Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis

Chapter 14

“Flaming Cheetos or BBQ chips?” Ember held up a bag of each and asked Mary which one they should get.

“Um, both!”

Ember rolled her eyes and added both bags to their already overloaded grocery basket. Each woman had one slung over the crook of her arm and the contents were a cumulation of items—lemon cookies, peanut butter, jalapeno peppers, mini bagel pepperoni pizzas, dill pickles, popcorn, beef jerky, cheesecake, and a giant size Swiss chocolate bar.

“Ooh, and ice cream. We need ice cream.” Mary’s eyes widened with desire for the frozen glory as she headed for the freezer section.

Eli glanced down at the assortment of random items with confusion. “This is what you’re eating?” He grimaced. “Is this some kind of food punishment, lost a bet, type of thing?”

Mary was on a mission several aisles ahead of them, already scoping out the selection of ice cream. “Yes! Jackpot.”

Ember heard Mary’s excitement and made it to her friend's side. She had to second-guess Mary’s pick. “Mango Habanero Coconut Ice Cream. Eww! Mare?”

“Doesn’t that sound delish!”

“Sounds like a stomachache if you ask me,” Eli said as Mary placed it in her basket. “Anything else you need? Like maybe some antacids?”

Ember glanced at Mary. Both were trying to figure out a way to get to the personal care aisle without him on their heels.

“Ooh, do you know what I could really go for?” Mary urged.

Eli raised his brows waiting for her to blurt out some insane item like stewed oysters or pickled eggs.


That got Eli’s interest. He liked to cook, but the grill is where he was master. Seeing his face light up, Ember knew she had him.

“Why don’t you head to the meat department, and we’ll finish up our shopping,” Ember said when she saw the excitement of reigning over the grill in his eyes.

“You got more shopping to do? You mean this isn’t enough junk food?” Eli questioned.

Mary shifted from one foot to the other trying to hide her nervousness.

“Just gotta get a few more things then we’ll be done. We’ll meet you at the meat counter.” Ember gave Eli an agreeable look, hoping he would leave.

“Okay. I’ll head over there. Don’t be too long.” He turned and headed off.

When Eli walked away, Mary shrugged in relief. “Wasn’t sure he’d leave. Let’s go, gotta make this quick.”

Both women beelined for the personal care aisle. When they got to the right aisle the selections overwhelmed them.

Ember took two pregnancy tests off the shelf to compare them. “So, what do you want, Mare? Blue line, pink line, double line, plus sign?” Then, she looked at another on the shelf, “This one actually tells you in words, pregnant or not pregnant.” Ember put back the ones she was holding and took two more off the shelf. Reading the back of the boxes she tried to figure out which was best.

Mary stood, reading the box over Ember’s shoulder. “Never realized there were so many choices. Does it really make a difference?”

Ember held up a test and showed it to Mary, “This one says it can tell before a missed period. Have you missed a period?”

“Kinda...I'm never regular, so it’s actually been a few months.”

Ember gaped with astonishment, “Whoa, you’re just checking now?”

“Well, yeah,” she said while perusing the shelf, “I'm never this late, my boobs hurt, and I’ve been on a roller coaster of emotions this last week. King probably thinks I’m a bitch.”

Ember stayed silent. She hadn’t seen Mary in the last month with things on the rocks between King and Eli. She had kept in touch through texts, but Mary never said anything about feeling out of sorts. “Sorry I haven’t been there for you, Mare. I wish I’d have known.”

“Not your fault. Things were contentious with the guys, and I wanted to be neutral. Didn’t want to get in the middle of the spat. I tried to talk King into talking to Eli, but he’s bullheaded. Every time I brought it up, I was met with a pissed-off husband. Figured they’d make up eventually, but it just took longer than I thought.”

“I’m so glad things are back to normal.” Ember looked from Mary back to the shelf of tests. “Eli wants to talk to T, but T’s been keeping his distance.”

“Yeah, King’s making them play nice, but they really need to clear the air.”

“Let’s just hope they can.”

Both stood silent thinking of the situation with T-BAR. A lot hinged on the outcome of his recovery.

Mary looked over the shelf of options and said, “Let’s just pick one.”

Ember held up the one in her hand, “Let’s take this one. It has actual words on it, and we won’t have to second-guess the test.”

“And, it’s a multipack so I can double-check. Be twice as sure.”

Ember handed Mary the box. She hid it beneath the bag of extra-spicy Jamaican Jerk beef jerky.

They started down the aisle towards the meat counter when Eli rounded the corner, meat packages and other items in his hands.

