Don’t Mind If “I Do” by Everly Ashton


Almost a decade ago…


I give myself one last look in the mirror and smooth my dress down my front. I’m wearing a sexy set of La Perla lingerie underneath my emerald-green dress, bought specifically for tonight. Nick once told me that he loved when I wore green because it set off the red in my strawberry-blonde hair. And tonight, my only goal is to please Nick.

After years of flirting with the line between friends and lovers, we’re giving into temptation. He’s a resident now, so gone are the years of watching him parade around college parties with other women and pretending it didn’t bother me. He was never really wild during his college days and med school, but he certainly enjoyed female attention when and where he could get it—which was almost everywhere and pretty much any time.

Everything came to a head last week when he stopped by before going into a shift at the hospital and we shared a kiss. It’s hard to believe that it was the first kiss we’ve shared since the night of my prom, but it felt life-changing. Neither of us could pretend any longer that there wasn’t something between us. And so we planned tonight—the first night we’d officially be in a romantic relationship.

Every minute today has felt like an hour, and I’ve planned everything in meticulous detail. Nick should arrive in about a half an hour, and dinner will be delivered about an hour after that. I chose one of his favorite meals and paired it with a vintage bottle of wine because tonight is a night worth celebrating.

I don’t have to pretend anymore that Nick Ryan isn’t anything more to me than a friend—I can tell him, show him that he’s been my everything for a long time.

When I hear my phone ring, I rush from my master suite into the oversized living room of my downtown condo. I don’t want to miss the call in case it’s Nick telling me he’s late. But when I find my phone discarded on one of the couch cushions, it’s Ava’s name on the screen.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Are you freaking out?” It’s not unlike Ava to dive right into the conversation. She knows how much this night means to me.

“Kind of.”

“I can’t believe that after all these years, you two are finally getting together.”

I sit on the couch. “It feels surreal. I almost can’t believe it.”

“Believe it, girl. You’re gonna be boning that fine man later tonight.”

We laugh in unison. “Oh my God, you’re the worst.”

“I’m the best and you know it.” She laughs for another second, then her voice turns serious. “Really though, I know how long you’ve wanted this and I’m so excited for you. I haven’t seen you giddy like this in… well, probably never.”

“It probably sounds stupid, but it feels like the culmination of a long road traveled. We’re both finally in a space where we can admit how we feel and be together.”

“You have to call me as soon as he leaves in the morning and tell me everything that happened, everything he said and did.”

I chuckle. “Okay, I promise.”

“Good, now go make that man sorry he didn’t claim you years ago. You got this.”

I smile though she can’t see me. Her support and excitement mean the world to me. “Thanks for the pep talk. I’ll be sure to call in the morning.”

We hang up giggling like a pair of schoolgirls. I head into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine while I’m waiting. He’ll be here soon, and I could use something to take the edge off.

Being nervous about seeing Nick feels stupid, but tonight will change the course of our relationship. That’s a big deal. I’ve been secretly pining for Nick since high school, and after tonight, it no longer has to be secret.

I sip my wine as the minutes tick by, each one excruciatingly long. Especially once the time passes that Nick should have been here. I debate calling or texting him to see where he is, but that feels too pushy, so I wait patiently.

The food arrives, signaling that Nick was supposed to be here an hour and a half ago, so I figure it’s time to text. After five minutes of second-guessing myself, I end up sending a message I hope will come across friendly and not pushy. Inquiring, not demanding.

Hey! Food just arrived. You running late? Let me know how long you’ll be, and I’ll keep it warm in the oven. Can’t wait to see you. ;)

An hourafter the text has been sent, he still hasn’t arrived and hasn’t responded. Could something be wrong? Did he get held up at work?

After much internal debate, I decide to call. I need to know he’s okay. But he doesn’t answer, so I send another text.

Just want to make sure everything is okay. Text or call me.

Hours goby and stupid me still has the dinner being kept warm in the oven. Tears burn in my eyes and I lie down on the couch, waiting. My heart refuses to acknowledge what my head already knows.

Nick isn’t coming.