Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis

Chapter 22

What. The. Fuck!Why was Eli here? She stood frozen in place unable to slam the door shut. Her mouth hung open and stayed agape. Eli looked shell-shocked. His million-dollar smile fell along with his jaw. His eyes rounded and his brows disappeared into his hairline. He didn’t blink. Just stared. He wasn’t breathing either—the rise and fall of his chest was absent.

Oh, God, this is a disaster!

* * *

Eli couldn’t catch his breath. What in the fuck just happened? He must have died and gone to heaven, or not awakened this morning, because the gorgeous beauty in front of him was the same one that haunted him each night in his dreams. No longer a figment, but of flesh. A scorching flame burned across his chest and a tightening in his ribs had him wondering if he was having a heart attack.

But, it wasn’t a heart attack; it was his lungs. They were on fire, burning because he wasn’t breathing. He choked in a satisfying breath and the burning subsided. His heart slammed against his chest, frantic to feed his starving lungs. A few more breaths settled him, but he couldn’t take in enough of this bombshell. His mouth felt parched and he tried to swallow, but the knot in his throat wouldn’t go down.

“Em?” was all he could choke out.

One syllable.

He drank her in from head to toe. A hint of makeup accentuated her flawless features. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth—oh, that mouth just begged to be ravished. Her tousled hair framed her face and fell below the gorgeous rounds of her breasts, curling just under the swells sitting front and center. Her exposed cleavage lifted perfectly with each of her breathy pants, leaving just enough to the imagination before disappearing into the V of the dress. He wanted to grasp her flared hips and leave his imprints behind. He followed her legs down to her dainty toes peeking out from under her sandals’ straps.

She was gorgeous.

She was always gorgeous, but today, God, there were no words to describe her, except to say, she was absolutely gorgeous!

“Why are you here?” Her voice cracked the air.

Blinking, his lids felt like sandpaper across his eyes and they began to tear because he hadn’t blinked since she swung open the door. The question took him aback and he slowly began to regain his senses.

“I’m here to pick you up,” he continued to blink, “like I do every morning.”

She still looked shocked finding him on her doorstep.

“But, you're not supposed to be here. You said you had an appointment and wouldn’t be in today.” She leaned out a bit from the door jamb and looked around. “Where’s T?”

Whoa!Alarm bells sounded. Red flags.

The hair on the back of his neck prickled and he resisted the urge to rub it down.

Reality sunk in. She was expecting T. He gritted his teeth.

“I texted you.” He kept his tone level and his anger under wraps. For now.

* * *

My phone!She remembered her phone on her bedside table and mentally slapped herself. Without wearing jeans, the phone that would normally be in her back pocket sat in her bedroom. Without saying anything, she turned and hurried down the hallway to her room.

Oh, God! Why is Eli here? He wasn’t supposed to be here.She picked up her phone from the bed and saw she had two texts. She opened and read them.

ELI:On my way to pick you up. Appointment got canceled. T’s with King. Laters.

ELI:Plans later this evening? Need to get your input on a matter.

She bit her thumbnail. Should I change? Put on my regular tee and jeans? She glanced at the clock. She had enough time.

“Gonna be late!” Eli’s voice sounded from down the hall.

She didn’t want to change. She felt pretty. Sexy even. But, there was no way she could stay in this dress all day if Eli was with her. She rubbed the chiffon material down her torso, reluctant to take it off. It caressed her skin, instantly bringing the image of Dream Eli to her mind. Her core muscles clenched and the lace of the thong parted her supple lips.

Oh, God.There was no way she could stay in this getup.

“Be right out.” Her voice shook. She headed for her closet, scrambling to find the REBEL t-shirt she chose earlier. Got it! She tore it off the hanger then grabbed a pair of jeans from the pile. Didn’t matter which pair just as long as the material didn’t feel like the dress. She turned to bolt from the closet but bounced off a wall. A wall of Eli.


“We’re going to be late.” He saw the clothes in her hands, “What are you doing?”

Momentarily stunned, she looked from Eli to the clothes. “Changing.”

His brows met. “Changing? Why?”

If she wasn’t mistaken, his voice became a little harder.

“Because,” she couldn’t think of an excuse, so she went with the truth, “because, I want to.” It was such a third-grade comeback.

