Witches Get Stitches by Juliette Cross

Chapter 28


Ty slippedhis shirt back on while I pulled off my latex gloves. We’d kept to small talk while I tattooed him. One reason was because I was getting tired and really needed to concentrate. The other was that every question I wanted to ask him related to Nico, and I was afraid that might be an invasion of privacy. For Nico.

As I put my tattoo machine on the charger, I knew I needed food and sleep before I started on the next round. I’d only done three tattoos, but after the long day and night for the grand opening party, then being kidnapped and knocked over the head, I’d say I was doing a stellar job.

“I forgive him, you know.”

I snapped my head around to look at Ty, the shy young werewolf who could barely hold my gaze. He gave me a small smile as he picked up his jacket.

Turning back to the table to straighten my ink bottles unnecessarily, I asked, “Does he know that?”

“I told him so. Many times before he left. But somehow I don’t think it’s about my forgiveness.”

Facing him, I crossed my arms—to ward off the chill, not to be defensive. “What is it about then?”

“Nico needs to forgive himself.”

The teenager had a kindness in his eyes despite weathering some rough times in his short life. From what I understood, the only reason he and his brother were a part of this pack were because their parents hadn’t wanted them.

“You’re pretty smart for someone so young.”

His shy smile widened into a true one. Yet again, I was shaken by the fact that all werewolves seemed to have this magnetism that was inescapable. This one would be a heartbreaker one day.

“Anyway…” He glanced toward the door as Shane reentered, carrying takeout bags of fast food. “Maybe you can help him move on. He deserves it.”

Returning his smile, I agreed. “He definitely deserves to move on, find some peace.”

“Oh, yeah.” He shook his head. “That, too. But what I really meant was that he deserves you.”

“Me?” I laughed. “How do you mean?”

“Well, you’re—” He glanced down my body then blushed and looked away. “Um, really beautiful and kind. And Nico, he’s a good guy. A great guy. He deserves someone like you.”

Okay, now I was positive this kid was going to one day collect hearts and leave them in broken shards in his wake, all the while apologizing with that tender look, making them still want him despite their heartache.

“Thank you, Ty. Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of him.”

He held out his jacket. “If you’re cold, you can use my jacket.”

As I slipped it on, I shook my head with a laugh.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh, Ty. I feel so sorry for every girl in your future.”

His brow furrowed in confusion but then Shane was there, opening up the first bag and taking out wrapped burgers.

“Not much was open but a joint around the corner, but I figured you might be hungry.”

“Thanks.” I took a burger and fell onto the sofa, tucking my legs underneath me. “I need to get some rest anyway.” This side of the room had been in a perpetual glow from the magic I was emitting, but the light had dimmed to almost nothing as soon as I’d finished up with Ty. My energy was depleted, my body exhausted.

Shane observed my face, likely seeing the bags under my eyes before he nodded. “I figured. Eat up and take the couch.”

I took a seat and opened the wrapper on my lap, so damn hungry I didn’t even care what was on it. Not that I was all that picky anyway.

“You should let me call Nico and let him know I’m okay. He’s likely going out of his mind, trying to find me.”

Shane seemed to consider it for a split second before shaking his head. “Too risky. He may have access to cell tower locations and find us quicker.”

“Your funeral,” I said, biting into my burger.

“Probably. But Nico can’t think clearly where you’re concerned. As soon as you finish the tattoos, I’ll bring you back safe and sound.”

I didn’t mention to him that Livvy had sent me frantic telepathic messages a few times while I was tattooing, letting me know they were looking for me and not to worry. I wasn’t worried. Besides, if they listened to Clara, they’d know I was perfectly fine. I might’ve eschewed her “twin bubble” idea from time to time, but it was true that she’d be able to detect my well-being and could relay that to them.

I hoped that she was able to calm Nico down because he was surely unraveling over all this.

“You know, I’m still not even sure if this spelled ink will work,” I told Shane around a mouthful.

He devoured half his burger in one bite, staring down at the floor. When he swallowed, he said, “You gave a tattoo to Nico with the ink, though.”

“How’d you know?”

He arched a brow.

“Oh, right. The bugs.” I stared up at him, rather impressed with his devious ways. “Huh.” I took another bite, trying to remember all the clients that came through and what else they may have overheard.

He cleared his throat after he polished off his burger. “Our tech was really good.” He wore such a devious smile that I expected devil’s horns to sprout out of his dirty blond hair. “Even detected sound through the closed door of your supply closet.”

This asshole had listened in when Nico and I had first had sex?! A flush of heat swept up my neck from both embarrassment and fury. “Not cool.”

Several werewolves close by laughed, but not more than Rhett. That was Dimples’ real name I’d found out after a very flirty tattoo session.

Shane chuckled, too. “The intel actually helped, believe it or not.”

“How so?” I glared daggers at him, running back through that volcanic sex session with Nico through my mind.

“It told me exactly how fixated Nico was on you. And that if I gave him the right incentive, I could easily lure him away long enough to snatch you. And that you were making breakthroughs with the werewolf tattoo.”.”

I dropped my hands in my lap over the wrapper, still holding the burger in both hands. “Huh. You’re right.”

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I deleted the audio once we had what we needed.” He winked at me and gestured toward the sofa. “Get some sleep.”

“You know, you don’t have to hold me here. I’ll do the tattoos without force.”

He observed me a minute, biting his lip in concentration. “I know that now. But Nico’s going to want blood. Best we do this all in one swoop and get our asses back to Texas.”

He was probably right. I finished the burger then lay down as the lights went off in the warehouse. I could still see the outline of figures near the door and a few settling onto the floor on the opposite wall. My eyes were drifting closed when I felt a blanket spread over me. Opening my eyes, I caught the slender silhouette of Ty walking away.

Smiling to myself, I mumbled, “Poor girls” before closing my eyes again.

Right as I felt myself slipping into sleep, the outside door burst open. I didn’t have the heightened senses that werewolves did, but I recognized the hulking figure and voice of Rick when he said, “We’ve got company coming up the gravel road.”

“Fuck,” cursed Shane before heaving an aggravated sigh. “Get ready for one fucking insane werewolf, guys.”