Quiet Wealth by J.L. Drake

“What are you doing?” Cara hissed at me. “Hurry up!”

I felt around between the seats of the truck, desperately trying to find my necklace. Renzo had ripped it off my neck the night before in another of his attempts to touch me. The fabric stank of cheap beer and cigarettes, and I almost lost my stomach contents when my fingers touched something wet. Just as I was about to give up hope, I felt the chain with the tips of my fingers.

“I feel it!”

“Come on, come on!”

It was the end of our shift, and I knew we had about another minute before he would come out to the dockyard office and spot us. I hooked the chain and pulled it free.

“I got it!” I quickly tied it in a knot and was about to shut the door when we heard his voice.

“What the fuck!”

“Run, Cara.” I pushed her hard, so she’d go. She hesitated then ran, knowing this was my fight. If she got hurt again because of me, I would never forgive myself.

“What the hell are you doing here? Are you stealing from my truck?” He came up and grabbed me by the hair and tossed me against the truck. My shoulder hit the door hard, and my temple smacked the mirror. I slid to the ground in a heap and lifted an arm in an attempt to protect my face. His fist rose, and I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the impact, but none came. I opened an eye and found him staring down at me.

“You just make me so mad sometimes.”


“Here.” He reached for my hand and hauled me roughly to my feet. “What’s that?” He fingered my necklace with his filthy hand. “Nah, you don’t need that. I like my girls without the bling.” He ripped it off and tossed it on the ground, sending the teddy bear pendant hard against the knot in the chain. “Now, I want you to go get yourself cleaned up. I’m going to take you out. Go get pretty now.”

“I would rather you hit me again.” I spat on the ground next to him.

His eyes bulged, and he whipped around, grabbed my neck, and pushed me up against the truck. My windpipe struggled for air while he stared into my eyes, begging me to challenge him again.

“I said go get ready.”

I held my ground when he let go, and he muttered and walked away. I caught sight of Andrew in the window watching us, and just like always, he glared and moved out of view. Dismissing the pain that wrapped around my head, I wiped the dirt from my face.

With a sniff, I picked up my broken necklace and hurried down the road. I had been hit more times than not, but this time something was different, and it scared the shit out of me. I knew it was only a matter of time before Renzo would force himself on me, and that would be the day I knew I would snap and check out for good.

Working at the dockyard, I quickly learned to keep my mouth shut and listen. Lunch times were particularly interesting, as the stories about the mafia encroaching on the dockyard were becoming story time. Many times, I dreamed of leaving a note asking one of them to crush Renzo’s kneecaps.

I made it to the general store and let my tears fall, and the shakes overcame me. I wanted to be scrappy. I tried to hold my own, but the reality of it was I wasn’t good at it. I wore my heart on my sleeve, and I cared too much. I had never really gained the kid left behind thick skin.

Easing onto the step with my back against the wall, I tried to find a peaceful place in my mind, anything that would give me some strength.

“Sienna?” A familiar voice found me, and I opened my eyes to see Elio’s mother with an arm full of bags. “Sweet girl, are you all right?” She put her bags on the ground.

I started to cry again. Her caring voice struck a chord inside me, the mother figure I had never really had.

“Oh, come here.” I buried myself in her arms and let a stranger give me comfort, forcing away my problems, if only for a moment. “You’re shaking.” She pulled back my face, and her thumbs brushed across my forehead. “Is that blood?”

I nodded, and she walked me to over her fancy, expensive car, and I tried to pull away, as the thought of getting some blood or dirt on those beautiful seats worried me.

“Please just tell me who did this. Was it someone at your house or someone else?” She began to look around like they might return.

“House,” I whispered to reassure her she wasn’t in any danger.

“All right,” she nodded, “no arguing. I’m taking you to my house to get cleaned up.”

I didn’t have it in me to protest further, and the idea of having a safe place to go even for a while did seem appealing. She opened the door for me and fiddled with her phone before getting back behind the wheel.

The leather seats of the car were soft, but the cool air she directed toward my face felt even better. We rode in silence for a bit. She glanced over a few times and once thumbed around with the temperature.

“I will not ask too many questions,” she said quietly after we turned onto the road, “but have you eaten today?”