Ember’s heart skipped a beat and Mary said under her breath, “Oh, shit!”

“You two ready? I’ve been waiting fifteen minutes and you never showed. Why are you over here?”

Mary reached over to the shelf, grabbed a random package, and held it up, “I had to get,” she looked at the box in her hand, “um, an economy pack of super-flow tampons.” She tried to hide the confused and muddled look on her face.

Eli scrunched his face, “Okay, didn’t need to know that.”

“Perfectly natural thing, Eli,” Mary said as she put the box in her basket, hoping that the bag of jerky hid her secret beneath it.

“I know it is,” Eli tilted his head a bit, “nothing I’m embarrassed about. Bought them myself many times for my mom, but I just don’t need to know the flow cycle of my friend and boss’ wife.”

“You’ve bought tampons for your mom?” Mary said, a little too much surprise in her voice.

“Yeah, why not?”

“Well,” Mary paused, “just guessed...not many guys would do that.”

“Like you said, a perfectly normal function of nature. If I can buy toilet paper, why not tampons? Girls buy condoms even though men use them.”

Mary thought about that, pursed her lips, and nodded her head in agreement.

“Unless you want to talk about your cycle some more, are you two ready to go?”

“Yes!” Both women said in unison and then laughed at each other's quick reply.

The trio headed to the checkout line. Eli got into the shortest line since there were only three open registers.

“Gonna go to the self-checkout,” Mary said, imploring Ember with a look that was practically telepathic.

“Don’t like those things,” Eli remarked. “Never work for me, and then I end up taking twice as long, waiting for an employee to come fix or override the register.”

“How did you survive the Army?” Ember asked in mockery. “You can execute a mission flawlessly, in the dark of night, in unknown terrain but can’t check out your own groceries?” She laughed at his shit-ass grin.

“Maybe if I shopped with the team at my back, then I could checkout flawlessly as well?” His smile lit up his face.

Ember thought he had a great smile. In fact, she absolutely loved his smile. “Well, you can stay in this line, I'm going to checkout with Mary.” She stepped out of line and headed towards her friend.

Eli stayed where he was and Ember was relieved that he didn’t follow. She was still within his sight, so she figured that was good enough for him to feel she was still safe.

Mary put her basket on the shelf next to the register. “Oh, my God,” Mary said out of the side of her mouth, “that was so close.”

“I know, right?”

“Don’t need these tampons, but I just grabbed the closest thing on the shelf.”

Ember laughed at the irony of the situation. “Kinda counterproductive to be buying a pregnancy test and tampons, hey?” She chuckled when Mary laughed.

“At least it wasn’t a mega pack of vaginal yeast cream. Think Eli would have turned green in shock if I’d had that in my hand.” Both girls broke into laughter at the thought.

They checked out their items, making sure the test was at the bottom of the bag, then finished bagging up the rest of the groceries.

Eli walked over. “See, Emmy, same wait time and I didn’t have to do the work.”

That gorgeous smile was back on his face.

“Okay, all set.” Mary picked up her bags, as did Ember.

“Lord, that’s a lot of junk food.” Eli eyed their bags.

“That’s the rule for a great girls’ day.”

“Yeah, followed by a night of heartburn and upset stomach.”

They all laughed and headed for Eli’s truck.

* * *

Back at the house, the trio carried their bags into the kitchen. The girls lingered in the living room, not wanting to unpack the bags on the counter next to Eli, who was preparing a marinade for the steaks. Mary was nervously chewing her nails while Ember searched for a chick flick, one that Eli, hopefully, wouldn't want to watch.

“How am I going to do this? He’s going to be hovering around this place all day. And, the bathroom’s right down the hall off the living room.” Mary was talking just above a whisper. “Why’d you have to buy a house with only one bathroom?”

Ember looked over at Mary, gauging if she was joking or was on another emotional rollercoaster. Mary had a grin on her face and Ember breathed a sigh of relief. No way could Mary break into tears in front of Eli if she wanted this to remain a covert op.

“Why did you have unprotected sex with your husband if you didn’t want to get knocked up?” Ember laughed at the comeback, but Mary wasn’t laughing. She had a quivering chin and her eyes were shiny.

Oh, shit. Not here. Not now.

Ember was about to console her friend, when Mary rapidly blinked the wetness from her eyes.

“Mare, I’m sorry, I was just…”

“You think I am?” She swallowed and whispered, “Pregnant?”

“One way to find out and that’s to get Eli out of the house.”

