Hate You Still by Lyssa Lemire



“Dude, this is a terrible idea!” Gavin repeats for what seems like the millionth time as we stand in front of the high iron bars that surround the Alton Public Zoo.

“You coming over or what?” I ask as I find a foothold at the base of the wall and grab onto the iron bars.

Gavin groans and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but only to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.”

I scoff. “I don’t know why you’re so worried. It’s a simple operation.”

I look side to side to make sure no cars or passers-by are coming down the street, and then begin to quickly scale the wall.

“I hardly think kidnapping a donkey from the local zoo is a simple operation.” Gavin protests as he follows my lead. He’s been trying to talk me out of this since I first came up with the idea.

I can’t imagine why. It’s just a simple prank. What, I’m supposed to let Emma and her roommate get away with that trash stunt they pulled? No way. I need to show them that if they’re trying to play the game of pranks, they bit off way more than they can chew.

We hop over the top of the wall and ease ourselves down inside the zoo. “See, no security guards in sight,” I whisper to Gavin once we’re on the ground on the other side.

“Yet,” Gavin adds.

I chuckle. “You’re way too cautious, bro. Live a little.”

“Living a little, as you call it, is what has you sitting on the bench this Saturday.”

That comment, and the truth behind it, has me tasting bitterness in my mouth. “Low blow,” I protest.

“Coach is gonna have you by the balls if we get caught kidnapping a donkey from the zoo. Shit, he’ll have me by the balls, too.”

“Two things, bro. First of all, we’re not gonna get caught. Second, we’re not kidnapping anything. A donkey from the petting zoo is going to take a brief, exciting vacation to Emma’s apartment.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s how the police will see things.”

I slap his back. “You’re way too cautious. You gotta live a little. It’s a good thing you’ve got a roommate like me to get you out of your shell and pushing some boundaries. This isn’t my first time sneaking into this zoo, don’t forget. I know my way around. Remember that selfie I took with the sleeping lion? That got, like, sixty thousand likes on Instagram!”

We quiet down as we stealthily make our way to the petting zoo section.

My genius plan is going to succeed perfectly. Hop into the petting zoo enclosure, wake up a donkey, and then sneak it out the back of the zoo when the morning sanitation workers arrive and unlock the door to take out the trash.

Then I’ve got one of my frat buddies, Greg, to stop by with his pick-up truck. We’ll transport the donkey, hide it in my and Gavin’s living room until this morning, and then when Emma and her roommate are gone for the day, sneak it up and leave it in their apartment.

If we have to pick locks to make it up to their apartment, well, let’s just say that’s a skill that I’ve had occasion to get familiar with over the years. It won’t be a problem.

I’ve been to this zoo for dates a couple times. These donkeys are old and lazy, they’ll go wherever you push them. And they’re docile, so there’s no danger. Being left alone in Emma’s apartment all day, it’ll maybe chew up one of their couch cushions, maybe take a dump on the floor, and then fall asleep.

But it’ll give Emma the shock of a lifetime when she comes home to discover it there.

She’ll suspect it was me. Shit, she’ll know it was me.

But she won’t be able to prove anything. And she’ll learn that if she wants to try to enter into a battle of hijinks with me, she’s badly overmatched.

She’ll call the cops, the donkey will get home unharmed, and then I’ll be able to continue my regular schedule of nightly parties without worrying about Emma thinking she can try to kill my vibe with more stunts like she pulled before, knowing that they can only backfire on her.

A genius plan as always.

But while I’m congratulating myself on the brilliant scheme, I’m brough back down by recalling Gavin’s words a few minutes earlier about how I have the bench to look forward to all game this Saturday. Shit, I’ve been looking forward to the first game of this season since last January, and I’ll be sitting it out.

All because of Emma.

If it weren’t for the feelings she awakened in me, showing up out of the mists of my past, driving me to overdo the drinking even more than usual, that party never would have gotten out of control (at least, no more than normal) and Coach never would have flipped his lid and pulled me from the game.

We finally approach the petting zoo enclosure. I tell Gavin to stay up on the main zoo walkway and keep watch while I hop the fence into where the animals are sleeping. I spot the sleeping donkey and start gently prodding him to try to get him to wake up.

I think it’s a him, at least.

I pull out my phone to make sure Greg is still ready and waiting with his truck, but I notice he’s just sent me a message himself.

Dude wtf happened?

I look at the text askance. I send a response, What do you mean? You still waiting outside?

In just a second, he responds. Bro, there’s flashing lights from police cars right where you told me to pick you up.

Shit, is he serious?

“Dude, Knox!” Gavin’s worried voice alerts me that something’s gone wrong. Looking up, I can see the concentrated beams of flashlights, and stern voices telling Gavin to stay where he’s standing.


Soon, those concentrated lights are pointed at me and I’m looking up at two cops.

Maybe this idea wasn’t quite as genius as I thought.