“I had a little, yes,” I whispered.

“I imagine the Di Vaios don’t cook for you often?”

I lowered my gaze and twisted the ring on my finger.

“You don’t have to answer me.”

“I get by.” I shifted uncomfortably, more embarrassed than anything else.

“I see.” She kept her voice low as she parked outside the front door in the middle of the horseshoe shaped driveway. I had never seen the house from this angle before, and it was utterly stunning. It looked like a painting, everything so perfect.

Francesco appeared out of nowhere to open her door. He stood and waited for her to get out.

“Sienna, one last thing.”

I turned to look at her as she spoke.

“Can you tell me exactly who hit you?”

“Which time?” I shrugged. “I am used to it. Please don’t worry about it.”

Her frown turned up into a sad smile, and she let it go.

I felt uncomfortable once again returning to the Capri home in my less-than-clean work clothes, shorts, a tank top, and flats. I wore many hats at my job, and this week I was filing paperwork in the back, only now I wished I had worked in the front office today, as I would have at least been in a dress. I was short and loved nice clothes and high heels, but all that would have done was bring on more attention from the men. I tried only to wear clothing that didn’t draw attention. My head hurt from where I bumped it on the mirror, but the cool air and fresh smelling house helped calm my nerves.

“What can I get for you, dear?”

“A drink of water would be nice, thank you.”

“Will you eat something?”

“Yes, just something small, though, thank you. Would you mind if I used your washroom to clean up?”

“Of course. Here, take this to clean that cut, and then I’ll start on something for us to eat.”

“Thank you.” I turned to follow Francesco up the massive stairs. The place was like a dream, winding staircases, massive flowerpots with every flower you could imagine, floor to ceiling windows, open walkways, and an incredible view of the ocean. I was awed that people lived in such places.

“How long have you worked with the Capri family?” I asked Francesco as we walked down a long hall. I felt a little uncomfortable not speaking to him.

“Since Mr. Capri was twenty-two, and we’ve been very close since.”

“That’s a long time. Do you have any family? Children?”

“I have kids, but my wife and I divorced when they were very young.” He shrugged as though he was fine with it. “But I was blessed with two handsome sons.” He beamed and stopped to open his wallet. He held it out, indicating a family photo. “I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like, but we are close, and that’s what matters.”

“I bet.” I forced a smile. The warmth of a real family was not something I could relate to. I knew enough to understand it existed; it just never had for me.

Francesco opened a door to a guest room and stood to the side to let me enter.


Canopy bed, open glass door to a massive balcony, and the bathroom was bigger than the De Vaio house. The walk-in shower could fit at least five people.

On instinct, I crossed my arms and felt unworthy to be there.

“Anything you need should be in here. Please feel free to take your time.” He hesitated for a moment and seemed about to say something then changed his mind.

“I’m sure I will only need a few minutes. Thank you so much, Francesco.” I placed a hand on his arm, then on sudden impulse reached up and kissed his cheek.

Francesco, who was taller than I was, with a hint of salt and pepper along his sideburns, sputtered a little then tugged at his tie. “Miss Sienna, if you ever need help, you need to understand that I can help you.”

“What do you mean?”

“No one should hit a child or a young woman. Such scum.” His face softened as he sidestepped my question. Then he placed a kind hand on my shoulder and smiled warmly. “You’re safe when you are here.”

“Thank you, Francesco.” I let out a shaky breath and knew in my gut he meant it.

I used the cloth Andrea had given me to dab the wound on my temple then pinched it together and used a bit of tape to close the cut. Satisfied it would hold, I covered it all with a small bandage. I knew it probably needed a stitch or two, but this would have to do. It wasn’t the first time I’d had to do a makeshift job. I washed my face and finger brushed my hair as best I could then swallowed a couple of Advil from a bottle in the cabinet. A wave of self-pity overcame me as I studied myself in the beautiful mirror.

I closed my eyes and put my hands on the sink and let out a silent scream, wishing things were different, that my mother hadn’t left me with an empty promise to return, and that I’d had a better life than the one that was forced on me.