From the kitchen they could hear Eli whistling a tune and rustling around in the paper bags. “Do you want this junk food out on the counter or on the table? Where should I put this?”

Oh, shit!Eli was in their bags. Both Mary and Ember spring boarded from the couch and raced into the kitchen. Their hasty entrance had Eli turning around.

“Don’t touch those!” Mary pointed a finger with a demand so forceful, Eli removed his hand from within the bag, his eyes widened.

“I mean,” Mary stammered, looking for another explanation, “um…”

Ember chimed in, “We’ll just take the bags into the living room.” She grabbed the bag Eli had rummaged in. “That way we won’t have to leave the couch while our movie’s on.”

Mary followed pace and took the other bag from the counter.

“Don’t you have to put the pizzas and ice cream in the freezer?”

Mary reached into her bag and pulled out the box of mini bagel pizzas and container of ice cream and put them in the freezer.

“Is everything okay?” Eli asked.

“Peachy,” Ember answered. “Are you going to start the grill?”

He washed his hands then shut off the faucet and reached for the towel. “Yup, on my way to do that next.”

“Grill may need to be cleaned.” Ember was praying it needed a good brushing so it would keep him busy.

“Great.” Eli rolled his eyes.

They took the bags into the living room and Eli headed out the patio door to deal with the grill.

“Fuck. How fast can you pee?” Ember shot Mary a wide-eyed expression.

Mary tore through the bag and pulled the test from the bottom. They both headed for the bathroom. “Lock the door,” Mary told Ember, as she opened the box and pulled out the instruction pamphlet. The pamphlet was small but unfolded to the size of a 1980s state map. “Oh, complicated is this?”

“Kinda thought it was pretty much straight forward. Just pee on it and read it.”

Mary searched the paper and found the section of instructions. She paraphrased while reading out loud. “Remove from foil...remove end cap...hold at downward angle...urinate for ten to fifteen seconds,” Mary lowered the sheet, “who pees for fifteen seconds?” She continued reading, “Replace cap...lay on flat surface...wait three minutes.”

Mary turned the huge instruction sheet over a few times, “Why do I need a paper the size of Texas to tell me seven steps of directions?” She attempted to fold the sheet back up, but gave up when it wouldn’t fold nicely.

Ember took the paper from her. “Pee, lady. We don’t have time to fold this map.”

There was a knock on the door. Both girls froze in place.

“Em, are you in there?” Eli’s voice came from the other side of the door.

Ember looked at Mary, shock and surprise on her face.


“Answer him,” Mary mouthed.

“Yeah,” she paused, “I'm in here.” She stared at Mary.

“Grill won’t start, you're out of propane.”

Hallelujah!The grill gods were on their side, meaning Eli would have to run and get a new tank.

“Oh, that sucks.” The girls had huge grins stretching their faces. “You gonna go get a new tank?” Ember could feel the glee radiating from her chest.

“No. King’s picking one up. He’s on his way over.”


Ember closed her eyes and Mary sat down on the toilet lid. What the fuck were they going to do now?

“Why’s King coming over?” Mary blurted out then threw her hand over her mouth. Ember shook her head.

“Why’s Mary in there with you?”

Ember’s eyes remained closed and she hung her head.

“I had her something.” The excuse rolled off Mary's tongue before she thought of what she was saying.

Ember’s eyes popped open and she mouthed, “What the fuck?”

Mary shrugged and mouthed, “It just came out.”

There was silence from the other side of the door. Then, Eli questioned, “Um, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine, just give us a minute.” Mary strained her face and hoped he wouldn’t ask any questions.

Silence hung in the air. The awkwardness was palpable.

“Okay...just do...what you’re doing,” Eli’s voice was hesitant. “I’ll be in the living room.”

Both girls waited until they knew he’d left the hallway.

“Oh, my god. ‘You had to show me something,’ what the fuck?” Ember said in hushed tones.

“I panicked.”

“I think we should just ditch this plan and you can take it later.”

Mary’s face started to contort. Ember hoped it wasn’t water works.

“I don’t think I can wait.” Mary stood up and urged Ember to not abandon the plan.

“Too risky, Mare. King’s on his way and he can sniff out deception like a bloodhound. If you take this and try to keep the results from him, he’s going to know you're hiding something.”

“What if it’s negative?”

“What if it’s not?”

They stood at an impasse.

“It’s your choice, Mare, ultimately your decision. I’m just trying to avoid a possible clusterfuck when King gets here.”

