Quiet Wealth by J.L. Drake

Le Logge del Vignola restaurant was insanely busy. Mariano explained he knew the owner, and whenever he dined there, he got the best table. Perks of the oil business, I guessed.

“I noticed you were packing this morning.” Mariano leaned back as the waiter poured his wine. I couldn’t help but notice the waiter seemed a little nervous. “What’s with the bags?”

“Well, um,” I fumbled on my words, “I figured since I’m not writing your story, I should get back to my life and my job.”

“Oh.” He checked his phone that was glued to his hand then rubbed his chin. “But can’t you do your job from anywhere?”

“Yes, but I don’t have a story that keeps me here, and you’ve been kind enough letting me stay with you, but—”

“What if I gave you one?” he interrupted.

“Mariano, I don’t want to step—”

“Not my story, but a different one?”

I tapped my fingers on the tablecloth as I thought.

“Look.” He quickly pulled my attention back to him. “I’m sorry the first idea didn’t work out. I really think Piero got the wrong impression of what I wanted to share with you.” He paused then glanced at the server who was talking with the kitchen staff. “Have you ever heard of the Santoro Brothers?”

“I believe they were two brothers who executed a family in the south.”

“That’s correct, but do you know any more about them?”

“Not really. My projects are not often crime related.”

“What if I agreed to set up an exclusive interview?”

“Impossible.” I lowered my voice as the plate of Il Gran Fritto Toscano was placed delicately in the center of the table. I waited until I knew no one could hear. “From what I do remember about them, after they massacred that family, they were never heard from again.”

“Huh.” He leaned forward and helped himself. Leaving me to wonder what he really knew.

“I call your bluff.” I waited to see what he’d say while I shifted in my seat.

“Would you be able to stay if I gave you such an opportunity? I know the guy who helps them find their people. He’s nice, friendly, he just knows how to find people.” He lifted an eyebrow as though there was a lot more to say. “Seems to me you also spend a good part of your life looking for missing pieces, so perhaps he can help.”

I stared over his shoulder and studied the wine bottles tucked up along the ceiling in the corner. It was spectacular here, and there was a part of me that wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Elio yet. As uncomfortable as it was staying at Mariano’s house, it wasn’t lost on me that he wanted more from us than I did. They were both so different for being best friends.

I knew this could be something huge. I wasn’t stupid. I knew these guys were tangled up in something dark, but that could also work in my favor. Journalists dreamed of moments like these, and here I was staring at another big break, and since the other story had fizzled out...

“Sienna.” Mariano broke through my thoughts and covered my hand with his. “You have my word there is no danger. This man always kept his identity hidden from the brothers. They simply spoke over the phone, and that was it. I want you to stay.” He paused a moment. “Of course, I’ll go with you to the interview.”

My nerves flickered, telling me to tread carefully. I’d been living with that feeling for so long now perhaps it was time to relax a bit and take a little risk to see what was beyond that.

“Okay.” I nodded, knowing I had been putting off that call to Georgio, but if I could pull this story off for him instead, it would blow his mind.


“Yes, but, Mariano, I need you to understand I’m not looking for a relationship with you. If you want to get to know one another as friends, I’m okay with that.” I held up a hand when I saw his eyes flash with excitement. “But that’s where it ends.” I waved between us. “You should know there is someone else in my life who I apparently still have feelings for.”

“I figured that, and it’s okay, because a little more time with me and you’ll see what a great man I am.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just remember there is someone else.”

“A little competition never stopped me before.” He winked, and we went back to enjoying our evening.

With the air cleared with Mariano and a new story to pursue, I felt all-around better than I did two days ago before my dinner out with him. It took a bit of convincing, but Georgio came around to the new story idea. He was upset over losing the Ricco Oil story, but his disappointment evaporated once he heard me out. He told me to take my time but that he wanted an outline before the end of tomorrow.

I woke early and went for a walk through the sunflower fields with my Mac. Mariano had given me some articles to research on the Santoro brothers, and I hadn’t meant to wander quite as far as I did, but it was a wonderful place to let your mind go.

There wasn’t a lot of information in the newspaper articles, but I did learn that the Santoro brothers killed thirteen people in total. The heads of the family were executed. The women and children had been rounded up and locked in the root cellar while parts of the family’s farm were burned to the ground. It was a sign to all that the brothers had been there. After that, they started plucking off anyone with the last name Rosario. It was said that the city was still stained with their blood.

By the time I found my way to the road, I had dictated the outline and the first part of my writeup.