The idea of leaving the Di Vaio house terrified me as much as living there did. I’d never been on my own. I had no idea how to handle money, or even how to get a job other than the one I’d been given at the dockyard, and then there was the one thing that rested in the center of my heart. What if my mother came looking for me? What if all this time she had to wait for some reason and finally came to find me and I wasn’t there? Then what? If I ran away there would be no way for her to ever find me. I pushed back the thought that I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive her for abandoning me, anyway. The worst part was I knew nothing about who I was or where I came from. Cara told me to make up a new past, one that I wanted. I tried, but I always circled back to the start.

I shook myself free of the thoughts that threatened to overpower me with more self-pity and forced myself to stand up straight and smile into the mirror. I had to move on.

“Sienna?” Andrea knocked lightly on the door. She came into the room to check on me. “I just wanted to see if you needed anything.”

“I’m fine, thanks. I was just heading down.”

She smiled and came toward me, wrapping her motherly arms around my shoulders.

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry for what you are going through.”

“I’m okay, really.” More pesky tears leaked out. “I just,” I stumbled to find the right words, “I’m just thankful you’re so kind to me.”

“Of course, Sienna. You mean so much to my son, therefore you mean so much to us.” She kissed the top of my head and gently dried my tears with a tissue from her pocket. “Now, come. We will eat together.”

“That would be wonderful.” I sniffed and fought the raw emotion back down.

I followed her downstairs and heard a commotion as we neared the front of the house.

“Where is she?” I heard Elio speaking to someone in the entryway.

“She is all right, figlio, but did you speak to…?” His father lowered his voice, and I couldn’t hear the rest.

“Of course, Papa, I did. Why do you question me on that?”

“Then I need to make some calls.”

I rounded the corner to see Elio in a pair of jeans and a damp dress shirt.

“Calm down, dear,” Andrea spoke up, as she was a few feet ahead of me. “She just needed a moment to clean up.”

When he spotted me, I saw relief rush over him.

“Hi,” I whispered, uncomfortable with the attention on me.

“Mama texted me and said she brought you here.” He came over and wrapped me in an unexpected hug. I hesitated but returned his embrace and found myself leaning my head against his shoulder. His strong arms and the smell of his skin had all kinds of feelings racing through me. “Are you hurt?”

“Just a bump, nothing that won’t heal.”

As he pulled me back to inspect my head, I noticed Andrea and Piero exchange a glance.

“She needs to eat.” His mother nodded for us to go outside. “Papa and I will join you shortly.”

Elio took my hand and led me out to the patio area. He pulled out a chair and nodded at Francesco to go ahead and serve us.

He watched me take a bite as he rubbed his stressed face. His mother appeared at the doorway and waved him over.

“Excuse me.” He politely left the table, returning a few moments later with something in his hand.

“Sienna.” My name rolled off his tongue and smacked me right in the center of my stomach. “I’m not someone who dances around a topic, so I’m going to be blunt.”

“Okay.” I placed my fork down on the table, but he handed it back to me and urged me to continue to eat.

“You wouldn’t know this, but you helped me through a very difficult time in my childhood, and I feel that I may have helped you as well?” He waited for me to answer.

“You did, and you still are.” I looked directly into his eyes to let him see I was being truthful.

“Are you attracted to me?”

I felt the heat of the blood as it rushed up into my neck. I forced myself to ignore it even as I felt the warmth stain my cheeks. Elio’s earnest expression made me want to be as completely open with him as he was being with me.

“Yes I am.”

“And I think you are beautiful, and kind, and you make me feel good inside.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t ready for that.

“I’ve hesitated to share my feelings for you. From the first moment we met, I knew, but you were just a child. I want to be clear, it is not simple lust, Sienna, it is real love, and it has grown deeply with every year we have been friends. I don’t want you to think I’m like the other boys you live with in that house or that place you work. I have respect for you and want to treat you the way a woman should be treated.”

I put the fork back down on the table. Every word he spoke filled me with emotion. Elio was saying what I knew he truly felt. I found myself unable to speak, so I just continued to look at him.

“Now.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it. “I am not going to ask you to be my girlfriend just yet. I want to earn it and prove to you we are meant to be together. However, I would like to give you this.” He pulled out a small box and opened it to show me a chain with a small pendant on it. I studied it and recognized the bird was the same as the tattoo he had on his back.

