I left the back door open. It was so hot and I was feeling ill. I feel guilty about it since I made you a promise to keep it closed.”

Ben took her hands and kissed her knuckles. “I know, I saw the door open earlier before I came in the front. I stayed and watched out for thieves.”

A look of surprise crossed her face. “And you still asked to court me, knowing I broke a promise?”

“Yes. If anything, it made me more determined to be here for you and to protect you from danger.”

She let out a long sigh. “You’re a good man, Ben. And I’m glad to hear you say that, but it does serve to make me feel even guiltier.”

“It was a very hot day,” he said. “And you admitted to leaving it open before I even inquired, so I know you’re not devious.”

She fidgeted and looked down at her feet. “I’m off the hook, then?”

“Not exactly.”

She looked up and stared quizzically into his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“A broken promise is a broken promise, plus you put yourself in danger. I do think there should be consequences for that, don’t you?”

“Do you want to spank me again?” Her tone was suggestive.

Ben was immediately pleased by the idea. “Yes, and this time during your punishment, you must be naked so I can make love to you after.”

She gasped, and her cheeks turned pink. She looked at the windows and then looked back at him, her eyes alight with the same desire Ben felt. She gave a little nod, after which Ben wasted no time drawing the curtains down over the window and locking the front door. Mary walked to the back.

She returned wearing nothing but the ribbon in her hair, and Ben nearly fell back. His mouth dropped open, and he couldn’t find his tongue. She was beautiful, of course, but it was her boldness that took his breath away.

“I’ve imagined you touching me,” she said softly, looking at him shyly even as she stood in front of him without a stitch of clothing.

“You won’t have to imagine that again,” he said, stalking toward her. “I’m going to touch every inch of your body.” He slid out of his shirt and draped it over one of the dining chairs. When she placed her soft palms against his chest, all his blood pumped south. Desire raged in him. He drew his fingers down along the smooth contours of her back until he reached her plump bottom. As he kneaded and squeezed the flesh of her buttocks, she seemed to come alive in his arms. She was as aroused as he was, and the more he fondled her backside, the more her breath quickened.

“Sweet Mary,” he said, covering her neck and shoulder with butterfly kisses. He lowered his lips to one of her breasts and took her hardened nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around and flicked it, causing her to moan and drop her head back, exposing her delicate neck. His hand traveled north, and he wrapped it gently around her neck, enjoying the feeling of that domination, the knowledge that he could overpower her.

Her voice was soft when she said, “I’ve imagined you punishing me in the same way you said you would punish Willow. I’ve become aroused by the idea.”

It might have come as a shock to him that she was so aroused by the thought of being whipped with a strap, if he too weren’t feeling just as aroused by the thought. He wanted to protect her, and though he wouldn’t have been able to explain it, he wanted to punish her too. He wanted to possess her body, to elicit both pain and pleasure from it.

He kissed her along her jaw and stopped to speak lowly into her ear. “Did you or did you not put yourself in danger today?”

“I did,” she whispered.

“After you agreed not to.”

“Yes,” she breathed.

He stepped back and took in the full sight of her again, pausing first at her breasts and then at the triangle of curls adorning her pussy. He wanted to lay her on the table and spread her knees apart, exposing her most private place to him. He wanted to taste her, to suck on her tender pink lips until honey dripped forth.

But there would be plenty of time for that. Punishment first.

He reached down and unbuckled his gun belt, then placed it on a chair. He then released the leather from around his denim trousers, pulling it through the loops in one long motion that caused a whoosh to echo against the walls.

Mary licked her lips and stared at the belt as he folded it in two. Having never used a belt for the purposes of whipping before, he took a practice swipe on the top of his own leg, igniting a burn even through denim that he knew would make quite an impression on her naked skin.

“Turn around and bend over that table,” he said, nodding at the table directly behind her. His voice was steel. While he wouldn’t have chosen to punish her in this manner, she’d asked for it. She’d made it clear that despite her protestations over being told what to do, she actually craved his dominance, and he wouldn’t hesitate to deliver.

