Hostage by Clare Mackintosh


1. Sophia’s care before her adoption creates added challenges for Mina and Adam. Do you think adoptive parents and biological parents have different approaches to supporting their kids?

2. What was your first impression of Adam? Why do you think he was first introduced through Mina’s perspective? How did your opinion change throughout the book?

3. Mina calls the protests just outside the airport pointless because they only reach people who are already committed to flying. Who are the protestors trying to reach? Is there anywhere else that would be more effective?

4. The disagreement in the bar highlights disparities between business and economy class passengers, and Mina insists the economy passengers return to their seats. Why do these divisions exist? Do you think there was another way to de-escalate the situation?

5. When Mina receives the note, she thinks through some of the training she received to deal with hijackers. Why didn’t she follow that training? What would you have done in her place?

6. Passenger 1G discusses the way they groomed the other members of the group and coaxed them into participating in the plan. What did all the members have in common before they boarded the plane? How does the internet enable radicalization?

7. The terrorists hold the airline employees, the passengers, and the airline itself all equally responsible for the London–Sydney flight. Can personal choices, like eating less meat or flying less often, make a significant difference to ecological health? Why do we focus on individual choice more often than corporate responsibility?

8. How do you feel about the dictate “Never negotiate with terrorists”? What are the short-term and long-term impacts of that stance?

9. How is business travel changing after the COVID-19 pandemic? Would you argue for or against the continuation of regular business travel?

10. Do you think the characters all got justice? Did you want a different outcome for anyone?