“I know you already wear one, and I’m assuming it’s something special?”

Tears once again fought their way to the surface as I pulled my own broken necklace from my pocket.

“It was my mother’s. She gave it to me a long time ago.”

He took the broken chain from me and removed the small teddy bear and put it on the chain along with his. He stood and turned me around then brushed my hair off one shoulder and fastened it around my neck. I held the two pendants between my fingers. The little teddy bear that my mother had given me was now accompanied with a black bird.

“It’s part of our family crest. The bird is a crow, and it represents family.” He stumbled for a moment and went on. “I want you to feel you are part of the family now.”

“Thank you, Elio. It’s beautiful.” It was all I could manage to say. I was overwhelmed with emotion and felt something shift inside me. For the first time in my life, I felt love.

“Now, please, Sienna.” He smiled, and the mood instantly lightened. “Eat, or Mama will be after both of us.” I laughed along with him as I picked up the fork.

And that was how the next two years went. I would finish my job at the dockyard then race off to my secret life beyond the swimming pond. I was always welcomed with open arms by Elio’s parents, who seemed to love me almost as much as they did their own son. Things changed for the better since that day, and life had new meaning. I began to take more care with my wardrobe and my body. It was like parts of me were finally becoming found. Cara was happy for me, too. She even talked about someone she met at the dockyard. I never questioned why Renzo or Andrew stopped hitting me or why Renzo backed off trying to touch me. I was just glad they did.

Elio never forced himself on me, never pressured me. The only thing he would do was gently kiss me on the cheek and wish me goodnight before we would part.

One day, I bolted from one of the bedrooms, hoping I could outrun him, but instead I ran into one of the flowerpots, catching it before it tumbled to the marble floor. I saw a flash of white and knew I needed to run.

“No!” I raced out of the hallway in a fit of laughter with Elio close behind trying to tackle me, his body all sweaty from his workout.

“You can’t outrun me, beautiful!” He grabbed me around the stomach, but I was able to slip away and run out to the patio. When I whirled around, he was gone.

“Elio?” I laughed quietly. “Where did you go?”

Francesco chuckled as he stepped out through the patio doors holding a tray of fresh lemonade.

“Hey.” I smiled warmly at one of my new best friends. “Have you seen Elio?”

“I have not.” He started to place the glasses on the table.

“I think I outran him.” I heaved forward to catch my breath.

“Oh, sweet Sienna.” He shook his head knowingly as though what I said was so far from the truth. “No one outruns Elio.”

“That so?” I lifted an eyebrow and held out my arms to show him that I just had.

One moment I was standing there, and the next I had a six-foot-three Elio wrapped around my body as we both flew into the pool.

When I kicked to the surface, he had a huge, smug smile on like he was five and had just won a game of tag.

“I thought I lost you.” I grinned. As he swam toward me, his expression changed to a more serious one. He slowly backed me up to the side of the pool and used his arms to trap me in place.

“You’ll never lose me, Sienna, not if I can help it.”

My heart filled, and I found my eyes traveling down to his lips. He often said such sweet things to me, and I never knew how to respond. Love had never been a part of my life until I had let him in, and now…now I knew I did love him. I was young, but not too young to know I wanted more from him. Suddenly, whatever version of love we had, I relished it and would follow him freely.

I moved my hands to his shoulders then slid them over so my arms wrapped around his neck.

“I don’t want to lose you either.”

My body responded to his closeness, and I knew he felt it too by the way his pupils dilated and his breathing quickened.

“May I,” he stood and steadied himself while his warm hand cupped the side of my face, “kiss you?”

Elio wasn’t one to ask for permission from others. He was a natural leader, but he treated me differently, and I loved it. I nodded and waited for him to respond. He pressed his lips to mine and slowly started to move with the kiss I followed his lead and felt a tiny spark of lust brew in my belly. I moved my hands up his arms and back down his back, feeling the heat spread through me like heavy, thick molasses. Once I gave him a little moan of enjoyment, he reached down and urged my legs to wrap around his waist. I felt his interest, and I found myself wanting more, wanting the kiss to go deeper.

“Francesco?” I somehow muttered through the kiss, and that seemed to make him realize that we were on display for all.