He took the garments from her hands. “You don’t need to change.”

“Eli, give them back.” She reached for the jeans but he swiveled and held them out of her reach. “Eli, I'm serious, give them to me.”

“Emmy, you do not have to change. We’re running late.”

“Elijah Michael, give them to me. Right. Now.”

“Oooh, you’re middle-naming me now. You must want these pretty bad.” He chuckled and held them even farther from her reach. “Seriously, we don’t have the time.”

“Fine. Doesn’t matter. I have a whole closetful of things to wear.” With that, she turned but Eli stepped in front of her, his bulk making it impossible to get by him.

“Are you serious?” She was trying to be stern but her voice betrayed her. With each move, the silken fabric caressed her legs and passed across her hips, making her think of Dream Eli, only now it was worse, because Real Eli was standing in front of her.

Eli looked her dead in the face. “Why do you really want to change?” He bit down on his back teeth.

“Does it matter?”


She swore his eyes turned a shade darker than their normal gorgeous slate color. She couldn’t tell him the truth.


She surrendered. “Just fuck it! We don’t have time for this.” She started to walk away, but he caught her arm. Shivers traveled from his hand throughout her body.

His eyes searched her, trying to read her, so she looked away.

“Emmy. Why?”

He wanted her answer but there was no way she was going to tell him.

“Are you disappointed I was here to pick you up today?”

Ember’s eyes narrowed, “No. Why would you think that?”

“Just seemed you were awfully eager for T to be on the other side of the door.” There was a bite in his tone.

For a moment, her breath hitched in shock. “Did you think I dressed up for T? Is that what you're insinuating?”

He looked sick to his stomach when she said T’s name.

“You think I dressed up for T.” She said the words with glee. Her smile widened. Her lips pitched up, spreading a Cheshire Cat grin across her face and she did nothing to suppress it.

“Why, Mr. Ryan, are you jealous?” She added a little Texas twang to her voice.

He stayed stoic but his cheeks reddened.

Ember let out a gut-wrenching laugh. It bubbled from her toes.

Ember walked to the bathroom to check her makeup in the mirror, making sure her tears weren’t ruining her mascara. Finding everything still in place, she went back into the bedroom.

Eli wasn’t there.


He didn’t reply. Picking up her phone, she called out again, “Eli?”

She walked to the living room and saw him exiting the front door. Is he really mad?Damn! Grabbing her purse from the kitchen counter, she hurried out the door.

* * *

It was the longest day in history. First, the drive in was horrible. Eli finally admitted he thought she’d dressed up for T and apologized for the accusation. She wanted to rub it in, but she could tell his embarrassment was genuine. She also felt a little bad. She wasn’t sure if she sensed jealousy coming off him or if it was the heated awkwardness between them escalating her hyper-sensitivity to his proximity. She’d never felt like this around him. She didn’t know if it was unnerving or exhilarating. Her dress was still sending zings to newly awakened regions.

She thought the worst part of the day was over until she stepped into the office.

Hellforce lived up to the hell in its name.

Ember felt like a bug under a microscope. Eyes. Eyes followed her everywhere.

At first, she thought it was her imagination but she would catch one of the guys looking at her then quickly see his head turn or his gaze fall when he noticed her noticing him. Eli was the worst of the bunch. His eyes were constantly on her, tracking her everywhere. He seemed almost hungry.

She’d never admit it, but she kind of liked it.

Even tucked away in her office, it was going to be a long day.

* * *

“Shut. The. Front. Door!” Mary practically sang the words when she saw Ember in the break room. “Guurl!” She circled Ember. “What the fuck! You are smokin’ hawt!”

Ember gave her wide, strained eyes, telling her silently to shut the fuck up.

“Shut up!” Mary bellowed again.

Ember shut the door behind her and pinned her with a glare. “This is all your fault.” She thrust her finger at Mary and whisper-shouted the words trying to remain quiet. “You and Maven with your fucked-up ideas.” Ember pushed past her.

Mary’s expression fell to confusion. “It’s our fault you look sexy as sin? Like sin-on-a-stick.” She ripped the corner of a package of saltine crackers with her teeth then plucked one out and nibbled on a corner, eyeing Ember up and down. “Fuck, I’ll gladly take credit for this. Ember Hayes in something other than a t-shirt and jeans.” She cupped her mouth and practically shouted, “Fuck yeah, I’ll take the credit!”