Mary knew Ember was right. King would know something was up the minute he laid eyes on her. And, with her emotions like a whirlwind, she couldn’t hide anything.

“You’re right. I’ll have to wait, but the ‘not knowing’ is going to kill me.”

Ember took the test, put it back in the box, and placed it in the vanity drawer.

“Safe keeping for now,” Ember said as she turned to open the door.

* * *

King arrived within thirty minutes, propane tank in tow, and six men behind him.

Mary and Ember watched in horror as their plan to take the test later was now completely out the window. Slate, Cy, Arctic, Trip, T, and Creed went out on the deck while King attached the new tank to the grill. The guys were unloading packages of burgers, brats, buns and an array of salads and extras that had Mary on the hunt for something spicy.

“There.” King wiped his hands on his thighs as he stood. “Steaks will be grilling in no time.”

“Didn’t know the crew was coming.” Ember stated to King when he opened the grill to inspect the grate.

“Guys can use a break. They need some time together outside of work.” King fiddled with the grate. “Thought this would be a good time to get team comradery back in swing.”

Ember couldn’t help but think this was the worst time to have her house teeming with the team, but she kept the thought to herself.

King continued, “Things gotta get tight. Between looking for the Bazwars and leaving for a mission at the end of this week, the guys have to bring their bond back together. Things can’t continue to go FUBAR in the field.” He adjusted some knobs and pushed the ignitor, bringing the grill to life. “Voila!” King bellowed in satisfaction, “Bring on the meats!”

Ember didn't know the guys would be leaving on a mission. It put a pit in her stomach every time they left. She knew the guys were competent and kicked ass every time they went out, but it still made her worry every time. Until their boots made it back to US soil, she wouldn’t breathe easy.

* * *

The guys were kicking back with beer, burgers, and steak, and everyone was having a pretty good time. T-BAR was hanging back but still enjoying the get-together. Eli wanted to get him alone, hash out whatever was building between them, but T was steering clear of him.

Ember noticed the new guy, Creed, was melding well into the group. He seemed like a great guy. At six-foot, two-hundred-twenty-five pounds, with a tight fade, brown eyes, a hint of scruff filling in his jaw, and smooth tan skin, he was a fine specimen. Not that she was looking to hook up, but some lucky lady would definitely have some eye candy on her arm.

“Can we talk?” Eli came up beside her, startling her from her reverie.

“Sure, what’s up?

“Can we go inside?” Slate looked concerned, and Ember knew he wanted to talk about T-BAR. Eli told her earlier he was concerned T wasn’t going to want to air their grievances.

“Sure.” She threw her paper plate in the garbage and followed him through the sliding glass door into the house.

Eli didn’t stop in the living room, but started down the hallway, Ember following, not sure where he was going. They came to her bedroom door, and Eli asked, “Is this all right?”

She nodded in concern and pushed it open, entering, with Eli behind her. He shut and locked the door which put Ember on alert. He crossed the room and sat on her bed. She looked at him quizzically when he tapped the comforter beside himself, wanting her to sit. She did as he wanted wondering what was on his mind. What would call for this much privacy?

Eli pulled in a deep breath and took Ember in, studying her face with curiosity. He took her hands in his, rubbing the backs with his thumb and slowly caressed them. Ember braced for what he would say. She knew this wasn’t the conversation about T-BAR she was expecting.

“You know you can come to me with anything, right?”

Ember furrowed her brow, “Yesss.”

“And, you know I would never judge you or condemn you...ever.”

Again, she answered him, “Yesss.”

“And, you know I’d be there for you no matter what.” Eli’s eyes were wrought with kindness and every word was sincere.

“Elijah, what’s this about? Kinda confusing me here.”

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He looked deep into her eyes and said, “You don’t have to do this alone. If whoever it is won’t stand by your side, I will.”

Ember furrowed even more, her face squeezing tight in confusion. “What are you talking about, Elijah?”

He methodically rubbed her hands with his thumbs; his palms now dappled with a hint of sweat. “If you’re pregnant, you’ll have my support throughout your pregnancy and after the baby’s born,” his voice was strong and confident, “I’ll be by your side.”

Ember's mouth dropped, first in confusion, then in shock. Holy shit! Eli knew about the test! And he thought it was hers.

“One hundred percent, Em. I will be there if you have to do this alone. You will not be alone.” He stared into her eyes, and she knew he meant every word. “One hundred percent. I will be there. Whatever you need. Whenever you need. Midnight cravings...on it. Late night or early morning feedings...there for you. Last-minute diaper runs, dirty diaper changings, cranky baby can’t sleep...I’m there for it when you call.”

