His Secret Obsession by Nichole Rose

Chapter Nine



"I don't know what to do," Gwen whispers, two hours later, staring at me with wide eyes. We're in the bathroom outside Riley's office. Gwen is pacing in circles, her distress obvious and entirely unwarranted.

I've her heard sing a thousand times, but there was something different about today. She sang with a confidence I've never seen from her, not even on her most fearless day. It took me a minute to figure out why, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Today, she is the most confident she ever has been. Because she's found her place. Because she feels settled. And because she finally knows, like I have all along, that she's mine. There's no uncertainty left, no doubt. Our secrets have been spilled and we're sill standing. Stronger than we ever have been.

She watched me while she sang. For a minute, I forgot there were other people in the room. All I saw was her, singing to me like she never has before today. For six years, I've had to listen while hidden in the back of the room, trying to remain invisible. Today, I didn't.

She saw me.

She sang to me.

She sang for me.

And she blew everyone away, just like I knew she would. She was made for this. Riley Jamison knows it too. She's spent most of the last two hours pitching herself to Gwen, trying to get my girl to choose her. I don't think Gwen was expecting that. Every other time, it's been some asshole telling her all the reasons she isn't good enough.

Riley isn't them. I don't know much about her, but I respect the hell out of her. She knows my girl's worth, and she wants to sign her. But for some reason, as soon as she started talking about contracts, Gwen froze.

I knocked a cup of coffee over and rushed her out of there to give her a minute.

I hook an arm around her waist and pull her toward me when she tries to pace past me. I cage her in against the wall and crook a finger under her chin, forcing her to face me. "You've wanted this your entire life. What do you mean you don't know what to do?"

"She wants to represent me," she says.

"Of course she does," I murmur, smiling down at her. "You sang like a fucking angel in there, Gwen. Everyone in the room was blown away."

"I was going to sing that song six years ago," she says, her gaze flitting back and forth across my face.

"You would have made it."

"I wouldn't have," she whispers, shaking her head. "Back then, I didn't know what the song really meant. They were just words. But I know now. You've been showing me for six years. I was just too afraid to see it." She reaches up and runs her finger down the side of my face. "I saw it yesterday, Cyrus. I saw it today too. You're so proud of me."

"Damn right I am," I growl, kissing her hard. "Now, tell me what you're afraid of so I can fix it."

"I'm not afraid," she says. "I want this more than anything. But she has all these plans for me already. I'm afraid if I ask for more time after I graduate, she may change her mind."

"Do you want to ask more time?"

"I…I want to be with you, and I want to do this too," she admits, her gaze dropping from mine. "I don't know what to do."

"You walk in there and sign that contract, angel. That's what you do."

"But I promised you."

"Because I was selfish enough to ask it of you," I murmur, forcing her to face me again. "You belong here, Gwen. And that doesn't mean you're leaving me behind. I'll come here on my days off, and you can come to me when you have time. I'll drive to and from base every damn day if that's what it takes to get you closer to your dreams. I promised you Nashville, baby. Take it. This won't change anything between us. Whether you're here or in my bed with me every night, you're still going to be mine."

"I don't want to do this without you."

"And you won't be doing it without me," I vow. "You think I won't find a way to be here as often as humanly possible until my contract is up?" I cock a brow at her. "Angel, I've been finding ways to be at your shows for years. Nashville ain't any further than Chattanooga. I'll be here, you can count on that."

"I know," she whispers, taking a deep breath. She holds it for a second and then exhales. Her sweet breath washes across my face, making me want to kiss the shit out of her again. "I believe you. I think I'm just freaking out a little bit."

"I can see that," I say, running my hands up and down her arms. "Your whole life is about to change." With her voice and Riley's brain, Gwen will be on top of the world soon.

"It's not that," she says, her cinnamon eyes wide. "It's…I guess I can't believe this is really happening. Yesterday morning, I was so sure I'd have to do this without you. I couldn't even leave the bed. Now I'm here, and they want me, and you're right here, and I don't know what to do."

"You enjoy it, princess. You've been hurting for a long time because of me, and you don't know what it feels like to be genuinely happy. That's what this is, Gwen. It's happiness. And, baby, you deserve it. You always have deserved it. I'm so damn sorry it took me so fucking long to get my head out of my ass."

"It's not your fault."

"It is," I disagree. "I kept you waiting for six years. Now it feels like everything is moving at the speed of light, but I promise you it's not, angel. We may have been moving at a snail's pace, but we've always been moving toward this moment. So you're going to go out there and sign that contract, and then I'm going to take you home and make love to you. Once you're done coming all over me, we're going to find Jessa and Jax and my mom, and we're going to celebrate. We'll figure out tomorrow later. But we'll figure it out together."

"You're kind of bossy," she says.

"You ain't seen bossy yet, baby," I growl, kissing her again. "Once you're not sore anymore, I plan to show you just how bossy I can be."

"You could show me now," she says, her eyes heating.

"I'm not fucking you in a bathroom, Gwen."

"Cyrus Jordan!" she gasps, batting those lashes at me like she does when she's about to give me hell. "You're a prude, aren't you?"

"You're asking for a spanking, princess," I growl, running my hand down her side and then under her dress to squeeze her ass. "You want me to fuck you in a bathroom, it'll be the one in our house. No one gets to hear you screaming my name but me."

"Maybe I want them to hear, Cyrus," she whispers, exactly like she did the other night. And just like then, it makes my dick hard enough to pound steel. "Maybe I want them to know just how crazy I make you."

"They'll know in about four months when your belly starts growing," I say, releasing her cheek to delve my hand into her panties. As expected, she's soaked. I nudge her legs apart with my foot, spreading her legs wider for me. Her folds are slick and swollen. Christ, I've been all over her since yesterday, barely giving her time to recover. But she moans when I touch her pussy, and I know she isn't that sore.

Still, I keep my touch light, circling her clit with my thumb until she's digging her nails into my arms and moaning my name. Once the last little hint of worry disappears from her beautiful eyes, I give her what she really wants, thrusting two fingers into her to fuck her with them. I keep pressure on her clit too, working her with my hand.

She's so fucking sexy. Even fully dressed in the middle of a public bathroom, she's stunning. Especially when she's crying out my name and rocking into my hand like she can't stop herself.

I fuck her with my fingers until her pussy locks down around them and my name echoes off the bathroom walls. She slumps in my arms, whimpering as aftershocks tremble through her. I pet her little pussy until I've worked out every last tremor, and then I lick my fingers clean.

"Cyrus," she moans.

"I'm not a prude," I murmur against her lips once my fingers are clean. "I'll worship you on my knees with my fingers and my tongue between your legs whenever and wherever you demand it. But when I'm in you, it won't be quick and there damn sure won't be anyone stopping me. So unless you want all those people in the other room to see me buried nine deep with my hand around your throat, we won't be doing it in a public bathroom."

"Cyrus," she moans.

I bite her lip and then kiss her until she's mewling like a little kitten again.

"You ready to go sign this contract now, angel?"

Her lashes flutter before her eyes open, landing on me. I examine them closely, looking for any hint that she's still freaked out or nervous, but her eyes are clear, confident. She's my fearless little queen again, ready and willing to fight for what she wants.

She won't be fighting me this time though, and she won't be fighting alone.

I'm hers to command, and there's not a fucking thing in this world I wouldn't do for her.

"I'm ready," she whispers.