Ember was not amused and rolled her eyes. “What the fuck! You want to bring all the guys in here?” Ember paced like a pent-up bull. “This is all your fault.”

“Again, how is this,” Mary motioned up and down Ember’s new digs, “my fault?”

She went all-in. “You made me dress for Dream Eli!”

Mary’s brows drew in. “What?” She looked genuinely confused.

Ember huffed as if it should be obvious, then whisper-shouted, “Because Real Eli wasn’t supposed to be here, but then Real Eli showed up at my house this morning while my dress was making Dream Eli come alive, and now Real Eli is looking at me, making me think about Dream Eli, and now I can’t even take a step without something zinging, because Dream Eli, is Real Eli.” She breathed heavily as she waited for Mary to say something.

Mary stood, frozen with a saltine perched between her teeth. “What?”

Ember threw herself down in a chair and buried her face in her hands. “I’m so screwed!”

Mary sat down beside her. “Honey, I’m supposed to be the one with the hormonal, emotional outbursts.”

Ember didn’t laugh.

“Okay.” Mary straightened in her seat, “Who is this,” she hesitated, “Dream Eli?”

Ember buried her head deeper into her hands and let out a low growl, then proceeded to recount the events of last night's dream and this morning's erotic self-induced encore.

It was going to be a long day.

“You masturbated to Dream Eli!” Mary practically shouted, enjoying the shocking moment.

Ember was afraid the guys could hear her all the way across the building. “God! Can you yell it any louder?”

Mary was so giddy and enjoying her friend’s misery way too much. “So, you got it bad for Eli.”

“No!” Ember’s voice was a bit shrill.

Mary’s twinkling eyes and rueful grin said she wasn’t buying it.

“Mary, Eli’s like my brother.”

Mary thought for a moment. “But, with that logic, Dream Eli would be your brother, too.”

“Ewww!” The grossness factor jumped tenfold. “No, that’s not how it works.”

Mary cocked her head. “How does it not?”

“’Cuz Eli is real, and Dream Eli isn’t.”

Mary looked like she was trying to solve quantum physics. “But, they’re the same person.”

“How are you not getting this?”

“How are you not getting this?” Mary echoed back.

“You know what...just forget it. It’s FUBAR’ed and I can’t deal with this right now. Will you please take me home so I can change?”

Mary stood and Ember followed. She was going home to change into comfy jeans and a ragged tee. Soon, Dream Eli would be only a figment of her imagination.

Mary took her by both hands and gentled her with a motherly look. Ember was grateful to have her as a friend.

“No fuckin’ way am I letting you change. Nuh-uh! Eli makes your panties wet, take them off. Eli makes you want to pant and do the two-finger-tango, there’s a storage closet off the loading dock. Bite on a towel if you're a screamer, but let Dream Eli work your fingers to the bone. Do what you gotta do, but, damn girl...ain’t no way I’m letting you pass up an opportunity to make Real Eli sweat. You’re a sex-on-a-stick popsicle, and Eli is the July Texas way you two aren’t puddling on the floor by the end of the week.” She dropped Ember’s hands, picked up a cracker and brought it to her mouth, nibbling on it like she didn’t have a care in the world.


Mary interrupted, “Oh, and knock before you use that storage closet, because Eli will probably be using it to stroke the salami, ’cuz, you’re gonna get him bad. Get him so worked up, he’ll be pantin’ and gruntin’...two minutes, tops.” Then she added, “Oh, and knock also, ’cuz King and I may be occupying it. His open door office policy is a killer with my prego-hormones kickin’ in. Storage room is our go-to now.”

Mary opened the break room door and sashayed down the hallway like she didn’t just conjure an image in Ember’s head she couldn’t shake. She’d definitely be steering clear of the store room closet, today and every day, in the future.

* * *

The ride into work was torture. Complete and utter hell. First off, the embarrassment of admitting he thought Em had dressed up for T was hell and tore him up. But, the realization she hadn’t was such a relief, it made him physically drained. Like an adrenaline dump after a mission. He’d gotten it in his head that the four days she and T spent together while he was in Lebanon may have lit a spark between them. When she about doubled over in laughter, the absurdity of it made itself known. Still, the thought of Ember snagging someone’s attention, made it crystal clear what he needed to do. It was time to rip the Band-Aid off. Seeing her in that dress, the material hugging her body and the skirt brushing against her thighs, he couldn’t stay in the Zone any longer.