“Come on.” He helped me out of the pool, and we ran together across the lawn to the pool house.

He shut the door and pulled a couple of long lounge cushions off a pile in the corner and threw a blanket over them. I removed my shirt, and when he turned to me, I threw myself against him, wildly demanding.

“Damn.” He threw himself back into our kiss as he walked me backward then pulled away only long enough to lay me on top of the cushions. His thumb hooked into the waistband of my skirt and pulled it down over my wet legs. He stepped back and removed his clothing while admiring me in my bra and panties. I saw him pull his wallet from his pocket, and he removed something then tossed the wallet back onto the wet pile.

He held up the small pouch and smiled at me.

“This is for your protection as well as mine, cuore dolce.”

I smiled back and nodded my agreement and silently thanked the gods he was such a gentleman. The thought hadn’t even entered my head in the heat of the moment.

“Good.” He moved in front of me and started to kiss me again. “I only want you, Sienna, only you.”

I pulled back from the kiss and inched my way up on the makeshift bed. I unclipped my bra and watched as his face became transfixed. My breasts sprang free as I tossed the bra aside, and then I pulled my bottoms down all the way, kicking them off impatiently as they stuck to my wet toes.

“You can have all of me, Elio.”

He slowly knelt between my legs and ran his hands down my thighs then between my legs, brushing over my slick, wet opening. He moved tentatively, as though worried I would change my mind. I wiggled, mad with the need for him to touch me.

“Please take me.”

“Oh,” he moaned, closing his eyes, “it’s just as I dreamed it would be. You are so beautiful.” He placed his hand on my stomach for a moment then let his fingers slide down to circle my bud, and I nearly went wild.

He pulled his hand away and began to kiss me all over my stomach, neck, and chest. I shook and pressed against him in desperation.

He moved away for a moment, and I nearly cried out at the loss of contact, but he soon returned and hovered over me. His dark, intense eyes looked into mine.

“Open your eyes, bella. Are you ready?” he asked like the gentleman he was, and I nodded, unable to form real words. “If it becomes too much, you must tell me.” I leaned up and kissed his lips to tell him I heard him.

Slowly, he nudged my opening, and ever so carefully, he slid inside. I had heard it would be painful, and it was for one sharp moment, and when my eyes flew open to find his, he stopped briefly. Then he began to move very slowly and gently, and the combination of that with how wet and ready I was made me lose all power of thought. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. I felt full and stretched, but when he pulled out and slid back in, every nerve in my body was heightened and I felt pure, hot pleasure.

“Ohh,” I moaned.

Paradiso.” He squeezed his eyes shut and cursed. “Just like a dream.”

In and out he went, and with each little thrust, I wound tighter and tighter until I didn’t think I could handle another moment of it.

He suddenly reached down and rubbed my bud, changing the sensation, and I found release in a billion bright lights mixed with his sweet cries of joy from his own climax.

He flopped down next to me and pulled me onto his chest.

“That was incredible,” he whispered and brushed my wet hair off my face. “How do you feel? Are you okay?”

I smiled at him. “It was wonderful, Elio.”

We lay there holding each other. Neither of us wanted to break apart.

“What’s this?” I held up his hand to study the ring on his wedding finger.

“Family ring,” he answered as he drew my hand to his mouth to kiss my fingers, then he turned it over and kissed the palm.

“When did you get it?”

“A little while ago.” His kisses traveled down my arm as he rolled me over onto my back.

“It’s pretty.” I smiled up into his dark eyes and felt a rush of heat pool in my belly. “Did your parents have it made?”

“Mmhm.” His lips were on my neck, and I fought to think, then realization suddenly dawned and I sat up as real life swept into my thoughts in an instant. I pushed him back, jumped up, and began to pull on my wet clothes.

“I’m so sorry, Elio. Cara said she couldn’t cover for me this afternoon. I completely lost track of time.”

“Here.” He quickly handed me my flip flops.

We both raced through the woods and stopped where we always said our goodbyes.

“I wish so much we could have spent the day together. I didn’t want to end things like that.” He was frazzled with the sudden rush.

“Me too.”

“I hate that you are going back there, too.”

“I know.”