“Hello, there.” A man who was waiting by his car in Elio’s driveway came over to greet me. “Lovely day for a stroll through the fields.”

“I thought so.” I shaded my eyes to see him better. He was dressed well and looked like he belonged here.

“I couldn’t help but notice you have a laptop.”

“I do.” I looked down at my hands, thinking of how much of my heart was poured into the document that was stored in there under a password.

“Do you always carry a laptop when you go for a walk? Would you care to share what’s in there? I’m a sucker for a mystery.”

I laughed at him, trying to see into my notes. I held the laptop close like it was a masterful secret.

“As a matter of fact, I do often carry it, and some secrets are not meant to be shared.”

“Who are you here with?” He stepped closer. “I’ve never seen you here before.”

“Who are you?” I knew better than to open my mouth until I knew who I was talking to.

“The boss doesn’t like people on his property, let alone with a camera,” he pointed to my phone, “and a laptop.”

“What?” I laughed, thinking how absurd he sounded. “Do I look like a spy?”

“Let me see your laptop, and I’ll let you go on your way.”

“No.” I stepped back, and he reached for my arm and yanked it hard. “Ouch.”

“Hey!” Elio boomed from the doorway and marched up to the two of us. “You touch her again, and I will drive my fist through your forehead.”

Porca merda.

The guy let me go and held his hands up as he leaned back against his car like the threat didn’t faze him.

“Sorry, boss,” he muttered.

Elio had his hands on my shoulders as he leaned down to see my face. I saw many emotions flicker across his, and all looked haunted.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He waited a beat, as if trying to read my mind.


“Didn’t know she was with you,” the guy muttered.

“Do I look like a threat?” I challenged and grew angrier.

“You think she would be here if she was?” Elio snapped then took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Everything is fine. We’re good here.”

“Understood. I’ll wait down the road until you are ready to talk.” The man disappeared behind the blacked-out windows and drove off, leaving the two of us alone.

“Who is he?” I tried to figure out what had rattled Elio so hard.

“He works for me.”

“He seems, ah, nice.” I tried to lighten the mood with a little sarcasm, but when he didn’t relax even a little, I reached up and cupped his face, slipping back into old habits. “Hey, I’m all right. I’m not that fragile.”

He closed his eyes, taking a moment to let it go, and covered my hand with his.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

“Having you here,” he whispered, “is unnerving.”

“Oh.” My stomach dropped.

“No.” He shook his head like I misunderstood him. “If anything was to happen to you because I…” He dragged my hand to his mouth and kissed the palm. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” I was immediately swept into the spell he so easily cast.

“Will you come to dinner with me tomorrow night?”

I pulled my hand away, feeling the amor click tightly around my heart.

“I don’t know.” My head spun as the fog lifted from the mental hold he had on me. “Why?”

He stood a little straighter and leaned his head to the side and frowned like he realized he was coming at it all wrong.

“Sienna,” he said quietly, “I’m not used to having someone question me like you do.”

“I haven’t changed, Elio. I’m still the girl who wanted to stab you at the dinner table for making me meet your parents soaking wet.”

He dropped his head back and laughed, and I saw the old, carefree Elio I remembered. “You were scrappy at times.”

“Right, so…” I lifted my chin and fought a smile.

“Well, I would like very much to take you to dinner tomorrow night.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” My lightness faded away.

“And I disagree.”

“Of course, you do.”

“No, look.” He stumbled, and given his flustered look, he wasn’t prone to being thrown off his game very often. It was kind of sweet. “You told me I hurt you, and I know I did because I hurt me in the process, but for some reason fate has brought us back together again, and I think we should listen to it.”

I folded my arms and continued to make him sweat this one out. When I didn’t answer, his eyebrows pinched, and he stared into my eyes, no doubt trying to mentally break down my walls and read my mind. By the way his stance shifted and how he rubbed his face I could tell his temper was rising. I would never purposely play mind games with any man. I wasn’t like that, but Elio hurt me, and as much as a night out with him sounded intriguing, what would it mean if I simply said yes?

“I want the chance to prove I am worthy of you, Sienna. I just need the time with you to do it. Please.”

Well, I wasn’t expecting that.

“I feel I need to check in with Mariano to see if he has plans.”

“He has plans for tomorrow night.” He cleared his throat as though he was uncomfortable talking about him.

“Oh?” He had mentioned something about not being around, but nothing was set in stone.

“He and Anna have plans.”

“Oh? All right, then.” I nodded, not sure I believed him. “Let me talk to him first, and then I’ll let you know.”