And, second, if he had to see her all day, breasts propped up and cleavage peeking, he was going to blow his load where he stood. His dick was hard as nails, the skin of his shaft so tight, it was about to peel open like a hotdog in the microwave too long; split right down the center. The minute he got himself under control, the thought of her got him rock hard again. God, almighty. He’d been stuck behind his desk all morning, afraid if he got up, the guys would get one look at him and the ribbing would be relentless and never-ending. He didn’t care if they ribbed him, but there was no way he would chance Ember overhearing the guys’ crude jokes and innuendos and double entendres. It would embarrass her and he wouldn’t allow that. So, desk jockey it was.

He tried to concentrate on the report King sent him but his mind was not on the subject matter. His mind was on Ember. Those legs. Oh, how he’d love to drape them over his shoulders andStop! He chastised himself, taking a deep breath, exhaling and turned his focus back to his computer. Thump...Thud…Pulse…Thump. He could feel his heart rate in his cock. Damn! He was never so thankful he’d worn boxer briefs today. The restrictive material kept his erection from tenting and held his cock tight against his body.

He pushed back in his chair trying to relieve some of the pressure. Thump…Thump…Pulse…Thud. The new position wasn’t any better. He rubbed his palm across the bulge, praying for relief.

Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, she walked into his office, laptop in hand. Oh, God, Lord in heaven...why are you punishing me?

“Got a minute?” Ember sauntered innocently over to his desk, hips swaying beneath the flowy hem of her dress.

Eli swore his dick doubled in size. He didn’t think she was sashaying on purpose, but her swaying hips had him stirring.

“Um, I'm having a problem connecting to the server.” She seemed a bit nervous. “This isn’t my normal laptop, so I don’t have it configured to King’s network. Cy isn’t here to help, so I was hoping you could get me hooked up.”

Hooked up...He would love to get her hooked up.

She set the laptop down adjacent to his and braced herself against his desk. She hesitated.

“Everything okay?”

Ignoring the question, she bent forward and started typing. By the way she was leaning, he had a clear view of her cleavage. Her breasts rose and fell. He was used to seeing a tee hiding them, but in that dress, and at that angle, her perfect mounds were on display and the crease of her cleavage just begged to have him—

“...and when I entered the user code, it said it was restricted because the network is restricted.”

Eli didn’t catch a single word. He cleared his throat, coming back to the conversation.

“I don’t know if you can get me on the network?” She bit the corner of her lip, letting it slide between her teeth.

“Sure, let me take a look.”

He slid the laptop closer. God only knew he didn’t want to leave his chair. He was safe as long as he was discreetly rolled under his desk. He clicked a few settings, checked the network, and within a few seconds she was connected.

“There you go, Emmy.” He slid the computer to her side of the desk.

“Thanks. I was worried I’d have to wait for Cy.” she bit the pad of her thumb, showing her nervous tick. “I got a crap-ton of things to get done.”

Eli wanted to be that thumb. He could watch her nibble it all day long. Thump… Thump… Thud. Shit, the heavy pulse was back.

“Everything all right? You, uncomfortable.”

Shit.“Yeah, I’m fine. Just have some aching muscles that need to be worked out.” No statement was ever truer.

Ember rounded the desk and began kneading his shoulders. She’d done it in the past, especially after a mission or a grueling PT session, so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary between them. And, he’d often returned the favor when she’d had an exceptionally hard day, but now, at her touch, he stiffened even more.

“Wow, you’re really tense.” She ran her hand over his back and shoulders, kneading the specific muscle groups and worked her fingers deep. God! I’m going to die! Every touch was torture.

“God, you’re so hard.” She squeezed his neck, grinding her palm against his traps. “I gotta rub this out if you want any relief.”

Yup, she was killing him, slaying him. She had no idea the double entendres she was speaking. Eli craned his neck to the side and leaned forward, causing Ember’s hands to drop.

“That’s ok, Em.” He tilted his neck from side to side, “I think I'll be all right. I got tons of stuff I need to get back to.” He pointed at his laptop. “King needs these back, pronto.” He was more tense than before.