“See you tomorrow?” He tugged me in for a kiss then pulled away as my lips under his stretched with a big grin. He grinned back.

“Bye, Elio.”

“Goodbye, my Sienna.”

We spent the next six months exploring all the many ways two people could make love to one another, and how many times. I would return to the house each night. I would go to the dockyard and work every day. I was treated with disdain and rudeness, but no one hit me, and although Renzo glared at me and made every effort to make my days as horrible as he could, I could handle it because I knew Elio was a just a breath away.

That was, until one day when everything changed, and my life would forever be taken down a different path.

“Where are you going?” Renzo, who clearly had had multiple beers, staggered into the bathroom one evening while I was doing my hair. He leaned his bulk across the doorway, blocking my exit.

“I’m going out. Now, move, Renzo.” I put down the hairbrush and glared at him.

“Out where?”

“None of your business.” I tried to move past him, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Are you going to see your pretty boy? Don’t think I don’t know about your fancy man in the big, fancy house.”

I wasn’t ready for that. I thought I had kept my visits a secret. I hesitated to answer, and I knew he saw the truth.

“Does he look at you the way I do?”

“What?” I had to resist the urge to gag.

“Has he seen you naked?”

“Seriously, Renzo? You really need to grow up already.”

He shifted his weight off the wall and stood square on both feet as he tossed his empty beer bottle into the sink. The noise was so loud it made me jump, and he took that opportunity to push me backward against the sink and shut the door behind him. His hands were on me, and I fought and scratched at him to make him stop. He put a hand to his now bloody cheek and stood straight.

“You’ve been tempting me for years, flaunting yourself around, teasing me, and I’ll be dammed if he takes the one thing that is mine.”

“Enough,” I hissed when he came at me again. “I said enough!” I screamed at the top of my lungs then flew at him and with all my force and drove the palm of my hand into his nose. He shot backward and hit the wall and fell into the tub with a howl.

“What the hell, Sienna!” Cara looked terrified as she rushed into the room. “Andrew is going to kill you.”

She was right. No matter what I did, I was in the wrong, but assaulting his beloved firstborn just sealed my fate.

I raced past her, grabbed my book bag, and filled it with as much as I could that was mine. This was it. I knew if I didn’t leave now, I would never be able to.

“Here.” Cara handed me her jar of cash. “Please take it.”

“No.” I hugged my friend, the only person who always had my back in this awful place. “Come with me.”

“I can’t, you know I can’t.” She was just as panicked as I was. It had been beaten into us at every turn that we could never leave. They constantly undermined us and chipped away at our self-esteem. We were kept off balance, never knowing when we would be beaten, never knowing when or if we would eat. I had hit my wall, and if my mother had not come looking for me yet, well, chances were she never would. “Where will you go? Elio’s?”

“Yes. I know they will keep me safe.”

“Goodbye my friend.” She hugged me so tightly I could feel my heart and hers as they said their goodbyes too.


With all my life’s belongings in one bag, I raced through the forest, never once tripping in the pitch black, even with tears of hurt and freedom streaming down my face. This was it; I had finally broken free.

The pool lights were on, and one of the doors was open on the patio. I called out as I stepped inside.

“Elio?” I raced toward the kitchen. “Andrea? Piero?”

As I entered the living room, my world stopped, and it suddenly registered. The house was a mess.

“What?” I whirled around and saw the place looked to be ransacked. Everything had been gone through. As I ran in a panic through the rooms, I saw closet doors and dresser drawers had been left open, and items of clothing were strewn about the floor. The furniture was left behind, but most of their personal items were gone. I found no notes to indicate where they had gone. There was very little evidence left at all to show that the Capri family had once lived there.

Pain burst through my chest as I picked up a picture frame from the floor and brushed my finger over the broken glass. It was taken a few weeks ago, of his family and me at lunch by the pool. Elio’s arm was wrapped around the back of my chair, and he was smiling at me while the rest of us smiled at the camera. I couldn’t help but wonder why the photo had been left behind.

With a sick feeling that had taken over my stomach, the sad reality slowly seeped into the cracks of my soul. For the second time in my life, I had been abandoned by someone I loved. I tucked the photo in my bag and bolted for the woods.