Don’t Mind If “I Do” by Everly Ashton

Deep Thoughts

Confession: This may have been my favorite book to write so far. I just LOVED the dynamic between these two characters. I’m a sucker for a second chance romance and enemies to lovers. Add on fake marriage and I’m SOLD! So what could be more fun than throwing all three together in one story? LOL Hopefully you feel the same after reading Nick and Mazzy.

I knew back when I was writing Hit or Miss (Love in Apartment #3B) that I wanted Nick to have his own story. He was a character that jumped off the page for me and it just felt like he needed his own happily ever after. But it was going to take someone special to cure him of his bachelor ways. Enter Mazzy. It took me a while to get to know what she was all about. I had to do a lot of character sketches for her before I could even start writing the book. Sometimes I just dive in and see who shows up, but it wasn’t that easy with her. She took some time and effort but in the end she was worth it.

A huge thanks to you for picking up this book and for making it this far. (If you’re reading this far I’m assuming you made it to the end of the book. LOL) And if this is the first time you’ve read one of my books be sure to check out Nick’s best friend’s, Oliver, in his book Hit or Miss. You’ll get to see exactly how he and Jemma got together. Spoiler alert: she shot him in their meet cute. :P