Ember broke out in laughter. So much so that her eyes started to tear. She couldn’t control the laughing fits that rolled up out of her chest.

Eli sat. Confused. Concerned.

It took a bit, but Ember got herself under control, wiping her tears as best she could, getting Eli into focus. “Oh, my god, Eli. You think I’m pregnant?” She bubbled up some more, her eyes brimmed again. “You think I’m having a baby?”

Eli let go of her hands. His forehead creased trying to make heads or tails out of Ember’s reaction. “It’s okay, Emmy. It’ll all be okay,” he took in another breath, “I saw you looking at the pregnancy tests at the store. I knew that’s why you didn’t want to check out in line with me.” He cleared his throat. “You and Mare in the bathroom together solidified the fact that I know you don’t want to do this alone.” He took her hands in his again. “You’ll have me and my mom, Mary, King, the guys, and I know your family will stand behind you through everything. One hundred percent. You're my girl, Emmy. If the guy’s a piece of shit and won’t man-up, know you’ll always have me. You always have.”

Ember's heart melted at his heartfelt declaration but she had to let him know the truth. “I’m not pregnant, Eli. I’m not having a baby.” Ember watched as a mixture of relief, surprise and a bit of confusion hovered over his expression. “The test was negative?”

“No.” she squeezed his hand, still in hers. “The test isn’t’s Mary’s.”

The surprise on his face was gold! “It’s Mary’s?” He blinked a few times, letting the statement register. “Oh, it’s Mary’s.” He let out a single laugh and shook his head.

“Yeah, she didn’t want to take the test alone. She was sick in the bathroom at work this morning and that’s why I wanted to leave. But, then you had to be, you, and shot that plan all to hell.”

He laughed, then sobered, “What about King?”

“He doesn’t know yet. She hasn’t taken the test.”

Eli’s face melted into happiness for his friend.

“Damn, King with a kid, that’d be something else.”

“I guess Mary’s been on a roller coaster lately.”

Eli’s expression brightened. “All the phone conversations King’s been having with her lately. Makes sense that Mary was out of sorts. She’s usually laid back, and she and King never used to bicker, at least not in front of friends.”

“I can’t believe you thought I was pregnant.” Ember scoffed at Eli.

“In my defense, the crazy combination of junk food and then seeing you examining those test boxes, gotta agree with me that I was in the right frame of thinking.”

“And, you didn't once think I was helping out a friend?”

Eli rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.

“And, who do you think the prospective father would be?”

Eli sat silent, looking sheepish as he floundered in embarrassment.

“Gosh, I’m with you, like twenty-four seven, Elijah. If I was getting it on with anybody, it would be you.” Ember laughed at her innocent jab, but the look on Eli’s face stopped her in her tracks. Both sat in the awkwardness of the moment, neither knowing what to say in response to her joke.

He rubbed his neck again and stood from the bed. He held out a hand for her and she stood as well.

Eli leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead. He lingered a minute and said, “I still would have been here for you,” murmuring the words against her flesh.

Ember felt his lips as he said the words in earnest. A feeling came over her, one she’d never felt with him. It hit her soul and tingled throughout her body. Earth-shattering.

He stepped back and started for the door. Ember stayed at her bedside relishing in the new sensation.

Eli waited at the door, “You coming?”

Ember shuddered the breath she didn’t realize she held and walked over to him. Eli took her hand in his, just like always, interlacing their fingers without thought or hesitation, and they left the room to join the rest of the gang.

* * *

Eli followed Ember out through the patio door expecting the gang to be caught up in conversation, finishing up the last of the burgers and salads. Instead, all eyes were glued to Mary as she held something up in her hand.

The group stood still, shocked and silent.

Mary repeated the words she’d announced just before they came out the door.

“I’m pregnant.”

King stood from his seat in silence, holding Mary’s eyes. No one dared move or make a sound. He slowly made his way over to his wife, never taking his eyes from hers. Stopping in front of her, he said three words. “Is it true?”

Mary handed him the stick that read PREGNANT and waited with bated breath.

King took the test from her and read the result to himself.

In one swift motion, he planted his lips on hers, pouring his soul into her. He broke the kiss and steadied his wife. Then, he dropped to his knees, placing his hands on either side of her waist and reverently kissed her stomach. He kissed her flat belly with so much emotion, everyone around him felt it.

He lifted his tear-stained eyes to his wife and mouthed the words, “Thank you!”

It was official.

King was a Papa!