If Ember was aware of his discomfort, she didn’t say anything. Walking back around his desk, she collected her laptop. “Well...thanks.” She gestured the laptop towards him and gave a genuine smile.

“You're welcome, Emmy.”

She opened the door, her ass swaying in sinful rhythm, each hip taunting him, when she turned around. “Eli?”

“He looked up from the report. “Yeah, Em?”

“Um.” She swallowed. “What did you want to do later?” Her thumb made its way back between her teeth and so many sinful thoughts came to his mind. Her question had his brow knitted.

“Your text. You asked if I had plans?”

Had her breaths increased, or was he imagining things? She almost seemed nervous. “Oh, that.” He almost chickened out. Was going to make up an excuse of wanting a late supper, but he forged ahead. “Yeah, um...I need to get your input on a decision I’m making.”

She took a few steps back into his office. “Oh? Anything I can help you with now?”

If she only knew.

“Nope. Nothing now.” Liar! “I thought we could get supper and then,” he paused, “then, just go somewhere special and talk.”

She shifted her weight, “Okay...guess it’s a date then.”

He gave her a nod and a stiffened smile. She sauntered out the door and he inwardly groaned, then leaned back in his chair. His hands laced behind his head, and he let out a sigh.

Like it or not, things were going to be a whole lot different come morning.

* * *

Ember left his office and just about collapsed against the wall. Her legs were trembling as she hurried to the bathroom. She pushed open the door and about lunged into the stall. Something was drastically different. When she’d touched Eli’s shoulders, an electric zing took over her body. She almost reared back, but remained still so Eli wouldn’t question her. And, if she was reading things right, it seemed as if he’d felt it too. She shook the thought from her mind. Just because she was having midnight fantasies didn't mean he was too. Her thoughts turned back to Dream Eli and her inner muscles pulled and kneaded, looking for any type of relief. Oh, God, this was unnatural. Something had to be wrong with her. She held her breath, trying to stave off the pulsing. No luck. She felt a gush between her clenched thighs and instantly regretted wearing the thong and not the whimsical windmill panties. The thong held nothing back.


Real Eli affected her just as badly as Dream Eli.

* * *

Maven entered Ember’s office and threw a pair of panties on her desk.

“What the hell?”

“You’re welcome.” Maven sang the words like she was Oprah Winfrey.

Ember got up to shut the door, her office being between King’s and Slate’s, since Maven had no filter. Better they not overhear whatever Mavenisms she was about to spew.


Ember held up a finger and said, “Not a word.”

Maven pouted.

She was about to latch the door when Mary barged her way through, saltines in one hand, Slim Jim in the other. Ember wasn’t even going to ask.

“Don’t start the party without me!” Mary sing-songed the words louder than Maven a few seconds ago. She plopped into the extra chair next to Maven and the two stared at Ember expectantly, like she knew why they were in her office.

Ember closed the door, holding her back against it as if warding off anyone else who may possibly want to join this shit-show. “What?” Ember deadpanned.

“You tell me.” Maven had a Harley Quinn grin plastered across her face.

“Tell you what?” Ember made her way back to her desk. “And these?” She picked up the panties.

Maven tipped her head to the side like a Valley schoolgirl and twisted a lock of her hair around her finger. “Dream Eli made you cum!” Her voice was loud and giddy, singing like schoolgirl in her Georgia twang, giving it all she had.

Ember’s eyes practically popped from their sockets and her jaw hit the floor. “Shhhh-Shhh-Sshhhhh!” The sound came out in short bursts. There was no telling how thick the walls were and Ember knew both guys were in their offices. Her eyes flew to Mary.

“Oh, yeah,” Mary nodded repeatedly, “I called her.” She was immensely proud of herself.

Ember wanted to kill the two friends in front of her. Make that ex-friends in front of her. She held up the sinful red panties, mouthing the question, “Why?”

“Got plenty of them. Thought you may need a spare, so I got ‘em out of my emergency stash in the glove box. You're welcome.”

Ember threw them back at Maven in disbelief.

“Deets girl. Spill ‘em.” Maven took a bite off the beef jerky stick Mary was holding and they both settled back as if this were a Lifetime movie event.

Fuck my life and my friends!