Her eyes widened with what looked like fear, but the arousal in her gaze was unmistakable. Ben watched as she turned around, revealing to him the entire back side of her naked body for the first time. Her skin was the color of cream, white and unblemished from the nape of her neck to the heels of her feet.

She bent over the table so slowly it seemed intentionally provocative, though Ben doubted that was the case. She was bold, but she was also innocent, a mix so intoxicating he could hardly believe his good fortune that such a lovely creature had chosen to give her trust to him.

“Stretch your arms in front of you,” he said. “That’s it. Palms down.” Her hands rested on two linens she had folded neatly. He guessed the linens would be balled up in her fists before the session was through.

Her legs were parallel to each other, thighs touching. “Spread your legs apart, darlin’,” he instructed. He wanted her to adopt a sturdy stance, but he also wanted to glimpse the soft lips of her pussy that appeared when she obeyed. He was surprised to see that they already appeared slick. He touched her lower back, causing her to start. “Easy,” he said, his voice so gravelly he barely recognized it. He slid his hand around the perfect mound of her bottom and brushed her pussy lips with the tips of his fingers. She moaned and arched her back, practically begging him to explore her more deeply.

That would have to wait. For the time being, he was more than satisfied with what he’d discovered, which was that she was wet with need just by being prepared for punishment. He removed his hand from between her legs and wiped her juices on her own ass, then clapped her left cheek with a smart swat. “Naughty girl, getting wet for punishment. Your body is begging for chastisement, and that’s what it’s going to get.”

She moaned in what sounded like humiliation but offered no argument. There was no way she could deny it. He had felt the proof on his own fingers. If he’d had any reservations before about whipping her with the thick strap, they were eliminated completely after that.

He tapped the folded leather against her bottom, noticing as he did the light pink mark the single swat from his hand had left. She marked easily, and he wondered what shade of red the first stroke with the belt would cause. He reached back and brought the strap down smartly across the center of her buttocks. She didn’t cry out, and instead drew in a sharp breath. Immediately a red welt appeared on her skin.

Ben switched the belt to his other hand and ran his right hand over the mark. “How did that feel?” he asked.

“Like I’m being punished,” she said.

“And is that what you want?”

It took her a moment to respond, and Ben imagined all of the thoughts that must be passing through her mind in that moment. Perhaps she wondered if she was insane to desire punishment, just as he wondered if he was insane to want to inflict it. Whatever her thoughts, she answered, “Yes, that’s what I want.”

Ben returned the belt to his right hand, drew his arm back, and whipped her again, this time a little lower. She cried out but remained in the same position. After a very brief pause, he brought the belt across her tender skin again, crossing over the two stripes he’d left.

Mary squealed and danced from one foot to the other. As he’d predicted, her hands were balled into fists holding the linen she’d so neatly folded.

“One more,” he decided.

She looked back at him over her shoulder, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I don’t want another.”

He nodded. “And that’s precisely why you must have it. Otherwise, this wouldn’t truly be punishment, would it? Merely a pretext to pleasure.”

She blinked and returned her head facing forward. “I suppose you’re right about that,” she said, her voice strong with determination to endure another lick.

“Good girl,” he said. He landed the final stroke, a bit lighter than the first three.

She seemed to sigh in relief, and he thought to himself that he was a bit soft on her. He would likely always take that approach. He wanted her to feel disciplined; he did not want her to feel beaten.

He ran his hand over her hot flesh, caressing her punished skin. She sighed and remained bent over the table, accepting his ministrations. When she widened her stance further, Ben understood the invitation. He delved between her legs and explored every inch of her sweet pussy. His fingers were coated in her juices within seconds. With the knowledge that she was fully ready for him, his cock strained painfully against his denims. He released it, and his erection surged forward.

He swirled his forefinger around her clit and listened as her breath became ragged. “I would have preferred to make love with you for the first time in a bed, sweet Mary,” he said, his own voice deep with lust, “but I crave you now.” He wanted to hear her consent to the barbaric manner in which he was about to take her, like a bull takes a cow.

She whimpered and arched her back. “Take me like this, Ben. I need it. I need you.”

