The Vanishing by Karla Nikole


A couple weeks later, Nino focuses on his phone, watching the gray bubbles of the impending text from Cellina float in the bright white glow of the screen.

[I don’t know, I’m pretty sure he’s flirting with me.]

Nino smiles, typing his response. He hits send.

[Not to downplay your obvious attractiveness, but I think that’s Jun’s resting personality?]

[He’s so charming. An excellent date, and he’s wearing this killer like… pearl-white suit. I’ve never seen anything like it.]

Nino scoffs, typing his response.

[Don’t tell G that.]

[Yeah whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.]

[Ciao bella.]

Slowly, Nino sits up in bed. He’s tired of lying around, tired of being in pain. His ribs and organs have recovered, but this tongue-regeneration business is absolute hell. His entire mouth throbs and burns—the sensation reverberating in his jaw and sending tremors throughout his skull. It makes him immobile sometimes. Dizzy and nauseous.

At the moment, a breakthrough is occurring. The fiery tingles of regrowth are still present, but not all-consuming. He looks at the space across from the foot of the bed. His mate’s sprawling nest of books, papers and notes, markers and plastic model brains is enclosed within a messy half-circle. Haruka always describes his research methods as “organized chaos.” Having observed him for more than a month, Nino now understands.

The maker of the nest is missing. He looks out the patio doors, and the crescent moon is high, casting their natural hot spring area in soft white light. The massive cherry blossom trees are flowerless and full of rich green leaves. He stands from the bed, then exits the room in search of his doting mate.

Predictably, he’s in the library. Nino slides the double doors shut behind him. Haruka sits in the floor with his legs folded, but he’s asleep—a large book open and settled within the concave of his folded legs. Haruka’s chin rests down against his chest, his breathing silent and deep.

Relaxing on his knees in front of him, Nino reaches out to hold and lift Haruka’s chin with his fingertips. He doesn’t rouse at all. Nino smiles. Haruka has been unbelievable in taking care of him. He knew his mate to be patient and loving, but the level of benevolence, selflessness and tenderness he’s exhibited has been indescribable.

With his mate’s sleeping face lifted, Nino tilts his head and places a soft kiss against his lips. Haruka inhales, his unfocused eyes flickering open. He blinks, confused. His deep voice is thick with exhaustion. “I’m sorry, what—”

Why are you sorry?

Haruka takes another deep breath, looking around the room. “I fell asleep. What—what time is it?”

Almost ten thirty at night. Don’t sleep like this. Come to bed.

“I’m fine.” Haruka yawns. “I am awake now.” He rubs his hand against the back of his neck and beneath his heavy, disheveled bun. The bags underneath Haruka’s eyes are prominent. His features, usually lean and elegant, appear sharp and gaunt. In tending to Nino, Haruka has let his own health and body fall to ruin.

Nino leans forward and kisses the corner of his mouth. He pulls away, and Haruka’s eyes are focused on his lips. When they flicker up to Nino’s irises, the hesitation there is obvious.

I miss you, tesoro…

He misses the satisfaction of being entwined with his naked body. His earthy, rosy aura enveloping him in a bright haze of passion when they make love. The delicious taste of his cool flesh and blood in his mouth. Nino is sick of feeding through an IV and tired of lying in bed. Tired of being hindered.

He cherishes their intimacy. It gives him confidence, and Haruka always encourages his actions. He wants to explore and dig deeper with his mate, truly understanding how to fulfill him and reach new heights together.

Haruka sighs, eyes closed. “My love, the doctor said we should wait at least two months.”

But I want you right now.

He leans into him again and Haruka drops his jaw, exhaling a weighted moan as he slides his fingers against the back of Nino’s overgrown hair. But a moment later, he pulls away from the kiss, a timid smile on his lips.

“You should be in bed. ”

Frustration bubbles up inside Nino, tightening his chest. He blows out a breath to squelch it and rests his forehead against Haruka’s shoulder. Then come with me? Don’t stay in here alone all night again.

“It is better if I keep watch here so that I do not disturb your rest—”

No.Nino turns his head, rubbing his face within the concave of Haruka’s neck. He reaches down and takes hold of his hand against the tatami. Just—come with me and try to relax, alright? I’ll sleep better if you’re next to me anyway. And I want you to sleep at night, too. You need to try.

Haruka’s shoulders rise and fall in a sigh. Nino can feel him conflicted, paranoid and painfully anxious. The emotions are strong, but shrouded deep within him. Quiet, like a darkened sky over black ocean waves just before a terrible storm.

“I—I cannot sleep knowing that we are vulnerable to Lajos and any potential assault. I will walk you back to the room, but then I’ll keep watch—”

He might not ever come back here.

“And yet, he could return at any second.”

“Haru…” Nino lifts, staring into his mate’s eyes. “Pl-please.”

His mate sits frozen, his gaze softening. “You spoke to me.”

I speak to you all the time.

“Yes, but hearing your physical voice…” Haruka shakes his head, his eyes glassy in the dim light. “I have missed it so much.” He leans forward, wrapping his arms around Nino’s shoulders. He can feel the subtle relief washing through Haruka, easing just a small bit of the thick tension.

“Come… t-to bed. With me.” Nino sits back from the hug, waiting. Despite having a tongue in his mouth his entire life, losing it for almost two months has been more impactful than he could have ever imagined. Even now, it feels bulky—awkward and making him trip over his words.

Haruka nods, standing upright and urging Nino to his feet as well. They walk hand in hand as they move through the silent hallways and toward their bedroom. When they’re inside and lying against the firm mattress, Nino tries to relax, but it’s impossible. Haruka rests on his back, unmoving beside him. He’s excruciatingly tense—taut like an overstretched rubber band and seconds from snapping.

Turning on his side, Nino faces him. Haruka is staring up at the ceiling, barely even blinking. Nino reaches and takes hold of his wrist. Please sleep?

“I’m not tired…” He turns his head against the pillow to meet Nino’s eyes. “But I sincerely wish that you would. It is paramount for your healing.”

Nino sighs, gruff in adjusting against his pillow. He hates this: Haruka wearing himself thin, the constant paranoia and this obsession with protecting him from some unknown event. Everything has changed because of Lajos—the healthy flow and peace of their everyday lives ruined. He’s starting to feel like a child on punishment for something that wasn’t his fault.

To make matters worse, the burning tingles of regeneration flare up within his jaws once more. He closes his eyes and groans from the familiar torture. Haruka turns on his side and into Nino, wrapping him up in his arms and holding him through the worst of the pain.