“Good.” He increased the pressure and speed he was applying on her clit. “This is how a contrary girl like you should be taken. Bent over with a hot punished bottom.” He guessed his words would arouse her further, and he wasn’t mistaken.

She groaned. “Please,” she begged. Her thighs began to tremble.

Ben removed his hand from her pussy, causing an anguished wail, which only served to please him more. He would deny her orgasm until he was ready to give it to her, and that would be when he was balls deep inside of her.

He took hold of her hip with one hand, enjoying the fleshy firm feeling of her in his palm, and grasped his cock with the other. Slowly he guided the thick tip inside of her. The walls of her opening stretched around him.

“Oh!” she said, sounding surprised by the sensation, and also deeply excited.

He waited only a brief moment before he released his cock from his hand and clutched her other hip. It was driving him mad with need, being only partway inside of her velvety core, and it took all his self-control not to surge into her with all the gentleness of a sledgehammer.

He pushed into her a little more, and the tightness around him caused his heart to pick up speed, especially when she felt her vagina contracting around him. “God, Mary,” he cursed. “You are tight.”

“Is that bad?” she asked breathlessly, sounding nearly as worried as she was aroused.

“No, no,” he said. “It’s good. Very good. I’m going to push in all the way now. Are you ready?”

“Oh, yes.”

He squeezed her hips and, as he thrust toward her, he pulled her tight against him, causing his cock to slide into her fully.

She yelped and then let out a moan. Her hands clutched the linens tighter as she panted. Her vagina once again constricted around his cock, and Ben let out a moan of his own. It was all he could do to not pound into her again. The sound of blood rushed in his ears, and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Slowly he drew back until only the tip was inside of her again. Then with as much self-control as he could muster, he rocked into her again slowly.

She let out another moan, and Ben could hear the excitement in it. That was all he needed to continue his thrusts. He started slowly, at a steady rhythm, allowing her to get used to him, but soon his need grew such that he had to fuck her hard. Her plump bottom, striped red from his belt, rippled after each of his thrusts.

“Oh, Ben,” she cried out, her voice high-pitched. He could tell that she was nearly there.

“Come for me, Mary,” he growled, and slapped her bottom hard as he rammed into her even harder and faster.

She undoubtedly could hear it was an order, not a request, and for someone like Mary who craved dominance, it was all she needed to take her over the edge.

Her legs trembled violently, her back arched, and she screamed so loudly that if Ben were in a position to care, he might have worried that someone outside would hear them. But he was too excited by the sound of her orgasm and by feeling her vagina clutching his cock as though for dear life.

He placed one hand on her lower back and focused on constraining himself until the last tremor of her pleasure receded, then removed his cock from inside of her and released himself over her ass, grunting with the excitement and exertion of it. Her body heaved up and down on the table with the giant inhales and exhales of her breath.

Ben watched his seed slide over the welts on her bottom. It was the most depraved, most delicious thing he’d ever seen. Never had he felt the surge of possession before as strongly as he did in that moment, witnessing her marked so conspicuously with both pleasure and pain.

He pulled up his denims and buttoned up. Rubbing her shoulders, he asked, “How do you feel?”

She looked at him over one shoulder, her brunette hair mussed and half-covering her face. On her glowing face was a mischievous grin. “I feel very sore and very happy at the same time.”

He smiled. “Perfect. Wait right there and I’ll go find something to clean you up.”

“I won’t move.”

“Good girl.” He took a cloth napkin to the kitchen, wet it, and returned to her with the cloth as well as her dress he’d found draped over a stool. Gently he swiped the cloth across her bottom until only the red welts were visible. “Let me help you dress,” he said, as she lifted herself off the table. She seemed to waver a little, so Ben wrapped an arm around her waist. “You alright?”

“Yes,” she said, smiling. “Just a little lightheaded, I suppose.”

“Let’s get you something to eat after you’re dressed. Hands up,” he said.

As docile as a kitten, she reached toward the sky so Ben could pull her frock down over her body. When he noticed her staring at him, he kissed her.